Topic: just a thought here...
daniel48706's photo
Mon 04/30/07 12:42 PM
We are always complaining that we have no good chioces among those that
run fro office of any kind right? That they are all politicians? What
if we changed that? How do we change that you ask? Very simple. We
choose someone that we know and trust now, who we feel would be a good
leader, and send them to school for it. Send them to school in order to
learn and prepare for the position just like you do for a regular job.
Do everythign we can to mold this person into what we want as a person
in office (of course they must be willing to do the job also, lol).
now, this would not happen in just a few years, no. Butnothing worth
doing ever is. I am looking at a grander scale. Say after abourt 6 or
8 years they would be ready to run for state governor or something.
within eight years they could have a phd or even a doctorate as far as
schooling goes. Now they need experience. So they start in the
basement (local office) and work their way up through the ranks. We as
a people would decide when they have shown that they are ready for the
next step and it would be us, the people that would vote them into the
next position. Make sense?

let's start "building" our leaders of tomorrow today. And this means
for advisability roles as well, not just the high position itself.

What do you think?

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 04/30/07 01:39 PM
Where you going to find a teacher we would all approve of?

nusalor's photo
Mon 04/30/07 01:51 PM
Why don't we just build a monarchy?

davinci1952's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:11 PM
stepford politician?... grumble

gardenforge's photo
Mon 04/30/07 04:07 PM
A noble idea, but it would be difficult to keep the selected indivdual
sheltered from the corruption that is rife in our political system from
the city level all the way to Washington D.C. I venture that less than
half the people who vote look at the candidate and where he or she
stands on the issues. A lot of candidates are elected based on gender,
looks, carisma, promises to support give away programs or as the lesser
of two evils. yet as sad as our political system is, it's still the
best thing going in this world.

GaMail50's photo
Mon 04/30/07 04:13 PM
I think character and integrity are the two most important
considerations. By adulthood those either exist or don't. I don't think
they can be taught at that late stage.

armydoc4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 05:03 PM
didnt the russians try to send people to scholl to fullfil political
roles in the communist party..

i hear what your saying, i understand your frustrations, but i think the
system we have really works and works well, our problem is that the men
and women who start out with noble intentions are corrupted by the time
they gain any national exposer by some special intrest group of this or
that, i think if we can eliminate those groups the better off america
would be, for both parties. dems and reps, and eventually in the grander
scheme of things, us as americans.

thats my thought


daniel48706's photo
Mon 04/30/07 07:25 PM
I agree with you to a point doc. I too believe a lot of poloticians
start out wanting to make a differance so to speak. I also believe that
they grow corrupt througout the process. If we COULD find away to
dealwith the corruption prior to it meating the candidate, that would be
awsome, because yes we DO have the best system in the world. Al;so, I
was not suggesting changing the system. After we have modeled and
trained our would be candidate, he'she would still be up for public

adj4u's photo
Mon 04/30/07 08:27 PM
maybe the schooling is part of the problem

just get a trustworthy person

with good comman sense

they can appoint edamakated people to the post

just a thought

but hey what do i know

daniel48706's photo
Mon 04/30/07 09:01 PM
good idea ad

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 11:24 AM
Of course, then we have to elect the appointer. Democracy is a terrible
system. It's a shame no-one has thought up a better one yet. This is
why I label myself as a liberal or an anarchist varyingly. I don't
think anarchy is a working system, but I do think that power structures
have to be upended periodically to shake the corruption out.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 03:22 PM
nom beleive as you will, but history has proven over and over again that
a true democracy is the foundation to great civilations. it is only when
the system becomes corrupted with the greedy and careless do we fail.

heres a thought, how about calling them out on their BS, all of them the
media included which i consider accomplishes after the fact with their
own agenda's. I mean it, "hey canidate soandso, quit double talking and
back pedaling and answer the damned question, honestly if you dont mind,
you f4ck"

daniel48706's photo
Tue 05/01/07 04:55 PM
I owuld od it in a heartbeat doc, but I cant afford the 70 dollar per
plate dinners they have so the public can talk to them.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 05:05 PM
im waiting for someone like me to throw there hat in the ring, have to
start with a petition in some state and local governments, then pay a
filing fee, other than that, once on a ballet, cameras rolling, then
spout off about there BS. id do it to in a heart beat, guarantee the
next time there would be a whole lot more media there, then you'd be a
media darling, they'd be waiting saying'wonder what that guys going to
say this time' boy id be all over it, i can translate double talk, and
then paraphrase them to throw it right back at their smug little faces,
it seems that the louder and more obnacious you are then the more people
seem to listen, hell just look at the two REV's sharpten and jackson. i
could do that, and not back down when they tried tere little power play
crap. just takes someone with a set of nuts, or tits which ever suits


Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:54 PM
daniel, in some ways your idea put me in mind of Plato's Democracy.
Have you ever read it? It divides a country into classes, the ruleing
class are supported, schooled, and trained their whole lives all at the
expense of the working class. They receive no payment for thier
service, because they want for nothing. They have one function, one
purpose, to serve the country with open minded, logical and equal
treatment for all.
Plato's theory was that humans 'tend' to fall into certain classes in
society, based on their aggression, their intelligence and so on. By
separating those with the traits most like the class, he suspected that
those born to that class would be of like breed. therefore, those who
would be the ruling class would be the most brilliant, most intelligent
and would continue to breed those traits into thier children.

ANYONE WHO'S READ PLATO - I know how simplified that sounds, but it's
just a snippet, ok!

So anyway daniel, if we attempt to groom our poloticians then what's the
next step, a life long post? We already have far too many politicians
who have almost no other business experience. To them politics is a
business, and THIS in my opinion is so wrong. This Democracy is not
the democracy of Plato, it was set up to be run by the people, not the
priviledged. Our biggest issues with politicians today, is money,
business, greed. Where are the poeple who want to serve?

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:59 PM
damnation - PLATO'S REPUBLIC - got too many posts on my mind.

Oh and doc - you find yourself a good woman to keep you in line and I'd
vote for you. Better yet, I'll vote for you, but only if you call me
when you get p'st off at someone or some country first. You can still
find a good woman, I'll send you home to her after I talk some sense
into you. LOL

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:05 PM
Manchurian Canidate...i see it nownoway

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:05 PM

thanks for the vote, i'll find me a peaceful woman, think she'll have
the fire of the sun, the joy of a child, the compassion of an saint, the
drive of a lady on the redlight, and oh yeah a well developed common
sense. and for some reason im feelig like she'll like to play in the


daniel48706's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:08 PM
lmao @ red .......

and hun I am not saying to divide into classes like plato did (I am
gonna have to read it as it sounds interesting).

I am however saying that we combine it (at least from how you described
it). We take an adult that we already know and trust that is wiling to
go into office. and he si not a polotician etc. We help him get
training in political science, and then start moving him up through the
system. that's it to the changes.

He would stil have to run for president
be elected by the people
and he could still only stay in office two terms.

I also say cut the currentpoliticians pocket books. Turn themn into
regular manager style works (only difference is they manage the country
instead of walmart). give them a REASONABLE salary that they can not

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:48 PM
The problem with anacharcy is simple... The meanest, strongest, most
well armed, willing to commit murder types rise to the top.

Mogadishu is a good example of anacharcy gone wild.

If we give our politicians term limits we must also cut them off from
political retirement packages. Else they will live off of us for ever.