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Topic: Can't Wear OUR Flag on 'Cinco de Mayo' ...
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Thu 05/06/10 10:12 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Thu 05/06/10 10:12 AM
Okay ... if you're surprised by this, raise your hand ... you - in the back ... you can leave, 'cuz you obviously have no grasp of what's going on. Bueller ... ? Bueller ... ? It's ostensibly okay for Mexican 'students' to be 'offended' when American students wear American colors on T-shirts, but it's not okay for Americans in general to be offended when Mexican 'students' march in American streets under the Mexican flag ... we're supposed to be okay with that ... sorry, but no ... let them demonstrate their 'understanding' ... but don't hold your breath while you wait ...


Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Freedom of expression or cultural disrespect on Cinco de Mayo?


On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.

Galli says he and his friends were sitting at a table during brunch break when the vice principal asked two of the boys to remove American flag bandannas that they wearing on their heads and for the others to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. When they refused, the boys were ordered to go to the principal's office.

"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus.

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous," Julie Fagerstrom, Maciel's mom, said. "All they were doing was displaying their patriotic nature. They're expressing their individuality."

But to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.

As for an apology, the boys and their families say, "fat chance."

"I'm not going to apologize. I did nothing wrong," Galli said. "I went along with my normal day. I might have worn an American flag, but I'm an American and I'm proud to be an American."

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 05/06/10 10:26 AM
F Mexico. F foreign nationals that come here and wave their flags in our faces in our country. And most of all F Americans who put up with that crap. I so badly want to drive a tank into a protest full of Mexican flag waving azzholes just like the Chinese did at Tienamin Square!

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/06/10 10:29 AM

Okay ... if you're surprised by this, raise your hand ... you - in the back ... you can leave, 'cuz you obviously have no grasp of what's going on. Bueller ... ? Bueller ... ? It's ostensibly okay for Mexican 'students' to be 'offended' when American students wear American colors on T-shirts, but it's not okay for Americans in general to be offended when Mexican 'students' march in American streets under the Mexican flag ... we're supposed to be okay with that ... sorry, but no ... let them demonstrate their 'understanding' ... but don't hold your breath while you wait ...


Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Freedom of expression or cultural disrespect on Cinco de Mayo?


On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.

Galli says he and his friends were sitting at a table during brunch break when the vice principal asked two of the boys to remove American flag bandannas that they wearing on their heads and for the others to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. When they refused, the boys were ordered to go to the principal's office.

"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus.

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous," Julie Fagerstrom, Maciel's mom, said. "All they were doing was displaying their patriotic nature. They're expressing their individuality."

But to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.

As for an apology, the boys and their families say, "fat chance."

"I'm not going to apologize. I did nothing wrong," Galli said. "I went along with my normal day. I might have worn an American flag, but I'm an American and I'm proud to be an American."

I understand both sides, it was violating freedom of expression on one hand , and on the other it was preventing potential disruption. IT is sad that we cant all be 'proud' of our homes or our ancestry, but I do understand the potential for fights to break out when one groups day of celebration SEEMS to be disrespected by others. But this is the essence of Freedom of Expression, it allows disrespect and so by the law, this is probably not going to be considered legal,,,,,,just consider the case of the homosexual gal wanting to take her partner to the dance,,,that was covered under freedom of expression so this would certainly be as well.

GG2's photo
Thu 05/06/10 10:33 AM
That "holiday", which really isn't one, was started by Corona beer.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 05/06/10 10:47 AM
Honestly it is one thing to be proud of your heritage but these rallies are more of a Hispanic hate fest. They spew all kinds of hate filled slogans and GOD FORBID you should be wearing an American flag because these same azzholes throw rocks and beer bottles at you. They never mention that in the news!

Maybe we should drive through Mexico city waving American flags on the fourth of July? To make this more interesting make sure all of them are armed to the teeth so that when the fist shots are fired we can fire back. Then we can riot, loot and destroy Mexico city like they do to us.

Fact, most of the damage done during the LA riots was not black people doing the damage. Most of the time except in a few instances of real negro violence (Reginald Denny! If you forgot him you suck!) most of the looting and vandalism was perpetrated by Hispanics! I was there when it went down! I carried a gun on me for protection when I did go out. That was a BAD week! Some of it came to my neighborhood but I think they were persuaded to leave by the fact all of us ion my street were out in the street brandishing weapons of all kinds openly. It was funny telling the Sheriffs to go **** themselves when they told us to go back inside. We were protecting our own neighborhood. When they got out of their car to try to make us leave they had a lot of guns pointing at them suddenly. We seriously were not putting up with ANYTHING by either racially motivated violence groups or the police. Like I said it was bad!

And being armed mad a huge difference in our neighborhood because very little happened. One car load of blacks was arrested for coming to toss fire bombs and got caught BUT two areas near us had gunfights erupt and who was being shot at? Hispanic Gang Bangers. One group tried busting into someones home and two of them died for their efforts. One of the other gunfights was a car load of them tried to pull a drive by and wound up running a gauntlet of pissed of people shooting back at them. Amazingly no one was hit except for the guys in the car and houses and other cars. They wound up wrecking their car and got dragged out of their vehicles and handed over to authorities after being tenderized a lot by the locals.

Marches like this can and do turn violent with the right provocations. Worst still is anything can provoke a mob mentality.

No, the America Bashing needs to end from 'guests.' They need to stop pissing on our lawns!

Etrain's photo
Thu 05/06/10 10:50 AM
shocked shocked shocked

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/06/10 10:56 AM

That "holiday", which really isn't one, was started by Corona beer.

It is actually a holiday, as real as St Patricks day or Octoberfest except it commemorates a real event on the Fifth of May.

GG2's photo
Thu 05/06/10 11:44 AM

That "holiday", which really isn't one, was started by Corona beer.

It is actually a holiday, as real as St Patricks day or Octoberfest except it commemorates a real event on the Fifth of May.

But they don't have the day off in Meheeco.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 05/06/10 12:19 PM
Oddly I got to say all the Tolerance we are supposed to be promoting is coming to us at a terribly high cost. You can only be SO tolerant up to a point but then you have to draw lines. Like no one is paying attention to what is going on in France. They are having worst problems than us thanks to their tolerance and Socialist government.

When do we say enough is enough? When it all erupts into bloody violence?

I am sick and tired of criminals coming here and also I'm sick and tired of all these foreign nationals having the BALLZ to come here and bash us in our faces.

I so want to get into a fist fight with Al Sharpton AND Jessie Jackson at the same time right now!!!explode

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 12:43 PM
Cinco de Mayo is a date of great importance for the Mexican and Chicano communities. It marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla. Althought the Mexican army was eventually defeated, the "Batalla de Puebla" came to represent a symbol of Mexican unity and patriotism. With this victory, Mexico demonstrated to the world that Mexico and all of Latin America were willing to defend themselves of any foreign intervention. Especially those from imperialist states bent on world conquest.

Cinco de Mayo's history has its roots in the French Occupation of Mexico. The French occupation took shape in the aftermath of the Mexican-American War of 1846-48. With this war, Mexico entered a period of national crisis during the 1850's. Years of not only fighting the Americans but also a Civil War, had left Mexico devastated and bankrupt. On July 17, 1861, President Benito Juarez issued a moratorium in which all foreign debt payments would be suspended for a brief period of two years, with the promise that after this period, payments would resume

For the record, St. Patrick's day has been celebrated since AD 347 - some 1500 years before Cinco de Mayo... it offends me that they were grouped together by the above post!!! GRRR!!

$.02 drinker

InvictusV's photo
Thu 05/06/10 03:26 PM

Okay ... if you're surprised by this, raise your hand ... you - in the back ... you can leave, 'cuz you obviously have no grasp of what's going on. Bueller ... ? Bueller ... ? It's ostensibly okay for Mexican 'students' to be 'offended' when American students wear American colors on T-shirts, but it's not okay for Americans in general to be offended when Mexican 'students' march in American streets under the Mexican flag ... we're supposed to be okay with that ... sorry, but no ... let them demonstrate their 'understanding' ... but don't hold your breath while you wait ...


Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Freedom of expression or cultural disrespect on Cinco de Mayo?


On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.

Galli says he and his friends were sitting at a table during brunch break when the vice principal asked two of the boys to remove American flag bandannas that they wearing on their heads and for the others to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. When they refused, the boys were ordered to go to the principal's office.

"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus.

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous," Julie Fagerstrom, Maciel's mom, said. "All they were doing was displaying their patriotic nature. They're expressing their individuality."

But to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.

As for an apology, the boys and their families say, "fat chance."

"I'm not going to apologize. I did nothing wrong," Galli said. "I went along with my normal day. I might have worn an American flag, but I'm an American and I'm proud to be an American."

I understand both sides, it was violating freedom of expression on one hand , and on the other it was preventing potential disruption. IT is sad that we cant all be 'proud' of our homes or our ancestry, but I do understand the potential for fights to break out when one groups day of celebration SEEMS to be disrespected by others. But this is the essence of Freedom of Expression, it allows disrespect and so by the law, this is probably not going to be considered legal,,,,,,just consider the case of the homosexual gal wanting to take her partner to the dance,,,that was covered under freedom of expression so this would certainly be as well.

Wearing a tshirt that displays the flag of the country you f'ning live in is disrespecting a half assed holiday of another country?

How can you possibly be serious?

Every school official involved in this should be fired immediately.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 05/06/10 03:29 PM
I'm wondering why they expect the students wearing the flag to apologize. Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday for Mexico. If Americans want to celebrate it, great, nothing wrong with that but this is America and the other students shouldn't be forbidden to wear this country's flag. Cinco de Mayo is not a national holiday in this country (last I checked, but could be wrong)

willing2's photo
Thu 05/06/10 03:42 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 05/06/10 03:43 PM

Okay ... if you're surprised by this, raise your hand ... you - in the back ... you can leave, 'cuz you obviously have no grasp of what's going on. Bueller ... ? Bueller ... ? It's ostensibly okay for Mexican 'students' to be 'offended' when American students wear American colors on T-shirts, but it's not okay for Americans in general to be offended when Mexican 'students' march in American streets under the Mexican flag ... we're supposed to be okay with that ... sorry, but no ... let them demonstrate their 'understanding' ... but don't hold your breath while you wait ...


Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Freedom of expression or cultural disrespect on Cinco de Mayo?


On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.

Galli says he and his friends were sitting at a table during brunch break when the vice principal asked two of the boys to remove American flag bandannas that they wearing on their heads and for the others to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. When they refused, the boys were ordered to go to the principal's office.

"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

The boys said the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus.

"I think it's absolutely ridiculous," Julie Fagerstrom, Maciel's mom, said. "All they were doing was displaying their patriotic nature. They're expressing their individuality."

But to many Mexican-American students at Live Oak, this was a big deal. They say they were offended by the five boys and others for wearing American colors on a Mexican holiday.

As for an apology, the boys and their families say, "fat chance."

"I'm not going to apologize. I did nothing wrong," Galli said. "I went along with my normal day. I might have worn an American flag, but I'm an American and I'm proud to be an American."

I understand both sides, it was violating freedom of expression on one hand , and on the other it was preventing potential disruption. IT is sad that we cant all be 'proud' of our homes or our ancestry, but I do understand the potential for fights to break out when one groups day of celebration SEEMS to be disrespected by others. But this is the essence of Freedom of Expression, it allows disrespect and so by the law, this is probably not going to be considered legal,,,,,,just consider the case of the homosexual gal wanting to take her partner to the dance,,,that was covered under freedom of expression so this would certainly be as well.

Wearing a tshirt that displays the flag of the country you f'ning live in is disrespecting a half assed holiday of another country?

