Topic: Do Men Pull Their Weight
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Mon 10/07/13 07:50 AM

I fell asleep at... "Just thought I would ask everyone's opinion"
But i would like to see the lady who gets on the roof and repairs it
Or installs the new hot water heater or maybe digs the ditch for the new cable fiber optics line to be buried in...
Storm windows ,Weather proofing....
But yeah i do dishes and run the vacuum cleaner as well as scrub the tub mop floors and etc....
my messes too you know


I dug a trench in the military; so yep I can dig a ditch and storm proofing is child's play. I just installed a new storm door on my house a couple of days ago; tomorrow installing a new electric box for my outdoor light; then installing the light; after I removed my siding from the house and replaced it. I also installed new bathroom/kitchen plumbing, new kitchen/bathroom cabinets, cleaned my gutters, built fences, built decks w/stairs, installed laminate flooring, did drywall repairs, painting, and installed all new lighting inside as well as outside the house. I also picked up a 100 pound punching bag and took it to my basement. I will have you know that I have met quite a few men can't do household repairs or fix cars, and lots don't even know how to use a power tool. If I had to repair my roof; I would do it myself. Welcome to 2013 where women can do more than housework. And I agree with MSHARMONY; most guys don't pull their weight. I don't even ask a man to help whether its housework or household repairs; its just easier and less painful than trying to get a man's help.

I have raised three wonderful children without the emotional or financial support of a man. True I have not dug a trench, but almost everything else, including installing a hot water heater, providing all that I could for the welfare of my children and myself, without asking for a dime from anyone else. I would have loved a "man's" support, but unfortunately it wasn't there. My children deserved to have a father, he failed the task, but I made sure they had both in me IN EVERY FACET OF THEIR LIVES!!!! However, I hold no grudges or ill wishes for him or anyone else. The saying is true "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and I have certainly learned that this is an entirely true statement. The strongest parent completes the task of mother and father if needed! In my particular case it was me, the female! Some women however fail the task, which is extremely sad. There are exceptions to every case! Now tell me the truth, did you REALLY think no women would chime in on this???? Come on, REALLY?

Hahaha...What some guys won't do for a little attentionwhoa ....Short story...Once upon a time I owned an electric hot water heater:banana: ...It stopped workingohwell .....In the wintergrumble ....I went to Lowe's to price a new one, including installationnoway ...I couldn't afford itscared ...But it was winter and cold showers were.........cold!shocked ...A salesman approached me and asked me what type of hot water heater I needed and I quipped, "A free one"sad2 ...He asked me if mine was electric and I said yes and he said it's probably just a bad heating element, they cost about ten bucks and are easy to replace...I bought two elements and a "cute" little toolsmitten and repaired my hot water heater ALL BY MYSELFdrinker Shame on you Kik!!pitchfork

Well there ya go... The "MAN" salesman showed you how :thumbsup: You know I'm kidding laugh flowerforyou

Seriously? There are things I just can't stand doing around the house and I'm pretty sure this goes both ways with Men & women...

My ex would chuck broken mops... discarded household items etc etc right out the back door onto the deck, cause she knew this would freak the chit outa me and I'd pick it up... She just couldn't be bothered, inside the house was pristine but the outside looked like Sanford & Sons till I got to it.
It drove me batty at first because I thought it a lil lazy but after a few arguments I understood better and I had nothing to biatch about... the house was pristine.

I cannot tell a lie:angel: ...He only told me where to find the elements....They came with instructions, I read, I comprehended, I repaired bigsmile ...I also neglected to drain the damn thing before I opened it...The force of the water swept me right off my feet!laugh blushing

navygirl's photo
Mon 10/07/13 08:28 AM

Its simple common sense anyway you can help your partner you do. Goes both ways.

Absolutely. We should help each other do things. As far as I am concerned; there is no male or female jobs; just a job needs to get done and both of us working as a team.

miko1960's photo
Mon 10/07/13 09:46 AM
This is what I was trying to say 50/50 all the way, relationships or marriage there should be no gender based jobs, it's a partnership, oh and when I had made reference to female entitlement, I was referring more to the younger generation, the poll I ran across estimating men are now doing over 60% of household duties wasn't broken down for age, etc...

