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Topic: Since this is a forum....
Peccy's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:44 PM
laden with hyperlinks for individuals to point to citation sources, I am going to interject on the "Mosque Debate" here going on personal opinion only.

I think the whole idea is misconstrued. People debate that they have a right to construct this ... it's in our own constitution. I have no problem with them constructing one. My problem is where they want to put it. It's out of respect to those lives that were taken on 9/11. To me it's like putting an atomic research facility in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's a slap in the face, to those involved and to our country.

There are those that will say, "It's wrong not to let them do it." And to those people I say, "How is it right?" Better yet don't explain it to me, grow a pair and explain it to a family who lost someone in the twin towers on that day. Hey is it fair? Who cares? Life isn't nice or fair, but I say maybe the idea will pass, but I doubt some of the American people will let it get much further.

no photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:47 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 08/17/10 03:50 PM
drinker Right on, right on ...

I anticipate that, if they DO proceed with building it at their chosen location to celebrate their MILITARY victory on 9/11 over the 'infidel', they'll soon discover that there are a lot of 'accidents' that continue to plague the construction site. Security will be a real biitch ... their choice ... but fire can strike anywhere at any time ...

willing2's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:49 PM
At least a few of us are seeing clearly.

Want a long living America, keep Muslims and Illegals in their places.drinker

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:50 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 08/17/10 03:55 PM

laden with hyperlinks for individuals to point to citation sources, I am going to interject on the "Mosque Debate" here going on personal opinion only.

I think the whole idea is misconstrued. People debate that they have a right to construct this ... it's in our own constitution. I have no problem with them constructing one. My problem is where they want to put it. It's out of respect to those lives that were taken on 9/11. To me it's like putting an atomic research facility in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's a slap in the face, to those involved and to our country.

There are those that will say, "It's wrong not to let them do it." And to those people I say, "How is it right?" Better yet don't explain it to me, grow a pair and explain it to a family who lost someone in the twin towers on that day. Hey is it fair? Who cares? Life isn't nice or fair, but I say maybe the idea will pass, but I doubt some of the American people will let it get much further.

is it considerate to say to muslim families who lost loved ones that they dont count as much? because muslim extremists caused deaths of thousands a couple blocks away, they shouldnt be able to practice their religion there or remember in their way?

nuclear weapons were responsible for nagasaki, muslims werent responsible for 9/11 , muslim extremists were.

do we know that nagasaki wouldnt have been bombed without the technology to do so,,,yes

do we know 9/11 would not have happened were there not muslims,, no

9/11 was in response to political wrongs, but we wont go into that, we will just make all the responsibility one sided and push the muslims ability to reach out in the community aside

of course al queda is muslim based because they are formed from a MUSLIM country, just as our military and government are formed in a country which is predominately CHRISTIAN,

I guess christian americans should be the only ones who matter enough to pursue building up the area, muslim americans are second class because of what extremists did and they should gladly RESPECT that sentiment,,,

hellkitten54's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:59 PM
Isn't it being built a FEW BLOCKS AWAY?

Peccy's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:00 PM

laden with hyperlinks for individuals to point to citation sources, I am going to interject on the "Mosque Debate" here going on personal opinion only.

I think the whole idea is misconstrued. People debate that they have a right to construct this ... it's in our own constitution. I have no problem with them constructing one. My problem is where they want to put it. It's out of respect to those lives that were taken on 9/11. To me it's like putting an atomic research facility in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's a slap in the face, to those involved and to our country.

There are those that will say, "It's wrong not to let them do it." And to those people I say, "How is it right?" Better yet don't explain it to me, grow a pair and explain it to a family who lost someone in the twin towers on that day. Hey is it fair? Who cares? Life isn't nice or fair, but I say maybe the idea will pass, but I doubt some of the American people will let it get much further.

is it considerate to say to muslim families who lost loved ones that they dont count as much? because muslim extremists caused deaths of thousands a couple blocks away, they shouldnt be able to practice their religion there or remember in their way?

nuclear weapons were responsible for nagasaki, muslims werent responsible for 9/11 , muslim extremists were.

do we know that nagasaki wouldnt have been bombed without the technology to do so,,,yes

do we know 9/11 would not have happened were there not muslims,, no

9/11 was in response to political wrongs, but we werent go into that, we will just make all the responsibility one sided and push the muslims ability to reach out in the community aside

I guess christian americans should be the only ones who matter enough to pursue building up the area, muslim americans are second class because of what extremists did and they should gladly RESPECT that sentiment,,,
Huh? I don't consider myself any religion, especially not christian or muslim. And the debate is on whether or not it should be allowed. You completely took my Hiroshima metaphor out of context. And christian americans? Muslim Americans. No such thing. If you were born here, you're american. this pc language has gotten way outta hand!

willing2's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:05 PM
Mosques are one way Muslim terrorist are funded.

