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Topic: Can anyone offer advise about losing weight?
daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:41 PM
Let me start out by saying I Follow a six meal a day diet, and I am
fairly active outside of the fact that I am a single father of two...
I eat sensibly, remain active and yet I still gain weight. I have
already scheduled an appointment with my doctor concerning this issue
but I would like to get some advise from others as well; after all this
last weight increase was by 30 odd pounds in about a months time.

sushi's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:47 PM
I've been either chubby or thin all of my life. What I've come to
realize is thatif you eat a sensible diet and feel satisfied, you're NOT
gonna loose. You always have to feel a little deprived until you get
use to it. It's the only way. Craving is much worse that stomach
growling hunger. I'm still trying to deal with that.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:50 PM
Not sure sounds like it could be a Thyroid problem in order to gain that
much at in that short of a time. They will be one of the first test your
doctor will most likely test for. bigsmile

Hotchikita's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:51 PM
My nutrotionist told me to do every thing that your doing plus drink
alot of water. Water makes you lose weight.

Hotchikita's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:52 PM
And txgirl is right go see a doctor.

Marie55's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:52 PM
I agree with Txs, start with the doctor who will do bloodwork including
thyroid, and tell you to add exercise, plus lots of water like
Hotchikita said. Good luck.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/16/07 09:54 PM
Yeah I know about the water, and the caffiene :s
I drink about a 3/4 to 1 gallon of water a day now and have absolutely
no caffiene (although that is due to the pain it puts certain parts in;
dont ask why I Dont know. I have just figured I can do without the
caffiene in order to do without the pain, lol). I have had my thyroids
tested before, but they never came back troublesome. And I keep a close
eye on my glucose as well ()one of the reasons I follow the 6-a-day
diet) as most of my family has diabetes problems of one sort or another.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:01 PM
A friend of mine not long ago he had problems with his bladder had to
have bladder surgery and found out he was a diabete. He was having a
problems with his bladder and due to that he was having water retainage
real bad caused him to gain quit a bit of weight. After his surgery he
dropped quit a bit. Never know just have to have the doctors run test
not normally to have sudden weight gain if diet is remaining the same.

sushi's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:02 PM
Daniet, listen to me. Thyroid weight problems are extremely rare. I
really do know lot about weight control. Something kinda has to come
over you, and when that happens, nothing--I mean nothing--will make you
overeat. Take advantage of it 'cause this resolve doesn't last long.
When you get through the first day of feeling a little less than
satisfied, then you can tell that growling stomach where to stick it!
Metabolic problems are very rare! 2000 Calories a day is max for a big
man. Measure portions,etc. Period. End of Lecture.

Joshy44's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:06 PM
I used to weigh a lot and now I'm down to a 173, at 5'10.

All I do is play DDR for my PS2, and watch what I eat.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:10 PM
lol, thank you sushi... And no I am not laughing at you. I know exactly
what you are talking about as far as personal control vs medical
problems. I happen to agree with you there. And dont get me wrong, I
am not saying there is no medical reasoning for weight gain/loss, I ust
happen to believe it is more to do with diet and self control on a
general level. The problem for me is I AM watching, weighing, measuring
and even keeping a journal, of what I eat or drink. And to be honest,
although it does flux a little (and by A little I mean like having a
second slice of bread, or an extra helping of veggies) my diet does not
flux by enough to account for the sudden weight changes. At least not
by what I can see. That is why I HAVE scheduled an appointment with my
fmaily doctor about it. I am not panicking over this, but I am
concerned as to why it is happening, know what I mean?

daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:11 PM
what's ddr? I do not know that one, lol.

