Topic: A Newtown father speaks of "cold, dead hands"
willowdraga's photo
Mon 02/04/13 05:03 PM
No response needed there as you show your lack of understanding not me

willing2's photo
Mon 02/04/13 06:32 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/04/13 06:34 PM
Stop with the personal comment to each other! Warnings will be sent from this point on


willowdraga's photo
Mon 02/04/13 06:38 PM
If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

As far as I am concerned the president is not as into controlling guns as I would like.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 02/05/13 12:24 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 02/05/13 12:25 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

Trust me it WILL come, you may not believe it, you may not want to hear it, but it WILL happen, that is the end goal here, Obama and the government itself very much DOES want it.

Remember something, every single power grab the government has made over the years, has started with something small, but it never ends there. The initial grab is how they get their foot in the door, allowing them the means to take more and more of what they want. They can't just go straight for the big take all at once, they know people wouldn't go for that, it has to be more subtle. They have to act like they are acting in the public interest, and only much later when it's too late to stop them is their real agenda shown.

How do you think we got to where we are right now, in basically a police state without the title? It didn't happen over night, it was a slow, deliberate and calculated process. Little by little they increased the heat, just enough to further their goals, but not enough to where we'd notice. Now? We're the frog in the boiling water, we wanna jump out of the pot realizing finally how hot it is, but it's too late, we can't, we are effectively dead.

The folly of man is in the idea that what are termed "conspiracy theories" could never ever happen. You yourself illustrate that mindset right here, you don't believe Obama is gonna wanna ban guns. This mindset is EXACTLY what the powers that be count on, because as long as no one believes the threat is real, they can keep doing anything they want without a push back and they have done so time and time again over the years. Past civilizations have crumbled because of that very reason. Rome fell because of it, the Nazis took over Germany the same way, etc etc etc. Then we wonder how these things happen? It's simple, we don't pay attention until it's too late. And if that trend continues now America WILL fall and fall soon.....and we'll have let it happen. It will perish for our lack of knowledge.

It's time to wake up and open your eyes, all is far from what it seems.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 02/05/13 12:41 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

As far as I am concerned the president is not as into controlling guns as I would like.

It is hard to see a Forrest when you keep running face first into every tree! All you see is guns and go "Guns are bad." the problem is you refuse to acknowledge the human factor and the human element. Humans will ALWAYS come up with ways to kill people and a dependence on police is suicidal for ANY AND ALL SOCIETIES!

You forget this is a finite world and resources are DWINDLING! We live under a perpetuated false lie by Bankers hell bent on making NWO a reality and use any means to make people like you scream the loudest for the stupidest reasons when the real issues facing us are there but you are too busy chasing the dreams and ignoring the realities! Wait until wars break out over FARMLAND and they already have. Why do you think Tibet was taken by China? To absorb their culture? Heck no! CHINA IS DESPERATE FOR FARM LAND! And with the planet warming up Siberia may become farm-able. But that may not be enough considering the Peruvian Anchovies may have been wiped out from over fishing! When we eat all the food what is left?

Wars are convenient population control. And real evil men wield the power to set us up for wars. And you think armed civilians are a problem? How about Puppet Master Dictators hiding behind the due process with ARMIES OF ARMED MEN BEHIND THEM?

So how is that for a thought???

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 02/05/13 12:58 AM

Not a fearful gun crazy that is for sure...

Not referring to the person in the video...

Typical. You don't give a crap about the rights of others unless it affects something that touches you

It's ok that soldiers die protecting those rights, but only the ones you wish to employ.

You want to have a say in my rights, don a uniform, serve this country, instead of your own screwed up philosophies and yourself! You would then at least, maybe, have at least a shred of credibility!

Atypical of a 1960s flower child liberal who was so screwed up on peace they forgot to keep an eye on the gate to keep the weasels out. Their glasses prevent them from using their peripheral vision and the rose color kaleidoscope prevents them from seeing the real world.

Also atypical of a person like this is when a disaster strikes they hide in their homes and let others clean up the mess. Otherwise they cry to FEMA for help and blame everyone else for stuff they had nothing to do with. A SMALL hand full of crazy and abusive people misuse the responsibility of power and all of us get blamed for it.

I think ultimately she is scared of the power a gun gives a person over the lives of others. She feels if she can take that power away from the rest of us it makes her stronger.

