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Topic: Common misconceptions about non Christians.
AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 09:47 PM
1. Non Christians worship idols.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Idols are any thing that
stands between you and god. Non christians either don't believe in god
or have faith in God and God alone.

'Thou shalt have no god before me.'

2. Non Christians will not receive 'salvation'. Non Christians don't
need salvation. They have God on their side without the need of ritual
eating of the flesh, groveling before an idol, or living by man made
doctrines and rituals.

3. Non Christians are not saved. God saves us all and in the final
tally will not count religion where he looks for faith.

4. Non Christains have misconceptions about christians. HE HE HE most
of us could care less how a christian worships as long as they allow us
to do our thing also.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:03 PM
You use "I" alot. It's hard to believe

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:03 PM
Not all "non-christians" believe in the concept of a God so some of your
points are weak ohwell sorry

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:05 PM
Bored, Clarification of what you're talking about, please.

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:06 PM
i think ya missed this line bored

from original post

Non christians either don't believe in god
or have faith in God and God alone.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:07 PM
Where is there an 'I' in my statements?????


I am not talking bout non believers (in god) just non christian
believers except for 1. above.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:12 PM
asj4u i didn't use those words. When discussing non-believers you have
to be mindful of all of them.

Some believe in a higher being and others don't. Atheists, agnostics,
then there are a few who believe in a concept of God but directly from a
religion branch. Some kind of mix their own beliefs

yawn I'm really sleepy flowerforyou Good night

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:12 PM
AB covered athiests and some non-Christians. What about the Hindus?
They have many gods. There are many religions that don't "either don't
believe in god or have faith in God and God alone"

So you believe that there isn't a single religion that practices

Almost every organized religion accepts the concepts of of sin and

Most people on the planet believe that only certain people will be
accepted into the afterlife with God.

Non-Christians have MANY misconceptions about Christians, just like
Christians have misconceptions about non-Christians.

I know what your were trying to do AB, but your scope was too broad.
You are making statements about all non-Christians that simply aren't

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:13 PM
but NOT directly from a religion branch. * see when it's late, typos

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:14 PM
I agree it is WAY too broad. Clean it up and clarify.

yawn I'm exhausted flowerforyou good night

starryeyeddolly's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:14 PM
i'm agnostic and i agree with some of your views

adj4u's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:14 PM
good night bored

i can tell yer tired

sweet dreamz

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:19 PM
Hindu's have the same problem now that Christianity is just starting to
develope. In its pure form it had a single prophet and the concept of
One god. That all changed over the years as men changed the works of
the prophet to contol and expand his religion resulting in schism and
multiple intrepretations that have become what that religion is today.

Christainity has started to fracture in the same way and if something is
not done will end up the same way. Saints, christmas trees, santa
clause, easter bunnies, crucifixes, statues, golden crosses on chains,
charms, amulets, rings... etc. IDOLS EVERY ONE.

And the worst part.

'THOU SHALT HAVE NO GOD BEFORE ME'. even that of my son.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:35 PM
"Christainity has started to fracture in the same way and if something
is not done will end up the same way. Saints, christmas trees, santa
clause, easter bunnies, crucifixes, statues, golden crosses on chains,
charms, amulets, rings... etc. IDOLS EVERY ONE."

Little confused here, when did santa clause and the easter bunny come
from Churches? So would this also include prayer beads of any nature?
The only part I have witnessed and can possibly relate to what you're
saying is people praying to statues and the genuflect to the cross,
usually with Jesus on it, before entering a pew in the Catholic church.
I am by no means well traveled in the field of religions. So the
background here of what you're saying is interesting to me.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/12/07 10:59 PM

There are many Christians who idolize saints. In fact many offer
prayers through the saints, in the hopes that they ( the saint ) can
influence God in some way. Surely you have heard of those who bury a
statue of a saint one way to protect their home or place a statue of the
Virgin Mother in a particular place to insure fertility.

These are forms of idol worship, that AB is referring to, the rosary
is another. All those churches that have a carving or a replica of
Jesus on a cross, and all those who pray to it, or even to a picture of
it, or even to a replica of a cross. These too can be considered idol
worship. For not all Christians believe they must only Pray to Jesus,
and some don't believe in praying to Jesus at all, but only in his name.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:00 PM
We aren't talking about 'Churches' here we are talking about
non-christians and christians.

When next christmas rolls around count how many Christians have
Christmas decorations, a tree, and gifts under that tree.

then think upon Jerimiah.
Jeremiah 10:2-6: Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the
heathen...For the customs of the people are vain; for one cutteth a tree
out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
They deck it with silver and gold; they fasten it with nails and with
hammers, that it move not.

When next you see those that profess to believe in Christ about the time
of passover hiding eggs for thier children and talking about the
fertility god of the 'Easter Bunny' think of the damage they are doing
to those same children.

And santa clause...

'he knows when you been bad or good.' ONLY GOD KNOWS THIS. Children
are raised thinking Satan Clause is God and then they find out he is a
lie. How then can you get them to believe in the GOD that IS as they
get older. You have allread lied to them by bringing false gods into
your homes and worshipping them.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:02 PM
wait wait.. hindus and 1 god... ummm this is new to me...

and yes to broad of a topic what you're describing is your view points
as a non christian, not non christians overall

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:09 PM
Who was the prophet of Hinduism? Read his original works (if you can
find one that has not been re written by history). He professes to One
God all the other dieties and demigods that have become part of hinduism
has come form works of man overlayed upon the works of Krishna. As we
see happening now in the same way with the works of Jesus in
Christianity and by the mullahs and false Inmams upon the works of
Muhammad (they also had something simular to the Nicean Council about
400 years after Muhammad).

It is the way of religion.

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:12 PM
i think this forum is really getting out of hand, honestly every
religion is differently andt hey have evolved as they have for a reason,
and it's ultimately up to their believers what they do or don't
believe! which is why so many of us butt heads in this forum because we
all want to be masters on the subject cause we think were correct i am
guilty of this as well ultimately we all need to realize were all right
and we're all wrong, your truth is correct to you and my truth is
correct to me!

no photo
Tue 06/12/07 11:14 PM
flowerforyou yes sororitygurl. This section becomes a debate for the
champion title of "know it all"

who CARES?! laugh

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