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Topic: ~A Poem For Karmafury~
Cybear's photo
Sat 01/27/07 11:04 AM

He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion telling stories of his past
Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies,they were heroes, every one.

And tho'sometimes to his neighbours,his tales became a joke,
All his Legion buddies listened,for they knew whereof he spoke
But we'll hear his tales no longer,for old Bill has passed away,
And the world's a little poorer,for the soldier died today.

He won't be mourned by many,just his children and his wife,
For he lived an ordinary,quick and uneventful life
Held a job and raised a family,quietly going his own way
And the world won't note his passing,tho'a soldier died today.

When politicians leave this earth,their bodies lie in state
While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great,
Papers tell their life stories from the time that they were young,
But the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed and unsung.

In the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land
One guy breaks his promises and cons his fellow man
But the ordinary fellow,who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country and offers up his life.

A politician's stipend and the style in which he lives
Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives
While the ordinary soldier who offered up his all
Is paid off with a medal and perhaps a pension small.

It's so easy to forget them,for it was so long ago
That the old Bills of our country went to battle,but we know
It was not the politicians,with their compromise and ploys
Who won for us the freedom that our country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger with your enemies at hand
Would you want a politician with his ever~shifting stand
Or would you prefer a soldier who has sworn to defend
His home,his kin and country and would fight right to the end?

He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin
But his presence should remind us we may need his likes again.
For when countries are in conflict then we find the soldier's part
Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honour while he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days
Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say,

Submitted by Cybear {A U.S.Soldier~101st Airborne}1/27/07
A Dedication to Canada's Brave Soldiers Whom Have Paid The
Ultimate Sacrifice In Battle "May You Rest In Peace". :cry:

no photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:43 PM
That is so beautiful and sadlie so true

LAMom's photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:43 PM
Cybear,, Very beautiful

karmafury's photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:47 PM
Cybear, from one old grunt to another. Thanks.

karmafury's photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:50 PM
I also thank you for them.


Since 2002, 44 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have been killed in
Afghanistan. Here is a list of the deaths:

April 17 — Sgt. Marc Leger, Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer, Pte. Richard Green and
Pte. Nathan Smith, killed when U.S. F-16 fighter mistakenly bombed

Oct. 2 — Sgt. Robert Short and Cpl. Robbie Beerenfenger, killed in
roadside bombing.

Jan. 27 — Cpl. Jamie Murphy, killed in suicide bombing while on patrol.

Nov. 24 — Pte. Braun Woodfield, killed when his armoured vehicle rolled

Jan. 15 — Glyn Berry, British-born Canadian diplomat, killed in suicide

March 2 — Cpl. Paul Davis and Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson, killed when
their armoured vehicle ran off road.

March 29 — Pte. Robert Costall, killed in firefight with Taliban.

April 22 — Cpl. Matthew Dinning, Bombardier Myles Mansell, Lt. William
Turner and Cpl. Randy Payne, killed when their G-Wagon destroyed by
roadside bomb.

May 17 — Capt. Nichola Goddard, an artillery officer, killed in Taliban
ambush. She was first Canadian woman to be killed in action while
serving in combat role.

July 9 — Cpl. Anthony Boneca, killed in firefight.

July 22 — Cpl. Francisco Gomez and Cpl. Jason Warren, killed when car
packed with explosives rammed their armoured vehicle.

Aug. 3 — Cpl. Christopher Reid, killed by roadside bomb. Sgt. Vaughan
Ingram, Cpl. Bryce Keller and Pte. Kevin Dallaire, killed in
rocket-propelled grenade attack.

Aug. 5 — Master Cpl. Raymond Arndt, killed when his G-Wagon patrol
vehicle collided with truck.

Aug. 9 — Master Cpl. Jeffrey Walsh killed, by apparent accidental
discharge of rifle.

Aug. 11 — Cpl. Andrew Eykelenboom, killed in suicide attack.

Aug. 22 — Cpl. David Braun, killed in suicide attack.

Sept. 3 — Sgt. Shane Stachnik, Warrant Officer Frank Robert Mellish,
Warrant Officer Richard Francis Nolan and Pte. William Jonathan James
Cushley, killed in fighting in Panjwaii district.

Sept. 4 — Pte. Mark Anthony Graham, killed when two U.S. aircraft
accidentally strafed Canadian troops in the Panjwaii district.

Sept 18 --- Cpl. Glen Arnold, Pte. David Byers, Cpl. Shane Keating and
Cpl. Keith Morley, killed in suicide attack.

