Topic: The Great Depression
Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:46 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 01/08/09 11:47 PM
I have done more here to help people through this economic crisis than all y'alls talk and pessimism.
Obama hasnt even taken office. He didnt create this problem.
He is going to be President no matter how much some people wish he wasnt.
At least wait and see what happens before you all predict his failure. Have confidence in America and Americans!
11 days and Bush is gone!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Winx's photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:46 PM

Now I don't understand that at all, that does seem like cheating. But that also seems like someone in the irs is blind as a bat.

I think the word cheating is unfair to use on most of the people in the US.

I have heard more about rich who avoid taxes in many ways, because? Then can...

No, it is because they too poor to have a cable TV. They mostly "procreate".

I don't have kids. My friend, on the other hand, has 3. He is getting no refund on kids. No refund on private school. No refund for baby sitters. No stimulus.

Basically, he is considered a plowing bull. He only supposed to plow. He isn't considered a human being, so no stimulus for him.

Americans love to cheat. Bailout is nothing but a cheating. You have lost the money, but we will give you more. Cheating. Because at the very same time, there is someone who competed with the loser, put all of his effort in it, and won. The loser supposed to go out of the business, so that he does not waste the oxygen. Instead, he gets the bailout, stays in business. And what about the one who was smart and prudent, worked his ass off to be successful?

This is nothing but cheating.

"Heard" is one thing. Get to know any rich person. Ask what they pay. All of this is paid by so called "fairly taxed rich". They get even richer, because they try even harder. They don't give up like poor do.

You have just showed us your true colors.

"No, it is because they too poor to have a cable TV. They mostly "procreate"."slaphead

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:47 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/08/09 11:47 PM

Americans have been experiencing depression for the last 8 years. :) Businesses are now rightly getting a taste of it, themselves.

Not from what I've seen. Their Bailout has reached 8.5 trillion dollars, supposedly more than the cost of all our wars combined.

Hyperinflation will hurt us, BADLY.

Taxes of ever class will increase 10 to 20% this year alone...

Obama either doesn't know economics or he has no interest in helping us. He talked this bailout up.

There is something kinda scary that i brought up in another post. That is the fact that someday the entire world's economy will completely collapse because of how our banks are run. Most people don't realize that it's our banks that print our money for us, not our government. Our banks control our economy, not the government. Kinda stupid when you take into consideration the FACT that our government isn't even allowed to attent or know what is being talked about in these bank meetings.

I got into greater detail earlier, but worldwide the total output of dept is exponetially faster than the output of resources. Unfortuntately this means that if even 30% of our population payed off their dept the economy would collapse. Our dept is our economy's currency.

Eventually someone isn't going to have the resources to take out a loan. When that day comes there will be less money in circulation, which will cause the next person to go broke, and the next, and so on.

The system is broken. Until this is addressed i would purchase as much gold, silver, platinum, as possible. I would also pay off your bills ASAP because when the economy crashes, the only thing that will be worth money is that agreement you signed at the bank, back by YOUR colateral.

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:54 PM
I feel for those that did what they thought was the right thing and lost and despise those that scammed the system, but not all of the working poor are scammers and cheaters is all I am saying.

And I do know rich people, in my own family. I never ask them for anything. Some ***** about taxes, and some just accept it, they will always be rich no matter what..

I guess I am just not willing to make a blanket statement that people are cheaters.

Oh well, I think it's time for me to quit this topic..

Night Nogames. :wink:

nogames39's photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:57 PM

"No, it is because they too poor to have a cable TV. They mostly "procreate"."slaphead

They are Blue, Red and White. :proud:

Not Red, like yours. I never did hide my true colors.

Yes, I think you get what that meant. They just procreate. And someone else goes to work to pay for their refund. And their services. And their assistance. And their "residential rehabilitation assistance". And their free medicine. And even their DTV converter coupons.

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 01/08/09 11:59 PM

"No, it is because they too poor to have a cable TV. They mostly "procreate"."slaphead

They are Blue, Red and White. :proud:

Not Red, like yours. I never did hide my true colors.

