Topic: I think my son is gay
no photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:01 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Mon 12/05/11 06:06 PM

Where does the other 60% come from then? Who raised them?


You are really making this "no sarcasm" thing hard.

I'm not saying that 30% of lesbians are from lesbian couples and 10% come from straight couples. I'm saying the chances of a lesbian couple of producing a lesbian daughter is about 30%, while the chances of a straight or gay couple producing a lesbian daughter is about 10%.


Lesbian couples are 30% likely to produce lesbian daughters.

Gay and Straight couples are about 10% likely to produce lesbian daughters.

Those two groups combined are the 100% of lesbians in the world.

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:02 PM

Where does the other 60% come from then? Who raised them?

this was the statistic

lesbians produce lesbian daughters about 30% of the time

straight couples raise about 10 in 100 daughters who are lesbian

these are two different subsects, the daughters raised by straight COUPLES

and the daughters raised by lesbians

w0m4n's photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:04 PM

In my search for answers I also found this link. They are gays with different experiences and stories, who wish to change from gay to straight for this coming new year 2012, just for the general info:

Again for all of the contributors, thank you for posting on this thread. :smile:

thank you for posting this

I think the key is in letting them know they are capable of 'being' who and what they wish to be, even when its not easy, and that there is no rush for them to 'define' themselves sexually,,,,

You are most welcome. Change should emanate from the persons' own volition, the choice is theirs to make.

eileena9's photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:29 PM

Where does the other 60% come from then? Who raised them?


You are really making this "no sarcasm" thing hard.

I'm not saying that 30% of lesbians are from lesbian couples and 10% come from straight couples. I'm saying the chances of a lesbian couple of producing a lesbian daughter is about 30%, while the chances of a straight or gay couple producing a lesbian daughter is about 10%.


Lesbian couples are 30% likely to produce lesbian daughters.

Gay and Straight couples are about 10% likely to produce lesbian daughters.

Those two groups combined are the 100% of lesbians in the world.

Thank you for straightening this out.

w0m4n's photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:31 PM

Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.

That was really a very strong statement, but it makes sense. Primarily, a couple has greater responsibility in raising a child like values, norms, faith, ethics to name a few but what was most alarming was to raise a child with hate in his heart.

w0m4n's photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:37 PM

teens are exploring and trying to figure out who they are. Just love and support him . . Keep the lines of communication open. When my daughter was 15 she came home and told me she had a girl friend. Shers now 20 and has been with the same guy for 3 years.

i just hope so, thanks for your comment.

w0m4n's photo
Mon 12/05/11 08:04 PM

Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.

I know a gay couple who fostered 21 boys over the years and not one of them are gay. They adopted three boys and they are all straight too.

I know SOME lesbians hate men, but I don't think there are really that many that hate men.

I am a straight woman who raised two children by myself. One is straight and one is transgender.....they are both female by birth, so by the general way of thinking in this quote, how on earth did this happen? (Lesbians more likely to raise lesbians; so shouldn't my daughters have been straight females????.....oh's because the way you raise a child doesn't influence their sexual preferences)

the way you raise a child does INFLUENCE them, but it isnt the only thing affecting them

even two children in the same home will be influenced by how they are raised and ALSO by their own UNIQUE influences outside the home,,,

I came across to this write up and allow me to add this to further clarify your point:

"What is clear is that people's behaviour is influenced by their family environment, their experiences and their sense of themselves. Beliefs about sex are initially shaped by family values. Later on these beliefs may be shaped by pleasant and unpleasant experiences of sex and also shape their choice of activities and partners. Throughout their life a person's sense of who and what they are has a strong impact on their sexual development and experience."

This was a good write-up, you can read the whole text, I was surprised to see the site was named AVERT - the word I used at one point, (in my thoughts of averting my sons' condition) again, for general info :smile:

w0m4n's photo
Mon 12/05/11 08:06 PM

Where does the other 60% come from then? Who raised them?


You are really making this "no sarcasm" thing hard.

I'm not saying that 30% of lesbians are from lesbian couples and 10% come from straight couples. I'm saying the chances of a lesbian couple of producing a lesbian daughter is about 30%, while the chances of a straight or gay couple producing a lesbian daughter is about 10%.


Lesbian couples are 30% likely to produce lesbian daughters.

Gay and Straight couples are about 10% likely to produce lesbian daughters.

Those two groups combined are the 100% of lesbians in the world.

Thank you for straightening this out.

And thank you for sharing your thoughts.

no photo
Mon 12/05/11 08:34 PM
Wow..everone has the right to be happy. And every child deserves the right to be loved. (especially when there not really doing anyting wrong)I suppose as a parent it's kinda like leaving them in a bad neighborhood. But maybe if we all changed are perception, it wouldn't be so scary.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/05/11 11:16 PM

Wow..everone has the right to be happy. And every child deserves the right to be loved. (especially when there not really doing anyting wrong)I suppose as a parent it's kinda like leaving them in a bad neighborhood. But maybe if we all changed are perception, it wouldn't be so scary.

Agreed. I think we need to let the kids have the freedom to make their own paths and way in this life (within reason of course) instead of trying to only mold them into how WE want them to be. Things would be much simpler then I think. We would do so much better to realize our kids have minds of their own, and to let them use them, instead of forcing how we think onto them.

Oh and those studies on lesbian couples can say anything they want, but you can't paint everyone with the same brush like that. To paint them ALL as man haters is silly and absurd. Every couple is different, so they need to be judged on their own individual merits.

Same goes for their kids as well, assuming that they will be gay cause their parents are is not very smart, as they say to assume makes an *** out of you and me.

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/05/11 11:20 PM

Wow..everone has the right to be happy. And every child deserves the right to be loved. (especially when there not really doing anyting wrong)I suppose as a parent it's kinda like leaving them in a bad neighborhood. But maybe if we all changed are perception, it wouldn't be so scary.

Agreed. I think we need to let the kids have the freedom to make their own paths and way in this life (within reason of course) instead of trying to only mold them into how WE want them to be. Things would be much simpler then I think. We would do so much better to realize our kids have minds of their own, and to let them use them, instead of forcing how we think onto them.

Oh and those studies on lesbian couples can say anything they want, but you can't paint everyone with the same brush like that. To paint them ALL as man haters is silly and absurd. Every couple is different, so they need to be judged on their own individual merits.

Same goes for their kids as well, assuming that they will be gay cause their parents are is not very smart, as they say to assume makes an *** out of you and me.

yet assumptions are made about christians (even by christians) on these boards every single day,,,

yet I do agree, logic should balance whatever assumptions we make from observations and reading

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/05/11 11:31 PM

Wow..everone has the right to be happy. And every child deserves the right to be loved. (especially when there not really doing anyting wrong)I suppose as a parent it's kinda like leaving them in a bad neighborhood. But maybe if we all changed are perception, it wouldn't be so scary.

Agreed. I think we need to let the kids have the freedom to make their own paths and way in this life (within reason of course) instead of trying to only mold them into how WE want them to be. Things would be much simpler then I think. We would do so much better to realize our kids have minds of their own, and to let them use them, instead of forcing how we think onto them.

Oh and those studies on lesbian couples can say anything they want, but you can't paint everyone with the same brush like that. To paint them ALL as man haters is silly and absurd. Every couple is different, so they need to be judged on their own individual merits.

Same goes for their kids as well, assuming that they will be gay cause their parents are is not very smart, as they say to assume makes an *** out of you and me.

yet assumptions are made about christians (even by christians) on these boards every single day,,,

The difference there is, to be a Christian generally speaking there are certain things you have to believe, lest you be something else. So the ideas about Christians are not exactly without merit given that being the case.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 12/06/11 04:40 PM

Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.

I know a gay couple who fostered 21 boys over the years and not one of them are gay. They adopted three boys and they are all straight too.

I know SOME lesbians hate men, but I don't think there are really that many that hate men.

I am a straight woman who raised two children by myself. One is straight and one is transgender.....they are both female by birth, so by the general way of thinking in this quote, how on earth did this happen? (Lesbians more likely to raise lesbians; so shouldn't my daughters have been straight females????.....oh's because the way you raise a child doesn't influence their sexual preferences)

the way you raise a child does INFLUENCE them, but it isnt the only thing affecting them

even two children in the same home will be influenced by how they are raised and ALSO by their own UNIQUE influences outside the home,,,

Beliefs about sex are initially shaped by family values. Later on these beliefs may be shaped by pleasant and unpleasant experiences of sex and also shape their choice of activities and partners. Throughout their life a person's sense of who and what they are has a strong impact on their sexual development and experience."

Beliefs about sex are initially
shaped by the religion of our parents....
who are for the most part some sort of
christian. So we are taught to stay
virgins till marriage and to marry
the opposite sex.

That ALL other sex is a 'sin' and we
then close our mind off of any other options.
Which is fine, for us...maybe our kids
aren't like us. Maybe they don't want to be like us.

I think if it were not for religion teaching
that homosexuality is evil, bad, a sin, un natural..
no one would even bat an eye over over it.

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/06/11 05:00 PM

Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.

I know a gay couple who fostered 21 boys over the years and not one of them are gay. They adopted three boys and they are all straight too.

I know SOME lesbians hate men, but I don't think there are really that many that hate men.

I am a straight woman who raised two children by myself. One is straight and one is transgender.....they are both female by birth, so by the general way of thinking in this quote, how on earth did this happen? (Lesbians more likely to raise lesbians; so shouldn't my daughters have been straight females????.....oh's because the way you raise a child doesn't influence their sexual preferences)

the way you raise a child does INFLUENCE them, but it isnt the only thing affecting them

even two children in the same home will be influenced by how they are raised and ALSO by their own UNIQUE influences outside the home,,,

Beliefs about sex are initially shaped by family values. Later on these beliefs may be shaped by pleasant and unpleasant experiences of sex and also shape their choice of activities and partners. Throughout their life a person's sense of who and what they are has a strong impact on their sexual development and experience."

Beliefs about sex are initially
shaped by the religion of our parents....
who are for the most part some sort of
christian. So we are taught to stay
virgins till marriage and to marry
the opposite sex.

That ALL other sex is a 'sin' and we
then close our mind off of any other options.
Which is fine, for us...maybe our kids
aren't like us. Maybe they don't want to be like us.

I think if it were not for religion teaching
that homosexuality is evil, bad, a sin, un natural..
no one would even bat an eye over over it.

beliefs are shaped by our surroundings, whether they can be traced to religion or anything else

perhaps some women that have been mistreated will learn to mistrust men and their children will be influenced by that

perhaps some men will have been taught that women are a game to be played and their children will be influenced by that

perhaps some parents work in clinics and emergency rooms where the effects of stds and pregnancy are regularly observed and they teach their children the real risks and consequences of becoming sexually active as well as the great responsibility they should take along with it other than just 'feeling good'

religion is but ONE of many parts of the potential puzzle of what might influence us in our life journey

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 12/06/11 06:20 PM

Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.

I know a gay couple who fostered 21 boys over the years and not one of them are gay. They adopted three boys and they are all straight too.

I know SOME lesbians hate men, but I don't think there are really that many that hate men.

I am a straight woman who raised two children by myself. One is straight and one is transgender.....they are both female by birth, so by the general way of thinking in this quote, how on earth did this happen? (Lesbians more likely to raise lesbians; so shouldn't my daughters have been straight females????.....oh's because the way you raise a child doesn't influence their sexual preferences)

the way you raise a child does INFLUENCE them, but it isnt the only thing affecting them

even two children in the same home will be influenced by how they are raised and ALSO by their own UNIQUE influences outside the home,,,

Beliefs about sex are initially shaped by family values. Later on these beliefs may be shaped by pleasant and unpleasant experiences of sex and also shape their choice of activities and partners. Throughout their life a person's sense of who and what they are has a strong impact on their sexual development and experience."

Beliefs about sex are initially
shaped by the religion of our parents....
who are for the most part some sort of
christian. So we are taught to stay
virgins till marriage and to marry
the opposite sex.

That ALL other sex is a 'sin' and we
then close our mind off of any other options.
Which is fine, for us...maybe our kids
aren't like us. Maybe they don't want to be like us.

I think if it were not for religion teaching
that homosexuality is evil, bad, a sin, un natural..
no one would even bat an eye over over it.

beliefs are shaped by our surroundings, whether they can be traced to religion or anything else

perhaps some women that have been mistreated will learn to mistrust men and their children will be influenced by that

perhaps some men will have been taught that women are a game to be played and their children will be influenced by that

perhaps some parents work in clinics and emergency rooms where the effects of stds and pregnancy are regularly observed and they teach their children the real risks and consequences of becoming sexually active as well as the great responsibility they should take along with it other than just 'feeling good'

religion is but ONE of many parts of the potential puzzle of what might influence us in our life journey

Religion is EVERYTHING to some people.
If religion didn't teach homosexuality was BAD, no one would think it was BAD! The ONLY reason is comes up at all is because religion TEACHES it.

No body else cares...get it? No body!

no photo
Tue 12/06/11 06:25 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Tue 12/06/11 06:26 PM

you can use whatever you'd like.

we all can

we can also use our cars for planters,, but I wouldnt recommend or advise it,,,

When will you get it? It doesn't matter what you advise others when it comes to their sex lives. You have no say in their sex lives. If you choose not to have anal sex, great. But that's where your choice stops. You cannot choose for others not to have anal sex if they choose to have it.

