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Topic: War on Men
Dodo_David's photo
Sat 11/24/12 03:18 PM
Here is an excerpt from an article titled "The war on men" written by author Suzanne Venker.

Please note that the author is a woman.

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they've been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.

Now the men have nowhere to go.

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.

But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?

You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren't happy, it’s men’s fault.

I have read enough posts on this website to believe what Suzanne Venker says.

What say you?

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/24/12 03:41 PM
I agree to a certain extent.

Sexism, racism and all the isms are continually thrown around creating more problems and hostilities rather than less. There was a time and a place when feminists were needed. Along with civil rights leaders and Unions.

These days people use these issues to simply avoid taking responsibility for their own actions and allowing themselves to continue living as a victim in their own mind.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 11/24/12 04:22 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Sat 11/24/12 04:23 PM
I believe this is a fringe sentiment by someone who doesn't get out enough. NObody I know is raising their daughters to think of men as the enemy, that's just ludicrous. I think she is just pushing her personal agenda. But certainly if she's taking her examples from the media, which is what she seems to be doing, then she doesn't have a clue.

This is another one of those issues that just can't be painted in black and white. SOME women are like this (but nobody I know).

Edited to add: Sure, I suppose you can find people on Mingle who sound like what she's saying, but that's even less reliable than the media, IMO. We have absolutely no way of knowing what anybody is like in real life here. It's easy, easy, easy to come across as someone you're not, either intentionally or otherwise.

I say, ignore her.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 11/24/12 04:31 PM
Edited by Cutiepieforyou on Sat 11/24/12 04:56 PM
I don't have any female friends who think of men as the enemy. I am sure there are some women that do. This seems to be a real overgeneralization.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 11/24/12 04:46 PM
I think Venker is full of balogne.

Feminism is not bashing men or elevateing women above men it is holding women up to the same standards as men and saying they have as much responsibility to support themselves and their offspring as men do thus they have the right/respnsibility to seek to be equal partners with equal pay and equal treatment in the eyes of the law.

Women, at least the ones I know, have not been raised to think men are the enemy they think men are still the best partner as an option.

Are women angry? You bet your *** they are. They are angry that no matter how hard they work, or see their men work, the fire is under their feet and the glass lid on the top of the pot means that most of us are getting cooked just like mens are and then when everything has been taken away the only way you can get help is to be "manless". Then if they are manless they are branded failures by other women and male hateing biotches wheather they are or not.

The problem with getting a view of any population by those who are vocal enough to throw their views in the street/media is you get a very slanted view most times of the how that group thinks.

If you factor in the stage that most posters are at on a date site; well how jaundiced is that view going to be from the population as a whole? From the experience as a whole. Being on line you have to deal with every possible scammer, low life, and crybaby added into the mix on either side of the gender gap tilting the view.

Really tough on the actually normal people that hope to meet someone equally normal.

no photo
Sat 11/24/12 05:03 PM
Mostly I think Venker is just trying to sell her books....Combine one teaspoon of truth with a pound of bullchit, mix well, (batter will be slightly lumpy), pour into a well greased bullchit pan, bake at 375 for 35 to 40 minutes...Cool before reading....

no photo
Sat 11/24/12 06:11 PM
From the experience we call life, I will say there is a LOT of truth in what she said, not only from women, but from society in general. But there are exceptions to every rule, I am looking for that exceptional women.

no photo
Sat 11/24/12 08:20 PM

Here is an excerpt from an article titled "The war on men" written by author Suzanne Venker.

Please note that the author is a woman.

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they've been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.

Now the men have nowhere to go.

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.

But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?

You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren't happy, it’s men’s fault.

I have read enough posts on this website to believe what Suzanne Venker says.

What say you?

So, you know lots of women who are angry and defensive because they believe men are the enemy? Why have they said they think men are the enemy? What exactly do you believe they're angry and defensive about?

no photo
Sat 11/24/12 11:31 PM
I have more male friends than female friends. There will be quite a few out there with their now skewered vision that "All men are the same" or "All men are pigs", but if I live my life thinking that, I might aswell not even be dating or even on a dating site. It's a bit hypocritical to me, when I see women spew stuff about how men are only after sex and how they can't ever trust men ever again. If it's that bad, why put yourself in the dating scene again? Some seem to not understand they're saying one thing, yet doing the opposite.

no photo
Sun 11/25/12 06:40 AM

I have more male friends than female friends. There will be quite a few out there with their now skewered vision that "All men are the same" or "All men are pigs", but if I live my life thinking that, I might aswell not even be dating or even on a dating site. It's a bit hypocritical to me, when I see women spew stuff about how men are only after sex and how they can't ever trust men ever again. If it's that bad, why put yourself in the dating scene again? Some seem to not understand they're saying one thing, yet doing the opposite.

Well said. But we are designed to not not be complete when we live alone, that is in our nature.

However we are raised with the belief that man is the aggressor, and woman is the nurturer. Which is a root of this problem. Hence we grow up thus askewed looking for a mate to fill a need, from those we don't trust, instead of looking for the benefits in others that we do not possess, beyond mate, and beyond money, that would form much stronger teem - mates.

no photo
Sun 11/25/12 06:50 AM

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the beginning of time, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed at all – they had things just the way they wanted them – but women have been forced to change dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are strong. They’re also knowing. That’s because they've been raised to think of men as partners, not bosses. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men to reach their highest potential

Now the men have everywhere to go.

It is precisely this dynamic – women and men as equals – that has enhanced the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, love can still go awry inspite of the fact that feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.

But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – is not anyones fault?

You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put equality front and center. Now none must take a back seat. But after decades of change American men and women are finally working together for a common interest..

Fixed it......:angel:

no photo
Sun 11/25/12 07:47 AM

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 11/25/12 02:05 PM
Women angry and defensive? You bet you're sweet pa-tootie they are. I can't count the number of times a woman has gotten defensive because I used the word "girls" or "chicks" instead of "women."

But, they don't start out that way. Young women are a lot more light hearted.

IMHO many women reach a point around their late 30s when they realize the men are being paid a higher wage for doing the "same job" they are. However, according to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, women simply don't work as hard as men do at their jobs. Women take off from work more often and work fewer hours of overtime. This is largely due to dealing with their children. They go on to say that women that remain childless actually have higher incomes than their male counterparts in many industries. Or they simply choose power paying jobs than men.

But, women would rather blame men than themselves or their own children for holding them down.

It's this bitterness that stops me from trying to date women in my age group.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/25/12 02:16 PM
Ah, well, condescending terms like "chick" and "girl" for adult women do tend to irritate, I'll grant you. Everybody likes to be talked to with respect.

Do you have a link to the BLS statistic proving that women don't work as hard as men? And if you really mean that they don't work as many hours, and then you say it's because of child care responsibilities . . . you wouldn't want to walk that judgment back a little as maybe a tad offensive?

indianadave4's photo
Sun 11/25/12 02:31 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sun 11/25/12 02:33 PM
No, most women do not particularly teach this anti-men idealism. However, loud feminists have infiltrated and legally coerced the media to an extent that most times a man is in a sitcom, commercial or movie he is dumb, fat and an ignorant buffoon while the woman is hot, intelligent and seldom makes mistakes.

This current generation has been raised with this "entertainment". While some may say it's only TV, movies, etc, the media has effects our culture and with it attitudes towards men. Boys raised to see that fathers are dumb and mothers are the only ones who have it together. Advertizements, many times, a single mother with two kids. Seeing a dad in the picture is less and less.

Look at most commercials and this can be seen everyday. Yes, men are beginning to resent this along with women who support it.

no photo
Sun 11/25/12 02:58 PM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 11/25/12 02:59 PM

No, most women do not particularly teach this anti-men idealism. However, loud feminists have infiltrated and legally coerced the media to an extent that most times a man is in a sitcom, commercial or movie he is dumb, fat and an ignorant buffoon while the woman is hot, intelligent and seldom makes mistakes.

This current generation has been raised with this "entertainment". While some may say it's only TV, movies, etc, the media has effects our culture and with it attitudes towards men. Boys raised to see that fathers are dumb and mothers are the only ones who have it together. Advertizements, many times, a single mother with two kids. Seeing a dad in the picture is less and less.

Look at most commercials and this can be seen everyday. Yes, men are beginning to resent this along with women who support it.

A few things wrong with this...Male writers outnumber female writers, especially in TV sitcoms and commercials, and women watch more TV than men...Women are also the biggest consumers because they typically shop for the whole damn family (usually after work and on weekendswhoa )...That is why TV programing is "slightly" more geared to the female audience.... If men are beginning to resent this, they should take it up with the men who are paid mega bucks to write for TV...

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 11/25/12 03:36 PM
Men should be good leaders. Notice the key Word good.:wink: This does not apply to all men thou. I see many angry Men not most women. Neither women or men are perfect, so faults often fall on either or in most cases.

Kahurangi's photo
Sun 11/25/12 04:47 PM

Here is an excerpt from an article titled "The war on men" written by author Suzanne Venker.

Please note that the author is a woman.

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they've been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.

Now the men have nowhere to go.

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.

But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?

You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren't happy, it’s men’s fault.

I have read enough posts on this website to believe what Suzanne Venker says.

What say you?


But by all means....if it provides you with an excuse for not finding your ideal partner Dodo, then continue to believe her twaddle.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/25/12 05:08 PM

Here is an excerpt from an article titled "The war on men" written by author Suzanne Venker.

Please note that the author is a woman.

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they've been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.

Now the men have nowhere to go.

It is precisely this dynamic – women good/men bad – that has destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Yet somehow, men are still to blame when love goes awry. Heck, men have been to blame since feminists first took to the streets in the 1970s.

But what if the dearth of good men, and ongoing battle of the sexes, is – hold on to your seats – women’s fault?

You’ll never hear that in the media. All the articles and books (and television programs, for that matter) put women front and center, while men and children sit in the back seat. But after decades of browbeating the American male, men are tired. Tired of being told there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. Tired of being told that if women aren't happy, it’s men’s fault.

I have read enough posts on this website to believe what Suzanne Venker says.

What say you?


But by all means....if it provides you with an excuse for not finding your ideal partner Dodo, then continue to believe her twaddle.

First, I did find my ideal partner. She died two years ago, which is why I am a widower.

Second, I started this thread simply to provide something to talk about.

If you were to read Suzanne Venker's commentary, you would discover that Venker is talking about a reason that some men in the USA are giving for not wanting to get married.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 11/25/12 05:12 PM
By the way, this thread is in part a response to this other thread:

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