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Topic: Weapons
no photo
Mon 05/21/07 02:56 AM
i am not sure so don't quote me...

but weren't the Tahitians also ???

i knew all of this once!!! oh oh oh .... my brain is glitching!!


Red! no worries!
and wow! you did it too?? no war toys?!....so what happened then...

we would play with transformers.... i liked them because they satisfied
his desire nature for some kind of hero to project thru...boys like to
be heros doncha know...lol

so they didn't look human and their guns were to mend rather than
destroy and we took on the fight of climate change and ozone depletion
and i invented scenarios that were unconventional but still provided
the thrust for life and destruction as a part of creation

rather than good guys vs bad guys bang bang shoot em up ride em coyboy
yipee ay oh ky yay!!!

my son's name translates into Destroyer , and more specifically
destroyer of ignorance, of darkness...

he has been raised to take advantage of many perspectives, Tai Chi has
always been a dicipline that provided us with much more peaceful
approaches to life...we use them.

we sparred with push hands and learned where our own weaknesses are and
how to balance...that where there is no challenge there is no conflict.
and the challenge happens in us, thru us, our ignorance creates it.

it is NOT an ideal world....i know that i am a dreamer, i also am
compelled by the sheer beauty of life , to celebrate it every moment,
with as much conscious choice as i am capable of

my lifestyle is the embodiment of my dreams

i don't own a car, a choice
i am a servant of humanity, privately and professionally
i support local farmers and rarely shop in supermarkets
i have never been in a walmart
nor eaten mac donalds, or other contributors of Rain Forest depletion
we BOYCOTT and actively participate in the politics of our community
i oppose globalization
and i am an active Human Rights advocate

if i can do it, it can be done...it's not black and white , if everyone
that could ,actually would, make a diciplined choice to contribute some
way...Amsterdam is a very cosmopolitan city and rich but i see business
men in italian suits riding to work every morning and mothers with 3
children on a bike , yes 3 , that makes 4 on one bike
hundreds of these families everymorning riding all over the city every
morning...my average last year was 75km min a day, a normal day, it was
much faster than traffic and i was much more efficient.....guns are not
allowed here...i have been broken into 2wice and just confronted the guy
and he ran out...we have shootings as any major city does , but it's the
lifestyle we create as people and neighbors that will fundamentally
keep us safe or not...

i am fascinated by the idea of POOF no more guns, it makes me laugh,

people scrambling all over the world in all kinds of crazy situations
and poof.... all sides...defenseless....???

kariZman's photo
Mon 05/21/07 04:39 AM
when we all have beaten our swords into plough shares the beat will go
on cause the rythm of life is a powerfull beat.my father was an
Australian policeman. police in Australia carry guns.my dad did not have
to kill anyone happy he was 6ft tall, weight 20stone, built like a
brick shhiitthouse,pacifist,so if a crook ever had a go at him he would
just pacify em with his fistslaugh im fairdinkum he had a strong man
act when he was young i dont see eye to eye with him on to many issues
dosent matter we love each other he never belted me for any thing i did
not deserve i was impudent as a child still amlaugh human behaviour
is always an easy cry for learned bad behaviour i think im still in the
dark ages when i see the way humans behave.we are the worst preadator on
the face of the earth.ohwell ill just box on reguardless doin the
least amount of damage as i can.

oldsage's photo
Mon 05/21/07 04:54 AM
Lots of great thougts & wishes here.
I agree with it all in principle.
But even in my CAMELOT, we have thefts by outsiders.
Others firing their guns in our Camelot.
Others from the outside endangering our children.
I want peace, but sometimes peace has to be enforced.
"Walk softly, but carry a big stick."
"Always try to let the other person save face."

2 sayings I live by.

Jess642's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:03 AM
I wonder with that Poof!!!, guns gone, and all knowledge of guns, no
memory of the weapon, or what it's capabilities are...just what it would
look like.

I too, giggle a little at the scenario, and wonder if, with that threat
of kill, or be killed with this weapon thing, now gone...just how much
scrambling around there would be...hahaha..interesting visuals.

How big a difference it would make.

I think back to how an Indigenous person here, would have seen them,
these things, like a short spear, drop someone, wound and kill them,
with no concept of how it happened, no hand to hand, no visual reference
point, no understanding...

How much fear would have there been?

How much fear is attached to BOTH ends of this thing, called a gun

I do wonder, if fear would be reduced, and if with fear of death, at the
hands of someone else, a detached, and defenceless death, is gone, how
the layers of fear would be removed, piece by piece.

Is it not human nature to be seen, to be acknowledged?

Does that not open up social existance?

To be seen?

To no longer hide, to separate, if fear is reduced?

Oceans5555's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:37 AM
Good morning, everyone. GREAT thread, Alex, Lee, Belushi, Red, da Vinci,
Oldsage, Nus, AB, Abra and everyone else. I've just returned from
travels and look forward to joining in, after some tea and bagels.



Jess642's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:07 AM

What other defenses would there be, if poof!!! guns were gone?

Without the threat of drive-by's, home invasions, robberies?

