Topic: Palin inciting violence too?...Well of course.
kc0003's photo
Fri 03/26/10 05:00 PM

...the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God.

I come from a very large Italian family, I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic schools, hell I was an alter boy as a kid. I no longer attend or follow the teachings of the church however, at NO time was I ever taught to worship "Mary" or the "host of Saints" as you infer....

And I went to a Lutheran Grade School and was taught Scripture (the Bible) over everything else. Then I went to Catholic High School for 3 and a half of the worst years of my life. I studied religion well into college. I have no idea what Catholic institutions you attended but the High School I went to I was at odds with the Priests all the time for saying "Hail Marys" or praying to Saints or Mary. I also had it out with them over their traditions conflicting with the very Bible itself. In my 3 1/2 years in a Catholic HS I learned they can't stand to be questioned when at least the Lutheran Church taught us to ask questions and I asked them some real hard ones over time. I doubt you took your region seriously because I bet you don't even know the history of the Catholic Church! I used to joke with my history teachers that Rome never fell. It became a frikken religious institution that reigned Europe for almost 2000 years after the fall of Rome! I would bet money you have no idea who the little Cherub holding Mary up in all that artwork she is portrayed in is. Originally the cherub was a bearded man (as per the example in the Vatican itself) and is the (Get this) Roman God Baccus holding her up! Baccus was the Roman version of Dyonisus. A testimonial to the PAGAN origins of the Catholic Church!

All religion sucks except Buddhism which at least is not hypocritical! they embrace good and evil as the two side of the coin. They don't have a "God of Love" who is "vengeful and angry!"

how in the hell can you make this kind of judgement about me, someone you know NOTHING about.

just because you are loooooong winded does NOT make you right. do not assume you know me, my beliefs or how seriously I take them.

my statement was that I was NEVER taught to worship the things you eluded to it was presented in a matter-of-fact manner. how it incited such a response from you is beyond me. it must be awful hard to go through life feeling threatened by every thing around you.

oh, and guess what Buddhism is not without its hypocrisies either. it is clear that you are not Buddhist so I am not surprised that you are wrong about that as well.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 05:48 PM

...the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God.

I come from a very large Italian family, I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic schools, hell I was an alter boy as a kid. I no longer attend or follow the teachings of the church however, at NO time was I ever taught to worship "Mary" or the "host of Saints" as you infer....

And I went to a Lutheran Grade School and was taught Scripture (the Bible) over everything else. Then I went to Catholic High School for 3 and a half of the worst years of my life. I studied religion well into college. I have no idea what Catholic institutions you attended but the High School I went to I was at odds with the Priests all the time for saying "Hail Marys" or praying to Saints or Mary. I also had it out with them over their traditions conflicting with the very Bible itself. In my 3 1/2 years in a Catholic HS I learned they can't stand to be questioned when at least the Lutheran Church taught us to ask questions and I asked them some real hard ones over time. I doubt you took your region seriously because I bet you don't even know the history of the Catholic Church! I used to joke with my history teachers that Rome never fell. It became a frikken religious institution that reigned Europe for almost 2000 years after the fall of Rome! I would bet money you have no idea who the little Cherub holding Mary up in all that artwork she is portrayed in is. Originally the cherub was a bearded man (as per the example in the Vatican itself) and is the (Get this) Roman God Baccus holding her up! Baccus was the Roman version of Dyonisus. A testimonial to the PAGAN origins of the Catholic Church!

All religion sucks except Buddhism which at least is not hypocritical! they embrace good and evil as the two side of the coin. They don't have a "God of Love" who is "vengeful and angry!"

how in the hell can you make this kind of judgement about me, someone you know NOTHING about.

just because you are loooooong winded does NOT make you right. do not assume you know me, my beliefs or how seriously I take them.

my statement was that I was NEVER taught to worship the things you eluded to it was presented in a matter-of-fact manner. how it incited such a response from you is beyond me. it must be awful hard to go through life feeling threatened by every thing around you.

oh, and guess what Buddhism is not without its hypocrisies either. it is clear that you are not Buddhist so I am not surprised that you are wrong about that as well.

hey, I didn't take the first shot! Long winded? Maybe for you. At least I can justify what I say with my thinking. You are so right, I don't know you and likewise you don't know me. No I'm not a Buddhist, I got two of them for customers! I attended religious based education most of my childhood. The Catholic schools only present doctrine and dogma. Please don't try and cloud this with your fact paraphrasing. I asked you to offer some of the countries you would offer as a template as a standard that is better than ours and so far you presented how many??? So what you don't say Hail Marys. I could care less if you attended Sunday Mass. I did my share of service to the Lutheran school since I was volunteered to sing in the choir (because before my voice cracked I had a demanded singing voice!) as well as serve as an acolyte.