Yes, I think you get what that meant. They just procreate. And someone else goes to work to pay for their refund. And their services. And their assistance. And their "residential rehabilitation assistance". And their free medicine. And even their DTV converter coupons.

Don't hate on the free meds part. I was a part of that program because i was getting paid crap at my job and couldn't afford the $300 a month for meds i need to not go mental. explode

nogames39's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:00 AM
Goodnight Boo.

Winx's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:07 AM

"No, it is because they too poor to have a cable TV. They mostly "procreate"."slaphead

They are Blue, Red and White. :proud:

Not Red, like yours. I never did hide my true colors.

Yes, I think you get what that meant. They just procreate. And someone else goes to work to pay for their refund. And their services. And their assistance. And their "residential rehabilitation assistance". And their free medicine. And even their DTV converter coupons.

Me, red.rofl rofl rofl

nogames39's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:10 AM

Don't hate on the free meds part. I was a part of that program because i was getting paid crap at my job and couldn't afford the $300 a month for meds i need to not go mental. explode

I don't really. I just do not like when people pretend that things aren't the way they are. And call our taxation system "fair".

In the way, even poor doesn't decide how much he will pay in taxes. But, at the very least, they should just be honest, and say that rich pay their "rape" taxes. Don't make it worse by saying it's fair.

Like,-"Yeah, I took this and that, it was offered to me and I took it, but even though I know it was all paid by raping the rich, I didn't write the law."

You know what I mean? Just can't stand people lying.

Politicians are getting richer of people getting poor. Rich an politicians have a lot in common (being rich), but they aren't the same thing. Rich people are only getting richer of other people getting richer. Very important distinction.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:15 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Fri 01/09/09 12:23 AM
Obama didnt give this money out! He didnt authorize its pay out without monitoring where it went or how it was spent!
That was Bush's Administration.
Half the 700 billion hasnt even been used!
The Bush Administration is still shuffling their feet, unable to stick to one plan. They have been flip flopping back and forth while America suffers! Only paying out to their rich friends!
Its all supposed to be low interest loans, but no one is even sure who got what!
People continue to say bailout as if the money was appropriated as a gift. It wasnt. It was meant as a financial rescue plan, given where it was needed most, and then as loans. With the intent that it would be payed back with low interest!
Its was either that or America would falter. Possibly failing and going into a deep recession.
Most people alive in this country today have never even experienced the financial hardships we saw in the seventies. Even those of us who remember that never experienced the 28% unemployment of the Great Depression.
If the US big three would have failed, then not only would we have, but we would also be dependent upon foreign manufacturers for our defense needs.
Yet the Republicans in Congress wanted to involve the United Auto workers incentives into the equation and the bill failed. The UAW who have taken pay freezes and benefit reductions for the last 20 years because they were told the industries failures were due to their greed and laziness. When in fact it was a necessity of the globalization goals.
The Republicans who voted against the LOAN to the Auto Industries are as Anti-American as they come. The people who agree are as brainwashed as they have intended to make us all. One by one the Unions have been disbanded. The one United voice we in America had to fight off the lost manufacturing jobs that have come on the march to globalization, Gone. The only real problem with American manufacturing is the lifting of trade tariffs that made the price of manufacturing goods in this country competitive, and the hopes and dreams of the American worker to provide a good life to their family and a better future to their children!
The one good thing Bush has done while in office was to grant the loans to the big three!
Now if Obama holds true in rebuilding the base of our already failing economy and taxes corporations who move our manufacturing abilities overseas then we have hope. When he begins to make America free of foreign oil it will be American companies doing it.
No ones asking you to be sheeple anymore. They are just saying, "Be American and believe in America." If all you do is work against reviving this country then you are the true Anti-American!

nogames39's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:29 AM
All of that stuff you wrote, sits on a shaky precipice of your degree of understanding of all of these economic questions you just touched.

Of course, you think you do understand this, and as far as you can see, Obama's plan will work. Based on this understanding, you think that those who do not support unions, emergency loans, tariffs, or Obama, are anti-americans.

If you are wrong only on your understanding of economics, then it may be that you can be classified as such, although, evidently not intentionally so.

We can piss and moan and ***** all we want. Ultimately, we will not ever know.

Because, just like with Bush supporters, blaming leftist for evrything that Bush programs did not achieve, should Obama plan fail, leftist will not think it is because the plan was wrong. They will say it failed because of the opposition of the right wing.

It will become clear 20 to 50 years from now. By then, nobody will even care to go back and examine who was right and who was wrong.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:43 AM

All of that stuff you wrote, sits on a shaky precipice of your degree of understanding of all of these economic questions you just touched.

Of course, you think you do understand this, and as far as you can see, Obama's plan will work. Based on this understanding, you think that those who do not support unions, emergency loans, tariffs, or Obama, are anti-americans.

If you are wrong only on your understanding of economics, then it may be that you can be classified as such, although, evidently not intentionally so.

We can piss and moan and ***** all we want. Ultimately, we will not ever know.

Because, just like with Bush supporters, blaming leftist for evrything that Bush programs did not achieve, should Obama plan fail, leftist will not think it is because the plan was wrong. They will say it failed because of the opposition of the right wing.

It will become clear 20 to 50 years from now. By then, nobody will even care to go back and examine who was right and who was wrong.

Oh, are you a fortune teller now or just a Ron Paul educated economist?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Personally I think you hope your right (Anti-American), so you dont have to look like a paranoid extremist when America recovers despite your pessimistic ant-American predictions!

nogames39's photo
Fri 01/09/09 01:14 AM

Personally I think you hope your right (Anti-American), so you dont have to look like a paranoid extremist when America recovers despite your pessimistic ant-American predictions!

If a doctor gives you a warning, and predicts that if you keep smoking, you'd die in two years, is he being "anti-fanta"? (Against you?)

Even if he is wrong and you survive, does this make him the enemy?

Based on what I know, I predict that this plan is going to be bad for America. Does that make me anti-American?

This plan may pull the sales up, but it will do so at the price of huge inflation, and further sinking of Americans in debt, further loss of manufacturing base.

So, you think I hope I am right, so I don't have to look paranoiac?

Wouldn't it be easier for me to just hope that the plan works, and look paranoiac but live a better life? Is this the choice you'd make? I am not so sure which one of us is more paranoid, the one who doesn't want to do wrong things (I am), or the one who'd rather suffer his own country collapse just to be right (you).

warmachine's photo
Fri 01/09/09 06:55 AM

i wonder which neighbor i should eat first..

neighbor bar b cue:

1.neighbor ( cooking times may vary depending on fat content)
2. i cord of wood (preferably misquite or hickory)
3. 1 extra long stick ( holes already provided)
4.10 bottles of bar b cue sauce

follow regular bar b cue directions

smoked neighbor

find one neighbor
find a barn (preferably one used for smoking tobacco)
hang one neighbor and suspend over an open hickory fire
smoke for 15 hours after screaming has mm good
good way to preserve neighbor over the lean winter months..

neighbor stew

follow same directions as beef stew..

about hunting the ever elusive neighbor..they can usually be found following a daily routine ..follow closely learn the routine and strike at careful not to let them know you are tracking them..jk about all this do not attempt this at home .any hunting tapes will be destroyed

the bad thing about this is....i wonder what my neighbors are thinking about...:laughing: scared ill shocked

Thats why you team up with your neighbor and eat the Rich. They ought to be good and fattened up by the time Soylent Green becomes popular.

Loving the "Survival Food" recipes, you oughta write a book!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:08 PM
I'm pretty sure Obama voted "Yea" on the economic stabalization act before and after all the pork was added Fanta. I'm not blaming him as he did not write the policy. Just as i am not blaming Bush for the same reason. This is a black mark in Obama's and Bush's record because they both supported it.

