Topic: Legalize Marijuana?
RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:44 AM

Drug: something to be used for medicinal purposes; to aid,alleviate, treat and or cure ailments. Now should it be legalized for such use, I believe so. However (sorry to rain on your parade drug addicts) it should be regulated through FDA and its distribution and treatment measures monitored by the state and federal governments. Another thing that bothers me about this thread. Alcohol is not and has never been a drug. At best the only thing you can use alcohol for in a hospital is to sterilze open wounds. So i don't see where we get off saying alcohol and weed are the same thing. Alcohol is a highly addictive substance that resusts in thousands of deaths every year. I can't ever remeber opening a paper and finding an article about someone dying from a "weed induced" automotive accident or a weed related diesease. No but i bet all of you can think of someone who was killed in a DUI, or died from alcohol poisioning,or perhaps cancer and or cirrohsiss of the liver which is related to alcohol abuse. Weed is only lethal if you smoke it your entire life. Yes boys and girls..smoking kills you. Drug addicts typically move from weed to the drugs that kill them,e.i: meth,coke,crack,opium,prescription drugs and even over the counter medication. So lets stop trying to compare alcohol to any other substance as a way to get it legalized. It is just plain stupid.noway

Actually the arguement that marijuana is a gateway drug is false. The truth is marijuana is usually the second drug that people try. Alcohol is the first, and hence, gateway drug of most individuals.

The gateway drug arguement is also spurious. What the arguement says is that if you try marijuana you will eventually try harder drugs, like heroin. What the evidence of the agrument actually suggests is that people who are willing to try illegal drugs, are willing to try different types of illegal drugs, nothing more. But ask, and you will find that 95% of all potheads, drank alcohol first.

Drew07_2's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:45 AM
I tend to be somewhat conservative but I also try to be intellectually honest about things. This war on drugs has been the biggest failure and the biggest waste of money since the dawn of time. Putting anyone in prison for a non-violent related drug offense is just stupid--as there are violent criminals being let out early, you know, for good behavior. That's another issue that makes me want to freaking lose it, but I'll save my fury for "good behavior" for another time.

Back to the original question. YES, we should. I hear and read all the time about "Drunk man gets in fight, stabs girlfriend." Is it just me or do I never hear about "Man, high on pot, goes postal on girlfriend." I NEVER hear about that. And that is because it does not happen.

And you know, I don't even care about the addictive/non-addictive aspect of this argument. Even if it IS addictive--so is caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol--all legal. We need to stop thinking we can get people to stop doing what makes them feel good. Some people like pot. I'm not one of them but I've never been nearly hit by a stoned driver.

I don't mean to suggest that we should stock the shelves of Wal*Mart with bongs and weed tomorrow right along side Percocet and Vicodin but we should have some real discussions about this issue and stop with the idea that this stuff is the white elephant in the room.

We are talking about pot, not every drug on earth and it needs to start there. It is not my job to tell a person how to live and to be honest, if a person wants to smoke pot every hour of every day, I might think him a moron for not making a bit more out of his life, but it's still not my right to stop such behavior--that is on him. If he is leaving mine to me and not hurting anyone--smoke away.


RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:48 AM

Get educated. Do a google search on marijuana and car accidents. If it were legal, the number of people driving smoking the weed would skyrocket. So would the accidents. Evidently your family as never been touched by a drunk driving death. We need stronger alcohol and driving laws -get caught driving under the influence, confiscate the car, sell it, and give the money to the school system.

I don't think this thread is about alcohol, but thank you for your insight?

I hate to burst your bubble, but stoner driving is not something to worry about. Oh, they might be a little inatentive, but I doubt the pot driver is very dangerous. At least not near as dangerous as say, a person talking on a phone, texting, reading or (and yes I saw this one in traffic the other day) or using their laptop while driving.

