Topic: Being yourself
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Wed 08/08/12 07:07 AM

Sir, I like the way you think... In a brotherly kind of way of course drinks

Could you do me a favor, and post the next 20 of my posts? I'm having trouble getting things across to some frustrated laugh

PS: Yes... I'd pay you!


Christinacospgs's photo
Wed 08/08/12 07:45 AM

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Wed 08/08/12 08:18 AM


Big smile happy TY!!!!!


msharmony's photo
Wed 08/08/12 09:45 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 08/08/12 09:47 AM

Overwhelming people are responding that they are who they say they are without any conditions on their statement. I'm not sure I buy that. Not only have I experienced people not being who they say they are here, but I have a hard time believing that on-line personas are not being used to stretch things.

I bet I could ask some simple questions here that would challenge the (open book being yourself) statements here.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm only saying that's it's ok to not be the same to everyone in every situation.

In other words it's not being fake when you have the ability to adapt (and we all do) to situations. Maybe people have a fear of being called fake or something, but do you really think you are the same in all situations? I find that highly unlikely.

I think its a different perception of what being yourself is,, thats all

I dont think it means being the same 'way' all the time, because I think people are complex and adaptable, but that all those adaptations are still just them being 'themself'...

there are those 'fakes' who prented to like something they dont really like or believe something they dont really believe just to win others over,,,,,but by and far I think most people are always being 'themself' they just are quick to disown that part of themself if it gets undesirable results,,,

kind of like the drunk who blames their behavior on the drink,,,,but only if its undesirable behavior,,

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 08/08/12 12:22 PM
Didn't mean to leave you hanging just been quite busy. I think this thread is very interesting and think there is a lot to learn from it. One of the things I learn on mingle and the internet in general is how when people say things the interpretation always comes down to the individual reader and not the writer necessarily. It also shows personality traits that are internet based and may not be what the person is like at all.

For example: if you and I were talking about this topic in person would we be saying the same words in person that we are saying on the net?

While we were talking, if there were children around would we use the same language or topics as opposed to person to person with only adults around?

When we are with the same sex, do we talk the same as if we were with the opposite sex? This is something I see men change up on big time.

Where we are in the presence of peaceful people are we the same as when in a lynch mob type crowd?

Do we tell people face to face when we disagree with them or talk behind their back? The internet is not face to face BTW. It's easy to be bold on the net but when you are face to face it is a totally different circumstance.

Are we the same person when in a good mood as opposed to a bad mood?

Are you racial? Again easy to say you are not when on the web.

When in work mode are you the same person as non-work mode?

When at church are you a different person as the ride home from church?

Are you more vocal on a forum than in person?

Do you judge people on a forum more than you would if you were actually across the table from them?


Personally I think that kahurangi has started another great topic (even though she's a dude "JK") and gives us a chance to show pieces of us so we can all see how different we are and maybe how much we have in common.

I do find it funny that you used the word dissected. See I never would have thought that unless you said something. It makes me wonder if in person you would find me to be that way at all. And what's also interesting is you were the furthest person from my mind when I was making any of my comments yet you felt in some way I was making an assumption about you. Your correct, how could I possibly know you beyond these threads. In fact I don't even remember us ever having contact or discussion on any thread. But I do know a little about you now.

No problem, glad you came back and asked the questions though.

I would be, probably not with so much finesse as I'm a much better writer than I am a speaker...Generally I would be saying the same things with variations though.

Depends on the topic, I'm sure I would still use the same words but generally I probably would not include kids into the conversation since the conversation would be well beyond their scope I'm sure. Mentally I don't think many kids would pick up on the topic and would be rather lost in what we were talking about anyway.

I do...But I don't dance around people. I spent many years developing myself from the ground up and refuse to change what I've become simply because of differing ideas. Sure, I probably get into discussions with my friends that I would not get into with a prospective partner, but that is just adapting to the situation not so much changing personality.

I generally surround myself with peaceful people, I have no time for people that wish to hang someone simply because of what they believe without any type of evidence or logic...I'm a very logical person so I do not mix well with illogical people.

I do...A lot actually. I chalk it up to debate being one of the best ways to learn, gathering differing ideas and perspectives on a subject, and either changing my own or simply stating why mine is mine in the first place. Civil debate, of course, I'd rather not get into a drawn out argument, personally.

I'm always in a grey zone as far as mood goes, never really good but never bad either...It just is. I'm working on it, but it is a long road, it is unfair of me to answer this question based on this.

