Topic: Iran first unmanned bomber
mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/22/10 03:45 PM
By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer Nasser Karimi, Associated Press Writer – 5 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies.

The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), according to a state TV report — not far enough to reach archenemy Israel.

"The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship," said Ahmadinejad at the inauguration ceremony, which fell on the country's national day for its defense industries.

The goal of the aircraft, named Karrar or striker, is to "keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases," he said, adding that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes.

The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."

Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a U.S. weapons embargo and now produces its own tanks, armored personnel carries, missiles and even a fighter plane.

Iran frequently makes announcements about new advances in military technology that cannot be independently verified.

State TV later showed video footage of the plane taking off from a launching pad and reported that the craft traveled at speeds of 560 miles per hour (900 kilometers per hour) and could alternatively be armed with two 250-pound (113.4-kilogram) bombs or a 450-pound (204.12-kilogram) guided bomb.

Iran has been producing its own light, unmanned surveillance aircraft since the late 1980s.

The ceremony came a day after Iran began to fuel its first nuclear power reactor, with the help of Russia, amid international concerns over the possibility of a military dimension to its nuclear program.

Iran insists it is only interested in generating electricity.

Referring to Israel's occasional threats against Iran's nuclear facilities, Ahmadinejad called any attack unlikely, but he said if Israel did, the reaction would be overwhelming.

"The scope of Iran's reaction will include the entire the earth," said Ahmadinejad. "We also tell you — the West — that all options are on the table."

Ahmadinejad appeared to be consciously echoing the terminology used by the U.S. and Israel in their statements not ruling out a military option against Iran's nuclear facilities.

On Friday, Iran also test-fired a new liquid fuel surface-to-surface missile, the Qiam-1, with advanced guidance systems.

no photo
Sun 08/22/10 03:47 PM
Yeah, they give it a name like 'Ambassador of Death' and then try to pawn off the story that it's for 'peaceful purposes' ...

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/22/10 03:49 PM

Yeah, they give it a name like 'Ambassador of Death' and then try to pawn off the story that it's for 'peaceful purposes' ...

ahh you noticed that too...naw, its for making electricity...

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 08/22/10 04:52 PM
So they rehashed the V-1 of Nazi Germany. it isn't like we don't already have systems to detect and shoot down such a nice try at "Gunboat Diplomacy." I would not count on it being all too sophisticated unless China has been selling tech. I know Russia is not THAT stupid.Bad enough they invested in Iran's reactor.

I love how they told us to behave like good children. I so want to drop a 50M ton bomb on their azz! I want to show them what their provocations have accomplished.

I swear that thing looks like a modern V-1.

I am sure they are lying about its intended range too!

Ambassador of death???

That is a real Ambassador of Death! Maybe Tehran needs this guy to pay them a visit!

Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:08 PM

By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer Nasser Karimi, Associated Press Writer – 5 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies.

The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), according to a state TV report — not far enough to reach archenemy Israel.

"The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship," said Ahmadinejad at the inauguration ceremony, which fell on the country's national day for its defense industries.

The goal of the aircraft, named Karrar or striker, is to "keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases," he said, adding that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes.

The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."

Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a U.S. weapons embargo and now produces its own tanks, armored personnel carries, missiles and even a fighter plane.

Iran frequently makes announcements about new advances in military technology that cannot be independently verified.

State TV later showed video footage of the plane taking off from a launching pad and reported that the craft traveled at speeds of 560 miles per hour (900 kilometers per hour) and could alternatively be armed with two 250-pound (113.4-kilogram) bombs or a 450-pound (204.12-kilogram) guided bomb.

Iran has been producing its own light, unmanned surveillance aircraft since the late 1980s.

The ceremony came a day after Iran began to fuel its first nuclear power reactor, with the help of Russia, amid international concerns over the possibility of a military dimension to its nuclear program.

Iran insists it is only interested in generating electricity.

Referring to Israel's occasional threats against Iran's nuclear facilities, Ahmadinejad called any attack unlikely, but he said if Israel did, the reaction would be overwhelming.

"The scope of Iran's reaction will include the entire the earth," said Ahmadinejad. "We also tell you — the West — that all options are on the table."

Ahmadinejad appeared to be consciously echoing the terminology used by the U.S. and Israel in their statements not ruling out a military option against Iran's nuclear facilities.

On Friday, Iran also test-fired a new liquid fuel surface-to-surface missile, the Qiam-1, with advanced guidance systems.

Good for them.

I know they are behind the times a bit but they will catch up with us soon enough.