Well I live it, so I guess, I have a unique perspective also, and
although a tiny microcosm, a 'petrie dish', cross section of humans,
raised without weapons in the household, in this town.

What defenses do I have in place against threats, real, or perceived?

As I look to every door in the house, they are wide open, every window
too, no bars, no fences in my yard...and my savage, snoring, extremely
chubby, passive dog?

How would I protect my family?

I guess I am an alpha type, and I feel no fear, and instinctually
position myself at a higher point, open and relaxed, but solid. My body
does not show fear, because I don't feel it.

But I am assertive, and have immense power in my voice when someone
threatens me...and I step into, not away from agression.

Weapons? I would not think of them...my hands, and my voice are
enough...I am not a big woman, tall, but not heavy, and yet I have had
men twice my size and inebriated, step away from me.

Defenses within my community? A smile and a natural, genuine curiosity
and empathy for other people. Supportive and helpful, a doer, not a

We as a family are woven into the community, and it has created a
defense for my family. Many eyes watch my children, all the children of
this village, neighbours notice things amiss, in others' yards and
homes, and do something about it, offer assistance, enquire, or fix, if

A community that 'steps' into, not away from assisting, supporting,
'defending' each other.

kariZman's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:42 AM
sounds like you know some magic jess when you speak of fear. Your
thoughts and feelings are not real,they are an expression of your
underlying assumptions in any moment,not a reflection of actual reality
.Your focus creates your reality ,your experience in life is determined
by watt you put your attention on.If you focus on end results you
inevitably attract watt you want.If you focus to much on watt you have
to do to get watt you want you will end up attracting your doubts,fears
and beliefs. NO weapons needed to get watt i want love peace n good

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:49 AM
Good point kariflowerforyou

They say fear stinks, so when you walk the street afraid you are more
likely to be attacked than somebody who doesn't feel fear.

Jess642's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:50 AM
Oh my, Fred, your ponies have manes! They are finished!

They are such beautiful rocking horses, you make!

I bet every little boy, and girl, who end up owning one, just love them!

And you are right, I manifest my reality.flowerforyou

adj4u's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:59 AM
it is not the weapon that is the problem

it is the mind set of greed and power that is the problem

kariZman's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:23 AM
the greedy meglomainiacs in this world are in controll. if we all wake
up and stop buying their crap they will have have no power.when people
are content and have dignity and purpose in their lives they are usually
peacefull.weapons and war have no place in creating this.does anyone
know how much is spent anually globaly on the war machine and watt is
spent on welfare by comparrison??

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 08:32 AM
<<<<<<<<<<could this work???

nusalor's photo
Tue 05/22/07 01:16 PM
This is beginning to sound like "Imagine"

But then again, there is the allegory William Golding put forth in "Lord
of the Flies"

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:38 PM
Could running as a pack, with a common goal, work?

Hunting dogs, with a common purpose? It did, and does work, doesn't it?

Is there much bickering, and attacking of each other, amongst hunting
dogs, in a pack?

I have not observed them first hand, so I am not sure.

The only native dogs I know of, are dingoes, and they are not so much
'pack' animals. I am fortunate enough to observe them, as I have done
for over 20 years. I find they are loosely territorial, as far as
hunting goes, but seem to have this 'nodding' agreement, with other
dingoes, that find themselves in the same areas.

I am not sure what the agreement is, and if it is impacted by times,
when food sources are more limited. I observe, I sit, and try constantly
to not 'humanise' their behaviours, but the opposite, to see mine, in a

As humans have encroached on their hunting grounds, they have adapted,
and utilised our waste, food scraps, rubbish, roadkill, of other native
animals, as a secondary means of food.

Could pack instinct, work?

Work together?

I believe it can, or is possible.

Zapchaser's photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:58 PM
No drive by shootings? Haven't you people seen Mrs. Doubtfire? There
would surely be "drive by fruitings".laugh flowerforyou I have
weapons. I no longer hunt because I don't find it sporting. I do,
however, enjoy going to the range for target practice. You can't
regulate the moron factor. There will always be people who kill out of
anger. Cure the anger. Should we ban fists because some lunatic beats
their child and leaves him/her with broken bones, near death, or worse?
Should we ban alcohol because peopl get behind the wheel of a car and
take out a family? Or should we ban the car? Oops, wrong crowd to bring
that up in. lol laugh laugh drinker

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:03 PM
<----yes it could

Jess642's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:25 PM
I had to double check I was not seeing things....the fox is running with
the dogs...in the middle of the pack!!!

Could that work?


I believe so.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:35 PM
I believe, weapons are an invention of the weak.
Why do I believe this?
because weak and bullied by the strong, they became tired of it, and
searched for some way to fight back, or as is said, they looked for an
Leap frog, snowball rolling down a hill, it has progressed to the
situation, and complexity of weapons until we have reached the present.
It probably started out as a rock, or a big F'ing stick. Either way,
this is what I believe....

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:43 PM
The best weapon of the week is numbers. The more there are of us the
less the bully can work his wrath upon us.

Yes some of us will fall in his flailing about but once hemed in he can
no longer strike effectively and becomes but a confused beast trapped
within a circle of love.

Zapchaser's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:58 PM

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