Oh and only a handful of women perform the more traditional male jobs around the home, such as lawn maintenance, repairs, and lets not forget the ever popular killing of bugs, I would never let my ex perform these task anyhow, oh she would help from time to time, but to me anything involving heavy labor should fall to the male of the household, I see this the same as opening a door or pulling out a chair for a woman, it's the gentlemanly thing to do.

navygirl's photo
Mon 10/07/13 12:53 PM

This is what I was trying to say 50/50 all the way, relationships or marriage there should be no gender based jobs, it's a partnership, oh and when I had made reference to female entitlement, I was referring more to the younger generation, the poll I ran across estimating men are now doing over 60% of household duties wasn't broken down for age, etc...

Oh and only a handful of women perform the more traditional male jobs around the home, such as lawn maintenance, repairs, and lets not forget the ever popular killing of bugs, I would never let my ex perform these task anyhow, oh she would help from time to time, but to me anything involving heavy labor should fall to the male of the household, I see this the same as opening a door or pulling out a chair for a woman, it's the gentlemanly thing to do.

Are you serious? I know men that are terrified of bugs. Where I live; I see lots of women doing lawn maintenance as its not that physical of a job. There are a lot more stronger women out there than you think; both mentally and physically. My friend does everything for his wife but when he was away due to his work; she took control of the household repairs and lawn maintenance. I have male friends that have bad backs so they can't do heavy labour; so I will do it for them. You really need to get with the times. We are not in 1950 anymore. Polls are very inaccurate as they are only based on people that want to take the polls. Most people like myself for instance can't be bothered with them so we aren't counted. I know of plenty of young women that are not afraid to do heavy labour or fix things. I think its only a handful that do believe in being traditional as in what is woman's job as that kind of thinking is very outdated.

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 10/07/13 01:05 PM

This is what I was trying to say 50/50 all the way, relationships or marriage there should be no gender based jobs, it's a partnership, oh and when I had made reference to female entitlement, I was referring more to the younger generation, the poll I ran across estimating men are now doing over 60% of household duties wasn't broken down for age, etc...

Oh and only a handful of women perform the more traditional male jobs around the home, such as lawn maintenance, repairs, and lets not forget the ever popular killing of bugs, I would never let my ex perform these task anyhow, oh she would help from time to time, but to me anything involving heavy labor should fall to the male of the household, I see this the same as opening a door or pulling out a chair for a woman, it's the gentlemanly thing to do.

Are you serious? I know men that are terrified of bugs. Where I live; I see lots of women doing lawn maintenance as its not that physical of a job. There are a lot more stronger women out there than you think; both mentally and physically. My friend does everything for his wife but when he was away due to his work; she took control of the household repairs and lawn maintenance. I have male friends that have bad backs so they can't do heavy labour; so I will do it for them. You really need to get with the times. We are not in 1950 anymore. Polls are very inaccurate as they are only based on people that want to take the polls. Most people like myself for instance can't be bothered with them so we aren't counted. I know of plenty of young women that are not afraid to do heavy labour or fix things. I think its only a handful that do believe in being traditional as in what is woman's job as that kind of thinking is very outdated.

Lol my friend Joe is deathly afraid of spiders so if he sees one the first thing to come to his mouth when he sees one is "DiDi get it"laugh laugh

My older sister has had to artificially inseminate cattle as part of her training to become a vet. So I mean as far as being equals I think my older sister is pretty damn awesome. Cause shoving my arm up a cows whoha is not very high on my things to do list.laugh

navygirl's photo
Mon 10/07/13 01:07 PM

This is what I was trying to say 50/50 all the way, relationships or marriage there should be no gender based jobs, it's a partnership, oh and when I had made reference to female entitlement, I was referring more to the younger generation, the poll I ran across estimating men are now doing over 60% of household duties wasn't broken down for age, etc...

Oh and only a handful of women perform the more traditional male jobs around the home, such as lawn maintenance, repairs, and lets not forget the ever popular killing of bugs, I would never let my ex perform these task anyhow, oh she would help from time to time, but to me anything involving heavy labor should fall to the male of the household, I see this the same as opening a door or pulling out a chair for a woman, it's the gentlemanly thing to do.