Anyone who thinks stoner drivers are going to be running over busloads of nuns, obviously has never partaken themselves.

adj4u's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:51 AM

I'll say it again:

Who made alcohol? Man!
Who made Marijuana? God!

does that mean you should smoke poison ivy

or drink hemlock tea

No. But mushrooms are alright? Herbs of any kind is alright?
There are poisonous things in nature that's prone to kill you, stay away, but marijuana has never killed anybody. Be realistic man!

i was being realistic

you implied that because it was made by god it was ok

the post was to simplistic and you made my point

smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:52 AM

I tend to be somewhat conservative but I also try to be intellectually honest about things. This war on drugs has been the biggest failure and the biggest waste of money since the dawn of time. Putting anyone in prison for a non-violent related drug offense is just stupid--as there are violent criminals being let out early, you know, for good behavior. That's another issue that makes me want to freaking lose it, but I'll save my fury for "good behavior" for another time.

Back to the original question. YES, we should. I hear and read all the time about "Drunk man gets in fight, stabs girlfriend." Is it just me or do I never hear about "Man, high on pot, goes postal on girlfriend." I NEVER hear about that. And that is because it does not happen.

And you know, I don't even care about the addictive/non-addictive aspect of this argument. Even if it IS addictive--so is caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol--all legal. We need to stop thinking we can get people to stop doing what makes them feel good. Some people like pot. I'm not one of them but I've never been nearly hit by a stoned driver.

I don't mean to suggest that we should stock the shelves of Wal*Mart with bongs and weed tomorrow right along side Percocet and Vicodin but we should have some real discussions about this issue and stop with the idea that this stuff is the white elephant in the room.

We are talking about pot, not every drug on earth and it needs to start there. It is not my job to tell a person how to live and to be honest, if a person wants to smoke pot every hour of every day, I might think him a moron for not making a bit more out of his life, but it's still not my right to stop such behavior--that is on him. If he is leaving mine to me and not hurting anyone--smoke away.


Heh, I got to agree with you on this one.

The anti-drug war is the greatest trick the liberal left ever pulled on the conservative right. It is the largest public works project ever conceived. It employs hundreds of thousands of government employees costing the taxpayers millions a year. Yet the smoke screen is firmly in place with this gross "redistribution" of our wealth in a "socialist" fashion. Why aren't more Republicans up in arms about this "Anti-Drug War?"

adj4u's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:54 AM
Herbs of any kind is alright?

1. an aromatic plant that is used for flavouring in cookery, and in medicine
2. Bot a seed-bearing plant whose parts above ground die back at the end of the growing season [Latin herba grass, green plants]
herbal adj
herby adj

Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006


still a simplistic line


Maikuru's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:57 AM

Drug: something to be used for medicinal purposes; to aid,alleviate, treat and or cure ailments. Now should it be legalized for such use, I believe so. However (sorry to rain on your parade drug addicts) it should be regulated through FDA and its distribution and treatment measures monitored by the state and federal governments. Another thing that bothers me about this thread. Alcohol is not and has never been a drug. At best the only thing you can use alcohol for in a hospital is to sterilze open wounds. So i don't see where we get off saying alcohol and weed are the same thing. Alcohol is a highly addictive substance that resusts in thousands of deaths every year. I can't ever remeber opening a paper and finding an article about someone dying from a "weed induced" automotive accident or a weed related diesease. No but i bet all of you can think of someone who was killed in a DUI, or died from alcohol poisioning,or perhaps cancer and or cirrohsiss of the liver which is related to alcohol abuse. Weed is only lethal if you smoke it your entire life. Yes boys and girls..smoking kills you. Drug addicts typically move from weed to the drugs that kill them,e.i: meth,coke,crack,opium,prescription drugs and even over the counter medication. So lets stop trying to compare alcohol to any other substance as a way to get it legalized. It is just plain stupid.noway

Actually the arguement that marijuana is a gateway drug is false. The truth is marijuana is usually the second drug that people try. Alcohol is the first, and hence, gateway drug of most individuals.

The gateway drug arguement is also spurious. What the arguement says is that if you try marijuana you will eventually try harder drugs, like heroin. What the evidence of the agrument actually suggests is that people who are willing to try illegal drugs, are willing to try different types of illegal drugs, nothing more. But ask, and you will find that 95% of all potheads, drank alcohol first.