Be a kick in da' gnads to find out the Mega-Mosque plans funding Muslim Terrorists.

no photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:07 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 08/17/10 04:07 PM
This is not a 'religious' piece of architecture. It is a commemoration of their MILITARY VICTORY on Sept. 11.

It does not deserve existence.

willing2's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:09 PM

This is not a 'religious' piece of architecture. It is a commemoration of their MILITARY VICTORY on Sept. 11.

It does not deserve existence.

And, in honor of their Spanish conquest.

They lost it in Spain and are still trying to pervert it again.

no photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:11 PM
And no one links the name they've chosen for it to military conquest ... CORDOBA was the site of the muslim military victory over the Christians in SPAIN.

I'm sure it's just an 'oversight' on their part to use the 'Cordoba' reference to this building. Sure it is ...

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:11 PM
Muslims did not bring down the world trade center.

Crazy radicals did.

no photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:12 PM
-10 for incorrect logical inference.

Peccy's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:15 PM
Thinking about it, this debate really makes no sense. In all likelihood if it is approved.....well accidents happen.

TJN's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:30 PM

Thinking about it, this debate really makes no sense. In all likelihood if it is approved.....well accidents happen.

The one thing that comes to mind for me is, if it is built there I think it will incite violence and something bad will happen there.

Obama said we need to show tollerance. Where is the tollerance and understanding for those who lost loved ones 9-11-01?

If something bad does happen then who would be to blame? Those who supported it being built there or the radicals who commit the act?

no photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:39 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 08/17/10 04:40 PM

" ... The one thing that comes to mind for me is, if it is built there I think it will incite violence and something bad will happen there. ... "

'Something bad' will continue to happen there for as long as it stands ... be a damned shame if there were so many fires their insurer refused to underwrite it anymore ... but that's just hypothetical ...

Peccy's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:41 PM

" ... The one thing that comes to mind for me is, if it is built there I think it will incite violence and something bad will happen there. ... "

'Something bad' will continue to happen there for as long as it stands ... be a damned shame if there were so many fires their insurer refused to underwrite it anymore ... but that's just hypothetical ...
hypothetical truth though

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:48 PM

laden with hyperlinks for individuals to point to citation sources, I am going to interject on the "Mosque Debate" here going on personal opinion only.

I think the whole idea is misconstrued. People debate that they have a right to construct this ... it's in our own constitution. I have no problem with them constructing one. My problem is where they want to put it. It's out of respect to those lives that were taken on 9/11. To me it's like putting an atomic research facility in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's a slap in the face, to those involved and to our country.

There are those that will say, "It's wrong not to let them do it." And to those people I say, "How is it right?" Better yet don't explain it to me, grow a pair and explain it to a family who lost someone in the twin towers on that day. Hey is it fair? Who cares? Life isn't nice or fair, but I say maybe the idea will pass, but I doubt some of the American people will let it get much further.

is it considerate to say to muslim families who lost loved ones that they dont count as much? because muslim extremists caused deaths of thousands a couple blocks away, they shouldnt be able to practice their religion there or remember in their way?

nuclear weapons were responsible for nagasaki, muslims werent responsible for 9/11 , muslim extremists were.

do we know that nagasaki wouldnt have been bombed without the technology to do so,,,yes

do we know 9/11 would not have happened were there not muslims,, no

9/11 was in response to political wrongs, but we werent go into that, we will just make all the responsibility one sided and push the muslims ability to reach out in the community aside

I guess christian americans should be the only ones who matter enough to pursue building up the area, muslim americans are second class because of what extremists did and they should gladly RESPECT that sentiment,,,
Huh? I don't consider myself any religion, especially not christian or muslim. And the debate is on whether or not it should be allowed. You completely took my Hiroshima metaphor out of context. And christian americans? Muslim Americans. No such thing. If you were born here, you're american. this pc language has gotten way outta hand!

I agree. But when people speak of RESPECTING people it seems in this debate they often leave out respect for muslims who also lost their family members.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:52 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 08/17/10 04:54 PM

Thinking about it, this debate really makes no sense. In all likelihood if it is approved.....well accidents happen.

The one thing that comes to mind for me is, if it is built there I think it will incite violence and something bad will happen there.

