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Topic: Recovering from religious extremism - Religiosity
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Tue 12/22/09 12:29 AM

The point was 'disowning'.

No one asks that you be responsible for someone elses' actions. But criminal or not, I don't believe it would cross your mind to excommunicate (disown) someone from being black, because of a crime he/she would have committed.

Because being black is not about something someone chooses and not based in works.

I can see how this is convoluted... this is how I see it:

Person A: Christian beliefs set the stage for violent people to act on their violent tendencies!

Person B: No! If someone is violent, they are not a Christian! They have nothing to do with us! By their very actions, they show they are not Christian!

Person A: Take some responsibility for the possible consequences of the beliefs which you help to promote - you can't pretend they are no influenced by Christian beliefs just because your definition conveniently excludes anyone with violent actions.

Person B: But you can't blame all Christians for the actions of some, any more than you can blame all blacks for the actions of some!

Person A: That has nothing to do with beliefs

But christianity is a set of beliefs. If I were to say I am muslim but I were to go to a synagogue and pray to Mary..what would that make me? Would I truly be muslim because I claimed to be so, or doesnt the beliefs that my ACTIONS dictate I have play a part in it.

Ms. Harmony, is that in direct response to the quoted text? I think I missed your point. You are saying a muslim who prays to mary might not a true muslim, so a christian who murders an abortion doctor might not a true christian? Is that what you are saying?

If so, I think that brings us back to what Eljay was saying, and we progress again through what Voileazur and I were saying.

I understand most Christians would experience a great deal of cognitive dissonance here... but I do hope most of you carefully dissect Thomas' words, if only privately,, and consider the implications of them.

People can claim to be christian but if they are believing in something contrary to what Christ taught, they are not living as a christian. I do not know anyones personal relationship with christ to defend or refute their christianity, but I can observe their behavior and listen to their words and determine if they are CHRIST LIKE, which is a central part of living as a christian.

Awww, man....you won't even comment on Thomas? He seems like a very sincere Christian to me.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 12:32 AM
Edited by massagetrade on Tue 12/22/09 12:34 AM

No, labeling others evil is much like labeling them inhuman, and is a common tactic used to make violence seem justified.

Such labeling is not Christ like. Christ did not label any as less or better or evil, this type of labeling(of people) come from mans ego and need to feel superior.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I know there are many Christians who agree, and who truly take these words to heart, truly understand and live by them.

I think there are others who would say these words, but there real feelings sometimes reflect a confusion between 'hating the sin' and 'hating the sinner'.

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/22/09 12:37 AM

No, labeling others evil is much like labeling them inhuman, and is a common tactic used to make violence seem justified.

Such labeling is not Christ like. Christ did not label any as less or better or evil, this type of labeling(of people) come from mans ego and need to feel superior.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I know there are many Christians who agree, and who truly take these words to heart, truly understand and live by them.

I think there are others who would say these words, but there real feelings sometimes reflect a confusion between 'hating the sin' and 'hating the sinner'.

I agree.. this is a sad condition with many professing christianity. That we are all equal BECAUSE we are all sinners, is the message of christianity ,,and yes we are to deter and be deterred from sinning but we are not to hate people because they sin.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 09:40 AM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 09:47 AM

With your 'Don Quichotte' like over the top statements, you are fast becoming my favorite token fundamentalist christian 'thomas'!

But hold the fancy fencing for a moment and please take the time to answer the question I asked earlier.

Here it is again:

The hatred must stop 'thomas'. You wrote earlier :

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destory our religion. ...'

Given this personal perception you have of gays and Muslims, how far are you prepared to go to defend YOUR RELIGION against the 'corruptors' and the 'destroyers' 'thomas'?

I can see where you are going and I am not going to play your game.Maybe I will find your God virus book in the bargin bin of some liberal book store somewhere where I can purchase it and throw in in the fireplace to keep me warm.