I never put forth the gateway drug arguement, if you review my statement you will note that i stated drug addicts typically move from weed to the actual drug that kills them. I am not saying that you are wrong only that you misinterpeted what i stated. Point of fact is you are basically saying the same thing i am. The only difference is alcohol is not used for medicinal purposes and therefore can not be called a drug. Your right in the sense that it is the first substance abused by addicts but it is not a drug by definition. Just semantics really.happy

PDA's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:57 AM
I can agree on some of that Drew. But just because you smoke pot doesn't mean you're not doing something good with your life. I have met all kind of people who smoke weed, all from craft-workers to business men. It is proven that pot will limit your level of stress in a very high degree. And if your level of stress is subdued, so will your psychical health. The doctors tell you to drink a glass of red wine with your food because it will make it less likely for you to get a heart disease, right? But pot takes your stress level down on all momentum's. Of course, like all things, too much will damage you. Look at MacDonald's, they kill more people every year than marijuana makes people stoned. Marijuana is not lethal, it can, of course, be damaging if you're still very young, easily manipulated, or prone to addiction. Then you shouldn't smoke pot. Plus. I hate people who use marijuana with the term: Drug. Its not a drug, its simply a relaxation substance..

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:59 AM
Edited by crickstergo on Sat 11/15/08 07:00 AM

Get educated. Do a google search on marijuana and car accidents. If it were legal, the number of people driving smoking the weed would skyrocket. So would the accidents. Evidently your family as never been touched by a drunk driving death. We need stronger alcohol and driving laws -get caught driving under the influence, confiscate the car, sell it, and give the money to the school system.

I don't think this thread is about alcohol, but thank you for your insight?

I hate to burst your bubble, but stoner driving is not something to worry about. Oh, they might be a little inatentive, but I doubt the pot driver is very dangerous. At least not near as dangerous as say, a person talking on a phone, texting, reading or (and yes I saw this one in traffic the other day) or using their laptop while driving.

Anyone who thinks stoner drivers are going to be running over busloads of nuns, obviously has never partaken themselves.

The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased.

People can't stop with one drink
People can't stop with one joint.
If you could buy marijuana like cigarettes people would smoke them like cigarettes and people would drive and kill.

PDA's photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:02 AM

Get educated. Do a google search on marijuana and car accidents. If it were legal, the number of people driving smoking the weed would skyrocket. So would the accidents. Evidently your family as never been touched by a drunk driving death. We need stronger alcohol and driving laws -get caught driving under the influence, confiscate the car, sell it, and give the money to the school system.

I don't think this thread is about alcohol, but thank you for your insight?

I hate to burst your bubble, but stoner driving is not something to worry about. Oh, they might be a little inatentive, but I doubt the pot driver is very dangerous. At least not near as dangerous as say, a person talking on a phone, texting, reading or (and yes I saw this one in traffic the other day) or using their laptop while driving.

Anyone who thinks stoner drivers are going to be running over busloads of nuns, obviously has never partaken themselves.

The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased.

People can't stop with one drink
People can't stop with one joint.
If you could buy marijuana like cigarettes people would smoke them like cigaretes and people would drive and kill.

But they are all damaging to your health. So that means, in your opinion, that because alcohol is legal, thats why people drunk drive? So why not make alcohol illegal? No. Because its profitable for the government.

PDA's photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:03 AM

Get educated. Do a google search on marijuana and car accidents. If it were legal, the number of people driving smoking the weed would skyrocket. So would the accidents. Evidently your family as never been touched by a drunk driving death. We need stronger alcohol and driving laws -get caught driving under the influence, confiscate the car, sell it, and give the money to the school system.

I don't think this thread is about alcohol, but thank you for your insight?

I hate to burst your bubble, but stoner driving is not something to worry about. Oh, they might be a little inatentive, but I doubt the pot driver is very dangerous. At least not near as dangerous as say, a person talking on a phone, texting, reading or (and yes I saw this one in traffic the other day) or using their laptop while driving.

Anyone who thinks stoner drivers are going to be running over busloads of nuns, obviously has never partaken themselves.

The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased.