Intellectual myopia and utter self indulgence to a narcissistic degree. Two qualities of an evil person mayhap?

I would love to see hoe we can find a way to end gun violence but hiding from the gun is not the answer at all! SO why promote an ignorant ideal? Gun Control is a JOKE! It don't stop criminals at all.

Hey I was a hippie liberal who served my country! We're not all screwed up, just high...

Ya know it is SO rare when I meet a liberal who gets it though...

When you know peace is an ideal in a violent world you get it. trying to RAM it down people's throats even passive aggressively is likewise NOT GETTING IT. You never struck me as a peace demented retard. you struck me as a person who likes the ideals of peace but knows what the cost of that peace is! Honestly you served so that lends more weight to your opinion to men than a lot of others on this site.

it isn't the Hippie that bothers me as much as the ones who are so lost to peace they forget their freedom can be taken from them by jack booted MFS who don't care.

I dearly hope our enlisted likewise know better than to obey a leader who orders them to take arms against their own homes! There is so much BS going on behind the scenes...

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 02/05/13 01:07 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

As far as I am concerned the president is not as into controlling guns as I would like.
first off,it's not POTUS Job to Legislate!
Second,it's actually no one's Beeswax what Tools anyone else owns!
Third,Obama,as much as it vexes him just doesn't have the power to set aside the Second Amendment!
Sad that he shows so little understanding of it,while claiming to be a Constitutional Scholar,while it is so clear in meaning!laugh

Purposeful Misunderstanding on the side of the CGG(Chief-GunGrabber).

Obama Is Not Getting My Shotgun!
Joe Biden

Does Uncle Joe know something we don't?

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 07:50 AM
Obama Is Not Getting My Shotgun!
Joe Biden

Did he say that?

willowdraga's photo
Tue 02/05/13 08:16 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

Trust me it WILL come, you may not believe it, you may not want to hear it, but it WILL happen, that is the end goal here, Obama and the government itself very much DOES want it.

Remember something, every single power grab the government has made over the years, has started with something small, but it never ends there. The initial grab is how they get their foot in the door, allowing them the means to take more and more of what they want. They can't just go straight for the big take all at once, they know people wouldn't go for that, it has to be more subtle. They have to act like they are acting in the public interest, and only much later when it's too late to stop them is their real agenda shown.

How do you think we got to where we are right now, in basically a police state without the title? It didn't happen over night, it was a slow, deliberate and calculated process. Little by little they increased the heat, just enough to further their goals, but not enough to where we'd notice. Now? We're the frog in the boiling water, we wanna jump out of the pot realizing finally how hot it is, but it's too late, we can't, we are effectively dead.

The folly of man is in the idea that what are termed "conspiracy theories" could never ever happen. You yourself illustrate that mindset right here, you don't believe Obama is gonna wanna ban guns. This mindset is EXACTLY what the powers that be count on, because as long as no one believes the threat is real, they can keep doing anything they want without a push back and they have done so time and time again over the years. Past civilizations have crumbled because of that very reason. Rome fell because of it, the Nazis took over Germany the same way, etc etc etc. Then we wonder how these things happen? It's simple, we don't pay attention until it's too late. And if that trend continues now America WILL fall and fall soon.....and we'll have let it happen. It will perish for our lack of knowledge.

It's time to wake up and open your eyes, all is far from what it seems.

No offense intended but slaphead

willowdraga's photo
Tue 02/05/13 08:19 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

As far as I am concerned the president is not as into controlling guns as I would like.

It is hard to see a Forrest when you keep running face first into every tree! All you see is guns and go "Guns are bad." the problem is you refuse to acknowledge the human factor and the human element. Humans will ALWAYS come up with ways to kill people and a dependence on police is suicidal for ANY AND ALL SOCIETIES!

You forget this is a finite world and resources are DWINDLING! We live under a perpetuated false lie by Bankers hell bent on making NWO a reality and use any means to make people like you scream the loudest for the stupidest reasons when the real issues facing us are there but you are too busy chasing the dreams and ignoring the realities! Wait until wars break out over FARMLAND and they already have. Why do you think Tibet was taken by China? To absorb their culture? Heck no! CHINA IS DESPERATE FOR FARM LAND! And with the planet warming up Siberia may become farm-able. But that may not be enough considering the Peruvian Anchovies may have been wiped out from over fishing! When we eat all the food what is left?

