Topic: I think my son is gay
msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 02:32 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

there is evidence that UNBALANCED diets give us health problems

there is much less evidence that strict processed foods is more likely to give health problems than strict organic foods

they are two extremes, that ignore the very broad middle ground

Kleisto's photo
Sun 12/04/11 02:35 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

and i think those who believe one who supports their children in their own choices being likened to a child molesters is hateful, mentally disturbed, confused and self righteous

Amen, my jaw about hit the floor when I saw the statement. It's absolutely absurd, as is comparing homosexuality to pedophilia as well.

Oh and people wanna talk about the bullying and such gay kids may be subjected to? How about we educate the kids that some people are different from others, and show them how to deal with them? Seems a much better idea than trying to force a kid into a box they don't fit in.

Kleisto's photo
Sun 12/04/11 02:38 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

there is evidence that UNBALANCED diets give us health problems

there is much less evidence that strict processed foods is more likely to give health problems than strict organic foods

they are two extremes, that ignore the very broad middle ground

If all we are eating is processed garbage full of chemicals, preservatives, and in general foods with very little nutritional value, what the hell do you THINK is going to happen? Think the body is gonna somehow take it and be able to still run properly? It defies logic.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 02:38 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

and i think those who believe one who supports their children in their own choices being likened to a child molesters is hateful, mentally disturbed, confused and self righteous

Amen, my jaw about hit the floor when I saw the statement. It's absolutely absurd, as is comparing homosexuality to pedophilia as well.

Oh and people wanna talk about the bullying and such gay kids may be subjected to? How about we educate the kids that some people are different from others, and show them how to deal with them? Seems a much better idea than trying to force a kid into a box they don't fit in.

teaching violence is not an answer is something I Can get behind
(no pun intended)

leve and education are much better options, but I Wish they would educate people more on the dangers and risks of homosexuality instead of being so determined to equalize and normalize it,,,

I would not condone my kids or anyone bullying someone who was ill, or hurt, or different

I dont condone bullying gay people or mentally ill people, or anyone else with such conditions either,,,

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 02:45 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

Actually, that's a false comparison. You can eat non-organic food, without eating processed foods. I eat some processed foods, but I avoid preservatives, especially nitrates and nitrites. And then there is the fact that you are more likely to catch a disease or a parasite from eating organic foods.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 02:48 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

there is evidence that UNBALANCED diets give us health problems

there is much less evidence that strict processed foods is more likely to give health problems than strict organic foods

they are two extremes, that ignore the very broad middle ground

If all we are eating is processed garbage full of chemicals, preservatives, and in general foods with very little nutritional value, what the hell do you THINK is going to happen? Think the body is gonna somehow take it and be able to still run properly? It defies logic.

yes , if thats ALL we eat we will have problems

we will also have problems if ALL we eat is organic food

if there is not a balance of the other things our body needs (like exercise and rest)

the body functions off of a balance, anytime we exclude balance and replace it with more of a 'restrictive' and exclusive ritual, it doesnt have as much to work with and therefore is at greater risk

nothing illogical about that

Kleisto's photo
Sun 12/04/11 03:48 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

there is evidence that UNBALANCED diets give us health problems

there is much less evidence that strict processed foods is more likely to give health problems than strict organic foods

they are two extremes, that ignore the very broad middle ground

If all we are eating is processed garbage full of chemicals, preservatives, and in general foods with very little nutritional value, what the hell do you THINK is going to happen? Think the body is gonna somehow take it and be able to still run properly? It defies logic.

yes , if thats ALL we eat we will have problems

we will also have problems if ALL we eat is organic food

Explain to me just HOW eating strictly live, healthy, nutritionally rich foods is going to cause problems. That makes no sense at all. There's nothing bad in it!

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 04:09 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!
I think maybe if he has had no man figure in his growing up,,that he just carries that which has been all around him..women,,lol,and as THAT may give him MANY feminine traits, that alone does not make him gay?
I would ask him or hint into the reasons he sits like a lady,,or dances like one to YOU,,,for its your place to first let him know THIS,,as YOUR feeling this way about him,,so be close and mild but,,talk with him about how your thinking,,let him know he may be doing this,,and not has a clue that it looks more feminine than manly?
But he also just may LIKE being more feminine that manly in his ways,,and for that,,he will learn through others questions to him about them? But truth and conversations are the best things you both can have to share with each other..Good Luck and I wouldn't worry about it now,,as he is still growing into HIM..

Kleisto's photo
Sun 12/04/11 04:35 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

Actually, that's a false comparison. You can eat non-organic food, without eating processed foods. I eat some processed foods, but I avoid preservatives, especially nitrates and nitrites. And then there is the fact that you are more likely to catch a disease or a parasite from eating organic foods.

I think part of the problem there is, our bodies are not allowed to be exposed to certain bacterias, be them good or bad alike. Everything is so processed and pasteurized that all of that is taken away before we consume anything just about. Because of that, when the body IS exposed to those bacterias that previously they were not, they are not able to handle it because there is no tolerance that would be otherwise built up, and we end up getting sick as a result.

If we would simply let the body do what it is supposed to do, instead of try to shield it from anything that could potentially harm it, we would not have this issue.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 05:03 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

there is evidence that UNBALANCED diets give us health problems

there is much less evidence that strict processed foods is more likely to give health problems than strict organic foods

they are two extremes, that ignore the very broad middle ground

If all we are eating is processed garbage full of chemicals, preservatives, and in general foods with very little nutritional value, what the hell do you THINK is going to happen? Think the body is gonna somehow take it and be able to still run properly? It defies logic.

yes , if thats ALL we eat we will have problems

we will also have problems if ALL we eat is organic food

Explain to me just HOW eating strictly live, healthy, nutritionally rich foods is going to cause problems. That makes no sense at all. There's nothing bad in it!

because, outside of owning a farm and raising plants and animals personally, we cant be sure that animals are 'healthy',,,,,,

we no longer hunt free range animals for eating, or harvest plants in natural environments

to get food to large numbers of people in diverse locations, the 'natural' health of those foods has had to be compromised on some level,, regardless of its 'organic' nature,,,,

Kleisto's photo
Sun 12/04/11 06:16 PM


Ditto, there is plenty of evidence suggesting that a diet of processed foods is much more likely to give us health problems than a diet of organic food is. We didn't get the way we are eating right. But that's a whole other subject.

there is evidence that UNBALANCED diets give us health problems

there is much less evidence that strict processed foods is more likely to give health problems than strict organic foods

they are two extremes, that ignore the very broad middle ground

If all we are eating is processed garbage full of chemicals, preservatives, and in general foods with very little nutritional value, what the hell do you THINK is going to happen? Think the body is gonna somehow take it and be able to still run properly? It defies logic.

yes , if thats ALL we eat we will have problems

we will also have problems if ALL we eat is organic food

Explain to me just HOW eating strictly live, healthy, nutritionally rich foods is going to cause problems. That makes no sense at all. There's nothing bad in it!

because, outside of owning a farm and raising plants and animals personally, we cant be sure that animals are 'healthy',,,,,,

we no longer hunt free range animals for eating, or harvest plants in natural environments

to get food to large numbers of people in diverse locations, the 'natural' health of those foods has had to be compromised on some level,, regardless of its 'organic' nature,,,,

Which is why you have to pay attention to what you are getting, if not get it as local as you possibly can where it's available. So long as you do that, I see no health problems at all being associated with it. You'd be getting pure, unadulterated, REAL food, where's the issue?

w0m4n's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:21 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

Oh no not yet, but there were signs though. However, I am requesting some pointers from the mingle2 community if they've encountered or had situations/issues closely related to mine. Hopefully I was looking for further info (if any) on how bullying can be avoided, certain challenges that cannot be evaded/prevented and additional parenting pointers that will be beneficial for certain situations like this. Thank you for your comments.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:45 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

Oh no not yet, but there were signs though. However, I am requesting some pointers from the mingle2 community if they've encountered or had situations/issues closely related to mine. Hopefully I was looking for further info (if any) on how bullying can be avoided, certain challenges that cannot be evaded/prevented and additional parenting pointers that will be beneficial for certain situations like this. Thank you for your comments.

I Wish I had advice other than loving him. Bullying can hardly be avoided for MOST children, regardless of their sexual preferences(I Cringe using children and sexual preference in the same sentence)

skinny children , slow children, poor children, all get bullied, but all parents can do is continually encourage and support their childrens accomplishments and efforts, and re inforce upon them their worth and value as our children and as human beings.

bullies are another form of sickness, and those being bullied must understand that although those types are and always will be here, that they are troubled souls themself,, and to beware of and , when possible, have empathy for them.

w0m4n's photo
Sun 12/04/11 07:49 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

and i think those who believe one who supports their children in their own choices being likened to a child molesters is hateful, mentally disturbed, confused and self righteous

Amen, my jaw about hit the floor when I saw the statement. It's absolutely absurd, as is comparing homosexuality to pedophilia as well.

Oh and people wanna talk about the bullying and such gay kids may be subjected to? How about we educate the kids that some people are different from others, and show them how to deal with them? Seems a much better idea than trying to force a kid into a box they don't fit in.

That's wonderful the problem was, that the subject of homosexuality and gay behavior have so much into it; most likely entails: biblical, scientific and clinical knowledge that embarking upon these subjects will be very difficult for children to comprehend.

w0m4n's photo
Sun 12/04/11 08:23 PM

I have sole custody of my children. My son is the youngest of three, he 15 years old now and grew up with me. He`s basically surrounded by me and my two other adult daughters. He is smart and in a french immersion program and a constant honor student. He`s sporting a typically longer hair, he walks very refine he joins dance troupes and he dances like a young lady. I enrolled him to Karate which he`s doing very well but during breaks he sits like a lady. I drove him twice to an activity and was surprised that he hangs out with young ladies, his age. I talked to him about it, he said he has plans about his life that he wants to have a family and children one day, but what I am seeing on his actions and ways were totally the opposite. I wish I am wrong. I love him to death but God knows I want to see him as any normal grown up man one day. I don`t know what to do. Please help!
I think maybe if he has had no man figure in his growing up,,that he just carries that which has been all around him..women,,lol,and as THAT may give him MANY feminine traits, that alone does not make him gay?
I would ask him or hint into the reasons he sits like a lady,,or dances like one to YOU,,,for its your place to first let him know THIS,,as YOUR feeling this way about him,,so be close and mild but,,talk with him about how your thinking,,let him know he may be doing this,,and not has a clue that it looks more feminine than manly?
But he also just may LIKE being more feminine that manly in his ways,,and for that,,he will learn through others questions to him about them? But truth and conversations are the best things you both can have to share with each other..Good Luck and I wouldn't worry about it now,,as he is still growing into HIM..

I did try all the possible ways that I can to find out and understand the reasons why he was acting this way, including the one's that you mentioned. The responses were not satisfactory but I was tolerant. I like the idea of taking this issue lightly I will give it a try to the best possible way that I can to be calm, relax and be more indulgent in dealing with him. Hopefully, things will change as he progresses toward manhood. Thank you for your comment.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 08:54 PM
I can tell you one thing for sure,,HE will be WHO HE THINKS and FEELS HE IS,,no-matter what ANY PERSON says HE IS?
So in THAT,,,love and a parents understanding mean EVERYTHING to HIS well being..Mentally and in his become a man..:heart:

w0m4n's photo
Sun 12/04/11 09:01 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

Oh no not yet, but there were signs though. However, I am requesting some pointers from the mingle2 community if they've encountered or had situations/issues closely related to mine. Hopefully I was looking for further info (if any) on how bullying can be avoided, certain challenges that cannot be evaded/prevented and additional parenting pointers that will be beneficial for certain situations like this. Thank you for your comments.

I Wish I had advice other than loving him. Bullying can hardly be avoided for MOST children, regardless of their sexual preferences(I Cringe using children and sexual preference in the same sentence)

skinny children , slow children, poor children, all get bullied, but all parents can do is continually encourage and support their childrens accomplishments and efforts, and re inforce upon them their worth and value as our children and as human beings.

bullies are another form of sickness, and those being bullied must understand that although those types are and always will be here, that they are troubled souls themself,, and to beware of and , when possible, have empathy for them.

I understand it was really hard when children were concerned in terms of sexual preference. In my previews post I also emphasized that it was difficult to dissociate religion, faith and ethics in terms of molding and shaping our children. I don't want to incorporate the element of religion, I just wanted to make a point into the statement below, to prove that "change is possible"

Due to my eagerness to find answers about my son's situation, I came across Dr. Tim Clinton, President of American Association of Christian Counselors. He pointed out in his Lifeway Counseling Series that:

(3) 3. Let them know change is possible.

Recent research has shown more favorable outcomes by homosexuals seeking to change. CNN recently announced both on television and their Web site, "An explosive new study says some gay people can turn straight if they really want to." More importantly, the Bible makes it clear that God can change the behavior of homosexuals if they choose to allow Him to do so. "Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord" (Isaiah 55:7-8).

It is most important to teach your children that God loves everyone. Teach them not to engage in hate speech, or make coarse jokes about gays. Encourage them to show others how Jesus loved and related to everyone, and we are called to do likewise.

If your child asks "How should I treat people who say they are gay?" answer: "The Bible says that God loves everyone but He does not like the things we do that are wrong. We can treat people who say they are gay with kindness. We can like them even though we do not like that they choose gay behavior. We can show them that God loves them and wants them to do the right things. God can help them do what is right."

source link:

w0m4n's photo
Sun 12/04/11 09:06 PM

In my search for answers I also found this link. They are gays with different experiences and stories, who wish to change from gay to straight for this coming new year 2012, just for the general info:

Again for all of the contributors, thank you for posting on this thread. :smile:

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 10:53 PM

Or we can choose to not conform to society and just be who we are.
I think it's more difficult trying to be something your not.

In my opinion, it is always good to guide him to command himself with respect, dignity and decency. So he can receive the same from his peers. But being young at this point it is quiet impossible as kids will always be kids and this is where the problem will start.

I thank you for your patience with all of us and our many conflicting viewpoints.

I know you love your son and his social well-being is a major concern to you.

He is not an adult and he is only testing the waters of life.

Unless I missed the post...I have not read anything here that establishes him as gay. He has not made that declaration...right?

I assure you he is not gay...unless others convince him he is.

People who see his behaviors and pat him on the back saying "It's ok to be gay, honey".

I think people who approach children in that manner are instigators.
they are not far from being child-molesters.

and i think those who believe one who supports their children in their own choices being likened to a child molesters is hateful, mentally disturbed, confused and self righteous

Amen, my jaw about hit the floor when I saw the statement. It's absolutely absurd, as is comparing homosexuality to pedophilia as well.

Pick your jaw up you seem to be tripping over that thing...

and you are twisting my words with it too (try duct tape)...

unless you are insinuating that adults who tell children it's "okay" are homosexuals...

...there was no comparing homosexuals to pedophiles on my part.

I say,
"People who encourage children to pursue a gay lifestyle...are indeed molesting them."

They are invading their innocence.

Children sometimes cannot see that they are being misinformed and worse, misled--->

which is why there are so many missing and sexually violated children

in the world today.

Most children trust the opinions and praises of adults.

But in these is not a good thing...perversion is rampant.

no photo
Sun 12/04/11 10:55 PM
Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.