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/06/11 07:37 PM

Lesbian couples are far more likely to raise lesbian daughters. Gay men are no more likely to raise gay sons. There was a study I read once where they determined that a lot of Lesbians just really hate men and they teach that to their kids.

I know a gay couple who fostered 21 boys over the years and not one of them are gay. They adopted three boys and they are all straight too.

I know SOME lesbians hate men, but I don't think there are really that many that hate men.

I am a straight woman who raised two children by myself. One is straight and one is transgender.....they are both female by birth, so by the general way of thinking in this quote, how on earth did this happen? (Lesbians more likely to raise lesbians; so shouldn't my daughters have been straight females????.....oh's because the way you raise a child doesn't influence their sexual preferences)

the way you raise a child does INFLUENCE them, but it isnt the only thing affecting them

even two children in the same home will be influenced by how they are raised and ALSO by their own UNIQUE influences outside the home,,,

Beliefs about sex are initially shaped by family values. Later on these beliefs may be shaped by pleasant and unpleasant experiences of sex and also shape their choice of activities and partners. Throughout their life a person's sense of who and what they are has a strong impact on their sexual development and experience."

Beliefs about sex are initially
shaped by the religion of our parents....
who are for the most part some sort of
christian. So we are taught to stay
virgins till marriage and to marry
the opposite sex.

That ALL other sex is a 'sin' and we
then close our mind off of any other options.
Which is fine, for us...maybe our kids
aren't like us. Maybe they don't want to be like us.

I think if it were not for religion teaching
that homosexuality is evil, bad, a sin, un natural..
no one would even bat an eye over over it.

beliefs are shaped by our surroundings, whether they can be traced to religion or anything else

perhaps some women that have been mistreated will learn to mistrust men and their children will be influenced by that

perhaps some men will have been taught that women are a game to be played and their children will be influenced by that

perhaps some parents work in clinics and emergency rooms where the effects of stds and pregnancy are regularly observed and they teach their children the real risks and consequences of becoming sexually active as well as the great responsibility they should take along with it other than just 'feeling good'

religion is but ONE of many parts of the potential puzzle of what might influence us in our life journey

Religion is EVERYTHING to some people.
If religion didn't teach homosexuality was BAD, no one would think it was BAD! The ONLY reason is comes up at all is because religion TEACHES it.

No body else cares...get it? No body!

this is wrong, before a bible was ever written there were people who felt sodomy was wrong, someone writes a book and others agree with what it says

anything written in a book came from someones MIND first, which negates the possibility that ALL objection to homosexuality comes from religion

msharmony's photo
Tue 12/06/11 07:38 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 12/06/11 07:40 PM

you can use whatever you'd like.

we all can

we can also use our cars for planters,, but I wouldnt recommend or advise it,,,

When will you get it? It doesn't matter what you advise others when it comes to their sex lives. You have no say in their sex lives. If you choose not to have anal sex, great. But that's where your choice stops. You cannot choose for others not to have anal sex if they choose to have it.

I also cannot choose for them not to smoke, or drink liquor first thing every morning, but I Can still recognize it is unhealthy and where my children are concerned, I Can steer them in another direction and inform them of the dangers,,,and if it came to a vote to serve kids a glass of wine everyday in school just like they do milk, I Could also vote against it as a 'regular' and acceptable thing,,,,without at all stopping people in their own homes from teaching or serving their kids whatever they wish,,,

teadipper's photo
Tue 12/06/11 08:46 PM
I can't believe this thread is still going. I am in southern CA. I do not see this as a problem if your son is a good person, he is a good person. Like I said, here we are just grateful that children don't grow up to be tweakers or crack dealers, etc. Any child, gay or straight is a gift from god. I was never so blessed and then later couldn't have them. Be grateful for any healthy child. My friend was horrified that his daughter was a lesbian. He very much wants grandchildren. My remark to him as they are in a committed relationship, 2 uteruses, you have just doubled your odds as a grandparent. He said, "I never considered that".

Foliel's photo
Tue 12/06/11 08:48 PM
Everyone has given great advice, but in the end only you can really know what to do. Love him as he is and cherish that, be thankful that you have a son willing to be himself and not do only what other people make him do, cuz in the long run your family's happiness is at stake.

A good movie for this type of this is Doing Time on Maple Drive, great movie....