Let us not be blinded this time around. Maybe we should learn a thing or two from the last two administrations and actually take note this time around regardless of the red or blue colors.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:19 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Fri 01/09/09 12:20 PM

Obama didnt give this money out! He didnt authorize its pay out without monitoring where it went or how it was spent!
That was Bush's Administration.
Half the 700 billion hasnt even been used!
The Bush Administration is still shuffling their feet, unable to stick to one plan. They have been flip flopping back and forth while America suffers! Only paying out to their rich friends!
Its all supposed to be low interest loans, but no one is even sure who got what!
People continue to say bailout as if the money was appropriated as a gift. It wasnt. It was meant as a financial rescue plan, given where it was needed most, and then as loans. With the intent that it would be payed back with low interest!
Its was either that or America would falter. Possibly failing and going into a deep recession.
Most people alive in this country today have never even experienced the financial hardships we saw in the seventies. Even those of us who remember that never experienced the 28% unemployment of the Great Depression.
If the US big three would have failed, then not only would we have, but we would also be dependent upon foreign manufacturers for our defense needs.
Yet the Republicans in Congress wanted to involve the United Auto workers incentives into the equation and the bill failed. The UAW who have taken pay freezes and benefit reductions for the last 20 years because they were told the industries failures were due to their greed and laziness. When in fact it was a necessity of the globalization goals.
The Republicans who voted against the LOAN to the Auto Industries are as Anti-American as they come. The people who agree are as brainwashed as they have intended to make us all. One by one the Unions have been disbanded. The one United voice we in America had to fight off the lost manufacturing jobs that have come on the march to globalization, Gone. The only real problem with American manufacturing is the lifting of trade tariffs that made the price of manufacturing goods in this country competitive, and the hopes and dreams of the American worker to provide a good life to their family and a better future to their children!
The one good thing Bush has done while in office was to grant the loans to the big three!
Now if Obama holds true in rebuilding the base of our already failing economy and taxes corporations who move our manufacturing abilities overseas then we have hope. When he begins to make America free of foreign oil it will be American companies doing it.
No ones asking you to be sheeple anymore. They are just saying, "Be American and believe in America." If all you do is work against reviving this country then you are the true Anti-American!

According to CNN 8.5 trillion dollars has been printed and handed out to the biggest corporations. How can you say the money hasn't been used when there is zero accountibility?

Why is it UnAmerican to be critical of Obama but it's the opposite to be critical of Bush. Obama's plans are VERY similar... Oh Fanta, you're not crossing over are you? Critical thinking my brother! You used to keep ME in line! drinker drinker

nogames39's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:35 PM
It is Un-American to disagree with Fanta.

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:41 PM

It is Un-American to disagree with Fanta.

I do all the time. Its easy to win any argument with him if you use my patented "anti-debate" program. Watch how it works!;

Fanta: Obama will save the planet and everyone will be happy!

Damn: Umm, no?

Fanta: I have documents that will show you!

Damn: Oh rly? Well squirrels explode on electric wires!

Fanta: WTF?

See! End of debate with my really random injections of silliness! Works every time! Except with Gypsy because shes crazier than me O_O

norslyman's photo
Fri 01/09/09 02:25 PM
Ron Paul was the last chance for this country and the sheeple blew it. We are headed for the North American Union (US, Mexico, Canada merging) and so they will blow out our economy to bring in the Amero currency - which is already being printed. After a period of rioting in the streets when the supermarkets are empty, the sheeple will beg for ANY solution. Order out of Chaos. The NAFTA super highway is already being built. They have already chosen Kansas City as the major truck/shipping container hub. Biggest shipping port in N America is already being built in Mexico. All the illegals will soon be legal. And don't think Mexico will become more like us - we will become more like them (a 3rd world country. Obomanation of desolation is just a puppet who will do what he's told or he'll wind up like Kennedy. We are headed for CHANGE all right. Not the kind you think.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 02:27 PM
I would like to see us stop this UNamerican stuff coming from both sides. It's not unamerican to speak your mind for or against anything. Haven't we had enough of this label in the past 8 years.

If I am against the over the top response by Israel, that doesn't make me a terrorist or a hater, or unamerican. It makes me concerned that we might be ignoring a side of the story we aren't familiar with. Just as some are concerned that Obama will make things worse, some are concerned he won't go far enough. Heck I voted for the man and I am concerned myself. That doesn't make me anything, just concerned.