Wars are convenient population control. And real evil men wield the power to set us up for wars. And you think armed civilians are a problem? How about Puppet Master Dictators hiding behind the due process with ARMIES OF ARMED MEN BEHIND THEM?

So how is that for a thought???


This post as in all others gives us great insights into you and who and what you are...

I have no issues with you expressing yourself to us.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 09:36 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/05/13 09:38 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

Trust me it WILL come, you may not believe it, you may not want to hear it, but it WILL happen, that is the end goal here, Obama and the government itself very much DOES want it.

Remember something, every single power grab the government has made over the years, has started with something small, but it never ends there. The initial grab is how they get their foot in the door, allowing them the means to take more and more of what they want. They can't just go straight for the big take all at once, they know people wouldn't go for that, it has to be more subtle. They have to act like they are acting in the public interest, and only much later when it's too late to stop them is their real agenda shown.

How do you think we got to where we are right now, in basically a police state without the title? It didn't happen over night, it was a slow, deliberate and calculated process. Little by little they increased the heat, just enough to further their goals, but not enough to where we'd notice. Now? We're the frog in the boiling water, we wanna jump out of the pot realizing finally how hot it is, but it's too late, we can't, we are effectively dead.

The folly of man is in the idea that what are termed "conspiracy theories" could never ever happen. You yourself illustrate that mindset right here, you don't believe Obama is gonna wanna ban guns. This mindset is EXACTLY what the powers that be count on, because as long as no one believes the threat is real, they can keep doing anything they want without a push back and they have done so time and time again over the years. Past civilizations have crumbled because of that very reason. Rome fell because of it, the Nazis took over Germany the same way, etc etc etc. Then we wonder how these things happen? It's simple, we don't pay attention until it's too late. And if that trend continues now America WILL fall and fall soon.....and we'll have let it happen. It will perish for our lack of knowledge.

It's time to wake up and open your eyes, all is far from what it seems.

Guns have been outlawed in Britain and other places. I don't think I want to live in a place where only the military and the police are allowed to have guns. That is what the globalists elite wish for.

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 09:40 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

Trust me it WILL come, you may not believe it, you may not want to hear it, but it WILL happen, that is the end goal here, Obama and the government itself very much DOES want it.

Remember something, every single power grab the government has made over the years, has started with something small, but it never ends there. The initial grab is how they get their foot in the door, allowing them the means to take more and more of what they want. They can't just go straight for the big take all at once, they know people wouldn't go for that, it has to be more subtle. They have to act like they are acting in the public interest, and only much later when it's too late to stop them is their real agenda shown.

How do you think we got to where we are right now, in basically a police state without the title? It didn't happen over night, it was a slow, deliberate and calculated process. Little by little they increased the heat, just enough to further their goals, but not enough to where we'd notice. Now? We're the frog in the boiling water, we wanna jump out of the pot realizing finally how hot it is, but it's too late, we can't, we are effectively dead.

The folly of man is in the idea that what are termed "conspiracy theories" could never ever happen. You yourself illustrate that mindset right here, you don't believe Obama is gonna wanna ban guns. This mindset is EXACTLY what the powers that be count on, because as long as no one believes the threat is real, they can keep doing anything they want without a push back and they have done so time and time again over the years. Past civilizations have crumbled because of that very reason. Rome fell because of it, the Nazis took over Germany the same way, etc etc etc. Then we wonder how these things happen? It's simple, we don't pay attention until it's too late. And if that trend continues now America WILL fall and fall soon.....and we'll have let it happen. It will perish for our lack of knowledge.

It's time to wake up and open your eyes, all is far from what it seems.

No offense intended but slaphead

No offense intended but slaphead


AndyBgood's photo
Tue 02/05/13 09:48 AM

If president Obama were into banning guns then I guess we would have something to worry about.

As far as I am concerned the president is not as into controlling guns as I would like.

It is hard to see a Forrest when you keep running face first into every tree! All you see is guns and go "Guns are bad." the problem is you refuse to acknowledge the human factor and the human element. Humans will ALWAYS come up with ways to kill people and a dependence on police is suicidal for ANY AND ALL SOCIETIES!