Are you serious? I know men that are terrified of bugs. Where I live; I see lots of women doing lawn maintenance as its not that physical of a job. There are a lot more stronger women out there than you think; both mentally and physically. My friend does everything for his wife but when he was away due to his work; she took control of the household repairs and lawn maintenance. I have male friends that have bad backs so they can't do heavy labour; so I will do it for them. You really need to get with the times. We are not in 1950 anymore. Polls are very inaccurate as they are only based on people that want to take the polls. Most people like myself for instance can't be bothered with them so we aren't counted. I know of plenty of young women that are not afraid to do heavy labour or fix things. I think its only a handful that do believe in being traditional as in what is woman's job as that kind of thinking is very outdated.

Lol my friend Joe is deathly afraid of spiders so if he sees one the first thing to come to his mouth when he sees one is "DiDi get it"laugh laugh

My older sister has had to artificially inseminate cattle as part of her training to become a vet. So I mean as far as being equals I think my older sister is pretty damn awesome. Cause shoving my arm up a cows whoha is not very high on my things to do list.laugh

Nicely put. :thumbsup:

miko1960's photo
Mon 10/07/13 01:25 PM
I do also believe culture plays a large part in it, in the US women still expect their men to do the heavy lifting and be their protectors, I totally agree that women are capable of performing hard labor, but men will always dominate as a whole in these areas, for the simple reason nature has made men psychically stronger then women, generally speaking of coarse, there are always exceptions to the rule, and believe me I have been with some very strong woman in my lifetime both psychically and mentally, and they still expected me to fulfill the traditional male role, show me one heterosexual women that don't get a bit excited when a man exerts dominance, just the way the sexes are wired, of coarse there are times and places when this is appropriate.

Also a lot of women haven't had the benefit of serving in the military, where one has no choice but to pull their own weight, I'm still unsure about putting women in combat, (former US Marine), we still don't put our female Marines in Combat as most women aren't suited for the rigorous training and hardship a US Marine must endure, if that makes me a chauvinist then so be it, weather we will admit it or not there are areas where women will always excel over men and men will excel over women.
Nature is Nature, can't change it only except our limitation's.

Candiapples's photo
Mon 10/07/13 01:46 PM

I don't clean much ... maybe because I'm a pig. I clean toilets and the kitchen but no windows, few floors, and I do dishes.

However, I cook and do all maintenance. I also pay for everything. I think I do more than my share.

Yes, but are you getting enough, ummm what was that word again??? think POONTANG!!!bigsmile


metalwing's photo
Mon 10/07/13 01:49 PM

I don't clean much ... maybe because I'm a pig. I clean toilets and the kitchen but no windows, few floors, and I do dishes.

However, I cook and do all maintenance. I also pay for everything. I think I do more than my share.

Yes, but are you getting enough, ummm what was that word again??? think POONTANG!!!bigsmile

I never kiss and tell!!!!blushing

miko1960's photo
Mon 10/07/13 01:54 PM
I got plenty myself, but I made them work for it LOL

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/07/13 02:00 PM
Whenever I have to do stuff with a drill, electric saw or whatever, I do swear an awful lot and wished to god I had a bloke :angel:
I need two hands to hold the drill, most men can easily hold it with one hand, so they can use the other to hold whatever in place. I can't. Meaning it takes me at least twice as long to get it done.
Had to sod around with tools the other day to fix my fence as the wind was about to rip it to pieces. NOT happy. Some things are just psychically too heavy but I still gotta do it as I'm on my own. Keep telling myself I'm not frigg** Bob the Builder, but sometimes you have no choice.
I want to have a worktop in my kitchen, meaning drilling in the tiles. Unfortunately there's sockets and electricity cables in the wall where I need to drill the holes. So I daren't do it myself :laughing: I hate electricity ill
Just gonna wait till I got a bloke, a nice neighbour or simply forget about the worktop altogether. shades

miko1960's photo
Mon 10/07/13 02:10 PM
Edited by miko1960 on Mon 10/07/13 02:11 PM
If I was near you Crystal I would gladly help, I have assisted many of my female friends with minor home repairs, I like to be helpful, I am very good with tools, repairs, minor elec. a little plumping even, I rarely need help in any of these areas, I even build and upgrade computers, get asked more for my tech savvy then anything else.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:16 PM
I put up a smaller worktop to put the cooker on. Didn't like it either, gass, water and electricity in the wall and I didn't know where. Just guestimating. At some point I did hit one of the pipes. Not a clue which one, but I was not amused. Thx god no damage to the pipe. And let's say it was water, it wouldn't make a difference whether I create a fountain in the kitchen or a bloke. But at least if a bloke did it, I wouldn't have to panic, just rely on him to sort out the mess. :laughing:
Another thing that can really get me p*ss** off: I have limited tools. My ex had basically everything, from compressor, huge circular saw to every nut and bolt you can possibly need.
I ended up wanting to drill a hole in a plank, realizing I didn't have a single wood drill, slaphead Go to the DIY, get back home, drill the holes, next problem: don't have the right size screws.
And all the stuff you need to hump around in order to do some silly little thing.

