Topic: People in prison...
BR77R's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:36 AM
just an FYI

( not by me, mind you) but this thread is all but deleted at the moment.

Folsom Prison Blues is a good song!!! LOL

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:36 AM
"Of course as humans we all make mistakes but sorry, I do not consider murder a mistake lol. Sure, I understand what you mean by ALL the rules but you should know what I mean by the kind of rules I am talking about. Most people in this country dont go around committing felonies all day long."

LOL just like me? Do you know me now? hahahuh

DesireeJ's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:38 AM
Cali66 yes they have poor teeth and yes they don't see a doctor everday, but many of them fake it get taken to a doctor and get unnessecary medical treatment. The bad teeth is because most are drug addicts or from years of neglect. And yes I do know how the prison system works I am a Criminal Justice Major in college and just took a class from an ex prison guardwho helps with prison reform bills and he taught Correctional theory and Institutions. Why do prison inmates get cable they should only get basic channels no movies and nothing that is fun and interesting. Prison should be punishment not a place to escape reality.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:41 AM
>> LOL just like me? Do you know me now? haha

You believe that if someone kills someone close to you, they should be killed. This attitude towards 'justice' has lead otherwise decent people to be convicted of violent crimes.

>> yes I have heard of that but I just dont agree sorry. If someone kills someone close to me, I am not gonna say "oh I forgive you" lol I am gonna kill them or make sure they are killed by getting them the death penalty if possible.

BR77R's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:41 AM

If you're in prison..should you never have any joy again?? I mean there are still our brothers and sisters.

Some were innocent once...but some were not

DesireeJ's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:44 AM
Cali66 try using some Lotion with Aloe in it or just use straight Aloe Vera the plant, it should help with the peeling. other than that don't know what to tell ya. I am peeling right now too and Aloe Vera Lotion helps alot. try and stay out of the sun if you can while you peel don't want to compound the problem.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:44 AM
What I want to know is.... are we paying $40 a month -per prisoner- to Cox Cable? laugh

Claudette's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:44 AM
forgiveness is for the individual or the family not for the person who did the crime

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:45 AM
Sure it has BUT, does that mean you know me? Afraid not.

Cali66's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:45 AM
um, not sure what point ur trying to make, I stated what I knew by way of BEING THERE! LOL not by studying literature.. or second hand info.. ok.. well u follow wut u think you know. What I do know, is wut i know, and I wont post up to much on the forum. But like I did already say, it doesnt matter how much they complain. When you have been there and seen it, you would know.

Im not debating with people with second hand info..


no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:46 AM
To: sincereman51,

First of all, understand that I don't have any problems with you as a human being, however, it is your biased views against a segment our society that disturbs me. You're a young man, and I pray that you never find yourself in a situation where you'll face jail or prison time... not that I don't think you won't make it, oh you'll make it alright, but then we may have the makings of a new David Koresh, or a Timothy McVeigh on orur hands. Because, you would become very embittered towards our justice system, hey its' not fair, but remember its a business... look at the name UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN, INCORPORATED., AND, EACH STATE OPERATES AS A SEPARATE BUSINESS ENTITY, AS PART OF A CONGLOMERATE CORPORATION.

Once again, I'd like to stress that I don't have a problem with you... just your views on certain things, you are probably very good at what you do in your day-to-day profession, I tip my hat to you... but, sometimes we as a people need to stop and think before we speak... and if we do speak up, at least have all the facts in order to back up what we speak upon. Have a wonderful day!

Cali66's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:47 AM
oh cripes! I think i have some of that aloe vera gel!! thankssssss imma go look..

oh ya i was in the sun again today, wut a tard!

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:48 AM
What is all this about knowing you? I don't need to know you, I just need to take your words at face value.

Or did you not mean it when you said: "I am gonna kill them or make sure they are killed by getting them the death penalty if possible." ?

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:48 AM
Hmm second hand info? My last post wasnt directed to you cali but umm, ok. I would say something here about my second hand info but I'm not willing to share that with people I dont knowbigsmile

Cali66's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:49 AM
and mine wasnt directed towards u.... why u feeling so defensive???? huh

DesireeJ's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:50 AM
My biological brother was in San Quentin he was able to bluff his way to the doctor everyweek with some new alment. They couldn't deny him his right to go to the doctor, because of the liability issue thats what I was trying to get at. Thats what makes me angry about the Prison system. Like I said first off we need to change the system before anything else changes.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:51 AM
BTW, I am not trying to criticize your desire for vengeance, I am criticizing your labeling of convicts as second class citizens. Some of them are convicts simply because they share your view on killing in retribution.

DesireeJ's photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:53 AM
Cali66 try and stay out of sun, it will dry out your skin while it is trying to heal. try and keep the peeling area moist not dry. When it is to dry it peels. Just some advice from a person that can go outside and sunburn in 5 minutes with sunscreen on.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 12:57 AM
I'm not defensive first of all.....
And, the reason I say you dont know me and that it actually does mean something is because lets just say that I have actually been in a situation that deals directly with all of this. Now thats fine that many of you feel that killing these people is wrong, your opinion and thats great but, to tell me that murderers and rapists are not second class citizens is just absolutely moronic. Now sure, I can understand that people who hold my views BUT, the moment they step over that line to murder or rape or whatever, they too become second class trash. Sure that is my opinion and I'll stick with that for sure. Sorry, but not one of you will convince me that someone who kills or rapes is to be considered of the same quality as you or I.

no photo
Wed 07/18/07 01:00 AM
But are you not willing to kill, yourself?

Do you you not feel that its 'okay' to kill someone if you just saw them kill someone close to you?

So if you know that someone is a 'killer', can you be sure they did not kill for exactly the same reasons that you would kill?