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Topic: Why fear God?
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Sat 02/27/10 05:41 AM

how does one turn a cheek in a battle?

MsHarmony.....because the bibles tells you so

Matthew 5:38-40 ...but I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

so this is why I asked if Jesus will use his "Free Will" to turn the other cheek in the battle of armageddon or does he lack "Free Will" because he is locked in the prophecy of Revelation or will he fight because the religion is a haven for those like hitler that thrist for the blood that battle brings

so I'm interested to read yours or anyone's explantion as to why Jesus the promoter of Love will or won't turn the other cheek

no photo
Sat 02/27/10 06:08 AM

i just dont think it is likely and hope he will proceed to establish his Kingdom as is described in Revelations

Revelations isn't a description it a prophecy ...a description is human perception pertaining to a person place or thing ...a prophecy is an unstoppable event deemed to take place because of supernatural or divine intervention

do today's Christians no longer use the term prophecy because they now realize that it takes away "Free Will"

is it possible to write a prophecy without describing the events? I just chose to use description because I was avoiding these cirular debates about semantics,,,,any time we read a book, the writer has to DESCRIBE things,, thats hard to debate really

MsHarmony...the writer has to described events using words as a form of communication ... and pertaining to the bible the writer has to communicate if the words are their words or the words from another source or a higher source

you said that you hope that Jesus establish his kingdom as "described" in Revelations ....shouldn't it read as "prophecied" in Revelations ....didn't the writer tried to get the point across that Revelations was a prophecy

calling Revelation a description instead of a prophecy is an attempt to save "Free Will" by sneaking the God out of the equation

a prophecy is events shaping and taking place due to divine intervention and this event can not be stopped from taking place because a God has deem that it shall take place thus providing proof that there is no "Free Will"

that you claim to hope that Jesus set up his kingdom....suggest lack of faith that he will ...and it also suggest a lack of faith as to what is written and/or prophesied in the bible

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/27/10 07:33 AM

1. No Jesus will not turn the other cheek at armegeddon because that is what armegeddon is, the detruction of all evil.

Cowboy.....if armageddon is the destruction of all evil...then explain why Satan will still be in existence during the 1000 year rule of Jesus ...

are you sure you even read the bible?

Yes of course Satan will be here doing armageddon. The destruction won't just happen over night, will take the entire armageddon time to destroy Satan and all his minions.

Cowboy....armageddon is not the battle with Satan...it is the battle with the antichrist ...

I'm going to start a bible study class for Christians ..I highly recommend that you enroll

and who the heck do you think antichrist is? It is the devil. Things aren't black and white my friend. When you see someone doing something nice that is the works God. When you see someone doing something evil that is the works of the devil.

ALL EVIL is Satan.
ALL GOOD is God.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/27/10 07:37 AM

2. Again, i do not understand your question....... who's drowning? Armegedon is not going to be a flood.

Cowboy....the question was never about armageddon...it been about newborns and the great flood for the last couple of pages ....but anyway what's to understand it's a simple question about morality

2.would you consider someone or something that intentionly cause a generation of innocent babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil ...just pick either good or evil

small and insignificant price for being given the gift of Heaven and all it's glory.

Cowboy ....I didn't ask you about the horrors those like hitler would have to commit to receive a gift in Heaven...the question had nothing to do with Heaven, as I said it was a question about your morality ....

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them was good or evil

the question provides no way for you to hide behind the bible or anyone else...so you have to think for yourself on this one

all you have to do is choose either good or evil ..please choose only one of them

must be a bit desperate here, you're trying awefully hard. Hitler did absolutely nothing for God killing anyone. Anything to do will killing or any evil thing is not of God. God has specifically told us not to do such things. Lol you are a funny man funches.

no photo
Sat 02/27/10 07:55 AM

1. No Jesus will not turn the other cheek at armegeddon because that is what armegeddon is, the detruction of all evil.

Cowboy.....if armageddon is the destruction of all evil...then explain why Satan will still be in existence during the 1000 year rule of Jesus ...

are you sure you even read the bible?

Yes of course Satan will be here doing armageddon. The destruction won't just happen over night, will take the entire armageddon time to destroy Satan and all his minions.

Cowboy....armageddon is not the battle with Satan...it is the battle with the antichrist ...