Sept 29 --- Pte. Josh Klukie, killed after triggering what may have been
an improvised explosive device (IED) on a road in Afghanistan's Panjwaii

Oct 3 --- Sgt. Craig Paul Gillam and Cpl. Robert Thomas James Mitchell,
killed in Taliban insurgents attack in the Panjwaii district.

Oct 7 --- Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson, killed when the armoured vehicle
he was in struck a mine or a roadside bomb in the Panjwaii district.

Oct 14 --- Sgt. Darcy Tedford and Pte. Blake Williamson, killed when a
rocket-propelled grenade exploded over their heads.

Nov 27 --- Chief Warrant Officer Robert Girouard and Cpl. Albert Storm
were killed in a suicide bomb attack near Kandahar.

karmafury's photo
Sat 01/27/07 02:54 PM
Would you mind if I copied that Cybear?

michael1313's photo
Sat 01/27/07 03:05 PM
the bells of a thousand angels,sang their sad song,
when upon the field of battle,it all went very wrong,
th fury and the heat,fighting men had stood their ground,
but when all the smoke had cleared,Life could not be found,
Our hearts and memories will hold them in our dreams,
pictures of the Honored ones,remind us what it means,
they go to war to fight for us,Freedom truely rings,
but the cost is very Dear,another lonely Angel sings...

Lonely Soulsmokin

michael1313's photo
Sat 01/27/07 03:14 PM
please excuse th tag,,,got caught up in th momentsmokin

backinthesaddle's photo
Sat 01/27/07 03:51 PM
That one brought tears. Bravo. I'm gonna E that one to my brother. He
will truly appreciate it. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 01/27/07 04:01 PM
Cybear, That was truly amazing. You are extremely gifted. I am honored
that you are one of my very cherished friends.
I love you

Cybear's photo
Sat 01/27/07 05:15 PM
Hello!Karma.You most certainly can copy my poem for it was You and your
beloved Country for whom it was written.From one Soldier~Brother to the
other.Until there is Peace!We will always stand guard at the gate of our
beloved Countries to be certain that Life,Liberty,Honor and our Flags
shall never fall.And to safeguard our loved ones within our homeland.For
this will always be our primary and foremost mission in life until God
claims us.Amen Godspeed!Your Brother & Friend Always,Cybear{101st
Airborne}"Death from the Sky"United States of America.My Beloved Country

Cybear's photo
Sat 01/27/07 05:25 PM
Awwwwwwwww!I Luv you to F/P.You're my gurl,you know that.You can always
bring out the Grrrr in Cybear,as I can bring out the Meooow in
Kitty.(wink).You are my dear friend forever and a day.True friendship in
is indeed difficult to obtain,so it is never to be taken advantage of or
forsaken.It is to upheld and cherished throughout our life that God
grants us.Your Dear Friend Forever,Cybear aka Steve :smile: :heart:

venusrose's photo
Sat 01/27/07 05:42 PM
This tribute touched my heart...awesome!

michael1313's photo
Sat 01/27/07 05:47 PM
mine as well,for I have lost family from war and killing...

Good work Cybear!

Cybear's photo
Sat 01/27/07 06:21 PM
Thank You!Venus~Rose,I am very happy that I touched your heart.I am
honored.This is an subject in my life that I am very passionate over for
obvious reasons.Godspeed!Your Friend,Cybear.:smile: flowerforyou

iceprincess's photo
Sat 01/27/07 06:23 PM
That was an awsome poem Cybear hope you don't mind if i keep it.

Tneal's photo
Sat 01/27/07 06:30 PM
Awesome poem Cybear... would like to feature that on PS... I will await
a submission for it...

smooched T

DANE1973's photo
Sat 01/27/07 06:32 PM
Cybear, that was very touching. I'm going to print one off for my
brother,he is a Marine, do you mind?

Cybear's photo
Sat 01/27/07 06:56 PM
Good Eve.Tneal,my dear friend.I submitted my Poem"I must get home by
Night"two days ago and it is not posted yet @PS.But certainly,I will
submit it once the above one is posted.Once again T;I am honored and
deeply appreciative.Thank You! so much((((((bear~hug)))))))

p.s.I really bear-ed my soul(pun intended) there in that Poem for
obvious reasons.I am truly passionate in this area.Thx!again Tneal
flowerforyou blushing

no photo
Sat 01/27/07 07:04 PM
wow i had a hard time reading this due to fighting back the tears this
is a sad but true and beautiful poem

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