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Topic: Feeling guilty about feeling bored :/
Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 02:47 PM
Is it so bad to feel a lil bored in a relationship? Want to chat to people who have ever been the same. I love him to bits, i know he works alot and is tired but i feel neglected in a way, then feel guilty for thinking things tears

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 02:54 PM
I'll let you know when I've been in a relationship, maybe you're just not happy?

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 02:58 PM

I'll let you know when I've been in a relationship, maybe you're just not happy?
not happy about being neglected i recon, maybe im expecting too much aghh!slaphead

DaddyTime's photo
Fri 02/10/12 03:14 PM
Well as a guy who's ex got bored,
I would say that it would hurt him
very much to find out. And if it
escalated to something more then talk,
well it could all end very painfully.

I would recommend talking to you're partner,
and telling him how you feel. No hints or
beating around the bush just tell him.

And hopefully from there you can work
finding ways to keeps things exciting.

If you are already at the point where
you give up and don't want to go through
that hassle, I would say to simply take
a break from each other and each be single
for a bit. See how it goes from there.

Just please don't do things behind his back.

I am not saying it's wrong to talk to
other people online, but if you're using
it to fulfill an emotional need that
you're relationship should be providing
please look in to other ways to resolve
before resorting to other people.

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 03:18 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Fri 02/10/12 03:19 PM

Is it so bad to feel a lil bored in a relationship? Want to chat to people who have ever been the same. I love him to bits, i know he works alot and is tired but i feel neglected in a way, then feel guilty for thinking things tears

I suggest you start with talking to him. Make him understand how you feel. If he doesn't make an effort to spend more time with you, then maybe you guys aren't cut out for each other.

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 04:58 PM
Thanks guys, please don't take me the wrong way I do not have infidelity in my agenda because I wouldn't like it done to me! I have never cheated on any one I guess I just wonder what other couples r up to. I've moved to a new town and only know 2 old girl friends and he seems more interested in everything else :/ yes I have spoken to him and he say "he tries" ??

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:03 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/10/12 05:05 PM
Sounds like you have a knight of pentacles. A nice hard working guy, loyal, dependable, but a bit boring. Thank your lucky stars.

Find something that interests you... a hobby perhaps and be thankful for your knight. He is the kind who can provide and one day he will be a king perhaps.

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:05 PM
Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:10 PM

Find something that interests you... a hobby perhaps and be thankful for your knight. He is the kind who can provide and one day he will be a king perhaps.


However, I would still talk to him about your feelings. Communication is always a good thing.

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:11 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/10/12 05:11 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

That could be it.... but if he is the knight of pentacles I described, he will be thinking about marriage if he is into you.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:13 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

I'm just gonna say this honestly, cause I am a dude and I know this game. If you think, feel, have suspicions that he isn't into you.....then trust your own instincts. Women want to talk themselves into believing it is a fad, but when a woman says this (openly) about her dude, then it is highly likely you are correct.

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:14 PM
We are married 4 yrs been together 7yrs

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:15 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

I'm just gonna say this honestly, cause I am a dude and I know this game. If you think, feel, have suspicions that he isn't into you.....then trust your own instincts. Women want to talk themselves into believing it is a fad, but when a woman says this (openly) about her dude, then it is highly likely you are correct.

We women NEVER try to fool ourselves about how a guy feels about us!! noway

:wink: laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:16 PM

We are married 4 yrs been together 7yrs

Ah, I see. And, you have kids together? You need to talk to him.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:18 PM

Thanks he is a knight, I am starting to think he is not
So into me

I'm just gonna say this honestly, cause I am a dude and I know this game. If you think, feel, have suspicions that he isn't into you.....then trust your own instincts. Women want to talk themselves into believing it is a fad, but when a woman says this (openly) about her dude, then it is highly likely you are correct.

We women NEVER try to fool ourselves about how a guy feels about us!! noway

:wink: laugh

Oh I see. So us dudes just THINK we have you gals figured out eh? :wink: laugh

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:21 PM
Yes and kids, when I do raise my issues he does try then other times just gets cranky n falls asleep on me lol what tha! I feel nasty :(

Jlb2012's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:24 PM
Not al all goofball, guys n gals can be just as confusing as each other, but I do appreciate ur opinion :)

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:33 PM

Is it so bad to feel a lil bored in a relationship? Want to chat to people who have ever been the same. I love him to bits, i know he works alot and is tired but i feel neglected in a way, then feel guilty for thinking things tears

Make your man your hobby for say two months....Spice up your's and his sex life.....give him a back rub...both nude, straddle him and use a nice gel or unscented oil, no talking, let him relax...Fix his favorite meal, wear the tight jeans he likes and a little makeup so you look good when he walks in the door.... tell him how much you appreciate how hard he works for him know you are happy and content with him, let him know he is "your" man....find the money to buy him something special just because.....In time, he will come around, he will come to you....flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 02/10/12 05:46 PM
Maybe he is just tired and bored himself. Find out what is going on. Find your own interests. Be interesting yourself, rather than worried about whether he is into you. Perhaps you need to get more of a life of your own. Does your life revolve around him? Is he bored?

Just some thoughts. Its hard to tell what is going on.

krupa's photo
Fri 02/10/12 05:50 PM
Good advice Leigh...but, it is a rarity.

Vegas odds are not looking kindly on this situation though...if an adult is asking the is usually cause it is asking for confimation or validation.

All I can give on this topic is this....

Love flows freely and easily like water..with no effort. It ain't easy but it just comes naturally. If ya gotta do something you ain't willing to do anyway..that ain't love.

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