Once it is fair and even they will be in the same boat with us.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:20 PM

By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer Nasser Karimi, Associated Press Writer – 5 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies.

The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), according to a state TV report — not far enough to reach archenemy Israel.

"The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship," said Ahmadinejad at the inauguration ceremony, which fell on the country's national day for its defense industries.

The goal of the aircraft, named Karrar or striker, is to "keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases," he said, adding that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes.

The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."

Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a U.S. weapons embargo and now produces its own tanks, armored personnel carries, missiles and even a fighter plane.

Iran frequently makes announcements about new advances in military technology that cannot be independently verified.

State TV later showed video footage of the plane taking off from a launching pad and reported that the craft traveled at speeds of 560 miles per hour (900 kilometers per hour) and could alternatively be armed with two 250-pound (113.4-kilogram) bombs or a 450-pound (204.12-kilogram) guided bomb.

Iran has been producing its own light, unmanned surveillance aircraft since the late 1980s.

The ceremony came a day after Iran began to fuel its first nuclear power reactor, with the help of Russia, amid international concerns over the possibility of a military dimension to its nuclear program.

Iran insists it is only interested in generating electricity.

Referring to Israel's occasional threats against Iran's nuclear facilities, Ahmadinejad called any attack unlikely, but he said if Israel did, the reaction would be overwhelming.

"The scope of Iran's reaction will include the entire the earth," said Ahmadinejad. "We also tell you — the West — that all options are on the table."

Ahmadinejad appeared to be consciously echoing the terminology used by the U.S. and Israel in their statements not ruling out a military option against Iran's nuclear facilities.

On Friday, Iran also test-fired a new liquid fuel surface-to-surface missile, the Qiam-1, with advanced guidance systems.

Good for them.

I know they are behind the times a bit but they will catch up with us soon enough.

Once it is fair and even they will be in the same boat with us.

All they are looking for is the ability to preemptively attack. This is not a defensive weapon. It is a theater tactical weapon. they intend to try and fire so many of them their intended target cannot defend themselves. This is CRUDE in comparison to the Tomahawk which is a cruise missile and also recognized as a theater tactical weapon.

If they were putting a man into orbit that would be harmless enough. if they were working on an anti missile defense system that would be defensive. There is nothing good about them trying to develop weapons capable of delivering nukes! All it is going to do is make Israel's trigger finger that much itchier and they as of last count I knew of have at least fifty nukes of the Kiloton Class and several Megaton class weapons and systems capable of delivering them. That is more than enough to mop up every major city in the middle east. if Israel launches they will toss it all at once and may have a second wave to unleash we don't (more than likely) know about.

I cannot see any good in this! If Iran does test a Nuke Israel will attack them immediately is my bet. They have proven to be developing WMD delivery systems with the capacity to reach Israel. this is just another predecessor to a better delivery system. Think about it. I have a weapon that can deliver bombs. What makes anyone think You would keep all of your assets in known target zones? If you were smart you would get your troops in the field so when they do attack the base they miss the real target, your troops. Their plan is if say "WE" try to invade they will use nukes to destroy our incoming armies to spare their army a major trashing. They will not use conventional means becasue the delivery system is not made otherwise to strike at such large "Area" targets which are nothing like Buildings or Bridges which are 'Static' or 'Fixed Point' targets.

Iran is so up to something and they are trying to use threats to make us negotiate in THEIR terms. What is fair about that? Negotiating under their sword?


Dragoness's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:22 PM
We are no better than them.

We preemptively struck and killed possibly millions.

So what?

They will be in the same boat as us.

no photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:32 PM
whoa P F F F F T T t t ttt tttt tttttt ...

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:43 PM

We are no better than them.

We preemptively struck and killed possibly millions.

So what?

They will be in the same boat as us.

That is a weak premise behind this statement! WE ARE BETTER THAN THEM!

We dropped two nukes in our history and in all reality the psychology behind it did end a war that threatened to go on and on and on. Since then we have shown REMARKABLE restraint with our arsenal. it is pretty clear you know nothing about Iran's history and their LONG standing war with Iraq.

If they get a nuke they will sell them to ANYONE wishing to use them on their enemies (US) and likewise if they think they have a shot at it will put one or two on Israel. And you would dare to compare the amount of death in these current engagements as to say WWII Where the mortality rate monthly was in the 10s of thousands just like the Korean War? Vietnam was not so bad. Iraq and Afghanistan COMBINED only have fractional death counts in comparison.

