Topic: "Let Constance Take Her Girlfriend to Prom!"
lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 11:06 AM
Reminder, guys: Let's keep this about the subject. Keep the personal comments OUT of this discussion.

At no time is it permissible to attack another member.

Lead Moderator for Mingle2

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/27/10 11:58 AM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

They don't have near the rights a straight person does.....

examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please?

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 03/27/10 01:49 PM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

The Fulton, Mississippi School was in full violation of the Equal Access Act Rights, which applies to all federally funded public schools, and violated the same rights (no 'special rights' as Sir 'Thomas' demagogically and heretically claims) Ms Millenn enjoys as every other human being, in most free world countries: IT IS ILLEGAL TO DISCRIMINATE BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION, ... PERIOD.

The school is breaking the Equal Access Rights Law under the first Amendment of the US Constitution. End of subject.

The school's only 'out', was to cancel the event all together, a mean and unchristian gesture as it is, only to soothe the local unchristian bigots, because the school had no legal leg to stand on in refusing access to to the Prom to Ms McMillenn and her female friend.

As you explicitly prove right here with your post, no one is stopping YOU from practicing YOUR religious freedom.

Discriminating against other human beings, even when you justify it through confused ad self-serving interpretations of christian dogma, is immoral and illegal!!!

Equal access rights?You bother reading the courts papers?Equal access rights has nothing to do with this case and it wasn't even mention in the court ruling.It is defined as....

The Equal Access Act is a United States federal law passed in 1984 to compel federally-funded secondary schools to provide equal access to extracurricular clubs. Lobbied for by religious groups who wanted to ensure students the right to conduct Bible study programs during lunch and after school, it is also essential in litigation regarding the right of students to form gay–straight alliances.

She wasn't starting a club.It had nothing to do with a club.The judge said the only thing the school broke was her first amendment right to wear a tuxedo and show her gay identity as shown below...

"The record shows Constance has been openly gay since eighth grade and she intended to communicate a message by wearing a tuxedo and to express her identity through attending prom with a same-sex date. The Court finds this expression and communication of her viewpoint is the type of speech that falls squarely within the purview of the First Amendment".

So basically all we have is a case of a woman who was denied her prom because of a dress code violation.What kind of damages for violation of expression and communication(if any)and what ruling the judge makes is likely to be very petty.I imagine it will be appealed and later thrown out when it goes to the Supreme court.

The school canceled the prom due to the media circus(which was probably in the hundreds)outside the school everyday disrupting and distracting the students and the whole town.I really don't think the High school wanted the whole nation watching it's every move when it came prom time.I think it is safe to say this whole mess has probably caused such a uproar with the high school I wouldn't be surprised if a good majority didn't drop out,transfer,or just give up from all the negative publicity along with the teachers.

As far as Christianity.Yes Christians can discriminate and we are supposed to discriminate as if we didn't we would be the same as atheist.Our faiths,values,and morals don't get thrown out the window simply because we walk into a public building.We don't want to be part of Atheism or the gay lifestyle.You can't force us to give up everything we believe in simply because you say so.How ironic how I keep reading about how Christians are brainwashed and stupid.Yet these same people think that Christians should be brainwashed into their way of thinking.Quite a double standard of thinking.

If the school district had any balls it would countersue for slander,harassment,intimidation,emotional distress,defamation of character,and the all the harm the school,the people,and town has had to go through over this fiasco which the ACLU made bigger than it should have ever been.

Winx's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:54 PM
Thomas said:

"As far as Christianity.Yes Christians can discriminate and we are supposed to discriminate as if we didn't we would be the same as atheist."
My Pastor discussed a similar topic last week. Matthew 7:1 Do not judge or you too will be judged. He said that there is no room in the life of a Christ follower for spiritual arrogance, spiritual superiority, or spiritual pride. Are you more concerned with righteousness or more concerned with being right? It's not right to deal with our shortcomings by to pointing out other people's short comings. Matthew 7:3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Christians should try to be not judgmental.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:03 PM

Thomas said:

