Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:30 PM

I didn't bring up Nazi Germany. Nor did I say they were illegal. I have worked them before. I know they are illegal. I was agreeing with the OP that it is BS. Our rights are being eroded. And, this is just one of many ways.

I am pro-law enforcement. I was a cop for more than a decade with the LAPD and still work closely with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. In fact, we had a DUI checkpoint here just a few weeks ago. That doesn't mean I think it's a good idea to allow the cops to check for more than drunk drivers. JMO.

sorry....I didn't mean to imply you did...I was answering your about what Nazi Germany has to do with it.sheesh laugh

And I understand where you think it's a bad idea. I was just giving you another point of view.

I get that. And, believe me, I do not enjoy siding with volant7. It's embarrassing. But, in this particular instance I agree. In the interest of "safety" we are slowly but surely giving up our freedoms and our rights. These are laws and allowances we believe will not affect us if we "just do the right thing". But, history has shown us that that's not how it works. Once the laws and allowances are in place, the powers that be can use them any way they want against us. It's why the Founding Fathers were so adamant about putting the restrictions in the Constitution.

Getting off my soapbox now. :tongue:

no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:30 PM

anyone who is going to go as far back as the 4th amendement has something to hide


The 4th Ammendment is the protection against illegal search and seizure. Going back??? You mean like going back to the 1st Ammendment which gives us freedom of speech?

Forget all of the legal mumbo-jumbo. There's a little saying where I come from, and it is as follows: Do the crime, do the time...

You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Simple as that. indifferent

Forget all the legal mumbo jumbo????? Our Constitution is now legal mumbo jumbo???

I hope you are never charged with a crime you didn't commit. Believe it or not, it happens. You might be wanting that legal mumbo jumbo then.

I would buy this if it was a murder charge or something like that, but... back to reality here, people stopped at check points either already have warrants, or are doing something illegal. Hopefully at a respectful age you'd know the difference between right and wrong, so the real question is... what do you have to hide?! And yeah, I know what you're gonna say, "nothing." Well, you sure fooled me, so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to step outta the car, Ma'am.

no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:32 PM

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:33 PM

That a Police Officer does not have to have a reason to stop anyone... Matter of fact they can come up behind you now and run your tags just cause they feel like it.

The cops have always been able to do that. But, unless something comes up wrong with your tags (which are in plain view) they can't stop you.

lulu24's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:33 PM
DUI checkpoints are slow as hell and take up too much time. they really should only be checking for sobriety.

if they run every person's license and information, that would take WAAAAY too much time.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:34 PM

I get that. And, believe me, I do not enjoy siding with volant7. It's embarrassing. But, in this particular instance I agree. In the interest of "safety" we are slowly but surely giving up our freedoms and our rights. These are laws and allowances we believe will not affect us if we "just do the right thing". But, history has shown us that that's not how it works. Once the laws and allowances are in place, the powers that be can use them any way they want against us. It's why the Founding Fathers were so adamant about putting the restrictions in the Constitution.

Getting off my soapbox now. :tongue:

That's fine. All I was doing was explaining why it might not be covered under the 4th amendment. If it doesn't violate rights (not privileges) then I wouldn't think it's covered under the constitution. I never said you couldn't have your views (in a debate, we all have them) or even suggested you thought it was legal or illegal or brought up Nazi's

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:34 PM

people stopped at check points either already have warrants, or are doing something illegal.

You obviously do not know what a DUI checkpoint is. Everyone is stopped.

no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:36 PM

people stopped at check points either already have warrants, or are doing something illegal.

You obviously do not know what a DUI checkpoint is. Everyone is stopped.


no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:40 PM
From wiki (which I hate to use as a source, but it gives you the basic info about sobriety checkpoints and what else they involve):

Sobriety checkpoints

Sobriety checkpoints or roadblocks involve law enforcement officials stopping every vehicle (or more typically, every nth vehicle) on a public roadway and investigating the possibility that the driver might be too impaired to drive. They are often set up late at night or in the very early morning hours and on weekends, at which time the proportion of impaired drivers tends to be the highest.

With a portable and quick alcohol breath test, the police can test all drivers (if the law permits), and process the cars one by one as in a conveyor belt. When there is no quick test, a more complicated routine is necessary. Upon suspicion, the stopped driver is required to exit the vehicle and take a roadside sobriety test that requires the demonstration of both mental and balance skills. If the officer determines that the test has not been passed, the driver is then required to take an alcohol breath test (referred to as a Breathalyzer test in the United States).

