Topic: bother
gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:07 PM
hey mysteriousman you must be use to women who do what you say but just
like my serves in army dont mean anything to u your dont mean nothing
to me in closing i dont take orders from men

jenndis2002's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:08 PM
Then why are you here getting an education here if you do not like our
system?? You know what not worth it. It is for people like you that we
have fought so hard to have rights and freedom. You are not even a
citizen but you have the freedom to your opinion..and the freedom to
speak it and write it and the freedom to the education you came here to
get. What would happen in your home country if you spoke like this... If
our system is so bad then why stay why did you choose here when you
could have gone to school in the UK or anywhere else?? Why here if it is
so to your dislike??

no photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:17 PM
Gina, YOUR service in your army keeps YOUR PEOPLE from your country
DOWN. Your very amry that you served in protected your goverment. DON'T

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:19 PM
i understand in hungary u have no choice but to join from looks of your
young people hear the way they act they need to be force to join army
call they are all spoiled

karmafury's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:23 PM
Gina I'm not American. Yet the statements you make are inaccurate. It is
fact that enrollment in the US military went up since 9/11. Those who
enrolled knew what would come and volonteered for it, nobody forced

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:27 PM
yes i no they went up but why 911 was sad but iraq had nothing to do
with 911 no matter how bush claimed it did

jenndis2002's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:30 PM
so do you know something about who was involved with 9-11 that the rest
of the world does not know??

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:33 PM
i no for fact that bin laden said that saddam was a bad muslim so he
had nothing to do with 911 i got my facts right i have not been brain
washed by your government

karmafury's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:38 PM
I haven't been brainwashed by the American government either. Fact: Iraq
provided areas for the training of terrorists. Fact: Osama Bin Laden
stated 20 years ago that he would bring the Holy War to American soil.
Fact: Members of Al Queda are currently in Iraq, along with Afghanistan.
Fact: The Taliban and Al Queda fight together as a unified force.

jenndis2002's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:38 PM
you know if you support them so why do you not go to school there?? Oh
thats right women are not allowed to and oh you could not wear clothes
like you are in your picture you would be killed in the streets for
disrespecting your family... Oh better yet you would not have a choice
over who you could marry and if you do not like men just imagine how
they would treat you... Since you do not think they had anything to do
with the attack at 9-11 or anything going on now go there and go to
school... And you said something on another post about as long as we
agreed with your opinion.. You are still speaking right and no one has
busted into your home and taken you to jail for speaking against the
government now have they....
But you come to the USA and you bash it then if you do not like it go
home.. I am guessing it is so much better there, but the question still
remains why are you here if you dislike it so much??

karmafury's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:42 PM
I forgot one minor fact. Fact: If they are not stopped there then there
will be more attacks such as 9/11. Are you volonteering to pick through
the rubble, fill body bags, identify the victims, tell the next of kin.

no photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:44 PM
if Bush lied about why we need to go into Iraq, Why would anyone believe
Bin Laden about Saddam Husayn not being involved with 911?

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:51 PM
fist i dont dislike america is great place second all u talking i dont
see you joining up iraqwas attacked because your government throught
they would be a push over but not turning out so easy now i guess the
voice of the people dont mean much to bush 2008 coming up real soon
just like america to be a bully same oh thing but sooner or later you
will have to leave iraqall those brave soilder life has been taking for
what oil rich man starts war poor people have to died no matter where
you live in the world all the same

jenndis2002's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:00 PM
You really need to figure out when the war started over there... It
started long before oil was ever discovered and it is a war that has
been raging for centuries. It is not worth trying to talk to you it is a
wasted breath.. But welcome to America cause you will not have the
freedoms you have here in many places and I am guessing that is why you
left your own country... But if you keep bashing one day someone will
not take it so lightly...And by the way do you believe in the Taliban
and in what Saddham was trying to do... You know what I do not care... I
wish you the best while you are here getting and education on AMERICAN
soil and you would do good to remember that if we were so bad you would
have stayed home....

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:03 PM
yes i beleive this talk has gotten out of hand i think i have learn to
not say what i feel nothing i said was meant in any way to down grade u
i hope you no that thank u gina

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:14 PM
I am not an American at all and I just wanted to say that your word are
really disrespectful for the poor men and women out there ho is fiting
for the freedom here in America,( And I am talking about the continant,
not the contry.)If the American sodiers wouldent be in Iraque right now
fighting Bin-laden's men the hole contenent would be in jepordy. They
didnt only make threats to the U.S.A. but in Canada to, and being
canadien I am verry thankfule for the good job ours and their troops are
doing.So please before juging and bashing the military or a good leader,
please look at the concequance if they wouldent be their. I LOVE THE
befor you ask why I am not theire it's becuse they wouldent take me I am
a mother of 5 kids under the age of 9. But if Icould I would be the
first one jumping in a plane to Iraque.grumble grumble

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:18 PM
well u can go join the war i have served my time i,m not fighting anyone
i,m hear to learn i watch all news its not the same

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:35 PM
I belive you are saying verry hateful words. Do you love the beautiful
school that you are in? Do you like going out late at night to party
with your friends? Do you love to be able to feel safe in your own home?
Well it is my family who is getting killed for your comfort,for you to
study,and be able to have a beautiful life in America. And it's not only
my family but my friends family.) And watching tje news and living it
first hand is towe differant versions of the story. The media only put
part of the story, only what will give them ratings. If you really want
the true story go and talk to the famely of a solder.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:41 PM

I must ask one question, what makes you think you have the right to come
over here and bash this country and it's leadership? I know you are
doing a research paper for your college course, but the questions you
ask are asked in such a way that it skews the answer to reflect your
personal opinion. That makes your paper not research but an editorial.
If you dislike this country so much I will be willing to buy you a one
way ticket to the Islamic Paradise of your choosing. I think you
mentioned in one of your previous posts that you have a relative headed
to Iraq, well if he is in the U.S. Military he is there by choice not
chance. He knew what he was getting into when he signed on. So stop
trying to blame eveything on Bush just because one of your socialist
college professors pumped your head full of crap.

gina22's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:41 PM
i take care of my self i dont need government to protect me i came hear
for school i did not come here to like america i no myself the war is
all a lie but coming from government why i,m not surprized you can
beleive what you want so will i i did not hear for freinds i dont go to
partys i would never hang out with american i came for school not for