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Topic: Bush spare Libby from prison!
Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 06:30 PM
WASHINGTON - President Bush spared former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby from a 2½-year prison term in the CIA leak investigation Monday, delivering a political thunderbolt in the highly charged criminal case. Bush said the sentence was just too harsh.

Bush’s move came just five hours after a federal appeals panel ruled that Libby could not delay his prison term. That meant Libby was likely to have to report soon, and it put new pressure on the president, who had been sidestepping calls by Libby’s allies to pardon Vice President **** Cheney’s former chief of staff.

“Libby’s conviction was the one faint glimmer of accountability for White House efforts to manipulate intelligence and silence critics of the Iraq war,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. “Now, even that small bit of justice has been undone.”

Testimony in the case had revealed the extraordinary steps that Bush and Cheney were willing to take to discredit a critic of the Iraq war.

mickey46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 07:13 PM
once again. all this proves is bush thinks he is above the lie. so in 08 you can be asured there will not be a repubican in office. the rich dont go by same laws as us.

smo's photo
Mon 07/02/07 07:13 PM
It is evident to me that justice (just us) does not apply to the BIG BOYS), It only applies to( just us)little folks, and poor people. I think there is no accountability for the BIG BOYS. We hired them to be our servants and they have overthrown ,WE THE PEOPLE, the CONSTITUTION , and the united States in America(land of HEAVEN), the native Americans, and many countries around the world, and now working on over throwing the whole world!! Is this just my opinion?? What do you think about it? Or don't you think anything? I would like your opinions. I feel you have a right to an opinion too!!

mickey46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 07:40 PM
i think its time for a protest march on wasinton. remind them what we the people means.

Pepper2007's photo
Mon 07/02/07 07:42 PM
yeah right, let me know how it goes!

mickey46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 07:55 PM
thats what wrong with our country now no support no backbone.

gethappy's photo
Mon 07/02/07 08:02 PM
hang'em high justice here is aajoke but if yah rich he it's ok

Pepper2007's photo
Mon 07/02/07 08:02 PM
oh yeah, sez who?

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 08:17 PM
What did Libbey do? Misremember who told him who Valere Plame, a non-covert operative in the CIA, was. From the first day, the prosecutor knew who leaked. There was no reason for the independent council and Libbey shouldn't be prosecuted for not having a perfect memory.

mickey46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 08:25 PM
well first off he lied. claiming he did not remember. but we all no he was covering for cheney. but in the end we all no bush will go down as the worst of all time . you wanted to put clinton in jail for what a blowjob.

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 08:27 PM

Cheney was never in danger of prosecution. Libbey misremembered who told him, he didn't lie. Sorry, but those are the facts. I'll leave you with that and you can decide if you want to live in reality or Narnia.

mickey46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 08:29 PM
i guess you been watching fox news to much i live in the real world. not like a rich man .

davinci1952's photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:08 PM
SMO...I'm with you completely...Bush did this latest thing because he knew no one would say squat...we are teetering on the edge of doubt about it...

adj4u's photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:11 PM
is anyone really surprised by this

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:13 PM
I'm shocked beyond belief!laugh

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:16 PM
I am surprised. I didn't expect Bush to do the right thing here. Maybe he finally found his testicles.

mickey46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:21 PM
that would mean he would have to have a set first would it.

heatherrae's photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:38 PM
i dont know bout y'all, but i want to get on that train for narnia, i think i'd rather take my chances with aslan.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/02/07 11:13 PM
I called it!drinker
Knew it would happen! They played it that way, now when they seek contempt to overive his exectutive privalage on the white house documents they will get them. watch!

The object is contriol, rather than impeachment. Then when hes out of office they are going to bring criminal charges on the whole lot for violations of the constitution. their will be a Democratic President and no one to pardon his ass!

HillFolk's photo
Mon 07/02/07 11:29 PM
Doesn't this sound a lot like when President Ford pardoned former President Nixon? History does repeat itself a lot.

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