Obama said we need to show tollerance. Where is the tollerance and understanding for those who lost loved ones 9-11-01?

If something bad does happen then who would be to blame? Those who supported it being built there or the radicals who commit the act?

dont you know BOTH will be blamed by each other, thats how this nonsense continues to grow

Osama defended 9/11 as retaliation against terrorist support from American government of people who attacked his people

than we defended going after Iraq as retaliation against terrorist support of the organization that committed 9/11

and it goes on and on, each time , with everyone feeling justified in their feelings and their actions... being well versed on the atrocities the 'other' committed while boasting, justifying or completely ignoring their own

Peccy's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:53 PM

laden with hyperlinks for individuals to point to citation sources, I am going to interject on the "Mosque Debate" here going on personal opinion only.

I think the whole idea is misconstrued. People debate that they have a right to construct this ... it's in our own constitution. I have no problem with them constructing one. My problem is where they want to put it. It's out of respect to those lives that were taken on 9/11. To me it's like putting an atomic research facility in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's a slap in the face, to those involved and to our country.

There are those that will say, "It's wrong not to let them do it." And to those people I say, "How is it right?" Better yet don't explain it to me, grow a pair and explain it to a family who lost someone in the twin towers on that day. Hey is it fair? Who cares? Life isn't nice or fair, but I say maybe the idea will pass, but I doubt some of the American people will let it get much further.

is it considerate to say to muslim families who lost loved ones that they dont count as much? because muslim extremists caused deaths of thousands a couple blocks away, they shouldnt be able to practice their religion there or remember in their way?

nuclear weapons were responsible for nagasaki, muslims werent responsible for 9/11 , muslim extremists were.

do we know that nagasaki wouldnt have been bombed without the technology to do so,,,yes

do we know 9/11 would not have happened were there not muslims,, no

9/11 was in response to political wrongs, but we werent go into that, we will just make all the responsibility one sided and push the muslims ability to reach out in the community aside

I guess christian americans should be the only ones who matter enough to pursue building up the area, muslim americans are second class because of what extremists did and they should gladly RESPECT that sentiment,,,
Huh? I don't consider myself any religion, especially not christian or muslim. And the debate is on whether or not it should be allowed. You completely took my Hiroshima metaphor out of context. And christian americans? Muslim Americans. No such thing. If you were born here, you're american. this pc language has gotten way outta hand!

I agree. But when people speak of RESPECTING people it seems in this debate they often leave out respect for muslims who also lost their family members.
Respect for..............the suicide bombers? Seriously???

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/17/10 04:55 PM

laden with hyperlinks for individuals to point to citation sources, I am going to interject on the "Mosque Debate" here going on personal opinion only.

I think the whole idea is misconstrued. People debate that they have a right to construct this ... it's in our own constitution. I have no problem with them constructing one. My problem is where they want to put it. It's out of respect to those lives that were taken on 9/11. To me it's like putting an atomic research facility in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It's a slap in the face, to those involved and to our country.

There are those that will say, "It's wrong not to let them do it." And to those people I say, "How is it right?" Better yet don't explain it to me, grow a pair and explain it to a family who lost someone in the twin towers on that day. Hey is it fair? Who cares? Life isn't nice or fair, but I say maybe the idea will pass, but I doubt some of the American people will let it get much further.

is it considerate to say to muslim families who lost loved ones that they dont count as much? because muslim extremists caused deaths of thousands a couple blocks away, they shouldnt be able to practice their religion there or remember in their way?

nuclear weapons were responsible for nagasaki, muslims werent responsible for 9/11 , muslim extremists were.

do we know that nagasaki wouldnt have been bombed without the technology to do so,,,yes

do we know 9/11 would not have happened were there not muslims,, no

9/11 was in response to political wrongs, but we werent go into that, we will just make all the responsibility one sided and push the muslims ability to reach out in the community aside

I guess christian americans should be the only ones who matter enough to pursue building up the area, muslim americans are second class because of what extremists did and they should gladly RESPECT that sentiment,,,
Huh? I don't consider myself any religion, especially not christian or muslim. And the debate is on whether or not it should be allowed. You completely took my Hiroshima metaphor out of context. And christian americans? Muslim Americans. No such thing. If you were born here, you're american. this pc language has gotten way outta hand!

I agree. But when people speak of RESPECTING people it seems in this debate they often leave out respect for muslims who also lost their family members.
Respect for..............the suicide bombers? Seriously???

the suicide bombers are DEAD.. respect for the MUSLIMS of this country and of new york,,,,seriously

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