Since 'thomas' won't answer the straight 'on topic' question I asked him, I ask everyone else visiting this thread:

When 'thomas' speaks of the 'WE', as in

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...',

If you are reading this post, ARE YOU part of the '... 'WE' don't like the gays and the Muslims...'???

And if you are part of the 'WE', ... to what extent are you prepared to go to defend this delusional and totally 'FABRICATED' insurrection against YOUR RELIGION???

This is what this thread is about. Reflecting upon where we stand; our position, with respect to a very real phenomenon of christian fundamentalism and religious extremism taking place in OUR OWN SOCIAL AND POLITICAL BACKYARDS.

Are 'WE' blindly for some, and consciously for others allowing our very own 'christian Ayatollahs', to slowly and deceivingly introduce fear of others, intolerance, hatred, and a crusade like war against the 'fabricated' enemy???
- Kicking out of our schools the science that doesn't agree with our dogma!
- Targeting and discriminating against specific groups of our society as 'CORRUPTORS' and 'DESTROYERS' of a christian fundamentalist religious way of life?

Recommended reading: '... The Family, The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, by Jeff Sharlet.

The book exposed the christian right fundamentalist 'Family', and reveals its far-reaching impact on democracy. No future reckoning of American fundamentalism will be able to ignore it.

" Sharlet knows what he's talking about. He writes:
'Our refusal to recognize the theocratic strand running throughout American history is as self-deceiving as fundamentalism's insistence that the United States was created a Christian nation.' Those who want to be un-deceived (and wildly entertained) must read this disturbing tour de force."

--Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy For God: How I Grew Up As One Of The Elect, Helped Found The Religious Right, And Lived To Take All (Or Almost All) Of It Back.

Again the question:

When 'thomas' speaks of the 'WE', as in

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...',

If you are reading this post, ARE YOU part of the '... 'WE' don't like the gays and the Muslims...'???

And if you are part of the 'WE', to what extent are you prepsred to go to defend this delusional and totally 'FABRICATED' insurrection against YOUR RELIGION???

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/22/09 10:50 AM
Thomas is one person, I dont know the WE he speaks of and , no , I am not part of it.

What one can do besides disagree with hatred(whether it be from a religious or non religious person)? What is this STAND that those of faith are expected to take about individuals who suffer from hatred?
Do the non religious take this STAND with non religious individuals who hate?

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 12:35 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 12:45 PM

Thomas is one person, I dont know the WE he speaks of and , no , I am not part of it.

What one can do besides disagree with hatred(whether it be from a religious or non religious person)? What is this STAND that those of faith are expected to take about individuals who suffer from hatred?
Do the non religious take this STAND with non religious individuals who hate?

The simple answer to your question 'what can we do?' :

DENOUNCE HATRED, in all its hypocritical or outright first degree manifestations.

With respect to your closing statement/question,

'...Do the non-religious take this STAND...?'

Who cares about religious or non-religious nuances!!! Denounce ALL HATERS AND DISCRIMINATORS!!! Did Jesus ask himself these kinds of questions when faced with acts of filled with prejudice and hatred???

Respectfully and without turning it into a personal attack against 'thomas', I denounce the hatred that is expressed in his comments.

As 'thomas' might say himself, 'I don't judge him, for all I know, he's probably a good man with a good heart, but I sure as heck do not agree with, and strongly denounce the hatred laced and profoundly divisive nature of his words, leading to some hate consistent actions which he shared with us, where the focus becomes 'voting agaisnt' vs 'voting for'!!!

Intolerance and hatred invites more intolerance and hatred. I don't recall Jesus ever promoting or teaching these barbaric instincts. But I am confident, if I made the effort of looking it up in th bible, I would find several examples of Jesus DENOUNCING intolerance and hatred. VERY CONFIDENT!

The USA is a secular nation, assuring the right of practice of any faith or religion of choice, and the equal right of not practicing any faith or religion at all.

In such a secular, free and potentially tolerant nation, christian fundamentalism, and religious extremism represent a deadly virus. What Darrell Ray refers to in his book as 'THE GOD VIRUS'. What happens when fundamentalists distort the spiritual essence of god.

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/22/09 12:52 PM
A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people. I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people. Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 01:40 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught all to elevate ABOVE AND BEYOND

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period. What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 01:54 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught us all to love, to elevate ourselves ABOVE AND BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE INSTINCT OF FEAR AND HATRED in their form.

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period.

What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

Great!!! Here is your chance!

'Thomas', a good christian no doubt, made such a statement.

I have invited, and invite you again to address the situation, as you say, by DENOUNCING his statement.

There comes a point where owning up is of essence if one values maintaining integrity.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:13 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught us all to love, to elevate ourselves ABOVE AND BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE INSTINCT OF FEAR AND HATRED in their form.

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period.

What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

Great!!! Here is your chance!

'Thomas', a good christian no doubt, made such a statement.

I have invited, and invite you again to address the situation, as you say, by DENOUNCING his statement.

There comes a point where owning up is of essence if one values maintaining integrity.

I will denounce your statement. To try to get others to denounce someone is against the forum rules.

There is no need for anyone to denounce Thomas, he is not us and we are not him. Once the extremists realise everyone is an individual, the world won't be so segregated.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:25 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught us all to love, to elevate ourselves ABOVE AND BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE INSTINCT OF FEAR AND HATRED in their form.

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period.

What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

Great!!! Here is your chance!

'Thomas', a good christian no doubt, made such a statement.

I have invited, and invite you again to address the situation, as you say, by DENOUNCING his statement.

There comes a point where owning up is of essence if one values maintaining integrity.

I will denounce your statement. To try to get others to denounce someone is against the forum rules.

There is no need for anyone to denounce Thomas, he is not us and we are not him. Once the extremists realise everyone is an individual, the world won't be so segregated.

Nicely said!drinker flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:48 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 02:52 PM

A seperation should be made between hating behavior and hating people.

I hate that my brother was an adulterer, I do not , however , HATE my brother. I believe there has to be a hatred toward sins, as a christian. I also believe there has to be aknowledgement of forgiveness and love for all people.

Why complicate things so???

What is this new christian belief of HATING, whether it is a sin or or any other form of hating??? When and where did Jesus teach to hate??? Sins or otherwise??? If anything, Jesus taught us all to love, to elevate ourselves ABOVE AND BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE INSTINCT OF FEAR AND HATRED in their form.

There is no moral, ethical, emotional or social need to hate period.

What's the point of HATING a behavior??? It is a waste of perfectly good energy, and will only give you ulcers in the long run.

If you are clear the adultery is not conducive to a life that works, and that you promote and stand for yourself and for others for a life that works, then just DENOUNCE THE BEHAVIOR as such. The hating part is overkill; totally unproductive.

Any statements that condone hating PEOPLE or promote harming PEOPLE should be addressed. Christians that I know do not condone such things.

Great!!! Here is your chance!

'Thomas', a good christian no doubt, made such a statement.

I have invited, and invite you again to address the situation, as you say, by DENOUNCING his statement.

There comes a point where owning up is of essence if one values maintaining integrity.

I will denounce your statement. To try to get others to denounce someone is against the forum rules.

There is no need for anyone to denounce Thomas, he is not us and we are not him. Once the extremists realise everyone is an individual, the world won't be so segregated.

Distorting other people's statement will not help forward the debate 'peter'.

Your attempt at insinuate quite wrongly that I am inviting people to denounce someone is flat wrong. Quite to contrary, I have gone to great lengths to claim that this was in no way a personal attack on 'thomas'. Read the posts again my friend.

My invitation strictly deals with a comment that was made in this thread, which addresses the topic in a most pertinent fashion.
CONDONE OR DENOUNCE, pro or con, yeah or neah, EXCLUSIVELY AIMED AT A COMMENT or position expressed, is the explicit question raised with any topic in any forum or debate.

I respectfully denounce your denunciation. :)

Now, do you ...

a) agree with,
b) denounce,


c) refuse to answer with respect to the following statement:

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:55 PM

Now, do you ...

a) agree with,
b) denounce,


c) refuse to answer with respect to the following statement:

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

d) none of the above....

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 03:08 PM

Now, do you ...

a) agree with,
b) denounce,


c) refuse to answer with respect to the following statement:

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

d) none of the above....

What's with the attitude 'peter'?

This is a fairly simple and straight forward point being debated here.

Are we as families, groups in society in general, political parties, religious communities, or our nation as a whole, promoting or denouncing hateful words and acts of discrimination against each other?

'none of the above', is seriously ineffective debating form IMO.

Why should you and I be of different camps on this simple question?

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 03:14 PM

Now, do you ...

a) agree with,
b) denounce,


c) refuse to answer with respect to the following statement:

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

d) none of the above....

What's with the attitude 'peter'?

This is a fairly simple and straight forward point being debated here.

Are we as families, groups in society in general, political parties, religious communities, or our nation as a whole, promoting or denouncing hateful words and acts of discrimination against each other?

'none of the above', is seriously ineffective debating form IMO.

Why should you and I be of different camps on this simple question?

Because I'm not debating, I'm simply stating my opinion.
If you look back, you'll see that I already addressed his post.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 03:37 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 03:37 PM

Now, do you ...

a) agree with,
b) denounce,


c) refuse to answer with respect to the following statement:

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

d) none of the above....

What's with the attitude 'peter'?

This is a fairly simple and straight forward point being debated here.

Are we as families, groups in society in general, political parties, religious communities, or our nation as a whole, promoting or denouncing hateful words and acts of discrimination against each other?

'none of the above', is seriously ineffective debating form IMO.

Why should you and I be of different camps on this simple question?

Because I'm not debating, I'm simply stating my opinion.
If you look back, you'll see that I already addressed his post.

OK! So attitude it is.

It is your privilege.

But you can't say I didn't try!

Maybe next time then?!?!?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 12/22/09 03:40 PM

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

I'll give it a shot

1. the WE I don't agree with because no one speak for me and I don't speak for others.
2. No one can destroy or corrupt my beliefs unless I let them....regardless of who they are
3. I can't say I HATE all actions. I might not like them or agree with them. There are certain actions I hate though. But I don't HATE the person.

no photo
Tue 12/22/09 03:59 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 12/22/09 04:00 PM

'... We don't like gays or Muslims because of their actions and the way they are trying to corrupt and destroy our religion. ...'

I'll give it a shot

1. the WE I don't agree with because no one speak for me and I don't speak for others.
2. No one can destroy or corrupt my beliefs unless I let them....regardless of who they are
3. I can't say I HATE all actions. I might not like them or agree with them. There are certain actions I hate though. But I don't HATE the person.

The way I read it, and with your permission 'yellowrose', I would take to mean a 'denounce' the statement.

I thank you for your straight answer 'yellow'.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 12/22/09 04:02 PM
the reason I answered that way is not that I denounce it or approve it. There were pieces in that sentence that I don't agree with or maybe it waqs the way that sentence was worded. I don't know.

I cam from the ballet world and had many gay friends. I don't agree or even understand being gay but I don't hate them. They were some of my best friends and wonderful people. If this explanation makes any sense. Sometimes what is in my head comes out strange online laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 12/22/09 04:22 PM
let me explain my thinking a bit further.

de·nounce (d-nouns)
tr.v. de·nounced, de·nounc·ing, de·nounc·es
1. To condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible. See Synonyms at criticize.
2. To accuse formally.
3. To give formal announcement of the ending of (a treaty).

as far as beliefs and opinions, I won't do this. I have my own beliefs and opinions and we are entitled to our own.

Example: In my on line life time, I have seen some vile and hateful and offensive posts. Now the belief and opinion behind them is fine, even if I disagree with it. The way it is carried out, I hate. Neither causes me to hate the posters though.

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