How can you possibly be serious?

Every school official involved in this should be fired immediately.

I agree and hope they bring a big civil suit, win, have the ones insisting the flag of our country not be exhibited, apologize to the victims, and like you said, fire all involved. Principle, school board members, teachers, etc.drinker

backintownagain's photo
Thu 05/06/10 03:57 PM
I never did figure out how May 5 turned into such a party day, anyway. I can see why the mexican population would want to celebrate, but for everyone else, looks like we just turned it into a "big drunk day" or a "consume only tacos"
day. As for what happened at that school-well-that principal is just asking for a problem. Looks like one more fight to be white-sorry it is reverse bigotry.

willing2's photo
Thu 05/06/10 04:36 PM
Fax the principal and tell Nick Boden, Principal how you feel about their discrimination.
Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill
This is the school number.
Fax (408) 776-9097

E#mail add.

Update from the school district.

The Morgan Hill Unified School District does not prohibit nor do we discourage wearing patriotic clothing. The incident on May 5 at Live Oak High School is extremely unfortunate. While campus safety is our primary concern and administrators made decisions yesterday in an attempt to ensure campus safety, students should not, and will not, be disciplined for wearing patriotic clothing. This matter is under investigation and appropriate action will be taken.

Contact Us
Oranusslaugh (Man, I'm one sick puppy!) Youssefi - Executive Secretary to

Michael Johnson, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services

Phone: (408) 201-6073 Fax: (408) 779-8305


15600 Concord Circle; Morgan Hill, CA 95037



_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Thu 05/06/10 05:02 PM

Oddly I got to say all the Tolerance we are supposed to be promoting is coming to us at a terribly high cost. You can only be SO tolerant up to a point but then you have to draw lines. Like no one is paying attention to what is going on in France. They are having worst problems than us thanks to their tolerance and Socialist government.

When do we say enough is enough? When it all erupts into bloody violence?

I am sick and tired of criminals coming here and also I'm sick and tired of all these foreign nationals having the BALLZ to come here and bash us in our faces.

I so want to get into a fist fight with Al Sharpton AND Jessie Jackson at the same time right now!!!explode

Right now?? Just right now?? Cuz I've wanted to smack those professional victims for quite a while...laugh

willing2's photo
Thu 05/06/10 05:14 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 05/06/10 05:14 PM

Oddly I got to say all the Tolerance we are supposed to be promoting is coming to us at a terribly high cost. You can only be SO tolerant up to a point but then you have to draw lines. Like no one is paying attention to what is going on in France. They are having worst problems than us thanks to their tolerance and Socialist government.

When do we say enough is enough? When it all erupts into bloody violence?

I am sick and tired of criminals coming here and also I'm sick and tired of all these foreign nationals having the BALLZ to come here and bash us in our faces.

I so want to get into a fist fight with Al Sharpton AND Jessie Jackson at the same time right now!!!explode

Right now?? Just right now?? Cuz I've wanted to smack those professional victims for quite a while...laugh

Right on!!drinker
And a lot of whining professional victims are still jumping the border. I'll help smack some with you!:banana: !

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 05/06/10 07:05 PM
Can't say I am surprised this coming from California.I'm sure the state of California would just love to put any other flag in place of the American flag for any non American holiday.Maybe they can fly the gay rainbow flag on pride day and the Mexican flag on Cinco de mayo.

Since this isn't a case involving destorying America don't expect the ACLU to represent these boys.

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/06/10 11:49 PM

That "holiday", which really isn't one, was started by Corona beer.

It is actually a holiday, as real as St Patricks day or Octoberfest except it commemorates a real event on the Fifth of May.

But they don't have the day off in Meheeco.

Well, by that standard, alot of celebrations would be omitted,, such as valentines day, st pattys day, mothers day, fathers day, and Halloween,,,,and we CERTAINlY celebrate our mom and dad in my family as well as valentines day,,

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 05/07/10 09:18 AM
I want to celebrate the Roman New Year! TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS OF PARTYING!

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