Joshy44's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:26 PM
Dance Dance Revolution. It's the game where you have a dancing pad and
you along with songs.... they have a workout mode telling you how many
miles you jog, how many calories you're burning... it's quite fun.

millsdd's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:27 PM
Dan, may I suggest the "rules" ?
I lost 100 lbs and you can check my pics to see the difference just
following the rules I made for myself made. I went from 308 to 205-210
with a simple change in my eating habits.
Believe me, I averaged 10-12 thousand calories a day before I
#1 Don't eat unless you're hungry
some days that means a couple of meals. Some days a snack in the
evening, but just don't eat JUST to eat.
#2 Stop eating when you're not hungry any more. Take the time to chew
and enjoy the food and you'll feel full before you know it. Then you
have to resist the training we had as a kid to clean your plate (the
hardest part I found)
#3 Don't let yourself get TOO hungry ! ! Otherwise you'll binge and they
still lock the doors on the all you can eat places when I have THAT look
in my eyes.
If you're reasonable active and follow these rules (getting away from
the 6 meal a day habit which means eating just to be eating which I was
doing too) you'll lose the weight. It took about a year but I went from
308-210 and from a 38" waist to a 33" in that time. It doesn't take a
LOT of willpower but it does take some. Best of luck my friend and when
that cheesecake is calling your name feel free to ask for help in

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:58 PM
My oldest girlfriend just had the lapband surgery. That was 4mos ago.
She has lost 50lbs. Exercise is also essential. Yeah..yeah..i know!! but
if nothing else turn up the stereo and shake that groove thang! it works
for me!!!:tongue:

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Fri 03/16/07 11:06 PM
Okay.. I didnt read all the comments here...but I wll say this...The way
you eat is not necessarily the's what you eat...some foods
depending on your body chemistry will make you gain weight no matter how
healthy you may thnk they are...If you e-mail me, and you are
serious...I can help you...The american body make over proram
worked for me and i totally believe it can work for anyone who is
seriously conidering losing weight and wuill stick to a regimen...let me
know and i relly and truly can help with this...I have personally lost
30 pounds within a two month period just by changing the foods I ate
according to my body chemestry make up...

Marie55's photo
Sat 03/17/07 01:11 AM
The doctors are all talking low carbohydrate diets now too, higher
protein, veggies, salads, but very low carbs. Also, there is a med you
can ask your doc about, Topamax, is a migraine medicine but has the side
effect of weight loss and none of the bad side effects os other "diet"
drugs, is also a mood stabilizer.

I work for an internist and he is telling his patients about the South
Beach Diet, and I hear it from most of the doctors I type for, means
cutting out breads, potatoes, etc., and more protein.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 03/17/07 05:21 AM
Thank You all for your replies so far.I really appreciate your views and
opinions. I look forward to hearing more in the future.

unsure's photo
Wed 03/21/07 07:58 AM
I lost 125 pounds...lots of that was from being sick. Oh the wonderful
cancer diet, it works wonders!!
After I had my surgery and got better, I wanted to keep losing weight,
the first thing you need to do is stop eating 6 times a day. I only eat
once a day and maybe a small snack twice if I feel like I need to. When
I say a snack I mean like an apple or something healthy.
The big question is do you drink any kind of soda? Juices? Those kinds
of drinks right there contain lots of sugars~~in fact, so many sugars
that you don't even have to eat, right there is your weight gain. If you
drink soda, stop drinking it right away and switch to only water, I did
and lost 10 pounds in a week!!
Never eat till you feel stuffed, that is the worse thing you could ever
do. I always feel hungry, but I am use to it now and it doesn't bother
me. I wish you luck, its a never ending battle trying to keep the weight
off, but its worth it :smile:

daniel48706's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:13 AM
Than kyou everyone for the advise. i need to clear something up though
for some that dotn know what I am refferring to.

A six meal a day diet is an actual diet. It is one that is reccomended
to many if not the majority of diebetics in order to regulate there

What the basis behind it is, instead of eating three full meals a day,
do this...

breakfast - glass of milk, soemthing with protien, like an egg (as an
example), somethign with carbs to keep you moving.

Snack - juice, piece of fruit, or vegetable

Lunch - ONE HALF A SANDWHICH, milk vegetable and/or fruit

Snack - the other half of the sandwhich, water

Dinner - Normal meal, except cut the proprtions down to about half or
even 1/4, milk

Snack - glass of milk, or something with no sigar.

This is not 100% complete, but it gives you the general idea. The main
thing about it is that you split up what you would eat in three meals
and divide it into six. You add more fruits and veggies to the diet.
You spread everything across the day so that you do not have ups and
downs with your energy (anyone evr wanna just go to sleep during that
after lunch boardmeeting? Try cutting your lunch into two meals.

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