Topic: Help, does she like me as more than a friend
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Mon 05/10/10 08:06 PM

I don't know maybe she is shy and she was trying to talk about something that interested you. That or she was casing the joint......smokin

I'm thinking I should just call her because you can tell if there interested in what u said or if you said somthing that disapointed them when you can hear there voice.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/10/10 08:07 PM
Ghostrider my friend! SLOW DOWN! I think she is into your car but not you!

I would look elsewhere. If you are Cougar Hunting the LAST THING THEY WANT IS A GUY GETTING ALL 'GOO GOO' HEAD IN HEELS LOVE ON THEM! I can tell by the age difference you are definitely barking up the wrong tree the way you are approaching things.

Opt more for the Chill, and just hang. Do no and I mean DO NOT talk about dating or going steady or being an item. Actually shoot for the FWB rout with older women. Older women especially in the age difference you are talking are not looking for Boyfriends, they are looking for fun. If she gets that from you, you might, as long as you are not being used for your car or any thing else, get to slap hams! then you too will have earned your Cougar Merit Badge.

Still I would say as an Impartial third party your chances are already shot down! You got too froggy and the compliments may have scared her unfortunately. Take you foot out of the throttle. There is a serious penalty for speeding!

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/10/10 08:09 PM
PS, if something did come of it and it did get serious and it did work for the two of you then...drinker

no photo
Mon 05/10/10 08:19 PM
shes at work now and i'll just wait untill tomarrow and see if she texts me if not i think i'll brew up somthing to say and she'll maybe forget about me getting all serouse and get back on the freind only path.

bgeorge's photo
Mon 05/10/10 08:37 PM

I would have to say that no she doesn't. I tell my sons that if a woman is interested in you then she will want to know all about you and she will ask questions. Also, an interested woman ALWAYS responds. I don't know the whole story but from what you have said I would advise you not to get your hopes up on this one.

She stoll my heart when I saw her. shes 40 and looks only 26 but im 30 but she doennt know that yet. I texted her saying she beutiful and things I like about her but she havent text like that about me.

i'm sorry but i don't think she's into you...and this may sound dumb but don't tell us we're beautiful and act like you like us so much so's creepy and makes us want to run away...good luck with the next one babeflowerforyou

Cinderella75's photo
Mon 05/10/10 09:30 PM
she likes you as a Friends with Benefits, but not the benefits you're thinking of... lol

No, seriously. I don't even think its the car she is after.
I'm thinking this woman is just 'small-talking' with you. You prolly 'bragged' about your suped up ride to her the first time you talked, so now she brings it up everytime you talk.

I've done that before. Guys talk about football, and how they are a Wide Receiver for XYZ college team, and I will just ask them how their last game went everytime I see them. (I love football, don;t get me wrong, but its just a good way to get a convo going..its called small talk) She is doin that with your stang. Don't read into this too much. When she is asking questions about YOU, well then you can start getting excited. :)

Good Luck!~

no photo
Tue 05/11/10 10:29 AM

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:04 PM
yeah, and you might want to find something more interesting to chat about than your automobile...

danielmingle's photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:28 PM
D chances are low i think...Give her some space and try again,if no responce 4get her and move 4ward

kissablekiss's photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:51 PM

She might have a crush on your car.:smile:
Me tooflowers flowers oops

no photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:55 PM
Gift her ur car... May be it works...

no photo
Tue 05/11/10 01:08 PM
Sometimes girls are like that...

But seriously back to the car... What color was it again? LOL drinker

cottonelle's photo
Tue 05/11/10 01:09 PM
"except for the other night when we were talking about my car ( a 98 mustang cobra covertable with matalic red paint)"

sounds more like YOU like talking about your car

beauty314's photo
Tue 05/11/10 02:26 PM

Also was wondering if she was just wanting to be friends and i'm jumping in too soon saying I really like har and lover her and should cool my jets and see what happens after a few more weeks. I feel like I could be scareing her away and just be happy she wants to be friends.

WWhat? You already dropped the L-bomb?
Honey, shes been keeping you on the line until she decides whether a ride in that car is worth putting up with...uh....OK pitchfork

cottonelle's photo
Tue 05/11/10 02:31 PM

Also was wondering if she was just wanting to be friends and i'm jumping in too soon saying I really like har and lover her and should cool my jets and see what happens after a few more weeks. I feel like I could be scareing her away and just be happy she wants to be friends.

WWhat? You already dropped the L-bomb?
Honey, shes been keeping you on the line until she decides whether a ride in that car is worth putting up with...uh....OK pitchfork

no photo
Tue 05/11/10 05:02 PM

yeah, and you might want to find something more interesting to chat about than your automobile...

Like sex???I'm a little shy when it comes to that and usally wait for her to start that kind of conversation or starts touching me in a sexual way, then I'll jump in.

no photo
Tue 05/11/10 05:09 PM

"except for the other night when we were talking about my car ( a 98 mustang cobra covertable with matalic red paint)"

sounds more like YOU like talking about your car

Ya I do alot. I'm one of those type of person thats kinda shy and don't talk much until a conversation starts about cool cars and hotrods then a big light go on in my head and I could talk for hours nonstop.

no photo
Wed 05/12/10 02:38 PM
her interest in you is minimal

Cinderella75's photo
Wed 05/12/10 04:52 PM

Also was wondering if she was just wanting to be friends and i'm jumping in too soon saying I really like har and lover her and should cool my jets and see what happens after a few more weeks. I feel like I could be scareing her away and just be happy she wants to be friends.

WWhat? You already dropped the L-bomb?
Honey, shes been keeping you on the line until she decides whether a ride in that car is worth putting up with...uh....OK pitchfork

laugh laugh Holy $h!t, I think she just nailed it!

The L-Bomb? WOW..if that doesn't come off desperate....

*Crickets, Crickets, Crickets*

no photo
Wed 05/12/10 04:59 PM

"except for the other night when we were talking about my car ( a 98 mustang cobra covertable with matalic red paint)"

sounds more like YOU like talking about your car

Ya I do alot. I'm one of those type of person thats kinda shy and don't talk much until a conversation starts about cool cars and hotrods then a big light go on in my head and I could talk for hours nonstop.

ice blue 2011 GTflowerforyou

orgasm material