I'm going to start a bible study class for Christians ..I highly recommend that you enroll

and who the heck do you think antichrist is? It is the devil. Things aren't black and white my friend. When you see someone doing something nice that is the works God. When you see someone doing something evil that is the works of the devil.

ALL EVIL is Satan.
ALL GOOD is God.

Cowboy ....as I said you hve to enroll into my Christian bible study program and then I will teach you about The AntiChrist and Armageddon....

but here's a sample of the class...the antichrist is not the devil it is one of two beast that along with Satan supposedly form the "Unholy Trinity"

so Cowboy are you going to enroll because as I see you have no idea of what is going on with Christianity ...if you are an example of a True Christian then I prophecized that Jesus will not even waste his time fighting at the battle of armageddon

and armageddon is not the end of the world...armageddon is the name of the place ....remember the name of the place where the battle with the antichrist is suppose to take place

no photo
Sat 02/27/10 08:02 AM

2. Again, i do not understand your question....... who's drowning? Armegedon is not going to be a flood.

Cowboy....the question was never about armageddon...it been about newborns and the great flood for the last couple of pages ....but anyway what's to understand it's a simple question about morality

2.would you consider someone or something that intentionly cause a generation of innocent babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil ...just pick either good or evil

small and insignificant price for being given the gift of Heaven and all it's glory.

Cowboy ....I didn't ask you about the horrors those like hitler would have to commit to receive a gift in Heaven...the question had nothing to do with Heaven, as I said it was a question about your morality ....

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them was good or evil

the question provides no way for you to hide behind the bible or anyone else...so you have to think for yourself on this one

all you have to do is choose either good or evil ..please choose only one of them

must be a bit desperate here, you're trying awefully hard. Hitler did absolutely nothing for God killing anyone. Anything to do will killing or any evil thing is not of God. God has specifically told us not to do such things. Lol you are a funny man funches.

Cowboy...what's even funnier than me is how you keep avoiding answering that simple morality question ...is that an indication that you follow a religion because it requires you to lack morality

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that intentionly cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil....either choose good or evil

tick tock tick tock tick tock

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/27/10 08:22 AM

2. Again, i do not understand your question....... who's drowning? Armegedon is not going to be a flood.

Cowboy....the question was never about armageddon...it been about newborns and the great flood for the last couple of pages ....but anyway what's to understand it's a simple question about morality

2.would you consider someone or something that intentionly cause a generation of innocent babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil ...just pick either good or evil

small and insignificant price for being given the gift of Heaven and all it's glory.

Cowboy ....I didn't ask you about the horrors those like hitler would have to commit to receive a gift in Heaven...the question had nothing to do with Heaven, as I said it was a question about your morality ....

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them was good or evil

the question provides no way for you to hide behind the bible or anyone else...so you have to think for yourself on this one

all you have to do is choose either good or evil ..please choose only one of them

must be a bit desperate here, you're trying awefully hard. Hitler did absolutely nothing for God killing anyone. Anything to do will killing or any evil thing is not of God. God has specifically told us not to do such things. Lol you are a funny man funches.

Cowboy...what's even funnier than me is how you keep avoiding answering that simple morality question ...is that an indication that you follow a religion because it requires you to lack morality

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that intentionly cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil....either choose good or evil

tick tock tick tock tick tock

rofl funches i've answered this question of yours numerouse times. In my eyes it would be a good thing. That little bit of time of suffering is paid for the prize of Heaven and all it's glory.

no photo
Sat 02/27/10 09:22 AM

2. Again, i do not understand your question....... who's drowning? Armegedon is not going to be a flood.

Cowboy....the question was never about armageddon...it been about newborns and the great flood for the last couple of pages ....but anyway what's to understand it's a simple question about morality

2.would you consider someone or something that intentionly cause a generation of innocent babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil ...just pick either good or evil

small and insignificant price for being given the gift of Heaven and all it's glory.

Cowboy ....I didn't ask you about the horrors those like hitler would have to commit to receive a gift in Heaven...the question had nothing to do with Heaven, as I said it was a question about your morality ....

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them was good or evil

the question provides no way for you to hide behind the bible or anyone else...so you have to think for yourself on this one

all you have to do is choose either good or evil ..please choose only one of them

must be a bit desperate here, you're trying awefully hard. Hitler did absolutely nothing for God killing anyone. Anything to do will killing or any evil thing is not of God. God has specifically told us not to do such things. Lol you are a funny man funches.

Cowboy...what's even funnier than me is how you keep avoiding answering that simple morality question ...is that an indication that you follow a religion because it requires you to lack morality

I asked you if you would consider someone of something that intentionly cause innocent newborn babies to suffer by drowning them to be good or evil....either choose good or evil

tick tock tick tock tick tock

rofl funches i've answered this question of yours numerouse times. In my eyes it would be a good thing. That little bit of time of suffering is paid for the prize of Heaven and all it's glory.

Cowboy....why do you keep bringing up Heaven ....the question didn't ask what innocent babies might received...the fact that you keep bringing up Heaven suggest that to get into Heaven you have to cause innocent babies to suffer...

so let's try it again...the question asked do you consider the someone of something that intentionly cause a generation of innocent babies to suffer by drowning them to be either good or to be evil

all you have to do is pick one word.....come on Cowboy you can do it....one word either good or evil...come on Cowboy thrown down for the nation...fight the power .....pick one.... are they good or evil?

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 02/27/10 09:47 AM
God made good, God made evil, God made the Devil. God made everything. That means god is both Good and Evil. Then again was it mankind that made them both in our image?

To me it seems factual that man knows nothing and uses concepts like God and the Devil to rationalize concepts we barely understand like what the nature of Good and Evil are. In reality I bet God could really care less about us like we give any respect to ants or worst microbes.

I choose to stand in between. There are times I have had to get really evil out of a need for self preservation. Face it, if you go by any religious traditions not a singe one of us is making it to heaven. Dante's Inferno awaits us all. If I must live a life of condemnation I am not putting anything in the hands of a god like that.

Why is it that people can not just try to live good lives with less self interest but likewise live accountable for your own personal actions? Why is it that people need to live lives of fear? Because again we are not as evolved as we would like to think. We always seem to be dependent on higher powers to make decisions.

People spend too much time thinking of heaven rather than try to make heaven here. In reality we LIVE both Heaven and Hell. The thing that sucks is if I had tea with the Devil I bet we would see more eye to eye than I would with God as WE see him, her, or it. With the big three religions god comes off like such a total hypocrite.

Why fear the unseen? It makes no sense unless something is really happening like a plague. No one seen an angle of death during the black plague. People sure died in huge numbers though. the cause of it can be seen. You just need a microscope and the right dyes to see what causes it.

The biggest problem with God or the Devil is there is no way to prove empirically the existence of either. Then again completely disproving their existence based purely on those grounds is just as bad as intellectual ignorance (as in if "I" cannot prove God exists then God Doesn't exist!). There are things beyond our conception and ability to see. Just because you can not see it does not mean it is not there.

You just don't have to fear the unseen. Fear is a waste of time.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/27/10 10:25 AM

how does one turn a cheek in a battle?

MsHarmony.....because the bibles tells you so

Matthew 5:38-40 ...but I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

so this is why I asked if Jesus will use his "Free Will" to turn the other cheek in the battle of armageddon or does he lack "Free Will" because he is locked in the prophecy of Revelation or will he fight because the religion is a haven for those like hitler that thrist for the blood that battle brings

so I'm interested to read yours or anyone's explantion as to why Jesus the promoter of Love will or won't turn the other cheek

Hitler was looking for the Ark of the Covenant.

Even unto death they protected it.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/27/10 11:50 AM
God made good, God made evil, God made the Devil. God made everything. That means god is both Good and Evil. Then again was it mankind that made them both in our image?

God did not creat evil in a direct sence. Satan was God's most beatiful, most powerful, angel. Satan claimed to be more powerful and greater then God, so God banished him out of heaven and put Satan in hell.

Evil, good, and so on are all emotions. That is created by ones own self.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/27/10 11:53 AM

God made good, God made evil, God made the Devil. God made everything. That means god is both Good and Evil. Then again was it mankind that made them both in our image?

God did not creat evil in a direct sence. Satan was God's most beatiful, most powerful, angel. Satan claimed to be more powerful and greater then God, so God banished him out of heaven and put Satan in hell.

Evil, good, and so on are all emotions. That is created by ones own self.

our conscence plays a big part in this. If your conscence is with God you're more prone to do good deads, work of God. If you ignore your conscence and do evil things as deny the lord, steal, lie, and so on your more prone to do evil deads, work of Satan.

no photo
Sat 02/27/10 12:28 PM

how does one turn a cheek in a battle?

MsHarmony.....because the bibles tells you so

Matthew 5:38-40 ...but I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

so this is why I asked if Jesus will use his "Free Will" to turn the other cheek in the battle of armageddon or does he lack "Free Will" because he is locked in the prophecy of Revelation or will he fight because the religion is a haven for those like hitler that thrist for the blood that battle brings

so I'm interested to read yours or anyone's explantion as to why Jesus the promoter of Love will or won't turn the other cheek

Hitler was looking for the Ark of the Covenant.

Even unto death they protected it.

he also was supposedly obsessed with the Spear of Longinus

which gives "rise" no pun intended that Hitler was still a Christian

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/28/10 01:08 AM

how does one turn a cheek in a battle?

MsHarmony.....because the bibles tells you so

Matthew 5:38-40 ...but I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

so this is why I asked if Jesus will use his "Free Will" to turn the other cheek in the battle of armageddon or does he lack "Free Will" because he is locked in the prophecy of Revelation or will he fight because the religion is a haven for those like hitler that thrist for the blood that battle brings

so I'm interested to read yours or anyone's explantion as to why Jesus the promoter of Love will or won't turn the other cheek

Oh, the best way I could explain it is Gods instruction supercedes any other and battles about flesh are quite different than battles over the soul. If someone brings a battle against your soul, turning the other cheek is not an option.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/28/10 01:13 AM

i just dont think it is likely and hope he will proceed to establish his Kingdom as is described in Revelations

Revelations isn't a description it a prophecy ...a description is human perception pertaining to a person place or thing ...a prophecy is an unstoppable event deemed to take place because of supernatural or divine intervention

do today's Christians no longer use the term prophecy because they now realize that it takes away "Free Will"

is it possible to write a prophecy without describing the events? I just chose to use description because I was avoiding these cirular debates about semantics,,,,any time we read a book, the writer has to DESCRIBE things,, thats hard to debate really

MsHarmony...the writer has to described events using words as a form of communication ... and pertaining to the bible the writer has to communicate if the words are their words or the words from another source or a higher source

you said that you hope that Jesus establish his kingdom as "described" in Revelations ....shouldn't it read as "prophecied" in Revelations ....didn't the writer tried to get the point across that Revelations was a prophecy

calling Revelation a description instead of a prophecy is an attempt to save "Free Will" by sneaking the God out of the equation

a prophecy is events shaping and taking place due to divine intervention and this event can not be stopped from taking place because a God has deem that it shall take place thus providing proof that there is no "Free Will"

that you claim to hope that Jesus set up his kingdom....suggest lack of faith that he will ...and it also suggest a lack of faith as to what is written and/or prophesied in the bible

writing words about an event: whether prophecied, witnessed, or imagined is a DESCRIPTION,,,really no need to have a debate about the meaning of the word but it certainly is not an attempt to do anything but communicate with the english language.

As to hoping about what is to come, this suggests aknowledgement that the final word is with God and not with me

God set us up to live in paradise, but we fell and the plans changed. I have faith but I do not propose to make Gods decisions for him or to know what they will be before he makes them.

no photo
Sun 02/28/10 04:51 AM

how does one turn a cheek in a battle?

MsHarmony.....because the bibles tells you so

Matthew 5:38-40 ...but I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

so this is why I asked if Jesus will use his "Free Will" to turn the other cheek in the battle of armageddon or does he lack "Free Will" because he is locked in the prophecy of Revelation or will he fight because the religion is a haven for those like hitler that thrist for the blood that battle brings

so I'm interested to read yours or anyone's explantion as to why Jesus the promoter of Love will or won't turn the other cheek

Oh, the best way I could explain it is Gods instruction supercedes any other and battles about flesh are quite different than battles over the soul. If someone brings a battle against your soul, turning the other cheek is not an option.

and that's explains what prophecy is "Divine Intervention"...anytime a God's instruction supercedes over anything then how can there be "Free Will" ...if there is no "Free Will" then why would it make a difference if the battle was over flesh or souls since neither is "Free"

Jesus will not "turn the other cheek" because God has locked Jesus into the prophecy of Revelations...this proves that it is God that is the final authority not Jesus and it is God that places Jesus and his teachings of love and turning the other cheek into the realm of being a hypocrite

Jesus and The Antichrist and all their forces will fight the battle at Armageddon because they have no choice ...but God does....and this is why God is the root of all evil and why followers fear him

no photo
Sun 02/28/10 04:58 AM

God set us up to live in paradise, but we fell and the plans changed.

MsHarmony...can you explain.. if God is omniscient why he didn't see this happenning and had to change plans

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/28/10 08:17 AM

God set us up to live in paradise, but we fell and the plans changed.

MsHarmony...can you explain.. if God is omniscient why he didn't see this happenning and had to change plans

I dont doubt he did know, I do believe he gave us dominion over all things of the earth and gave us everything we needed and set us up not to feel pain or go hungry or need shelter, with the one condition that the tree of knowledge not be bothered. We had the opportunity for Gods promise of a paradise under the one condition that we not partake of the tree of knowledge, but we chose to disobey and the plan we were given initially was replaced with the plan he had in place for their disobedience.

I dont know what Gods final plan will be,, there are many conditions put before us leading up to Armegeddon and I dont know if, like Adam and Eve, there is some alternative ending that may occur if those conditions arent met.

IN any case, my faith lies in the belief that 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish'

I believe also that he gave us conditions for coming back home,,for reasons that may not all be understandable until we are with Him, and my efforts go towards living up to those conditions(because I happen to believe they are 'right' things to do and they make sense to me).

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:56 AM

God set us up to live in paradise, but we fell and the plans changed.

MsHarmony...can you explain.. if God is omniscient why he didn't see this happenning and had to change plans

I dont doubt he did know, I do believe he gave us dominion over all things of the earth and gave us everything we needed and set us up not to feel pain or go hungry or need shelter, with the one condition that the tree of knowledge not be bothered. We had the opportunity for Gods promise of a paradise under the one condition that we not partake of the tree of knowledge, but we chose to disobey and the plan we were given initially was replaced with the plan he had in place for their disobedience.

I dont know what Gods final plan will be,, there are many conditions put before us leading up to Armegeddon and I dont know if, like Adam and Eve, there is some alternative ending that may occur if those conditions arent met.

IN any case, my faith lies in the belief that 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish'

I believe also that he gave us conditions for coming back home,,for reasons that may not all be understandable until we are with Him, and my efforts go towards living up to those conditions(because I happen to believe they are 'right' things to do and they make sense to me).

amen msharmony, all glory to God.

no photo
Sun 02/28/10 12:30 PM

I dont know what Gods final plan will be,, there are many conditions put before us leading up to Armegeddon and I dont know if, like Adam and Eve, there is some alternative ending that may occur if those conditions arent met.

This is the scary part!!!

'... there are many conditions put before us leading up to Armegeddon...'

Believe what you may!!!

But when a large enough minority starts confusing a belief in some fuzzy form of Armageddon, a belief they can't even explain clearly, and confuse it with reality, THOSE PEOPLE start influencing reality. Nothing to do with 'god'. Everything to do with man's blind primitive and ideological nature.

To act like a zombie,
... suggesting that 'god's will, as stated in the book of fables, involves a 'BLOODBATH' in the zero of the sacred land,
... which itself, precedes a 'fabled - second coming', and using those fables to justify
... one's active participation in condoning the Israelo position in the Isrealo-Palestinian conflict,
... supporting the US military sponsoring of Isreal,
... the invasion and control of Arab nations for their resources,
... and suggesting that Muslims are 'evil', unless they agree with the christian fundamentalist dogma,

That represents the most potentially dangerous challenge the human race has ever faced, having to deal with the 'zero sum delusion' of the christian fundamentalist crusaders.

The more christian fundamentalists are going to claim that all those whom don't agree with their views are 'EVIL' and wrong, the more those made wrong are going to react.

And in the case of Muslims, the fundamentalist chapter of that greoup, is going to shout equally hard that it is christians that are all wrong.

How else does anyone expects them to react to such childish attacks founded on pure delusion???

Forget all those complicated 'bible fables' here.

Forget armageddon.

What we have here is a juvenile and primitive century old '... you're wrong! No, you're wrong!!!...' school yard brawl!!!

God's plan!!!

Give us a break.

This is nothing other than the most basic, primitive, tribal and barbaric man-made fiasco!!!
Where a minority of christian fundamentalist fanatics actually cheer for this 'LUNY' Armageddon, ... whatever their confused understanding of the concept might be.

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