Topic: Palin inciting violence too?...Well of course.
AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 10:03 AM
Edited by AndyBgood on Fri 03/26/10 10:04 AM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

My friend! Your rose colored glasses are incredible! Where do I get a set!

These men my friends are Taliban. They are NOT freedom fighters. The Tamil Tigers were more akin to freedom fighters than these mooks! Freedom fighters do not convince women and children to strap ordinance on themselves and blow up other women and children! A true freedom fighter does not target innocent civilians repeatedly. A true freedom fighter does not incite terrorism in other countries for religious reasons. Many of us Americans do not approve of what our "elected" officials are up to. The Taliban are cowards and nothing more! Be glad as hell I am not calling the shots in this fight! I would have these bastards defiled in horrible ways publicly before they are scattered to the sand to be Jackal food! The Afghani people fighting the Russians were freedom fighters, not the Taliban. If anything THEY are foreign invaders to Afghanistan AND Pakistan. many of them are not even from these countries. They recruit locals but the higher ups and "officers" of their army are all Saudi, Yemeni, and others from the region south of Afghanistan. The reason they are where they are is because if found in their own homelands they would be killed and they know it.

Let me guess, you are one of those clowns who attends a Fatwa? Trust me, the days of the fatwa in Saudi Arabia are counted! I would love to be there on Judgment day standing before God/ Allah (same dude, different name!) Because even though I am not without sin I will probably be one of the few standing while the rest of you are prostrate on the ground before him and I will not let god judge me! I will not be judged by a hypocrite no matter how powerful they are. I know this, I know everything I have been taught is wrong. I would be willing to bet my entire life on the idea that I probably will not get the same treatment the rest of the sheep will be getting. All those priests and clerics who thought they were doing God's/ Allah's will are going to find out the hard what they were wrong.

I am not perfect but I am not out inciting martyrdom. I am not out to convince anyone to kill others because they are infidels. I just want to live a good life and extend that to others. I am sure hell is full of Christians who thought they were doing the right thing and even THEY misunderstand the whole ideals behind the teachings of Jesus. the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God. And here you come along with all of your hate trying to point fingers of accusation to us to make you feel better about your beliefs. Why not look into your own heart and see the darkness there before painting our hearts black.

The Taliban are nothing more than Theocratic MURDERERS! If you have to make war make it on the deserving, not women and children! If you have to make war be ready to fight yourself and be ready to die by your convictions! Don't convince others to do your fighting for you! If you have to make war DON'T INVOLVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ESPECIALLY CHILDREN TO TAKE UP YOUR CAUSE! those are the marks of real cowards!

I can't feel sorry any more for Palestine because they have proven to be inadequate to govern themselves and constantly attack Israel inciting counter attacks. They target civilians instead of Military targets. That is just plain weak and stupid! I suppose you would justify a Islamic nuclear attack on us as well. If that did happen do you have ANY idea what that would bring to the Middle East?

Well, this comes from a game I love to play called Nuclear War. it is one of the few games where there is no winner because of the destruction done to the planet. Sometimes the planet actually gets blown into nice bite sized chunks. There is a phrase that goes with this game... "Hey, do you got change for 25,000,000 people?" These days though I think Pakistan is understanding the gravity of what they face in this. I think their days are indeed numbered.

I love how the term Freedom Fighter is thrown around so much to justify cowardice and murder!

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 10:06 AM
'Freedom fighters do not convince women and children to strap ordinance on themselves and blow up other women and children'

is it more or less noble to be required to die along with those you kill than it is to be required to hide in a hut or push a button and kill?

CatsLoveMe's photo
Fri 03/26/10 10:19 AM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

My friend! Your rose colored glasses are incredible! Where do I get a set!

These men my friends are Taliban. They are NOT freedom fighters. The Tamil Tigers were more akin to freedom fighters than these mooks! Freedom fighters do not convince women and children to strap ordinance on themselves and blow up other women and children! A true freedom fighter does not target innocent civilians repeatedly. A true freedom fighter does not incite terrorism in other countries for religious reasons. Many of us Americans do not approve of what our "elected" officials are up to. The Taliban are cowards and nothing more! Be glad as hell I am not calling the shots in this fight! I would have these bastards defiled in horrible ways publicly before they are scattered to the sand to be Jackal food! The Afghani people fighting the Russians were freedom fighters, not the Taliban. If anything THEY are foreign invaders to Afghanistan AND Pakistan. many of them are not even from these countries. They recruit locals but the higher ups and "officers" of their army are all Saudi, Yemeni, and others from the region south of Afghanistan. The reason they are where they are is because if found in their own homelands they would be killed and they know it.

Let me guess, you are one of those clowns who attends a Fatwa? Trust me, the days of the fatwa in Saudi Arabia are counted! I would love to be there on Judgment day standing before God/ Allah (same dude, different name!) Because even though I am not without sin I will probably be one of the few standing while the rest of you are prostrate on the ground before him and I will not let god judge me! I will not be judged by a hypocrite no matter how powerful they are. I know this, I know everything I have been taught is wrong. I would be willing to bet my entire life on the idea that I probably will not get the same treatment the rest of the sheep will be getting. All those priests and clerics who thought they were doing God's/ Allah's will are going to find out the hard what they were wrong.

I am not perfect but I am not out inciting martyrdom. I am not out to convince anyone to kill others because they are infidels. I just want to live a good life and extend that to others. I am sure hell is full of Christians who thought they were doing the right thing and even THEY misunderstand the whole ideals behind the teachings of Jesus. the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God. And here you come along with all of your hate trying to point fingers of accusation to us to make you feel better about your beliefs. Why not look into your own heart and see the darkness there before painting our hearts black.

The Taliban are nothing more than Theocratic MURDERERS! If you have to make war make it on the deserving, not women and children! If you have to make war be ready to fight yourself and be ready to die by your convictions! Don't convince others to do your fighting for you! If you have to make war DON'T INVOLVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ESPECIALLY CHILDREN TO TAKE UP YOUR CAUSE! those are the marks of real cowards!

I can't feel sorry any more for Palestine because they have proven to be inadequate to govern themselves and constantly attack Israel inciting counter attacks. They target civilians instead of Military targets. That is just plain weak and stupid! I suppose you would justify a Islamic nuclear attack on us as well. If that did happen do you have ANY idea what that would bring to the Middle East?

Well, this comes from a game I love to play called Nuclear War. it is one of the few games where there is no winner because of the destruction done to the planet. Sometimes the planet actually gets blown into nice bite sized chunks. There is a phrase that goes with this game... "Hey, do you got change for 25,000,000 people?" These days though I think Pakistan is understanding the gravity of what they face in this. I think their days are indeed numbered.

I love how the term Freedom Fighter is thrown around so much to justify cowardice and murder!

So what is called then when Israel does it? I'll stick with Zionist Bastids! Pull the plugs on Israel, save America.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 10:30 AM
The way to hell is paved with good intentions! War is a necessary evil unfortunately. The reasons American Soldiers are fighting abroad are noble but the reasons they are out there are not exactly noble. Iran was about Oil. Afghanistan is about hunting Bin Laden and the Taliban. the reason I am not there fighting is because I believe in "if you got to make war make it wholly and totally! Throw EVERYTHING at the enemy and win Quickly leaving Devastation and Lamentation in my wake! Hit the enemy SO hard that others will think twice before even thinking about threatening war." There would be no negotiation with the Taliban if I had it my way.

Americans have no real spine for fighting any more in general. Thank god the few soldiers we do have have the resolve to do what it takes to protect our freedom! Obama hasn't got the balls to really face these enemies of the state and people of America. You can negotiate with people willing to Negotiate. The Taliban and Al-Quieda are not willing to negotiate unless it is always on THEIR terms. That has to end NOW! They need to be smashed, humiliated, and put down like rabid dogs! Palestine has shown more willingness to negotiate but again their inability to govern themselves is the biggest problem because one group agrees to a cease fire and another starts shooting again. What is even worst is that Israel has designs to get Jerusalem back and the UN is doing nothing to stop that. If anything Jerusalem needs to remain an independent city state. It is the ONLY place in the world where Islam, Jew, and Christian get along!

The Middle east is just a messed up fur ball and the people need to learn to rise above the wills of tired old men steeped in hatred for others and prejudice for those not living their ideals.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 10:33 AM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

My friend! Your rose colored glasses are incredible! Where do I get a set!

These men my friends are Taliban. They are NOT freedom fighters. The Tamil Tigers were more akin to freedom fighters than these mooks! Freedom fighters do not convince women and children to strap ordinance on themselves and blow up other women and children! A true freedom fighter does not target innocent civilians repeatedly. A true freedom fighter does not incite terrorism in other countries for religious reasons. Many of us Americans do not approve of what our "elected" officials are up to. The Taliban are cowards and nothing more! Be glad as hell I am not calling the shots in this fight! I would have these bastards defiled in horrible ways publicly before they are scattered to the sand to be Jackal food! The Afghani people fighting the Russians were freedom fighters, not the Taliban. If anything THEY are foreign invaders to Afghanistan AND Pakistan. many of them are not even from these countries. They recruit locals but the higher ups and "officers" of their army are all Saudi, Yemeni, and others from the region south of Afghanistan. The reason they are where they are is because if found in their own homelands they would be killed and they know it.

Let me guess, you are one of those clowns who attends a Fatwa? Trust me, the days of the fatwa in Saudi Arabia are counted! I would love to be there on Judgment day standing before God/ Allah (same dude, different name!) Because even though I am not without sin I will probably be one of the few standing while the rest of you are prostrate on the ground before him and I will not let god judge me! I will not be judged by a hypocrite no matter how powerful they are. I know this, I know everything I have been taught is wrong. I would be willing to bet my entire life on the idea that I probably will not get the same treatment the rest of the sheep will be getting. All those priests and clerics who thought they were doing God's/ Allah's will are going to find out the hard what they were wrong.

I am not perfect but I am not out inciting martyrdom. I am not out to convince anyone to kill others because they are infidels. I just want to live a good life and extend that to others. I am sure hell is full of Christians who thought they were doing the right thing and even THEY misunderstand the whole ideals behind the teachings of Jesus. the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God. And here you come along with all of your hate trying to point fingers of accusation to us to make you feel better about your beliefs. Why not look into your own heart and see the darkness there before painting our hearts black.

The Taliban are nothing more than Theocratic MURDERERS! If you have to make war make it on the deserving, not women and children! If you have to make war be ready to fight yourself and be ready to die by your convictions! Don't convince others to do your fighting for you! If you have to make war DON'T INVOLVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ESPECIALLY CHILDREN TO TAKE UP YOUR CAUSE! those are the marks of real cowards!

I can't feel sorry any more for Palestine because they have proven to be inadequate to govern themselves and constantly attack Israel inciting counter attacks. They target civilians instead of Military targets. That is just plain weak and stupid! I suppose you would justify a Islamic nuclear attack on us as well. If that did happen do you have ANY idea what that would bring to the Middle East?

Well, this comes from a game I love to play called Nuclear War. it is one of the few games where there is no winner because of the destruction done to the planet. Sometimes the planet actually gets blown into nice bite sized chunks. There is a phrase that goes with this game... "Hey, do you got change for 25,000,000 people?" These days though I think Pakistan is understanding the gravity of what they face in this. I think their days are indeed numbered.

I love how the term Freedom Fighter is thrown around so much to justify cowardice and murder!

So what is called then when Israel does it? I'll stick with Zionist Bastids! Pull the plugs on Israel, save America.

I actually agree! Israel has been pulling a lot of back stabbing on us! they need to face their problems alone for a while! The thing is that Israel has a serious Victim complex and that is the hallmark of an Oppressor! Israel needs to act in better faith than they have. They do have a duty to protect themselves but to settle in occupied territories is WRONG considering what England did to Palestine in the first place in 1945! Again if anyone really needs to point a finger of accusation at anyone point it at England because they drew the borders in the area in 1945 and screwed up badly! They were playing the Great Nation Builders.

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:56 PM

I don't think she's inciting violence at all...........

I'm not just saying this because im a Republican, because I can't stand her. I left my position with the McCain campaign when she got picked for the VP slot, as did a lot of other people.

I doubt shes smart enought to even lead a sunday school class . Shes probly got a doc. in breathing like so many in the usa government .
but if your scared of being shoot you really should not be in the government that is a high profile job . and when you have a government that doesn't hear the people then you better leran to boob and weave .

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:24 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 03/26/10 02:26 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:26 PM
smh,,,,just wondering how many who are so certain of their stand are studying these religions or know people who do?

painting islam as a terrorist religion is no less disgraceful, in my opinion, than painting judaism as a greedy one

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:27 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Oh yeah, they are fighting for virgins too.......

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:29 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 03/26/10 02:29 PM

smh,,,,just wondering how many who are so certain of their stand are studying these religions or know people who do?

painting islam as a terrorist religion is no less disgraceful, in my opinion, than painting judaism as a greedy one

I have talked to a local Muslim man, who converted to another religion because of Islam being so hateful of the non-believers and it's midevil treatment twords women.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:35 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 03/26/10 02:36 PM

smh,,,,just wondering how many who are so certain of their stand are studying these religions or know people who do?

painting islam as a terrorist religion is no less disgraceful, in my opinion, than painting judaism as a greedy one

I have talked to a local Muslim man, who converted to another religion because of Islam being so hateful of the non-believers and it's midevil treatment twords women.

well at least you have SOME personal experience,,better than most who condemn a religion....but Id advise against one sole source to determine an opinion about millions of people, I know catholics who HATE the catholic church because they felt it was all about money and not about the right things,,,,,I take that as their experience and probably the experience of others but not NECESSARILY truly the intent of the religion itself as I also know many catholics who are very content

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:45 PM

smh,,,,just wondering how many who are so certain of their stand are studying these religions or know people who do?

painting islam as a terrorist religion is no less disgraceful, in my opinion, than painting judaism as a greedy one

I have talked to a local Muslim man, who converted to another religion because of Islam being so hateful of the non-believers and it's midevil treatment twords women.

well at least you have SOME personal experience,,better than most who condemn a religion....but Id advise against one sole source to determine an opinion about millions of people, I know catholics who HATE the catholic church because they felt it was all about money and not about the right things,,,,,I take that as their experience and probably the experience of others but not NECESSARILY truly the intent of the religion itself as I also know many catholics who are very content

But catholics done commit mass murder of people for being non-believers. They don't make women cover their faces. They don't encourage the beating and torture of women like Islam does. Hell in the ME women cant even play sprots for fear they will break their hymen. Those people are all nuts.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:49 PM

smh,,,,just wondering how many who are so certain of their stand are studying these religions or know people who do?

painting islam as a terrorist religion is no less disgraceful, in my opinion, than painting judaism as a greedy one

I have talked to a local Muslim man, who converted to another religion because of Islam being so hateful of the non-believers and it's midevil treatment twords women.

well at least you have SOME personal experience,,better than most who condemn a religion....but Id advise against one sole source to determine an opinion about millions of people, I know catholics who HATE the catholic church because they felt it was all about money and not about the right things,,,,,I take that as their experience and probably the experience of others but not NECESSARILY truly the intent of the religion itself as I also know many catholics who are very content

But catholics done commit mass murder of people for being non-believers. They don't make women cover their faces. They don't encourage the beating and torture of women like Islam does. Hell in the ME women cant even play sprots for fear they will break their hymen. Those people are all nuts.

its all perspective,, I dont know about the mass murder claim as to the rest though. We require women wear clothing and most women are fine with it,,they require (in some situations) that women cover their face and most their women are fine with that too.

I also dont know that Islam itself encourages beating or torture of women. I know my christian bible mentions this tradition but I dont know if mention of it is the same as support of it.

differences don't mean people are nuts,, just different

kc0003's photo
Fri 03/26/10 03:34 PM

...the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God.

I come from a very large Italian family, I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic schools, hell I was an alter boy as a kid. I no longer attend or follow the teachings of the church however, at NO time was I ever taught to worship "Mary" or the "host of Saints" as you infer....

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 04:00 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 04:10 PM

...the Catholic Church is nothing more than a pack of misguided Pagans worshiping Mary, Jesus, and a host of Saints as well as God.

I come from a very large Italian family, I was raised Catholic, attended Catholic schools, hell I was an alter boy as a kid. I no longer attend or follow the teachings of the church however, at NO time was I ever taught to worship "Mary" or the "host of Saints" as you infer....

And I went to a Lutheran Grade School and was taught Scripture (the Bible) over everything else. Then I went to Catholic High School for 3 and a half of the worst years of my life. I studied religion well into college. I have no idea what Catholic institutions you attended but the High School I went to I was at odds with the Priests all the time for saying "Hail Marys" or praying to Saints or Mary. I also had it out with them over their traditions conflicting with the very Bible itself. In my 3 1/2 years in a Catholic HS I learned they can't stand to be questioned when at least the Lutheran Church taught us to ask questions and I asked them some real hard ones over time. I doubt you took your region seriously because I bet you don't even know the history of the Catholic Church! I used to joke with my history teachers that Rome never fell. It became a frikken religious institution that reigned Europe for almost 2000 years after the fall of Rome! I would bet money you have no idea who the little Cherub holding Mary up in all that artwork she is portrayed in is. Originally the cherub was a bearded man (as per the example in the Vatican itself) and is the (Get this) Roman God Baccus holding her up! Baccus was the Roman version of Dyonisus. A testimonial to the PAGAN origins of the Catholic Church!

All religion sucks except Buddhism which at least is not hypocritical! they embrace good and evil as the two side of the coin. They don't have a "God of Love" who is "vengeful and angry!"

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 04:23 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/26/10 04:29 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

And Jews or Christians also are telling the truth? Come on! I can tell when someone does not like me! I don't read minds but eyes are a dead giveaway most of the time! Accusing all Islamics of being Jihadists is just as ignorant as any Player hater! It gauls me to think that all of the Peace and Love Christians preach and this is how it is shown!noway

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 04:37 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

And Jews or Christians also are telling the truth? Come on! I can tell when someone does not like me! I don't read minds but eyes are a dead giveaway most of the time! Accusing all Islamics of being Jihadists is just as ignorant as any Player hater! It gauls me to think that all of the Peace and Love Christians preach and this is how it is shown!noway

I am cristian BUT when I get 4,000+ Innocent men, woman and babies dying because Muslims want to scream out "Allah!" and hit our buildings, ships and embassies brings out the hate in you.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 03/26/10 04:46 PM

SO Sarah Palin is a gun toting nut job eh???


Who the hell do you think these fellows are??? And what is that in their hands???


i call these freedom fighters. what they can't defend their own country???? Invade a country expect to get dealt with

I call them Muslim Wackjob Terrorists. Members of the US Military call them targets! :banana: :banana: :banana: Oh yeah, they arn't fighting for their country, they are fighting for Allah sick

Peopple need to wake up. Islam is a religion of hate, murder and human rights violations. Non-believers are to die and burn in hell, and it is the duty of every Muslim to kill the non-believers. If any Muslim says other wise they are a liar.

Lets be fair here. I know Muslims and Islamics who are indeed men of peace. They pray for an end to the hostility and they also practice tolerance. Not all Islamics are Jihadists! BIG BIG DIFFERENCE! Not all Islamics send their children to Fatwas. I know Islamics who would like to see the Fatwas go away!

The Catholics had their era of blood during the Dark Ages! 4 crusades later and two inquisitions? Let us not forget history. Once upon a time the Christians were the oppressed and they had their day as oppressors. Islam has been victimized for years by Christianity and so we have the fight we got now.

The Hebrews (Jews) likewise had their era of blood as well. Read the Book of Judges in the old testimate. The Hebrew slaughtered the Caananites as many other neighbors of theirs. Now we have Israel and their bloodshed in the name of self defense. They are not wholly without justification.

I appreciate Islam for having conscious many of us have lost BUT to hate them for their differences is wrong and stands against what I believe in. If they can put up with me I can put up with them. Hate me for not being Islamic or white or American sight unseen? Don't expect me to be nice and if given proper provocation I will defend myself! I would rather die with a sword in one hand, My enemy's throat in the other knee deep in the blood and bodies of my enemies rather than live on my knees oppressed by a Theocracy!

Nuff said???

Then you odn't really know them and they are LYING to you.

And Jews or Christians also are telling the truth? Come on! I can tell when someone does not like me! I don't read minds but eyes are a dead giveaway most of the time! Accusing all Islamics of being Jihadists is just as ignorant as any Player hater! It gauls me to think that all of the Peace and Love Christians preach and this is how it is shown!noway

AND, if you think that non-Muslims are not extra vigilent when they are around Muslims your dead wrong. Just look what happened around Christmas.

I know a lot of people who if are flying they see a Muslim boarding, they will immediately get off and take another flight.

I know im extra careful around any of them I encounter.