Topic: Pantheism
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Wed 10/26/11 04:36 PM

There are no chosen people.

Not in the way you mean it of course. In fact it is also
a mistranslation. Even Jews would agree that all people
are equivalent. Jews don't believe it matters what religion
you observe actually.


There are no Jews.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 10/26/11 05:17 PM

There are no chosen people.

Not in the way you mean it of course. In fact it is also
a mistranslation. Even Jews would agree that all people
are equivalent. Jews don't believe it matters what religion
you observe actually.


There are no Jews.



no photo
Wed 10/26/11 06:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 10/26/11 06:33 PM
I will rephrase that. People who practice Judaism can call themselves Jewish.

But there are no Jewish people or race of "Jews." That is an invention.

And there are no "chosen people."

And there was no "King David."

And there was no "Abraham."

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 10/26/11 06:44 PM
*Looks around and sees that this thread has nothing to do with Pantera or not wearing pants* frustrated *Slowly backs out of room*

no photo
Wed 10/26/11 06:56 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 10/26/11 07:57 PM

There are no chosen people.

Not in the way you mean it of course. In fact it is also
a mistranslation. Even Jews would agree that all people
are equivalent. Jews don't believe it matters what religion
you observe actually.


There are no Jews.

Judaism is not a race because Jews do not share one common ancestry. For instance, Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews are both "Jewish." However, whereas Ashkenazi Jews often hail from Europe, Sephardic Jews often hail from the Middle East. People of many different races have become Jewish over the centuries.

Although today Israel is often called the Jewish homeland, being Jewish is not a nationality because Jews have been dispersed throughout the world for almost two thousand years. Hence, Jews come from countries all over the world.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 10/26/11 08:12 PM

There are no chosen people.

Not in the way you mean it of course. In fact it is also
a mistranslation. Even Jews would agree that all people
are equivalent. Jews don't believe it matters what religion
you observe actually.


There are no Jews.

Judaism is not a race because Jews do not share one common ancestry. For instance, Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews are both "Jewish." However, whereas Ashkenazi Jews often hail from Europe, Sephardic Jews often hail from the Middle East. People of many different races have become Jewish over the centuries.

Although today Israel is often called the Jewish homeland, being Jewish is not a nationality because Jews have been dispersed throughout the world for almost two thousand years. Hence, Jews come from countries all over the world.

What a narrow way of looking at this sub-group of Mankind...

Of a surety those that congragate for the most part share a comon genotype...

One that you can SEE with bare eyes.

in DNA that type is even more noticable.

Every Sub-Group within the diversity that is mankind has such.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 10/26/11 08:17 PM

There are no chosen people.

Not in the way you mean it of course. In fact it is also
a mistranslation. Even Jews would agree that all people
are equivalent. Jews don't believe it matters what religion
you observe actually.


There are no Jews.

Judaism is not a race because Jews do not share one common ancestry. For instance, Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews are both "Jewish." However, whereas Ashkenazi Jews often hail from Europe, Sephardic Jews often hail from the Middle East. People of many different races have become Jewish over the centuries.

Although today Israel is often called the Jewish homeland, being Jewish is not a nationality because Jews have been dispersed throughout the world for almost two thousand years. Hence, Jews come from countries all over the world.

What a narrow way of looking at this sub-group of Mankind...

Of a surety those that congragate for the most part share a comon genotype...

One that you can SEE with bare eyes.

in DNA that type is even more noticable.

Every Sub-Group within the diversity that is mankind has such.

A "Jew" is more or less a custom. You can be from anywhere in the World, be any race, African, Mexican, Spanish, ect and all still be Jewish.

no photo
Wed 10/26/11 09:07 PM
If you want to learn what it means to be "Jewish" you need to read the book "The invention of the Jewish people." by Shlomo Sand.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 03:56 AM

Question: "Does everyone have a "God-shaped hole"?"

Answer: The “God-shaped hole” concept states that every person has a

void in his soul/spirit/life that can only be filled by God.

The “God-shaped hole” is the innate longing of the human heart for

something outside itself, something transcendent, something “other.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11 refers to God's placing of "eternity in man’s

heart." God made humanity for His eternal purpose, and only God can

fulfill our desire for eternity. All religion is based on the

innate desire to “connect” with God. This desire can only be

fulfilled by God, and therefore can be likened to a “God-shaped


The problem, though, is that humanity ignores this hole or attempts

to fill it with things other than God. Jeremiah 17:9 describes the

condition of our hearts: “The heart is deceitful above all things

and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Solomon reiterates the

same concept: “The hearts of men, moreover, are full of evil and

there is madness in their hearts while they live…” (Ecclesiastes

9:3). The New Testament concurs: “The sinful mind is hostile to

God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so” (Romans

8:7). Romans 1:18-22 describes humanity ignoring what can be known

about God, including presumably the “God-shaped hole,” and instead

worshipping anything and everything other than God.

Sadly, too many spend their lives looking for something other than

God to fill their longing for meaning—business, family, sports,

etc. But in pursuing these things that are not eternal, they remain

unfulfilled and wonder why their lives never seem satisfactory.

There is no doubt that many people pursuing things other than God

achieve a measure of “happiness” for a time. But when we consider

Solomon, who had all the riches, success, esteem, and power in the

world—in short, all that men seek after in this life—we see that

none of it fulfilled the longing for eternity. He declared it

all “vanity,” meaning that he sought after these things in vain

because they did not satisfy. In the end he said, “Now all has been

heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his

commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Just as a square peg cannot fill a round hole, neither can the “God-

shaped hole” inside each of us be filled by anyone or anything other

than God. Only through a personal relationship with God through

faith in Jesus Christ can the “God-shaped hole” be filled and the

desire for eternity fulfilled.


no photo
Thu 10/27/11 03:56 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/27/11 04:12 AM


no photo
Thu 10/27/11 04:26 AM

Even worse^ garbage!