You forget this is a finite world and resources are DWINDLING! We live under a perpetuated false lie by Bankers hell bent on making NWO a reality and use any means to make people like you scream the loudest for the stupidest reasons when the real issues facing us are there but you are too busy chasing the dreams and ignoring the realities! Wait until wars break out over FARMLAND and they already have. Why do you think Tibet was taken by China? To absorb their culture? Heck no! CHINA IS DESPERATE FOR FARM LAND! And with the planet warming up Siberia may become farm-able. But that may not be enough considering the Peruvian Anchovies may have been wiped out from over fishing! When we eat all the food what is left?

Wars are convenient population control. And real evil men wield the power to set us up for wars. And you think armed civilians are a problem? How about Puppet Master Dictators hiding behind the due process with ARMIES OF ARMED MEN BEHIND THEM?

So how is that for a thought???


This post as in all others gives us great insights into you and who and what you are...

I have no issues with you expressing yourself to us.flowerforyou

Remember being told to not make this personal? You again are making this personal. I can clearly see what and who you are now...

So go ahead and push make believe ideals from your make believe world. You clearly are the one here who just does not get it. You say gun control but it comes out of your mouth as BAN ALL GUNS. Likewise you clearly refuse to acknowledge a device that has over 1000 years of history as utterly useless when throughout time it has proven its worth.

You really are a very (and I am at a loss for a better word) sick in the head person the way you present your argument and then try to back it. Why is it you refuse utterly to acknowledge the utility of a gun? Well, you come off like you are so big strong and scaly but the fact is you are more than likely the first person running to hide under the bed when the Boogieman comes to town.

What part of this is a Might Makes Right world don't you want to get? At least for as limited as Civilian fire power is supposed to be the fact is that America was made BY GUNS like every other nation since the 1100s. So how do you respond to this historical fact?

I suppose I am going to get a very short, "Yeah yeah, whatever," reply?

willing2's photo
Tue 02/05/13 01:20 PM

willowdraga's photo
Tue 02/05/13 01:22 PM
Edited by willowdraga on Tue 02/05/13 01:22 PM
Andy, just as with all your posts, you tell us much of yourself and still are.
You make it personal every post you make, personally you.
I know I understand you and hopefully all the others do to.

Keep up the good work.flowerforyou

willowdraga's photo
Tue 02/05/13 01:34 PM
As to the OP. I respect the grieving, of course and would never yell anything at him but he can be wrong still.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 02/05/13 01:51 PM

Andy, just as with all your posts, you tell us much of yourself and still are.
You make it personal every post you make, personally you.
I know I understand you and hopefully all the others do to.

Keep up the good work.flowerforyou

offtopic Alert! I KNOW THIS IS OFF TOPIC!offtopic

And this passive aggressive attempt at an insult is just so Weak. Nice to see your as Yellow as the Media is. Keep up the good work. It lets us know how not to be...

I would commit suicide if I realized I was just like you to spare my family name what little honor we got left. If this is how you are going to counterpoint us repeatedly maybe you should just stop posting on this topic becasue you are about as childish and immature as I have seen a person older than me can get.

I make it personal? Really? You know this is a psychological game called projection. YOU are projecting ON ME! Whatever... Drag us all off into many tangents... I could care less. Dangling bait for me? Groovy, becasue that is just what you are doing.

SHAME ON YOU! BAD FORM! IMMATURE! And just what I have come to expect from spineless Bleeding Heart Liberals who are blinded by idealism and John Lennon Music.



no photo
Tue 02/05/13 01:54 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 02/05/13 02:01 PM
Note from the New world government forces:

Yes we understand that a lot of people want "peace on earth." That's so special. We are very hard at work to accomplish that for you.
We would like all you peace loving people to please turn in your guns.

And as soon as the New World government forces gain total control of the earth's population and kills most of the protesters who still
insist on the right to bear arms and until our global forces puts the rest of the freedom fighters into concentration and death camps, then
maybe we will have "peace on earth for the remaining few decent citizens who will do as they are told and obey our laws.

The peace loving people will surly now begin to turn in all of their
guns and we will take care of the terrorist who refuse to comply.

Their little pea shooters will not deter us. We have drones.

There may be a lot of blood spilled, but after all, its for the children.
We must keep them safe.

Of course some of the children will also be killed, but eventually we will
have peace on earth.

Its the price we have to pay so our children will be safe.

willowdraga's photo
Tue 02/05/13 02:03 PM
:thumbsup: bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile