Topic: haters....
no photo
Mon 03/01/10 08:47 AM
how many take offense at Christians today? Just curious... there seems to be a lot of haters for those that believe in Jesus... and alot of disrespect... I am not about to get into why this or that with some you because I realize now that some of you do not have the faith that is needed to believe in the Holy God amd His Son.

I am not ashamed to be a Christian. The NT does says if you lift up Jesus all men will be drawn unto you.

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 08:59 AM

how many take offense at Christians today? Just curious... there seems to be a lot of haters for those that believe in Jesus... and alot of disrespect... I am not about to get into why this or that with some you because I realize now that some of you do not have the faith that is needed to believe in the Holy God amd His Son.

I am not ashamed to be a Christian. The NT does says if you lift up Jesus all men will be drawn unto you.

Good post!

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 09:05 AM
Speaking for myself only, I don't like to be preached to about religion. If someone can have a conversation about it without preaching, great. But, many can't seem to do so. However, that doesn't qualify me as a hater and I'm not disrespectful of those who disagree with me.

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/01/10 09:21 AM
Some of the best people and some of the worst people are Christians.

Some of the best people and some of the worst people are not.

People are individuals and all religions contain all types of people.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 03/01/10 09:58 AM
great post, i have had the same question.

If you do not believe in our great and holy God that is your choice. But why do you non believers try to insult us that believe in God? What do you have to gain by being crude to us? Live and let live. We as christians don't gain anything by spreading God's word. It's not like we'll get virgins in heaven for teaching people of God's word, nor a palace will more gold and prizes for doing as such. We are spreading God's word and trying to convert you for exactly that, YOU. Has nothing to do with gaining anything for us. And we don't go around claiming you to be stupid, idiotic, a retard, or anything of such just because you do not believe in the great God.

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:04 AM
Exactly. Live and let live. I make my own choices. I don't need someone to try and convert me. I've always wondered why so many get offended when someone clearly does not want to be converted. Perhaps you can answer that?

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:04 AM

how many take offense at Christians today? Just curious... there seems to be a lot of haters for those that believe in Jesus... and alot of disrespect... I am not about to get into why this or that with some you because I realize now that some of you do not have the faith that is needed to believe in the Holy God amd His Son.

I am not ashamed to be a Christian. The NT does says if you lift up Jesus all men will be drawn unto you.

With the title of your thread, and the opening question of your OP, it would appear that you come with a pre-existing view and judgment, and that little anyone might say, could change your mind, your view or your judgment.

I hope I am wrong. But nonetheless, IMO, people react to a tone of condescension and pontificating, an attitude which, while it may very well be unconscious and unintentional on your part, comes across in spades through your post.

'singmesweet' pointed to the 'preaching' tone earlier, which is very much on the same line.

I think the gratuitous 'christian bashing' accusations are unfounded and self-serving.
It is a tad too easy, and it stops those making the accusation, from being responsible for their own 'blind spots' when they engage in discussions with 'pre-loaded' conclusions about others.

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:16 AM

great post, i have had the same question.

If you do not believe in our great and holy God that is your choice. But why do you non believers try to insult us that believe in God? What do you have to gain by being crude to us? Live and let live. We as christians don't gain anything by spreading God's word. It's not like we'll get virgins in heaven for teaching people of God's word, nor a palace will more gold and prizes for doing as such. We are spreading God's word and trying to convert you for exactly that, YOU. Has nothing to do with gaining anything for us. And we don't go around claiming you to be stupid, idiotic, a retard, or anything of such just because you do not believe in the great God.

'cowboy', if your game is to preach, 'spread' your 'god's word, and make the divine sale by converting 'us', ASK 'US' PERMISSION FIRST!!!

This is a public space where people come to discuss religion in general, all religions, and all views.

No one comes here to be preached to, have your word of your god spread onto them, or have some sort of conversion act performed unto them.

If that is your thing, then respect the forum rules, and conduct yourself with integrity. Simply ask for those whom would like to have your word of your 'god' spread onto them, with the goal of conversion, and invite them to the 'christian forums' !!!

Conversely, if you insist on participating in the 'general religious chat' threads, stop 'spreading', 'preaching', and pushing conversion acts, and engage sincerely in the debate at hand.


no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:20 AM
Actually, this thread was for other Christians, but it doesn't surprise me that y'all... have misinterpreted it.

If you do not want God in your lives... then this thread wasn't for you...

I am connecting to other Christians... hopefully it will work itself out...

you seem punchy today and sense you do not know me personally, I will take it that you do not understand where I am coming from.

* I have been an atheist as a teen, but a a practicing Christian sense 2001.
* I know that, even my close friends will not agree with me because they're atheists.
* I still have love in my heart for my friends that are not Christians.
there's more to me than meets the eye...
Maybe we should get to know each other before saying this or that that may not be true...

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:32 AM

If you do not want God in your lives... then this thread wasn't for you...

doesn't that make you a hater

davidben1's photo
Mon 03/01/10 10:53 AM
to live and let live, is to respect the "life" of another, enough to not want to try to change it to suite what oneself wishes to do with it's OWN life???

but, then what if another be creating bodily harm to another, oppresssion unto another, verbal assault on another???

it seems that "verbal assault" cannot even be considered to exist, in any true logical reality, or EACH will create a "personal" list of all "itself" alone most despise to hear???

perhaps why it was once spoken in youth, sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me???

for indeed, if one allow words to considered to itself as "offensive", it has made itself a "slave to itself", always having to defend against what oneself does not like to hear???

this will become a self prison in due time, as each day the interior list of "offensive" words shall grow, as the brain has been given "directive", marching order's, to "look and seek out anything that can, could, might be, should be, considered "offensive"???

what if EACH HUMAN, engage in this "duel" of what be offensive???

no possible solution, EVER???


perhaps that is why the "christian" religion say to "turn the other cheek", when one think itself was offended???

it indeed seems the greatest disrespect, the greatest insult, the gravest sin, was not loving other's as one love "itself"???

what self believe is all the entire self???

so, to love "other's", would be to love what they "believe" would it not???

seems to not do this, would be to see many other's as "less", certainly breaking the very greatest of all commadments ever given, to love thy neighbor as thyself???

could one actually in reality love another, that it see and deem as inferior in belief, so then inferior in intellect and reasoning???

this would indeed create a notion in the brain that oneself should
"take control" of another human's life, to guide it, thinking it's perception be intelligent enough, to place the life of another in it's OWN HANDS???


such surely can be seen as the very worst case of seeing other's as "LESS THAN SELF", IN ALL WAYS???

each has it's own life, and this life was not given to anything but "oneself", to decide and control to it's own "hearts belief", and if more than two exist in one place on the planet, then there must be "laws" enacted within a society to protect the "free will movement" of each over IT'S OWN BODY???

IS NOT EACH ONE THAT EXIST, GIVEN THE "RIGHT" TO DECIDE FOR ITSELF, what it wish to "spend" the currency of it's life on"???

for each itself to decide for ITSELF, it's own most acceptable
fate, for certainly each is creating their "own fate" daily,
as they unroll the pages of their thoughts, and words and deeds,
by how the self "define" or interpret all things that itself interact with within thhis human environment???

the "reaction" decide the reality oneself create for itself, and then obviously, the "reaction" to each thing, decide "the option's that other's around oneself will have to choose from???

can one "decide the reaction" of other's???

nay, but oneself is responsible for the "option's created by self unto them"???

perhaps most why indeed the wise words, to "first" turn the other cheek, or give them the option of "swallowing self pride, or taking the "love path", AND NOT THE WAR PATH???

the christian's deem themself to follow one that "was submmissive to words of slander", even unto death???

it seems to "follow" this same one, would mean self voluntair to do the same itself???

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:06 AM

how many take offense at Christians today? Just curious... there seems to be a lot of haters for those that believe in Jesus... and alot of disrespect... I am not about to get into why this or that with some you because I realize now that some of you do not have the faith that is needed to believe in the Holy God amd His Son.

I am not ashamed to be a Christian. The NT does says if you lift up Jesus all men will be drawn unto you.

I find it interesting that you would ask why the hate and then state that people who dont share your beleifs dont because they are lacking in something. I dont mind religious people my fathers a deacon but hes also respectul and open minded of others beleifs without degrading them or getting that holier than thou attitude. i have no hate for anyone especially christians I beleive it is a great base for teaching wrong and right and my daughter will be raised in the church and like me will make her own choice..

The reason i do shy away from SOME religious folk is the fact that many feel like they are better than you for beleiving (especially people that take EVERY word literally).. and on the other side of that coin i shy away from people that seek to ridicule those of faith they also seem to feel superior in their beleifs..

Why not let people beleive whatever they want without feeling the need to push your ideas or ideals ....theres no need to ridicule anyone for beleiving in an immaculate father figure that waves his finger in disaproval from the sky... Or Any need To tell people you barely know (or even people you do) that they will go to hell...

no matter what side of the fence your standing on the minute you feel your superior because of logic or faith .. You are automatically less than the person you saw fit to judge..

Just for the record heres what i do beleive i have felt the presence of something far greater than me but mans word is not infallable and ANY religious text was written by man for man to control populous.. ANY written word was considered truth just by being written at one time and religous texts have been revised and re written with many things omitted ... and being passed down by word of mouth for generations does not help the case at all.. wisper something in someones ear and pass it around it will change in a matter minutes and a small number of people and it will change greatly... now rescale that to ten generations and hundreds of people..

I know iam a good man that VERY often goes out of my way to help people And do my best to improve life for people i dont know and people i do.. i have a personal relationship with my god.. If he is there he knows i am a good man if i am to be dammned to hell for not going through the motions and ceremonies of the religious "system" than what kind of god is that to dammn an honorable person that lived by an honorable code...Of course ive made mistakes and broken my own code at times but there has allways been a regret and a pennace in the form of service to the people around me known and unknown ..

If i am to be dammned let it be by one greater than me and as i see all men and women of all sects equal .. let it be he who is called i am.. and i will tell him of his injustice directly..

Now that i feel all dirty from getting all opinionated and judgemntal ill go take a shower and meditate..

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:10 AM

Actually, this thread was for other Christians, but it doesn't surprise me that y'all... have misinterpreted it.

If you do not want God in your lives... then this thread wasn't for you...

I am connecting to other Christians... hopefully it will work itself out...

sorry to point this out but your origional Post and this one dont Jive as it were... You actually posed this question to the Non beleivers..

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:30 AM

I am not ashamed to be a Christian. The NT does says if you lift up Jesus all men will be drawn unto you.

so you became a Christian to meet Men?

davidben1's photo
Mon 03/01/10 11:51 AM
when anything recognize the first notion of "loving another", is but to "allow" oneself, to respect what another "wants" as equal to what self "wants", is the first belief needed to free itself in true reality, to actually love ANY other's as "equal to itself"???

and even the first and only way for anything to actually allow it's own brain to assimilate the data to KNOW, and SEE, and recognize, SELF BE LOVED "ITSELF", BY OTHER'S AROUND ONESELF???

the mirage of the brain, created by the many tellings of many meaning of many words written by other people, in all days past, do not serve for greater good, or common good, or "love of god", for the "whole world", if they only but tell what be "bad" based on the singular self belief, or if they be based upon a personal "wish list", of HOW the self should be treated itself???

it seems there has to be first a common mutual repsect, and the "want" of another, "decide" if self is going to allow itself, to mutually respect other's, as equal as it respect itself???

does not the "want", decide what one "want" to believe, what one "want" to react with, what one "want" to speak, what one "want" to do, what one "want", to be done unto itself by "other's"???

it seems the very essence of "loving other's as oneself", is first but respecting what another "wants", in all cases???

does that mean self is to change "it's wants", to fulfill another's want???

that would not be "equal"???

or loving another as oneself???

but certainlny in a world of many, common ground, unity, common living and letting live, could never be accomplished in real reality, if the respect of "mutual want" was not first recognized???

but when another does not "treat self", with what self define as it's OWN personal defintion of "wants", construed to itself as "love", another is said to not "love"???

if itself is not done unto by another the way self "want", then the brain use this as "grounds" for blame, accusing another of being mean, misguided, mean spirited, not loving, not "christian", not caring, not "good"???

how could, would, the human brain have any point of refernce within itself, of mean and not mean, unless the brain had been exposed to BOTH???

"personal want's", seen as the "guide" of what be love, could never create any true solution between any two people that "ever existed", or any "true love" to ever exist between two people, ever???

this notion believed in as the accurate tell of love, or good, in itself, establish a "moving platform" in the brain, a "moving bar" of love, that each human itself decide when to move for itself, HOW to measure "love itself", based upon how "ALL OTHER'S ARE TO TREAT SELF"???

what if each human do this???



nothing using this method of minds logic, could ever be satisfied to any degree, with any certainty, with no doubt, that "anything" else in the entire world actually loved itself???


and what does not do this, IS SOMEHOW THE ENEMY???

such would create a "WORLD OF MANY ENEMIES"???

constant no soltuion, and constant fighting about what words and deeds are "not love", is all such LOGIC could ever accomplish???

what is dirty for speaking it's own mind, EXCEPT WHAT DOES NOT ALLOW ANOTHER TO SPEAK IT'S OWN MIND FREELY AS WELL!!!???

perhaps that was why it was also written, what be "sin" for one, is not a sin for another???

two people's "wants", seen as accurate, as equal to what self want, would have to be the first building blocks of any true brotherly love, which be understanding other's, which be creating unity, which be creating peace amoung mankind by mankind itself???

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 03/01/10 12:02 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 03/01/10 12:04 PM

great post, i have had the same question.

If you do not believe in our great and holy God that is your choice. But why do you non believers try to insult us that believe in God? What do you have to gain by being crude to us? Live and let live. We as christians don't gain anything by spreading God's word. It's not like we'll get virgins in heaven for teaching people of God's word, nor a palace will more gold and prizes for doing as such. We are spreading God's word and trying to convert you for exactly that, YOU. Has nothing to do with gaining anything for us. And we don't go around claiming you to be stupid, idiotic, a retard, or anything of such just because you do not believe in the great God.

'cowboy', if your game is to preach, 'spread' your 'god's word, and make the divine sale by converting 'us', ASK 'US' PERMISSION FIRST!!!

This is a public space where people come to discuss religion in general, all religions, and all views.

No one comes here to be preached to, have your word of your god spread onto them, or have some sort of conversion act performed unto them.

If that is your thing, then respect the forum rules, and conduct yourself with integrity. Simply ask for those whom would like to have your word of your 'god' spread onto them, with the goal of conversion, and invite them to the 'christian forums' !!!

Conversely, if you insist on participating in the 'general religious chat' threads, stop 'spreading', 'preaching', and pushing conversion acts, and engage sincerely in the debate at hand.


Doesn't make sence. We aren't "Preaching" to anyone. Preaching would consist of talking to a group of people wanting to hear of this. If you do not want to read things of this, then you can just not read it or not click on that thread. Easy to ignor something on a forum, just don't read it. It's not like you need ear plugs or anything of such, it's your choice to read it. So no one is forcing anything upon anyone. It's not like you can over hear something with two christians conversing with one another.

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 12:33 PM
*high five* cowboy!!!

no photo
Mon 03/01/10 12:39 PM

great post, i have had the same question.

If you do not believe in our great and holy God that is your choice. But why do you non believers try to insult us that believe in God? What do you have to gain by being crude to us? Live and let live. We as christians don't gain anything by spreading God's word. It's not like we'll get virgins in heaven for teaching people of God's word, nor a palace will more gold and prizes for doing as such. We are spreading God's word and trying to convert you for exactly that, YOU. Has nothing to do with gaining anything for us. And we don't go around claiming you to be stupid, idiotic, a retard, or anything of such just because you do not believe in the great God.

'cowboy', if your game is to preach, 'spread' your 'god's word, and make the divine sale by converting 'us', ASK 'US' PERMISSION FIRST!!!

This is a public space where people come to discuss religion in general, all religions, and all views.

No one comes here to be preached to, have your word of your god spread onto them, or have some sort of conversion act performed unto them.

If that is your thing, then respect the forum rules, and conduct yourself with integrity. Simply ask for those whom would like to have your word of your 'god' spread onto them, with the goal of conversion, and invite them to the 'christian forums' !!!

Conversely, if you insist on participating in the 'general religious chat' threads, stop 'spreading', 'preaching', and pushing conversion acts, and engage sincerely in the debate at hand.


Doesn't make sence. We aren't "Preaching" to anyone. Preaching would consist of talking to a group of people wanting to hear of this. If you do not want to read things of this, then you can just not read it or not click on that thread. Easy to ignor something on a forum, just don't read it. It's not like you need ear plugs or anything of such, it's your choice to read it. So no one is forcing anything upon anyone. It's not like you can over hear something with two christians conversing with one another.

In your own words, you said you were trying to convert people.

We are spreading God's word and trying to convert you for exactly that, YOU.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 03/01/10 12:41 PM
At this time I'm locking up this thread.

Threads that are within a baiting form only to start arguments are not allowed.

When a Thread is geared towards only one type of Religion then they need to be posted within that area.

The General Religion is for debates only and all threads must be keep within a debate form. Members that do not follow these rules will in fact be dealt with by Moderators or Admin.

Therefore if threads are placed within this forum by mistake then it is best that the thread be reported as being in the wrong forum in order for Mods to move those type of threads instead.

It is not and open field to come in and attack due to they were posted within the wrong forum.

Therefore those that choose to post within those type of threads to attack others will be dealt with as well according to the site rules.

Everyone has a right to believe or not to believe that is their right as well. These forums are not here to convert anyone over to a certain Religion but in fact here as a learning tool in order to debate and to help others understand your point of view.

Thank You
Site Mod