People can't stop with one drink
People can't stop with one joint.
If you could buy marijuana like cigarettes people would smoke them like cigaretes and people would drive and kill.

But they are all damaging to your health. So that means, in your opinion, that because alcohol is legal, thats why people drunk drive? So why not make alcohol illegal? No. Because its profitable for the government. So take taxes on marijuana.

Drew07_2's photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:04 AM

I tend to be somewhat conservative but I also try to be intellectually honest about things. This war on drugs has been the biggest failure and the biggest waste of money since the dawn of time. Putting anyone in prison for a non-violent related drug offense is just stupid--as there are violent criminals being let out early, you know, for good behavior. That's another issue that makes me want to freaking lose it, but I'll save my fury for "good behavior" for another time.

Back to the original question. YES, we should. I hear and read all the time about "Drunk man gets in fight, stabs girlfriend." Is it just me or do I never hear about "Man, high on pot, goes postal on girlfriend." I NEVER hear about that. And that is because it does not happen.

And you know, I don't even care about the addictive/non-addictive aspect of this argument. Even if it IS addictive--so is caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol--all legal. We need to stop thinking we can get people to stop doing what makes them feel good. Some people like pot. I'm not one of them but I've never been nearly hit by a stoned driver.

I don't mean to suggest that we should stock the shelves of Wal*Mart with bongs and weed tomorrow right along side Percocet and Vicodin but we should have some real discussions about this issue and stop with the idea that this stuff is the white elephant in the room.

We are talking about pot, not every drug on earth and it needs to start there. It is not my job to tell a person how to live and to be honest, if a person wants to smoke pot every hour of every day, I might think him a moron for not making a bit more out of his life, but it's still not my right to stop such behavior--that is on him. If he is leaving mine to me and not hurting anyone--smoke away.


Heh, I got to agree with you on this one.

The anti-drug war is the greatest trick the liberal left ever pulled on the conservative right. It is the largest public works project ever conceived. It employs hundreds of thousands of government employees costing the taxpayers millions a year. Yet the smoke screen is firmly in place with this gross "redistribution" of our wealth in a "socialist" fashion. Why aren't more Republicans up in arms about this "Anti-Drug War?"

Well, you are correct about this. I also think it quite humorous to be sitting around on a Saturday night watching COPS and invariably there will be a segment wherein a few officers will bust a kid or an adult for a good size amount of pot. Now, I don't think all cops are bad, in fact, I think most are good but I think it utterly ridiculous to see four or five of them high-fiving each other over the pot bust--talking about how they just made the streets safer. This would be like me taking 100 grains of sand from four square miles of beach and saying, "Wow, I really made a difference in our beaches being "over-sanded." It is not making a dent, it is such a small victory and meanwhile, the guys that are out there beating the hell out of the 80 year old woman for her $150.00 in cash are NOT being focused on.

Something is very wrong with that picture and so again, we need to start discussing this at a national level. But, there is one other thing that the pro-pot folks need to do. STOP with the arguments about, "It's our right, dude--stop trying to stop us from our fun, bro." Intelligent, fact-based arguments need to be used, not appeals to the emotional side of this. if people want this to change then it needs to be addressed in a reasonable and responsible way. Because as long as everyone views pot as something done by people who wear funny colors and drive VW Buses around the nation chasing Garcia's ghost, it will never be made legal.

Just a thought.


no photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:06 AM
I don't know why people drink and drive - except that they must be stupid.

Drew07_2's photo
Sat 11/15/08 08:13 AM

I can agree on some of that Drew. But just because you smoke pot doesn't mean you're not doing something good with your life. I have met all kind of people who smoke weed, all from craft-workers to business men. It is proven that pot will limit your level of stress in a very high degree. And if your level of stress is subdued, so will your psychical health. The doctors tell you to drink a glass of red wine with your food because it will make it less likely for you to get a heart disease, right? But pot takes your stress level down on all momentum's. Of course, like all things, too much will damage you. Look at MacDonald's, they kill more people every year than marijuana makes people stoned. Marijuana is not lethal, it can, of course, be damaging if you're still very young, easily manipulated, or prone to addiction. Then you shouldn't smoke pot. Plus. I hate people who use marijuana with the term: Drug. Its not a drug, its simply a relaxation substance..