I must say I got more respect for men doing the Bob the Builder bit.
If I can get the same respect from a Bob the Builder for me cooking and cleaning, we might be in business rofl

miko1960's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:22 PM
FYI Crystal, always try to obtain a blueprint for your home, before breaking into any walls, also use a stud finder (not that sort of stud LOL)

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:26 PM

FYI Crystal, always try to obtain a blueprint for your home, before breaking into any walls, also use a stud finder (not that sort of stud LOL)

Bit difficult in a rental and I think some previous tenants did some stuff themselves.
Stud finder?? I'm all ears
:laughing: :laughing:

larsson71's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:30 PM

Didn't think any women would respond to this, women hate being proven wrong

Silly human. Don't you know that a woman is always right, even when she is wrong?


You're wrong! The only woman in this world thats always right, even when shes wrong, is my mum. Or as me and my brother call her - she who must be obeyed ! :smile: :smile:

miko1960's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:32 PM
My mom was always right, and I mean always, wow its been over 20 yrs. since her passing and I still miss her terribly.

larsson71's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:45 PM
Sorry to hear that m8. My friend lost his mum 2 months ago and hes in tatters still. My mum just turned 62 there and still gives me and my brother a clip around the ear if we step out of line! :smile:

navygirl's photo
Mon 10/07/13 04:55 PM

Whenever I have to do stuff with a drill, electric saw or whatever, I do swear an awful lot and wished to god I had a bloke :angel:
I need two hands to hold the drill, most men can easily hold it with one hand, so they can use the other to hold whatever in place. I can't. Meaning it takes me at least twice as long to get it done.
Had to sod around with tools the other day to fix my fence as the wind was about to rip it to pieces. NOT happy. Some things are just psychically too heavy but I still gotta do it as I'm on my own. Keep telling myself I'm not frigg** Bob the Builder, but sometimes you have no choice.
I want to have a worktop in my kitchen, meaning drilling in the tiles. Unfortunately there's sockets and electricity cables in the wall where I need to drill the holes. So I daren't do it myself :laughing: I hate electricity ill
Just gonna wait till I got a bloke, a nice neighbour or simply forget about the worktop altogether. shades

I am curious as to what size drill you have? I can hold mine with two fingers as it's light, portable, and has power. Biggest thing about electricity; just turn off the power where you are working. I don't like electricity myself but as long as the power is off; I am good. Actually; if I have a question about electricity; I ask my friend Kiri as she is an electrician.

larsson71's photo
Mon 10/07/13 05:03 PM

I put up a smaller worktop to put the cooker on. Didn't like it either, gass, water and electricity in the wall and I didn't know where. Just guestimating. At some point I did hit one of the pipes. Not a clue which one, but I was not amused. Thx god no damage to the pipe. And let's say it was water, it wouldn't make a difference whether I create a fountain in the kitchen or a bloke. But at least if a bloke did it, I wouldn't have to panic, just rely on him to sort out the mess. :laughing:
Another thing that can really get me p*ss** off: I have limited tools. My ex had basically everything, from compressor, huge circular saw to every nut and bolt you can possibly need.
I ended up wanting to drill a hole in a plank, realizing I didn't have a single wood drill, slaphead Go to the DIY, get back home, drill the holes, next problem: don't have the right size screws.
And all the stuff you need to hump around in order to do some silly little thing.

I must say I got more respect for men doing the Bob the Builder bit.
If I can get the same respect from a Bob the Builder for me cooking and cleaning, we might be in business rofl
Crystal, im a 1st + 2nd fix Carpenter to trade. I'll do your worktops when im in Holland next month to see Celtic play Ajax in the Champions League? :smile: