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Topic: dead sea scrolls
kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:11 PM
were unearthed around the time of the second world war. they are in the
archives in their original format.some have been translated.i have read
some of these translations.some christians use the dead sea scrolls to
validate the bible.from watt i have read it totally debunks the bible
the bible is a book of lies in my opinion.the dead sea scrolls make
logical sense to me a bit airy fairy in agnostic and that will
never change untill the real god says good day at the rate were goin he
wont get a chance we are idiots.

rozey2680's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:46 PM
noway :angry: noway

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:53 PM
my goodness cat got ya toungue rozey2680 you certianly know how to throw
light dontcha.

MrUnique2000's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:56 PM
the real God????, you wouldn't know of any God if not for the Bible, all
other so called holy books such as , the holy koran, the tropitikata,
the vedas upishads, the zend avest, the sacrement of pennece, all these
books mention the Lord Jesus Christ, but the Bible doesn't mention none
of these so called prohets in none of these books, cuz it doesn't have
to, the Lord of the Bible is the only true God, and also, on the
contrary, the dead sea scroll validates the Bible, do you know of the
Books of Psalms that were found and the Ezekiel scrolls, not to mention
the Isaiah scrolls, you need to study and research more, your soul at
stake dude:cry:

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:04 PM
Most of what was found at the dead sea has not been released how than
can you say it validates the bible.

The only things they have released have been those things that did
validate the bible.

Have you seen any of the manuscripts? The actual manuscripts?

Do you even know how many scrolls scraps and fragments they have

How do you know the Koran is not a Holy Book. It came after the bible
therefore how could the bible have referenced it. None of the Books you
listed mentioned the bible. Yet Krishna prophesied both the comming of
Christ and the comming of Mohmammad each in their time. Krishna also
prophesied one more to come after Mohmammad. By their proofs do you
know them. You must read them to know their proofs.

did you know that the Nicean Council which decided which texts letters
and chapters were to be included within the bible was called and
presided over by a non christian.

A man that did not convert to Christianity nor become babtised untill
many years after the council had met and that only upon his deathbed.

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:04 PM
mr. i'd suggest you read books before you say stuff like that

first of all the torah .. if you'd like to call it doesn't mention
jesus christ or jesus of nazareth, the qur'an doesn't mention jesus,
buddhism certainly doesn't mention him, hinduism doesn't mention him,
paganism doesnt mention him

the only religion that believes in jesus christ being the son of God is
christianity.. the only other 2 religions besides christianity that
recognizes him are Islam and Judaism and they see him as a prophet
only.. and just for your information Islam Judaism and Christianity
believe in the same God!

not to mention out of the major religions christianity is one of the
youngest world religions

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:05 PM
the torah may mention the coming messiah but doesn't reference jesus

AutonomousW's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:13 PM
do you guys realize your debating of the bible with an atheist or some
one from another religion is completely pointless?

he doesnt have faith in your religion

you do.

thats enough.

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:20 PM
bar-abbas son of the father was never crucified he was set free
christians beleive a lie.

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:20 PM
The Messiah was called "branch" many times in the Torah. Jesus was
called "Jesus of Nazareth", Nazareth in Aramaic sounds like the Hebrew
word for "branch".

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:23 PM
Auto...drinker drinker drinker you made a lot of sense with that
onedrinker drinker

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:24 PM
this is religion chat not just a space for bible bashing christian
biggotts you self rightous gitts.

AutonomousW's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:25 PM
thank you very much my friend

MrUnique2000's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:26 PM
the dead sea scrolls validates mostly the old testament, which was never
decided its complete conanical form by no gentile, those sacred writtens
were held by the Jews and the Jews alone, including the Targums and the
Mishnas, the new test letters of Paul were added to an already existing
canon, also at the (council of trent) other books were added wich were
called the apocrypha books, Zoroastar (origin of koran) and buddah
(origin of hindu and hare krishna) were both after the completiong of
the old testament books, they both appeared around the time of the Jews
return form Babylon (modern day Iraq)so as you can see, the old
testament scriptures clearly spoke of the coming messiah all throughout,
this iformation was easy for hare krishna to get ahold oflaugh and
yes, i have research and studied the doctrine of all the books i
meantion thank youhappy

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:26 PM
lol auto that's the point im pretty sure.. i'm non religious i don't
believe in God.. the point of the thread is to debate and to see others
point of views...

and it can sound like branch all it wants... itisn't...

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:26 PM
lol auto that's the point im pretty sure.. i'm non religious i don't
believe in God.. the point of the thread is to debate and to see others
point of views...

and it can sound like branch all it wants... itisn't...

AutonomousW's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:28 PM
yea but if you have faith its enough you will never convice a true
christian that the bible is false and in that they have true faith the
same goes for a follower of any other religion

I am not religious but I do hold respect for those who truley are.

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:28 PM
jesus your talking about is a hoax spider there was no such place as
nazareth in the days when your jesus was wandering beleive

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:33 PM
Auto, many here acknowledge that you are correct, at least as far as,
it's your belief and it's personal. That does not detract from the fact
that all of these religious writings are among the most anchient
historical documents in the world. Not only that, but the values and
morals they have created, affect the world and everyone in it, believer
or not.

The nature of these discussions is often the attempt of people to
understand how the doctrines of the various believers are determined.
For these doctrines have been assimilated into various societies as part
of their moral make-up. It is worthy discussion to determine, how they
were determined, how we can all accept and respect these beliefs and
sometimes, it may even bring about some enlightenment that was not
present before the discussion. There can never be harm in learning new
things, even if it's just someone's point of view.

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:34 PM
aut no ones trying to change anyones opinions, and its not only
christians who are faithful all people who have a religion are faithful
to that religion! the point is to share your beliefs and opinions

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