Now maybe if you spent some time presenting some of the facts you like to wave at us I would not have to refute with such power on such weakly presented argument. Debate is debate and I love to eat the opposition unless they can really bite back and then it really is on but the thing is I also try hard to keep it civil and I sometimes have my personal failings and I can see I can easily push you over the edge. There is no need to take this personally but hey, if you want to be offended that is you prerogative.

So are we going to get lost in tangent or keep to the thread at hand?offtopic

Winx's photo
Fri 03/26/10 06:39 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

Over 30,000 Muslim Bosnians have been relocated to my city over the years. Do you feel the same way about them?

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 07:27 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

Over 30,000 Muslim Bosnians have been relocated to my city over the years. Do you feel the same way about them?

A Muslim is a Muslim.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 07:30 PM :banana: :banana: :banana:

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 07:59 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

Over 30,000 Muslim Bosnians have been relocated to my city over the years. Do you feel the same way about them?

A Muslim is a Muslim.

lol,, where is that captain obvious picture,,,

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 10:07 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Fri 03/26/10 10:09 PM
So does that mean because I think Jehova's Witnesses are wack jobs that all Christianity is homogeneously evil and cultish?

A Muslim is a Muslim? That is just plain ignorance! Are you aware there are I think if I got it right five flavors of Islam. it is only two of them who preach hate. The others are not about war. They let Allah choose, not themselves! They allow only Allah to pass Judgment. At least I ask them about their religion when I get a chance to help me understand more about them. Gee, lets all hate Scientologists next! Then we'll hate Buddhists, Then Taoists next!

What a frikken slippery slope some people choose to ride on! Hate breeds hate. Also know your enemy. they hide among good people for a reason! So they can spread like a cancer. You have to know who your enemy is before you can justify hating someone.

Yes I believe in hating an enemy and crushing them but not all islamics want war. They want nothing more than I want and that is a peaceful life not at the expense of others! Lets keep the Hateration in check!

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 11:02 PM

So does that mean because I think Jehova's Witnesses are wack jobs that all Christianity is homogeneously evil and cultish?

A Muslim is a Muslim? That is just plain ignorance! Are you aware there are I think if I got it right five flavors of Islam. it is only two of them who preach hate. The others are not about war. They let Allah choose, not themselves! They allow only Allah to pass Judgment. At least I ask them about their religion when I get a chance to help me understand more about them. Gee, lets all hate Scientologists next! Then we'll hate Buddhists, Then Taoists next!

What a frikken slippery slope some people choose to ride on! Hate breeds hate. Also know your enemy. they hide among good people for a reason! So they can spread like a cancer. You have to know who your enemy is before you can justify hating someone.

Yes I believe in hating an enemy and crushing them but not all islamics want war. They want nothing more than I want and that is a peaceful life not at the expense of others! Lets keep the Hateration in check!


kc0003's photo
Sat 03/27/10 01:56 PM

So does that mean because I think Jehova's Witnesses are wack jobs that all Christianity is homogeneously evil and cultish?

A Muslim is a Muslim? That is just plain ignorance! Are you aware there are I think if I got it right five flavors of Islam. it is only two of them who preach hate. The others are not about war. They let Allah choose, not themselves! They allow only Allah to pass Judgment. At least I ask them about their religion when I get a chance to help me understand more about them. Gee, lets all hate Scientologists next! Then we'll hate Buddhists, Then Taoists next!

What a frikken slippery slope some people choose to ride on! Hate breeds hate. Also know your enemy. they hide among good people for a reason! So they can spread like a cancer. You have to know who your enemy is before you can justify hating someone.

Yes I believe in hating an enemy and crushing them but not all islamics want war. They want nothing more than I want and that is a peaceful life not at the expense of others! Lets keep the Hateration in check!


Lpdon's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:04 PM
Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:12 PM

hey, I didn't take the first shot! Long winded? Maybe for you. At least I can justify what I say with my thinking. You are so right, I don't know you and likewise you don't know me. No I'm not a Buddhist, I got two of them for customers! I attended religious based education most of my childhood. The Catholic schools only present doctrine and dogma. Please don't try and cloud this with your fact paraphrasing. I asked you to offer some of the countries you would offer as a template as a standard that is better than ours and so far you presented how many??? So what you don't say Hail Marys. I could care less if you attended Sunday Mass. I did my share of service to the Lutheran school since I was volunteered to sing in the choir (because before my voice cracked I had a demanded singing voice!) as well as serve as an acolyte.

Now maybe if you spent some time presenting some of the facts you like to wave at us I would not have to refute with such power on such weakly presented argument. Debate is debate and I love to eat the opposition unless they can really bite back and then it really is on but the thing is I also try hard to keep it civil and I sometimes have my personal failings and I can see I can easily push you over the edge. There is no need to take this personally but hey, if you want to be offended that is you prerogative.

So are we going to get lost in tangent or keep to the thread at hand?offtopic

The reason I choose to not give you a list of countries that I feel have better health care systems than we do is because, it would be futile to do so; I will give you two examples of why I believe this.

1)You said that “Catholics worship Mary and a host of Saints” when I disputed this with my personal experience in the Church, you dismiss it with statements like; “I doubt you took your region seriously because I bet you don't even know the history of the Catholic Church! I used to joke with my history teachers that Rome never fell. It became a frikken religious institution that reigned Europe for almost 2000 years after the fall of Rome! I would bet money you have no idea who the little Cherub holding Mary up in all that artwork she is portrayed in is.” What does this have to do with what you said? Nothing, your statement is simply not true. Saying a prayer to Mary or to a Saint does not constitute worship. These are different issues and you are confusing them. You making this statement does not make it fact.

2)You asked me who deregulated the financial industry; I answered that by supplying you with the vote counts from both houses. Not only did the Republicans have the power to get it passed, but they also had enough to override Pres. Clinton should he have chosen to veto the bill. (Something they vowed to do.) So really, it didn’t matter if he signed or not, it was a republican initiative, I know that and I think you do as well. Still, you dismiss the notion because you can point to a signature. Again, it does not change the fact that the Republicans are the ones who drove the bill and ultimately got the result they wanted.

My statement is an opinion and I have no need to produce a list to back that up. No one country has a perfect way, I see our system for what it is and I think we can do better. You and I both agree it has flaws; we simply disagree on the manner in which they are dealt with. In the past no one did anything about it, including the very people you back.

My ex of nine years is an RN; most of her/our friends are in the health care industry. These include RNs, LPNs, Medical Billing and Coding people, Nurse Practitioner, Doctors and others. I am not unfamiliar with the workings within our system.

When I speak about our “system” I am talking about the entire system from actual care to the insurance companies and everything in between. This system that you tout as the best in the world excludes millions of our citizens, that alone (in my opinion) disqualifies it as such. The system and all of its components needs to be fixed, we agree on that so there is no reason to list the things wrong.
Now, do I think everything in this bill is the only way to correct the problem?...No. Do I think it is a step in the right direction?...Yes.

Lets look at it this way, it is a long process; one that is going to take time and much help from all parties involved, but like I said it is a start. The Republicans can either join in and contribute or they can jump up and down like children and toss about derogatory terms to distract from the fact that they had eight years to find a solution, yet chose to do nothing. In fact, they were told by Obama while he was a candidate that he was going to do this. The American people elected him and his agenda, I am glad he had the balls to start the ball rolling.

Winx's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:15 PM
Well said, KC.

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:21 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:39 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:04 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

but what makes you so sure they ALL want to kill you or your daughter or that they even go through their daily life thinking about you or your daughter,,,,,?

Lpdon's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:25 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

but what makes you so sure they ALL want to kill you or your daughter or that they even go through their daily life thinking about you or your daughter,,,,,?

Oh trust me they do. They want to kill the infadels so they get their virgins.

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/27/10 09:05 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

but what makes you so sure they ALL want to kill you or your daughter or that they even go through their daily life thinking about you or your daughter,,,,,?

Oh trust me they do. They want to kill the infadels so they get their virgins.

not all of them wish you harm...or your daughter

Lpdon's photo
Sat 03/27/10 09:07 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

but what makes you so sure they ALL want to kill you or your daughter or that they even go through their daily life thinking about you or your daughter,,,,,?

Oh trust me they do. They want to kill the infadels so they get their virgins.

not all of them wish you harm...or your daughter

Yes they do. They want their virgins.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/27/10 09:10 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

Too bad some people seem to think it is American and patriotic to hate.

There are Americans who do not agree with this and wish those hatemongers would either go away or grow and learn how to be human.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 03/27/10 09:14 PM

Agree on whatever you want. I have my views and they will NEVER change.

I am sorry to hear that your views will never change because that alone limits your growth possibilities as a human being.

The hell it does. It is my American and patriotic right to hate them. I will never not hate people who want to kill me and my daughter for Allah.

Too bad some people seem to think it is American and patriotic to hate.

There are Americans who do not agree with this and wish those hatemongers would either go away or grow and learn how to be human.

If you want to call me a hate monger thats fine. Frankly someone who uses terms like Teabagger and Faux News has no credibility in my book and there for I do not care what you think so no bother to respond in quotes to my posts.