It has nothing to do with "race" - this is just bigotry.
You obviously did not read the link I posted which explains this.

Jewishness is a religion not a race. Anyone can convert and there
are all races represented in Judaism as in all other religions.

"Misinterpretation of Chosenness

The concept of chosenness has often been misinterpreted by non-Jews as a statement of superiority or even racism. But the belief that Jews are the Chosen People actually has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. In fact, chosenness has so little to do with race that Jews believe the Messiah will be descended from Ruth, a Moabite woman who converted to Judaism and whose story is recorded in the biblical “Book of Ruth.”

Jews do not believe that being a member of the Chosen People gives them any special talents or makes them better than anyone else. On the topic of chosenness, the Book of Amos even goes so far as to say: "You alone have I singled out of all the families of the earth. That is why I call you to account for all your iniquities" (Amos 3:2). In this way Jews are called to be a “light to the nations” (Isaiah 42:6) by doing good in the world through gemilut hasidim (acts of loving kindness) and tikkun olam (repairing the world). Nevertheless, many modern Jews feel uncomfortable with the term “Chosen People.” Perhaps for similar reasons, Maimonides (a medieval Jewish philosopher) did not list it in his foundational 13 Principles of the Jewish Faith."

s1owhand, why is it that whenever someone brings up the people of the old testament you respond as if they were speaking of modern day Jews? Of course a post will look like garbage if you don't read it properly.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 10:58 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/27/11 11:31 AM
This thread, being about pantheism, holds the premise that God is everything and everything is God.

The "god shaped hole" you mentioned, Morningsong, is basically the longing for love. Some say that God is Love. Even the Bible says that God is love.

To rationalize this idea and bend it to your final conclusion that only "faith in Jesus Christ" can fill this hole (this longing for love) is placing a limit on the concept of love as a universal force.

This thread is about Pantheism and not about Christianity or a single personality meant to represent God.

As Red has stated, and I agree, that in pantheism, there is no sigularity and thus no individuality assigned to the god force.

The force that is god is universal and it exists in every element that makes up the universe.

Of course we know that you are not a pantheist and that you do not agree with this belief.

A pantheist does not agree with your conclusions either.

But we can all agree, I believe, that LOVE is what people need and aspire to.

God is Love.


no photo
Thu 10/27/11 02:01 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/27/11 02:36 PM

So how and when and where and what

do Pantheists turn receive this Love that every

human heart longs for ......since there is no " WHO"

( a PERSONAL GOD )that they believe in...

When the Pantheist's heart cries out in deep gut wrenching

pain and agony, because of sheer utter loneliness felt in the

middle of a long and weary night...

as every human heart will feel at times,

where is comfort to be found...if there is no" WHO" to turn


when the Pantheist's heart is greatly overwhelmed with

pure thanksgiving and joy,at the many blessings

recieved in life....where or what is there to turn turn

to say

thanks...since there is no belief in a "Who" .....


no photo
Thu 10/27/11 02:13 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/27/11 02:17 PM
The "who" is everywhere.

When you love others, that love will come back to you ten fold.

It is not the feeling of being loved that is the gift, but the ability to find the love in your own heart and give that love to others.

The love from within your own being, your own heart, is an endless flow.

Unlock that door. Let the love flow.

When you tap into that, you will become a fountain of divine love and a magnet for love.

Give love with no thought or expectation of getting it in return.

No one can stop you from loving.

When you love, love is yours.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 02:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/27/11 02:29 PM
The love that comes from within you is God's love.

God's love comes through us.

Letting yourself love someone, even an animal, is the way to get the flow of love started.

After my divorce my heart was mended by a kitten. How can one not love that? Animals return love in their own special way.

Like an old pump on a well, if it is dry, you need to prime the pump to get the flow of water going. Pour in the water and keep pouring and pumping. Soon the flow will start.

That is how love works. You must find something or someone to love unconditionally.

Loving is its own reward.

The greatest thing we will ever learn
is to love and be loved in return.

Except love when it is given, give love freely.
You have an endless supply.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 02:38 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/27/11 02:41 PM
The supply of love is not limited. If you are without love in your life it is you who are blocking the flow.

Open your heart and give forth your love to everyone you meet. You will see an immediate result.

Love a child, love a puppy, love a person without expecting anything in return.

Give love and the flow of love will open and grow wider and wider. The more you love the more love there will be in the world.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 03:04 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/27/11 03:28 PM

God is Love......

Love is God......

How else would you describe

What Love is.......


Can Love Come from an IMPERSONAL God....


Does Love Come from a PERSONAL God.....


no photo
Thu 10/27/11 04:04 PM

God is Love......

Love is God......

How else would you describe

What Love is.......


Can Love Come from an IMPERSONAL God....


Does Love Come from a PERSONAL God.....


I think both.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 06:42 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/27/11 07:21 PM


suffers long and is kind;

does not envy;

does not parade itself,

is not puffed up;

does not behave rudely,

does not seek its own,

is not provoked,

thinks no evil;

does not rejoice in iniquity,

but rejoices in the truth;

bears all things,

believes all things,

hopes all things,

endures all things.

Love never fails.