If it were up to me I would wage war on them in a way that the rest f the world would appreciate and I would leave Iran a burning wreck for their comments.

You really need to learn more about the people you want to support.

I bet you would have lent support to say a serial killer like Ted Bundy just becasue he was such a nice guy during his interview without looking into his history as a serial killer. The theocracy of Iran are murderers! They hide behind the Iranian people. They are trying to build a Nuclear arsenal under some delusion they can force our hand with the threat of nuclear retaliation.

The rose colored glasses will not help if we get tapped by an Iranian made nuke deployed by some Al-Quieda sympathizer.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:49 PM

We are no better than them.

We preemptively struck and killed possibly millions.

So what?

They will be in the same boat as us.

That is a weak premise behind this statement! WE ARE BETTER THAN THEM!

We dropped two nukes in our history and in all reality the psychology behind it did end a war that threatened to go on and on and on. Since then we have shown REMARKABLE restraint with our arsenal. it is pretty clear you know nothing about Iran's history and their LONG standing war with Iraq.

If they get a nuke they will sell them to ANYONE wishing to use them on their enemies (US) and likewise if they think they have a shot at it will put one or two on Israel. And you would dare to compare the amount of death in these current engagements as to say WWII Where the mortality rate monthly was in the 10s of thousands just like the Korean War? Vietnam was not so bad. Iraq and Afghanistan COMBINED only have fractional death counts in comparison.

If it were up to me I would wage war on them in a way that the rest f the world would appreciate and I would leave Iran a burning wreck for their comments.

You really need to learn more about the people you want to support.

I bet you would have lent support to say a serial killer like Ted Bundy just becasue he was such a nice guy during his interview without looking into his history as a serial killer. The theocracy of Iran are murderers! They hide behind the Iranian people. They are trying to build a Nuclear arsenal under some delusion they can force our hand with the threat of nuclear retaliation.

The rose colored glasses will not help if we get tapped by an Iranian made nuke deployed by some Al-Quieda sympathizer.

she doesn't read it... they want to blow up the earth, and she says good for them....

Lpdon's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:50 PM

By NASSER KARIMI, Associated Press Writer Nasser Karimi, Associated Press Writer – 5 mins ago

TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday inaugurated the country's first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies.

The 4-meter-long drone aircraft can carry up to four cruise missiles and will have a range of 620 miles (1,000 kilometers), according to a state TV report — not far enough to reach archenemy Israel.

"The jet, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship," said Ahmadinejad at the inauguration ceremony, which fell on the country's national day for its defense industries.

The goal of the aircraft, named Karrar or striker, is to "keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases," he said, adding that the aircraft is for deterrence and defensive purposes.

The president championed the country's military self-sufficiency program, and said it will continue "until the enemies of humanity lose hope of ever attacking the Iranian nation."

Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980-88 war with Iraq to compensate for a U.S. weapons embargo and now produces its own tanks, armored personnel carries, missiles and even a fighter plane.

Iran frequently makes announcements about new advances in military technology that cannot be independently verified.

State TV later showed video footage of the plane taking off from a launching pad and reported that the craft traveled at speeds of 560 miles per hour (900 kilometers per hour) and could alternatively be armed with two 250-pound (113.4-kilogram) bombs or a 450-pound (204.12-kilogram) guided bomb.

Iran has been producing its own light, unmanned surveillance aircraft since the late 1980s.

The ceremony came a day after Iran began to fuel its first nuclear power reactor, with the help of Russia, amid international concerns over the possibility of a military dimension to its nuclear program.

Iran insists it is only interested in generating electricity.

Referring to Israel's occasional threats against Iran's nuclear facilities, Ahmadinejad called any attack unlikely, but he said if Israel did, the reaction would be overwhelming.

"The scope of Iran's reaction will include the entire the earth," said Ahmadinejad. "We also tell you — the West — that all options are on the table."

Ahmadinejad appeared to be consciously echoing the terminology used by the U.S. and Israel in their statements not ruling out a military option against Iran's nuclear facilities.

On Friday, Iran also test-fired a new liquid fuel surface-to-surface missile, the Qiam-1, with advanced guidance systems.

An Ambassador of death that cant reach any of Iran's enemies because it is a short range UAV that looks so crudly designed that a soldier culd probably down it with a sidearm.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:52 PM

We are no better than them.

We preemptively struck and killed possibly millions.

So what?

They will be in the same boat as us.

Millions? Hmmmmmmmmm, exxxxaaaagggggeeeerrrrraaaatttttiiiinnnnggggg again I see.