Everyone is equal until they prove otherwise. I'm not racial by any means...I used to think we are all equally as worthless, but recent changes in my lifestyle and mind frame have changed that to we are all as worthwhile as we choose to be, equally.

Not so outspoken, I'll admit...But my livelyhood is on the line at work, and I need a job, obviously I should choose my words carefully. This wasn't always the case though, and I used to be quite outspoken at work, but that isn't going to help me professionally so I toned it down quite a bit.

Funnily enough I have actually started going to church, it is a religion I'm not familiar with which makes it a learning process...Generally I am the same on the ride home as I am sitting in the church, respond when talked to, respectfully of course.

Maybe, but only because in person I am terrible at speaking...I do say just as much in person but it is hardly as calculated or thought out as on a forum, still means the same, it just doesn't sound the same.

It is not my place to judge anyone regardless of where they happen to be...I've always held fast to this, and I think it has helped me become a better person.

I'm logical and overanalyze a lot of stuff...I'm working on it. I meant no offense, truly, I just don't believe that character traits and emotions can be picked up on so well in text format. So while we may be thinking one thing, the person is saying something completely different. This is one of the few reasons I no longer use dating sites for dating, I'm simply here for the people I know and the discussions that can be had. Think what you will about me, it has no bearing on me whatsoever, no one knows the road I've traveled to get here, and assumptions are just that...Assumptions.

Cheers for the bit of debate here.

no photo
Wed 08/08/12 12:57 PM
FEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRlove :banana: pitchfork smooched waving

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 08/08/12 01:01 PM
2KIDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!love flowerforyou smooched blushing

no photo
Wed 08/08/12 04:20 PM
Great answers fear!

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 08/08/12 07:25 PM

Great answers fear!

Great answers are not without great questions, thank you for the questions...It was my pleasure.

Kahurangi's photo
Thu 08/09/12 03:51 AM

Overwhelming people are responding that they are who they say they are without any conditions on their statement. I'm not sure I buy that. Not only have I experienced people not being who they say they are here, but I have a hard time believing that on-line personas are not being used to stretch things.

I bet I could ask some simple questions here that would challenge the (open book being yourself) statements here.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm only saying that's it's ok to not be the same to everyone in every situation.

In other words it's not being fake when you have the ability to adapt (and we all do) to situations. Maybe people have a fear of being called fake or something, but do you really think you are the same in all situations? I find that highly unlikely.

I think its a different perception of what being yourself is,, thats all

I dont think it means being the same 'way' all the time, because I think people are complex and adaptable, but that all those adaptations are still just them being 'themself'...

there are those 'fakes' who prented to like something they dont really like or believe something they dont really believe just to win others over,,,,,but by and far I think most people are always being 'themself' they just are quick to disown that part of themself if it gets undesirable results,,,

kind of like the drunk who blames their behavior on the drink,,,,but only if its undesirable behavior,,

Aaah...but who decided it was undesirable behaviour?? The drunk person or the people who look down upon those who do partake in a tipple?

If they disown that part of their persona because it gets undesirable results as you it the masses that decide it's undesirable behaviour? and if so, does that then mean they should comply to the masses just to 'blend in' with the norm??

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:17 AM

Overwhelming people are responding that they are who they say they are without any conditions on their statement. I'm not sure I buy that. Not only have I experienced people not being who they say they are here, but I have a hard time believing that on-line personas are not being used to stretch things.

I bet I could ask some simple questions here that would challenge the (open book being yourself) statements here.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm only saying that's it's ok to not be the same to everyone in every situation.

In other words it's not being fake when you have the ability to adapt (and we all do) to situations. Maybe people have a fear of being called fake or something, but do you really think you are the same in all situations? I find that highly unlikely.

I think its a different perception of what being yourself is,, thats all

I dont think it means being the same 'way' all the time, because I think people are complex and adaptable, but that all those adaptations are still just them being 'themself'...

there are those 'fakes' who prented to like something they dont really like or believe something they dont really believe just to win others over,,,,,but by and far I think most people are always being 'themself' they just are quick to disown that part of themself if it gets undesirable results,,,

kind of like the drunk who blames their behavior on the drink,,,,but only if its undesirable behavior,,

Aaah...but who decided it was undesirable behaviour?? The drunk person or the people who look down upon those who do partake in a tipple?

If they disown that part of their persona because it gets undesirable results as you it the masses that decide it's undesirable behaviour? and if so, does that then mean they should comply to the masses just to 'blend in' with the norm??

Exactly!!!....Further, the "act" of blending in is, for a rational person, comparable to the saying "Pick you battles carefully"...As we travel through our days, we pick and choose our actions based on receiving or creating a desired result....Only an irrational person would not give consideration to their actions....In that respect, everything a rational person does or says is in some way calculated....It does not mean we are not being true to ourselves, it means we are being responsible for our actions....

Kahurangi's photo
Thu 08/09/12 05:50 AM

Overwhelming people are responding that they are who they say they are without any conditions on their statement. I'm not sure I buy that. Not only have I experienced people not being who they say they are here, but I have a hard time believing that on-line personas are not being used to stretch things.

I bet I could ask some simple questions here that would challenge the (open book being yourself) statements here.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm only saying that's it's ok to not be the same to everyone in every situation.

In other words it's not being fake when you have the ability to adapt (and we all do) to situations. Maybe people have a fear of being called fake or something, but do you really think you are the same in all situations? I find that highly unlikely.

I think its a different perception of what being yourself is,, thats all

I dont think it means being the same 'way' all the time, because I think people are complex and adaptable, but that all those adaptations are still just them being 'themself'...

there are those 'fakes' who prented to like something they dont really like or believe something they dont really believe just to win others over,,,,,but by and far I think most people are always being 'themself' they just are quick to disown that part of themself if it gets undesirable results,,,

kind of like the drunk who blames their behavior on the drink,,,,but only if its undesirable behavior,,

Aaah...but who decided it was undesirable behaviour?? The drunk person or the people who look down upon those who do partake in a tipple?

If they disown that part of their persona because it gets undesirable results as you it the masses that decide it's undesirable behaviour? and if so, does that then mean they should comply to the masses just to 'blend in' with the norm??

Exactly!!!....Further, the "act" of blending in is, for a rational person, comparable to the saying "Pick you battles carefully"...As we travel through our days, we pick and choose our actions based on receiving or creating a desired result....Only an irrational person would not give consideration to their actions....In that respect, everything a rational person does or says is in some way calculated....It does not mean we are not being true to ourselves, it means we are being responsible for our actions....

So the rational person sets their own parameters in order for them to fit in with the masses, thus giving them the sense of being normal...whilst the irrational person continues on their random whim...yes?

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 06:05 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Thu 08/09/12 06:06 AM

Overwhelming people are responding that they are who they say they are without any conditions on their statement. I'm not sure I buy that. Not only have I experienced people not being who they say they are here, but I have a hard time believing that on-line personas are not being used to stretch things.

I bet I could ask some simple questions here that would challenge the (open book being yourself) statements here.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm only saying that's it's ok to not be the same to everyone in every situation.

In other words it's not being fake when you have the ability to adapt (and we all do) to situations. Maybe people have a fear of being called fake or something, but do you really think you are the same in all situations? I find that highly unlikely.

I think its a different perception of what being yourself is,, thats all

I dont think it means being the same 'way' all the time, because I think people are complex and adaptable, but that all those adaptations are still just them being 'themself'...

there are those 'fakes' who prented to like something they dont really like or believe something they dont really believe just to win others over,,,,,but by and far I think most people are always being 'themself' they just are quick to disown that part of themself if it gets undesirable results,,,

kind of like the drunk who blames their behavior on the drink,,,,but only if its undesirable behavior,,

Aaah...but who decided it was undesirable behaviour?? The drunk person or the people who look down upon those who do partake in a tipple?

If they disown that part of their persona because it gets undesirable results as you it the masses that decide it's undesirable behaviour? and if so, does that then mean they should comply to the masses just to 'blend in' with the norm??

Exactly!!!....Further, the "act" of blending in is, for a rational person, comparable to the saying "Pick you battles carefully"...As we travel through our days, we pick and choose our actions based on receiving or creating a desired result....Only an irrational person would not give consideration to their actions....In that respect, everything a rational person does or says is in some way calculated....It does not mean we are not being true to ourselves, it means we are being responsible for our actions....

So the rational person sets their own parameters in order for them to fit in with the masses, thus giving them the sense of being normal...whilst the irrational person continues on their random whim...yes?

To a degree...It is not as black and white as you like to make it K....Is the rational person rational when under the influence?...When stressed or angry?....When delirious with feaver?.....
Also, not "just" to fit in, to achieve a desired result....that is very defferent from doing something for the sole purpose of "fitting in" or "feeling" normal.....In order to fit in with the masses one must, at times, do or say things one either does not want to say or does not believe...This is called a fact of life...Those who claim they "never" do this are only fooling themselves or trying to fool others...

Kahurangi's photo
Thu 08/09/12 06:40 AM
Edited by Kahurangi on Thu 08/09/12 06:45 AM
I disagree...i think there are those that do not compromise their own essential belief and remain silent for fear of being labelled a fool by those who prefer to walk between the lines and think everybody else ought to.

That is also a fact of life, as is the fact that i've got to get up for work in the morning. Thanks for the discussion Leigh...much food for thought :smile:

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 06:47 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Thu 08/09/12 06:48 AM

I disagree...i think there are those that do not compromise their own essential belief and remain silent for fear of being labelled a fool by those who prefer to walk between the lines and think everybody else ought to.

That is also a fact of life.

It's fine to disagree, but you are misunderstanding or I am miscommunicating....I am not talking about comprimise, just the opposite.....If you do not, if you NEVER comprimise, ultimately you will fail at everything you attempt if it involves another or, relationships, etc....PS: Remaining silent for fear of being labelled a fool is a comprimise and an act of not being true to yourself.....fact...:smile:

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/09/12 09:40 AM

Overwhelming people are responding that they are who they say they are without any conditions on their statement. I'm not sure I buy that. Not only have I experienced people not being who they say they are here, but I have a hard time believing that on-line personas are not being used to stretch things.

I bet I could ask some simple questions here that would challenge the (open book being yourself) statements here.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm only saying that's it's ok to not be the same to everyone in every situation.

In other words it's not being fake when you have the ability to adapt (and we all do) to situations. Maybe people have a fear of being called fake or something, but do you really think you are the same in all situations? I find that highly unlikely.

I think its a different perception of what being yourself is,, thats all

I dont think it means being the same 'way' all the time, because I think people are complex and adaptable, but that all those adaptations are still just them being 'themself'...

there are those 'fakes' who prented to like something they dont really like or believe something they dont really believe just to win others over,,,,,but by and far I think most people are always being 'themself' they just are quick to disown that part of themself if it gets undesirable results,,,

kind of like the drunk who blames their behavior on the drink,,,,but only if its undesirable behavior,,

Aaah...but who decided it was undesirable behaviour?? The drunk person or the people who look down upon those who do partake in a tipple?

If they disown that part of their persona because it gets undesirable results as you it the masses that decide it's undesirable behaviour? and if so, does that then mean they should comply to the masses just to 'blend in' with the norm??

its mostly a personal decision

for instance, I was in an intterracial relationship which wasnt received well by others,, but it made me HAPPY, therefore the results were desirable enough FOR ME

many drunks, are not received well, but they are still HAPPY, so the results are desirable TO THEM

other drunks are not received well and they are miserable, so their results are Undesirable TO THEM

those who come away with an undesirable result will often say it was because of the drink they did what they did

those who come away with desirable results will find no need to justify what they did,,,

I say we conform based upon whats desirable TO US, for some its pleasing the masses, for others its pleasing self, and for yet others its something in between,,,

KittyKat1972's photo
Fri 08/10/12 05:55 PM
Sometimes being yourself is not good enough.Most focus on looks and not what really counts.We try to be caring and sweet individuals only to be knocked down because we are not skin and bones or a model.If more people looked on the inside to what beauty there is then this world would be a more loving and less lonely place.

TattooedDude81's photo
Fri 08/10/12 06:13 PM
I'm myself on the internet and in person. I'm the same damn person. I don't care if people like me or not, that's up to them. No use in trying to be someone you really aren't. Reason? Simple, if you DO happen to meet in person, guess what, that person is going to be like "wow, this is NOT the same person I met on the internet". Nobody wants that, so yes, be yourself whether you'll get ripped to shreds or not. I have, but do I care? Nope.

no photo
Fri 08/10/12 06:19 PM

I'm going to ask ManO, he knows me pretty wellbigsmile

Oh, and PS:

I think S1owhand is an analogy, well two analogies actually!!rofl
yes, you are the same here as you are in real life, and that's why I love you babe :heart:

Kahurangi's photo
Fri 08/10/12 06:23 PM

Sometimes being yourself is not good enough.Most focus on looks and not what really counts.We try to be caring and sweet individuals only to be knocked down because we are not skin and bones or a model.If more people looked on the inside to what beauty there is then this world would be a more loving and less lonely place.

Stay true to yourself KittyKat...whatever that may be. Because at the end of the day, tis your life and you're the only one that has the right to live it how you choose to....nobody else has that right unless you let them sweety. flowerforyou