"As far as Christianity.Yes Christians can discriminate and we are supposed to discriminate as if we didn't we would be the same as atheist."
My Pastor discussed a similar topic last week. Matthew 7:1 Do not judge or you too will be judged. He said that there is no room in the life of a Christ follower for spiritual arrogance, spiritual superiority, or spiritual pride. Are you more concerned with righteousness or more concerned with being right? It's not right to deal with our shortcomings by to pointing out other people's short comings. Matthew 7:3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Christians should try to be not judgmental.

judgement sets us apart from robots,, decisions require some judgement,,usually judgement of right and wrong

to judge actions and words, if applied equally to everyone , is not an act of superiority or pride, ,just survival

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:11 PM
i judge on a daily basis...and i make no apologies. i don't believe i'm necessarily christian anymore...but even when i was, i still made these judgments.

when you have children, you can't afford not to.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:16 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Sat 03/27/10 03:16 PM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

They don't have near the rights a straight person does.....

examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please?

How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY.

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:32 PM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

They don't have near the rights a straight person does.....

examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please?

How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY.
how about the right to openly walk in public holding the hand of their loved-one without being subjected to bigoted ********? how about the right to health-care, raise a family without everyone putting their noses in it?

to walk down the street without being assaulted or spit on or called names?

to receive promotions based off of ability and not their sexual partners?

to adopt?

to freaking live life like everyone else does?

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:39 PM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

They don't have near the rights a straight person does.....

examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please?

How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY.

We have been over the gay marriage issue in here several hundred times in here.Marrige is not a right to anyone.It has always been a PRIVATE institution not one run by government.Marriage is not even mentioned in the Bill of rights or the Constitution.

Serving in the military is also not a right.Nobody has a right to serve in the military.Among the other things that will not allow you to serve in the military are Sleepwalking,bedwetting,criminal records,diabetes,age,bad eyesight,overweight,too,tall,too short,thoughts of depression or suicide,drug use,alchohol problems,not being able to read or write,failure to perform a minimum number of push ups and sit ups,no high school diploma,felonies,and about a hundred other things I can't think of.

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:40 PM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

They don't have near the rights a straight person does.....

examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please?

How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY.

We have been over the gay marriage issue in here several hundred times in here.Marrige is not a right to anyone.It has always been a PRIVATE institution not one run by government.Marriage is not even mentioned in the Bill of rights or the Constitution.

Serving in the military is also not a right.Nobody has a right to serve in the military.Among the other things that will not allow you to serve in the military are Sleepwalking,bedwetting,criminal records,diabetes,age,bad eyesight,overweight,too,tall,too short,thoughts of depression or suicide,drug use,alchohol problems,not being able to read or write,failure to perform a minimum number of push ups and sit ups,no high school diploma,felonies,and about a hundred other things I can't think of.

how is marriage not governmental when it's often performed by a justice of the peace?

RKISIT's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:46 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 03/27/10 03:46 PM
but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don' be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:00 PM

but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don' be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever
you know what? they've proven that the majority isn't always right.

how would we have ended slavery if we went by majority? just because the majority thinks one way...doesn't make it ethical.

no photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:01 PM
Sorry for all the 'personal freedom' and 'gay rights' positions, but it's the SCHOOL's policy, property, and responsiblity (remember that word ... ?) She has the court-mandated 'right' to be gay - she does NOT have the right to tell or expect everyone else to agree, support, or make her choice a 'special rights' case. She loses. Life's a ***** sometimes ... learn it - love it - live it.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:07 PM

Thomas said:

"As far as Christianity.Yes Christians can discriminate and we are supposed to discriminate as if we didn't we would be the same as atheist."
My Pastor discussed a similar topic last week. Matthew 7:1 Do not judge or you too will be judged. He said that there is no room in the life of a Christ follower for spiritual arrogance, spiritual superiority, or spiritual pride. Are you more concerned with righteousness or more concerned with being right? It's not right to deal with our shortcomings by to pointing out other people's short comings. Matthew 7:3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Christians should try to be not judgmental.

I really don't want to turn this into a spiritual debate so please don't turn it into one..

Winx for someone who considers herself to be a Christian you certianly waste no time supporting the very people who are trying to destroy Christianity as we know it.As a matter of fact I can't recall you ever standing up for a single bible verse since I have been here.I really could care less what your pastor says or any other Christian in here.I know what the bible says.It says sin must always be rejected.If you are supporting people who are embracing sin and rejecting the bible you are not doing Gods word.God and Jesus both rejected sin.They also told us to stay away from people who have no interest in being good and only wish to do us harm.They both told us not to associate with people who are unbelievers or practice other religions.

Call me what you want.Jesus enforced the bible everywhere he went.He went into the temple and ran everyone out who was selling things.He judged thousands of people according to their faith or lack of faith.He judged the Jewish priest and called them hypocrites by their actions.My actions are justified as I judge according to the laws of the bible.You really think Jesus would say "do not go to this person,or do not associate with that person" if we could not judge BY THEIR ACTIONS?We would just accept everyone as they are even if they were murders and let them into our houses.At least 3/4 of the bible talks about evil and the people who commit evil and how we are suppose to avoid them and how to deal with them.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:08 PM

but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don' be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever
you know what? they've proven that the majority isn't always right.

how would we have ended slavery if we went by majority? just because the majority thinks one way...doesn't make it ethical.
but then you can turn it around and say the majority of Americans are against the Iraq War and yep and our troops are still there,my point was if what some see as unethical other will see it as ethical and the ones who see it as ethical win then so be it,slavery was actually over with the emancipation ploclamation but some didnt want to abide by it,just like the lesbian

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:09 PM

Sorry for all the 'personal freedom' and 'gay rights' positions, but it's the SCHOOL's policy, property, and responsiblity (remember that word ... ?) She has the court-mandated 'right' to be gay - she does NOT have the right to tell or expect everyone else to agree, support, or make her choice a 'special rights' case. She loses. Life's a ***** sometimes ... learn it - love it - live it.
this doesn't change the fact that the school is government-run.

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:11 PM

but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don' be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever
you know what? they've proven that the majority isn't always right.

how would we have ended slavery if we went by majority? just because the majority thinks one way...doesn't make it ethical.
but then you can turn it around and say the majority of Americans are against the Iraq War and yep and our troops are still there,my point was if what some see as unethical other will see it as ethical and the ones who see it as ethical win then so be it,slavery was actually over with the emancipation ploclamation but some didnt want to abide by it,just like the lesbian
this isn't about the war, nor is it over cotton, tobacco, or money.

Dict8's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:12 PM
Let em' go to the prom, man!!!!! :tongue:

RKISIT's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:13 PM

but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don' be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever
you know what? they've proven that the majority isn't always right.

how would we have ended slavery if we went by majority? just because the majority thinks one way...doesn't make it ethical.
but then you can turn it around and say the majority of Americans are against the Iraq War and yep and our troops are still there,my point was if what some see as unethical other will see it as ethical and the ones who see it as ethical win then so be it,slavery was actually over with the emancipation ploclamation but some didnt want to abide by it,just like the lesbian
this isn't about the war, nor is it over cotton, tobacco, or money.
so what does slavery have to do with lesbians?

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:13 PM

Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere.

We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights.

I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them.

They don't have near the rights a straight person does.....

examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please?

How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY.

We have been over the gay marriage issue in here several hundred times in here.Marrige is not a right to anyone.It has always been a PRIVATE institution not one run by government.Marriage is not even mentioned in the Bill of rights or the Constitution.

Serving in the military is also not a right.Nobody has a right to serve in the military.Among the other things that will not allow you to serve in the military are Sleepwalking,bedwetting,criminal records,diabetes,age,bad eyesight,overweight,too,tall,too short,thoughts of depression or suicide,drug use,alchohol problems,not being able to read or write,failure to perform a minimum number of push ups and sit ups,no high school diploma,felonies,and about a hundred other things I can't think of.

how is marriage not governmental when it's often performed by a justice of the peace?

Anyone can get married.You can go get married in a drive through in las vegas by Joe nobody.In order for it to be official you need a marriage certificate by the state.It is still a private institution and not one that is,or never has been a program run or offered by the Government.