We agree on more than we disagree--on this subject. I was referring to a guy who does not want to do anything but sit around all day and smoke. I did not make the argument that everyone will be that way or that there are no creative people smoking pot. I know better. I would still like to see people use things in moderation (the doctor says a glass of red wine, not six glasses of red wine) but that is not my call. Pot is also toxic for the lungs, just like Camel Lights so please, no one make the argument that it causes no harm--because clearly, it does. But all of that is beside the point. Anything, taken in an vast amounts will cause harm. That goes for pot, food, booze---anything.

But it is not my call to tell people how to live or what to do as long as their freedoms don't get in the way of mine. As soon as they do, that is an issue. But again, I've never had a guy on pot look to rob me. I can't say the same for "instant tough-guy" booze, but watching someone drunk try to fight is really funny stuff.

Anyway, as was mentioned--we agree on this, for the most part.


adj4u's photo
Sat 11/15/08 08:20 AM

Get educated. Do a google search on marijuana and car accidents. If it were legal, the number of people driving smoking the weed would skyrocket. So would the accidents. Evidently your family as never been touched by a drunk driving death. We need stronger alcohol and driving laws -get caught driving under the influence, confiscate the car, sell it, and give the money to the school system.

I don't think this thread is about alcohol, but thank you for your insight?

I hate to burst your bubble, but stoner driving is not something to worry about. Oh, they might be a little inatentive, but I doubt the pot driver is very dangerous. At least not near as dangerous as say, a person talking on a phone, texting, reading or (and yes I saw this one in traffic the other day) or using their laptop while driving.

Anyone who thinks stoner drivers are going to be running over busloads of nuns, obviously has never partaken themselves.

The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased.

People can't stop with one drink
People can't stop with one joint.
If you could buy marijuana like cigarettes people would smoke them like cigaretes and people would drive and kill.

But they are all damaging to your health. So that means, in your opinion, that because alcohol is legal, thats why people drunk drive? So why not make alcohol illegal? No. Because its profitable for the government.

plz post your proof with links plz

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:48 AM
Get over it, Legalize it, Grow it, sale it, and tax it. Use all whats left in Bio fuel!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:56 AM
Thier is no real reason it should not be legalized and controlled as alcohol is.

Thier were several Pot issues on the ballot of different states and cities for decriminalzation and medical uses.

Thier is no doubt it helps MS patients and canser patients deal with pain. That the drug companies can not replicate.

Columbia Mo. has decrimanised Pot since Jan 2007 and I live close to thier and I have not heard a single word about a crime committed by someone under the influence. I can not say that for alcohol.

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:06 AM
Thanks to all who posted on this thread for keeping it for the most part a sane discussion that was fun to read.

I recently voted in favor of the medical marijuana proposal here in Michigan. It was good to see it pass by a large margin.

From an economic point of view legalization makes sense. California has realized a large tax benefit from medical marijuana alone. Taxes now being spent to arrest, prosecute jail, house and treat drug offenders would be freed up to deal with violent criminal offenders.

I quit smoking dope years ago so I don't have a dog in this fight. It makes me amazingly horny and stupidly laughy. Good places to be with the proper company but sort of a waste when I am home alone.

Still to me this is an easy call. We have penalties in place for drunk driving that could easily be put in place for stoned driving. Most states if no all already have penalties in place for driving under the influence of illegal substances. Why? Because legal or illegal it already happens.

Legalize, tax and move on.

Let's use our jail space for murders, rapists, child molesters and the white collar criminals who made our retirement funds go up in smoke.

WarElephant's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:12 PM
I'm proud to say I have never even tried pot. Nor do I ever plan to. I have never used illicit drugs, period.

I'm also proud to say that it should be legalized. Not because I think pot is a great thing, but because it has become little more than a tool for the government to turn ordinary Americans into criminals. The DEA is essentially a domestic terrorist entity and should be destroyed.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:20 PM
dude, you kinda look like Corey Feldman...

or maybe I'm just stoned