Topic: Here's a strange question:
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:13 AM
well, I gotta say, her response may not have been polite but I think to even ask that question of someone before even speaking to them is a bit presumptive. Why would you care about 90 lousy miles if you haven't spent any time talking to her?
Maybe she called you arrogant because you assumed just cuz she looked, she may be interested. I've been finding that these days, if a woman is interested, she doesn't have much problem making the 1st contact.
On-line dating can be funny. Sometimes, what may seem a long distance to travel, becomes less long when there is a spark.
If there really is something there, then any distance is worth it.
I was in a 2 year, 500 mile relationship WITH an international border crossing along the way and I'll tell you, she was worth every inch of that 500 mile trip there and back.

Spaceman2008's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:14 AM

wow........i didnt read or know anything about this thread but im pissed about some punk messin with me and i saw that spaceman was the last guy to post..........on i had to come here and say the spaceman.........

Yo scotty! Hawaya?

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:18 AM
Animal, as a matter of fact, I did find her to be interesting, and I said that as well.

So I was asking what she thought of the distance...if it was a problem, perhaps I could meet her halfway?

You're absolutely right...if there's a spark, then what does distance really matter? But I know that *I* don't look at people I have no attraction to...but if there's no picture of them, I can get by that too.

As a matter of fact, I've got my date set up this week with someone whose face I had not seen before we planned the date. She's a heckuva lot more local though, so's all good.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:19 AM
Right on Sir...good luckdrinker

scotty1964's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:46 AM
oh............hey spaceman and my other favorite guy......public animal........whats up....hey tho..i did try to read this whole thread thing and i dont get it.........i think ur bein kinda crazy on this chic or something man......i dont mean to know anything about this but u should email her and say something real nice man..........

Spaceman2008's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:47 AM

oh............hey spaceman and my other favorite guy......public animal........whats up....hey tho..i did try to read this whole thread thing and i dont get it.........i think ur bein kinda crazy on this chic or something man......i dont mean to know anything about this but u should email her and say something real nice man..........

Hey man, go to the love thread, man......everyone is showing love,'s really far out!!!! (man)

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:50 AM
yo Scott mandrinker smokin

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:51 AM

oh............hey spaceman and my other favorite guy......public animal........whats up....hey tho..i did try to read this whole thread thing and i dont get it.........i think ur bein kinda crazy on this chic or something man......i dont mean to know anything about this but u should email her and say something real nice man..........

Naw, just going to drop it like a hot rock. I just wanted to hear some opinions on how I was being arrogant, and one person said.."yeah maybe a little arrogant" though he used the word "presumptive". It's all good.

LouLou2's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:02 AM

Okay, someone that looked at my profile lives like 90 miles away from me...and I sent an email asking if she thought that was too far. She replies with an email telling me that I'm "arrogant" and why did I assume she wanted a relationship with me.

Ummmmm...forgive me, but I don't get it. I understand that many folks are here for nothing more than the friendships they have developed & the forums, but...does she not realize that it is a 'dating' site? Did she not expect to receive some unsolicited e-mail? Instead of being annoyed or rude to someone who has taken the time to write me a note, I am pleased and maybe a little flattered...even if it is someone who I am not really interested in. After all, this is a 'dating' site isn't it?

LouLou2's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:06 AM
What's wrong with a simple..."It's a shame you are so far away"?

scotty1964's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:06 AM
man........write her back.....cuz i dont know...but i think u care about her or something or u wouldnt have started this thread.......u like her man........dont be arrogant or whatever..tell her youre sorry and u would travel a million miles for her and her sweet smell or whatever............good luck bro........

Spaceman2008's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:07 AM

Unique2468's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:24 AM
Some women think its an attractive quality to be a *****, or rude. They confuse it with being 'streight forward' and 'open and honest'. Most get all happy when they can call men arrogant assholes, or any of the combination, and tend to be happy because they believe it's them standing up for themselfs. They usually fail to see that you can stand up for yourself without walking over someone else. I wouldn't be terrably upset that this one 'got away'.

Spaceman2008's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:28 AM
Yeah, no kidding....

HMontana's photo
Mon 06/23/08 03:33 AM
Aren't you a little arrogant, to even post this thread - as if anybody would really care about your personal email life.:angry:

j/k, Galahadflowerforyou :tongue:

Maybe she had a rotten day; either way, no need to take it out on you.

no photo
Mon 06/23/08 06:03 AM
I don't think it makes you arrogant. To my thinking, it makes you a pursuer.

I have heard many times from males that it "is a numbers game".

Breathe easy. You took a chance. Or perhaps you were curious. You did nothing wrong.

Unless, of course, your intent in sending the email was to be rude. From the OP, I don't think it was. Is it possible that she misinterpreted your meaning, or why you said what you said?

Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/23/08 06:11 AM

Okay, someone that looked at my profile lives like 90 miles away from me...and I sent an email asking if she thought that was too far. She replies with an email telling me that I'm "arrogant" and why did I assume she wanted a relationship with me.

Okay, for one, she COULD have just said, "Yeah, it's too far." She told me that IF she was interested, then she would have written me. But it's still true that women usually expect men to make the first actual communication. is it "arrogant" to assume that someone has SOME interest in you because they took the time to actually look at or read your profile to see if there was anything there to maintain an interest?

I mean, even after reading things that send up a "red-flag" to me, I did have SOME kind of interest in the person whose profile I was looking at! I might say, "Oh, too far away, too bad." but even then there might be something about them that drew my interest ANYWAY.

I've asked a few people here what books they've read lately..even though I had NO intention of trying to hook up with them (for instance, one woman lives in Washington state, and I live in Florida--not really conducive to a personal meeting!)

So...again the question is how am I "arrogant"? Not saying that I'm NOT, by the way...but it's not like I came across like she was REEALLLY missing out on something here!

I don't think you are arrogant, she was out of line from what you said, and not to give her an excuse, but women get ALOT of crappy emails on here, Move on, let it go... Don't waste your time on it.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 06/23/08 06:27 AM
Do you assume that every person who looks at your profile is interested in dating you?

Yikes. I would hate to think that merely peeking at a profile implies some kind of obligation to the peekee.

I look at profiles for all kinds of reasons; when people post in the forums, I often look to see where they live, how old they are, etc. not for romantic interest, but more to put their forum posts into perspective in my own mind.

If every one of those people e-mailed me and asked why I didn't want to date them, I might get a tad annoyed as well.

Another thing is, sometimes when I go to click on a topic in the topic listing, I accidentally click on the poster's name; and bring up the profile by accident.

Do I have to send a letter of explanation every time I do that?

no photo
Mon 06/23/08 06:46 AM
I look at profiles for all kinds of reasons. Most of the time, it's not because I'm interested in dating the person. Do you always assume that a person who looks at your profile is interested in dating you?

no photo
Mon 06/23/08 06:54 AM

Do I have to send a letter of explanation every time I do that?

Apparently you do. I've had someone email me before asking me why I didn't let him know why I looked at his profile.. laugh.