Sobriety checkpoints regularly catch much more than just drunk drivers. The identity checks will catch individuals wanted by the police, and DUI often occurs together with other crimes, such as vehicle inspection and registration violations, vehicle tax avoidance or driving without a license.

no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:42 PM
He knows that....but still has not said why he had no papers

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:50 PM

It doesn't....DUI checkpoints is not just for driving under the influence it is also for other things like illegal activity or traffic violations or drug your case no papers...

so then why not call it search and seizure not dui checkpoint

and you are saying i should not have the free right to travel peacefully?

Quit living in the past (i.e. blaming Hitler for your minor inconvenience) and just shut-up and drive.

the past is now the present and future

we have fema cameras on evey intersection here now

you do have the right to travel, just not across borders without id,

and you dont have the right to OPERATE A VEHICLE on a road that is public without the proper public validation for doing so which is in the form of registration and insurance,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:51 PM

DUI checkpoints are slow as hell and take up too much time. they really should only be checking for sobriety.

if they run every person's license and information, that would take WAAAAY too much time.

thats odd, because EVERYTIME im stopped for anything, they check my license and registration and it takes maybe five minutes

but thats IF papers are in order or IF the driver has papers at all, I Guess,

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:51 PM

It doesn't....DUI checkpoints is not just for driving under the influence it is also for other things like illegal activity or traffic violations or drug your case no papers...

so then why not call it search and seizure not dui checkpoint

and you are saying i should not have the free right to travel peacefully?

you do as long as you are obeying the law.

If you had just had these things ready, then you would be on your way in no time flat. sympathies here

Ditto........all I can say either be legal or ride a bike.................

electric bikes are illegal here

and i have seen people arrested for dui on a bike

so im sure they can stop you on a bike too

they have even raided bars and charged people with public drunkenness

if they want you thell find a crime

the cop told me he could cite me if he wanted too

for not having my license with me

even if you step outside your house

you need some form of id

but i geuss that makes you not me feel safe

the cop was nice and almost agreed with me

here you need to wear a seat belt to drive a car

but no helmet needed for a motorcycle

Sure they can get you for being out in public regardless if your walking, riding a bike,driving a vehicle or a passenger. It's the Law!!!!

It has always been a law that one must carry a form of ID....

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:52 PM
being in public is just that...IN PUBLIC!

no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:52 PM what's the problem? laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:53 PM

DUI checkpoints are slow as hell and take up too much time. they really should only be checking for sobriety.

if they run every person's license and information, that would take WAAAAY too much time.

thats odd, because EVERYTIME im stopped for anything, they check my license and registration and it takes maybe five minutes

but thats IF papers are in order or IF the driver has papers at all, I Guess,

the only time it's taken me a while is if it's a high traffic area and there are a lot of cars to check

no photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:54 PM

He knows that....but still has not said why he had no papers

It seems that he's mad because he was actually asked for those things and that he wasn't able to get away with not having them. I guess he thought since he was not drunk, they should have let him go without asking to see his license and registration for some reason. Even though they ask everyone for those things.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:57 PM

people stopped at check points either already have warrants, or are doing something illegal.

You obviously do not know what a DUI checkpoint is. Everyone is stopped.


What is your question?

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:58 PM

It doesn't....DUI checkpoints is not just for driving under the influence it is also for other things like illegal activity or traffic violations or drug your case no papers...

so then why not call it search and seizure not dui checkpoint

and you are saying i should not have the free right to travel peacefully?

you do as long as you are obeying the law.

If you had just had these things ready, then you would be on your way in no time flat. sympathies here

Ditto........all I can say either be legal or ride a bike.................

electric bikes are illegal here

and i have seen people arrested for dui on a bike

so im sure they can stop you on a bike too

they have even raided bars and charged people with public drunkenness

if they want you thell find a crime

the cop told me he could cite me if he wanted too

for not having my license with me

even if you step outside your house

you need some form of id

but i geuss that makes you not me feel safe

the cop was nice and almost agreed with me

here you need to wear a seat belt to drive a car

but no helmet needed for a motorcycle

Sure they can get you for being out in public regardless if your walking, riding a bike,driving a vehicle or a passenger. It's the Law!!!!

It has always been a law that one must carry a form of ID....

this is not the law in the US. Pedestrians arent required to carry ID. So long as they know who they are and can cooperate with an officer. An actual document is not legally required.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/18/11 07:59 PM

It has always been a law that one must carry a form of ID....

This is just flat out not true.

You need a driver's license to drive. Other than that there is no law stating you must have I.D. I can walk or bike anywhere I want in this country without identification.