uk1971's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:26 AM
Unless there is amymore updates about Madeleine, I will post these
reports once a week.

'We Have To Believe Madeleine Is Safe'
Updated: 15:46, Monday May 14, 2007

Madeleine McCann's parents have said they have to cling to the hope that
their daughter is still alive.

Gerry and Kate McCannIn a brief news conference this morning Gerry
McCann told Sky News presenter Jeremy Thompson: "We've had excellent
support to help us look forward and to channel everything into looking

"Until we have concrete evidence to the contrary, we believe Madeleine
is safe and being looked after."

He added that the couple had taken "tremendous support" from the "warmth
and spiritual outpouring" from all around the world.

Kate McCann said she "couldn't even consider" returning to the UK at the

Mr McCann confirmed that they have their own lawyers with them to
relieve them of the burden of working out how best to use the offers of
financial support to help in the search.

Madeleine: Four on Saturday"This has allowed us to concentrate on our
own physical and mental wellbeing and that of our family," he said.

Portuguese police looking for Madeleine have admitted they have no
suspects - and not a single lead in the case, despite rewards totalling
more than £2.5m.

Madeleine was taken from the room where she was sleeping while her
parents were having dinner about 50 yards away.

Around 10 British people, including the McCanns and their friends, have
been re-interviewed by police to clarify their statements in recent

This week the group are set to appear in court behind closed doors to
record their evidence for any future trial before they go back to the

The procedure, known as "memory for the future", is similar to a mock
trial in which the friends would give evidence as witnesses now against
a future defendant.

:heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

sassystacey69xx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:11 AM
hope she is returned unharmed and safe!!!!!i believe the kidnappers
derservre the death penalty!!i dont understand why they cant just drop
in a crowd of people if they dont wanna get caught,every one knows that
little girls face,she will be returned tto her parents....loads of
prayers to her and her familyflowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

lookingforagentlemen's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:44 PM

Im saying many prayers for safe returns.

uk1971's photo
Wed 05/16/07 09:04 AM
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Site Web Search: Advanced Search Browse Archive Fund Launched
By Madeleine's Family
Updated: 16:52, Wednesday May 16, 2007

Relatives of missing Madeleine McCann have launched a fund in her name
to help the stricken family - and others who fall victim to similar
situations. Backers included former England rugby captain Martin

Uncle John (left), great uncle Brian Kennedy and Martin JohnsonThe
Leaving No Stone Unturned appeal, based on a website, was kicked off at
the Walker football stadium in Leicester.

As well as Johnson, the launch included Esther McVey, a family friend;
Madeleine's uncle John McCann and great uncle Brian Kennedy; Dr Doug
Skehan; lawyer Rosamund McCarthy and Ann Thomas, from the International
Family Law Group.

John McCann said: "A lot of people have offered support in different
ways and this will be a vehicle to help our family to get our darling
niece back."

Madeleine's aunt, Philomena McCann, told Sky News donations made to the
fund would help pay for the parents Gerry and Kate to stay in Portugal
while the search continues.

Relatives at WestminsterThey would also help cover legal expenses, and
anything left over would go towards helping trace other missing children
both in Portugal and the UK.

"We're just an ordinary family that needs help," Philomena McCann added.

Sky News' Lisa Dowd, in Leicester for the launch, said the use of yellow
and green balloons represented the colours of hope in Britain and

Earlier, Gordon Brown, who is widely expected soon to become Prime
Minister, offered "any help" he could to Madeleine's relatives when they
went to Westminster to ask for assistance from MPs.

During a 20-minute meeting at the Treasury, Mr Brown also told relatives
that they should contact him if assistance was needed while the missing
youngster's parents are abroad.

Chancellor Gordon Brown"I'm really impressed, actually," said Philomena
McCann. "He comes across as very sincere, and I'm not saying that about
everyone I meet."

Ms McCann said she had been galvanised by support at Parliament and
heartened by Mr Brown's response.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott told MPs during Prime Minister's
Question Time that the abduction was "every parent's nightmare" and that
the Government was providing all the support and assistance it could.

However, he added that although staff were doing everything within their
power to help, the investigation was the responsibility of the
Portuguese police.

Police have named a suspect, British ex-pat Robert Murat, who lives a
short distance away from the apartment block in the resort of Praia da
Luz from which Madeleine was abducted two weeks ago.

They have also quizzed the woman said to be his girlfriend, Michaela
Walczuch, and her estranged husband, Luis Antonio - although they were
both interviewed as witnesses, not suspects.

Mr Murat has told Sky News he is being made a scapegoat for the kidnap.

Next Related Article UK News Email a Friend Top Related Video

Family: We Need Help
A relative of the McCann family has launched a fighting fund to allow
Madeleine's parents to remain in Portugal until the missing girl is
found. Phil McCann, has taken the campaign to Westminster where she was
touched by the level of support.

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Uncle Helps Appeal Launch - dur: 01.02
Suspect Speaks To Sky
Trio Quizzed By Madeleine Cops

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uk1971's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:54 PM
Bump:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 08:54 AM
BUMP BUMP BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 09:00 AM
BUmp bump bump bump my prayers are with u!!!!

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/24/07 09:02 AM
:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

uk1971's photo
Thu 05/24/07 03:06 PM
Madeleine: Expert Calls For Case Review
Updated: 11:57, Thursday May 24, 2007

It is now three weeks since four-year-old Madeleine McCann was snatched
from her bed at a Portugal resort.
Sky News Online has spoken to a crime expert about the ongoing

Mark Williams-ThomasFormer police detective Mark Williams-Thomas visited
Praia da Luz in the days after Madeleine was abducted.

He is critical of the way Portuguese police began their investigation
but remains confident of a successful outcome.

The child protection expert said local detectives should now be
considering an external review of their case. This is his view:

Having been out there and observed the crime scene, it's so different to
the sort of crime scene you would see in Britain.

One has to be careful of making comparisons but the British methods are
tried and tested.

My initial observation was that the crime scene was poorly preserved -
there was no one securing the patio doors, which I would refer to as the
point of entry.

Everyone talks about the back doors but having attended the scene I
thought there was no way someone would force open some shutters and
climb in the window where you could easily be noticed, when you could
simply walk through the patio door.

The inner cordon was very close to the apartment, within 30 yards. I
would have put the inner cordon 100 yards away.

There are limitations to that because there's a shop nearby and there
are apartments so some of the cordon might be less than that. But it
should have been at least 50 yards.

Madeleine: still missingThat's because whoever has taken Madeleine has
been into the apartment and has gained access via the roads leading to
the apartment and directly outside it.

There could be a whole load of possible pieces of evidence that could be
obtained from that area, such as DNA from various objects or tyre

Having been there for a few days it became clear that there was no
process of stopping and questioning people who are living in the area or
visiting it.

The significance of this is that there are people who may hold vital
clues that have seen someone acting suspiciously or may have seen
something suspicious.

There's a supermarket that is the only one in the village and it's a
place that the offender or offenders could have gone into and bought
some drinks or food.

They should have been stopping and speaking to everyone who went into
that supermarket. I went in there every day and I never saw a police
officer asking any questions.

Unfortunately for the police, although the supermarket has CCTV, it was
broken two weeks prior to the offence. Otherwise that might have held
vital evidence.

CCTV has played such a prominent part in police investigations in the
UK. The streets around Praia Da Luz don't have CCTV cameras

Parents at shrineI didn't see any house-to-house inquiries being done
which is vital because, again, they are the people living and staying in
these apartments. They become the eyes and ears of police in a major
investigation and can hold a vital piece of the jigsaw.

There was also no appeal. When you make comparisons to the British
police, the media strategy is an integral part of any major

The laws in Portugal are very different to Britain's - the police
conduct their investigations in secrecy and provide very little
information as to the inquiries they are making.

However, the law doesn't prevent them from making appeals - they don't
need to give anything back by revealing what they are doing. They can
effectively be a sponge.

So where are we now 20 days on?

It's unclear where the police are. We know they have named one suspect
but it may well be they have other leads and lines of inquiry.

But at this stage it will be important for them to take stock and even
ask for an external review. They need to take experts from outside the
investigation, possibly from Britain or America, to undertake the

This isn't about apportioning blame or criticism in relation to the
investigation. It's about looking at possible lines of inquiry with a
fresh pair of eyes.

In a British investigation this would normally take place at 28 days,
with an external force or another body reviewing the investigation.

I remain confident and optimistic about this investigation. There is
enough expertise out there and if it's tapped into that may possibly
provide some significant assistance.

:heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 04:05 PM
My prayers go out to this little girl & her family I hope they find her
alive & well As for her kidnapper I hope they throw the book at him &
throw away the kers for good .Luvey1950

uk1971's photo
Thu 05/24/07 04:49 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: BUMP :heart: :heart: :heart:

april332's photo
Fri 05/25/07 05:00 AM

uk1971's photo
Fri 05/25/07 02:59 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: Bumpety Bump:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Tue 05/29/07 10:02 AM
I Hope they find her & she is OK. Will keep you in my prayers.

Clifton1975's photo
Tue 05/29/07 11:51 AM
I hope that she is found Safe and Sound. Please look after her God.

uk1971's photo
Mon 06/04/07 08:14 AM
Madeline Update:

Madeleine's Parents Cling To Hope
Updated: 15:40, Friday June 01, 2007

The parents of Madeleine McCann believe their missing daughter is being
kept safe by someone wanting a child of their own.

Gerry and Kate McCannGerry and Kate McCann also say it is possible the
four-year-old may have been taken to Spain after being abducted.

And they hope Madeleine will be given back voluntarily, safe and well.

The couple are in Madrid during a European campaign to spread news about
the missing four-year-old.

They have given a series of television interviews - including a spot on
a show dedicated to missing children - and met officials who can help in
their search.

Spain has been preoccupied by its own case of child abduction -
seven-year-old Yeremi Vargas who disappeared in the Canary Islands two
months ago.

In echoes of Madeleine's case, thousands of people took part in the
search and posters were put up nationwide.

Poster for Madeleine McCannMr McCann - who offered his thoughts and
prayers to the boy's family - said: "I would like some reassurance in
Spain that there has been some proactive investigation regarding
Madeleine's disappearance.

"I think it is at least worth exploring the possibility that Madeleine's
disappearance should not be considered in isolation and in the context
of other disappearances in the Iberian peninsula, even the Canary Isles
as well."

The McCanns are expected to travel to Germany and the Netherlands after
their Spanish campaign launch.

Reports also suggest the couple will travel to Morocco - where a number
of alleged sightings of their daughter have been made.

Meanwhile, Madeleine's aunt and uncle set off 400 yellow balloons into
the sky in a bid to help find their niece.

Pictures of the abducted toddler were attached to the balloons before
they were launched from Bankhead Primary School in Glasgow where her
aunt Diane is a teacher.
:heart: :heart: :heart:

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/07/07 12:31 PM
Gentle Jesus up above
look down on Madeleine
with your love

TwilightsTwin's photo
Thu 06/14/07 01:15 PM
May God look over our children:heart:

LAMom's photo
Thu 06/14/07 01:16 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
May God return each one them home safe into the loving arms of thier
loved ones,,, Guide them oh Lord,,,

no photo
Fri 06/15/07 07:43 PM