Topic: Find the myths on Mingle
msharmony's photo
Thu 10/24/13 03:04 AM

You are good with these myths, but why don't you post facts like:

This website debacle makes the idiots in charge of this disaster look even more incompetent than they already did.

you know, its an 'idiots' world,, when things are new, they often don't initially flow smoothly,, ask anyone who has worked for a 'new' company, or tried a 'new' menu item

but IM still not sure what that has to do with myth or fact,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/24/13 03:09 AM

How many of these will keep making the mingle rounds, I wonder?

..probably not as trustworthy as youtube or fox,, but , its what I got,,,,

Yep,I hear George Soros prefers those two even over Snopes!

don't care what someone else likes or dislikes,,,

,irrelevant to whether something is reliable and verifiable,,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/24/13 01:27 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 10/24/13 01:31 PM
Speaking of myths . . .

In 2004, American businessman George J. Esseff, Sr. ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post. Here is how the ad begins:

In today's America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, "��What is a Republican?�", and you'll be told "�... a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment ... the working poor ... and all whom they exploit..."

I am a Republican ... I am none of those things ... and I don't know any Republicans who are.

The ad begins with Mr. Esseff citing myths about the Republican Party, myths that routinely get repeated in this forum.

So, let's talk about all myths appearing in this forum.

Let's talk about both the anti-Obama myths and the anti-Republican myths. That way the discussion can be balanced.

(By the way, I am not a Republican. I am a political independent.)

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/24/13 03:05 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 10/24/13 03:06 PM

Speaking of myths . . .

In 2004, American businessman George J. Esseff, Sr. ran a full-page ad in the Washington Post. Here is how the ad begins:

In today's America, ask a growing number of high school and college students; their teachers and professors; the self-anointed media elite and/or hard working men and women of all ethnicities, the question, "��What is a Republican?�", and you'll be told "�... a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment ... the working poor ... and all whom they exploit..."

I am a Republican ... I am none of those things ... and I don't know any Republicans who are.

The ad begins with Mr. Esseff citing myths about the Republican Party, myths that routinely get repeated in this forum.

So, let's talk about all myths appearing in this forum.

Let's talk about both the anti-Obama myths and the anti-Republican myths. That way the discussion can be balanced.

(By the way, I am not a Republican. I am a political independent.)

let me start,, anytime there is a premise that ALL of any group contain a character trait,, it is a myth

within any group there are a number of INDIVIDUALS prone to having a variety of character traits,,,

however, as the economy changes , in my opinion, peoples perceptions and ideals lag behind perhaps not immediately

there are times in our history when the republicans were more likely to be rich than democrats,, but that is not a constant or set in stone eternal FACT

in this graph from pew research,, we can find that in 2012, dems were twice as likely as repubs to be low income, more likely to be middle income and as likely to be high income

however , that is a recent trend,, as recent as 1990 to 2004 (the latest these graphs show) republicans WERE MORE LIKELY TO BE HIGH INCOME Than others,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/24/13 03:14 PM
so, putting my two cents in about the 'rich' part,, lets look at the rest of the quote

""�... a rich, greedy, egotistical individual, motivated only by money and the desire to accumulate more and more of it, at the expense of the environment ... the working poor ... and all whom they exploit...""

well, I wouldn't assume a political label makes one greedy or charitable,,,but it does seem repubs are more likely to label charity at a federal label with disdain and dems are more likely to support it,, AT THE POLITICIANS LEVEL

amongst citizens, Im sure 'greedy' people register under all political parties

same thing with 'egotistical',, in general, I Think we live in an egotistical culture,, although I can observe the tendency for those who gain power and authority to be more PRONE to becoming (And sometimes needing to be) egotistical

as far as the motivated by money, I think all people are to some extent as money is the resource by which we gain our needs, and who isn't motivated by having their needs met at a basic level?

I do tend to observe, in these threads, and in the pundits and media (who in no way are an absolute reflection of the majority) and in the congressional behaviors,,,the idea that a persons worth is equated to their 'earned income' or ie their 'taxpayer' status,,,,

its also not terrible to want to accumulate more if it doesn't cross to gluttony and an inability to care for or see the value in anyone but oneself,,,or the value in anyones work but your own, or the value of anyone elses children or futures but your own,,,

I do, personally, observe more of the type of self absorbed 'got mine, now get yours' attitude from republicans than I do from democrats

but that's just my small corner of the world, the few people I have been able to observe out of millions and the public pundits put in front of media to speak,,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/24/13 04:02 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 10/24/13 04:33 PM

Well, that's my cue. It's Liberal hour.....I like it here for the most part so I must be leaving now to preserve that privilege for a future date.

:angel: waving

willowdraga's photo
Thu 10/24/13 04:02 PM
Again you didn't expect the truth to fly with the Obama haters now did you....

I am surprised though that they are not screaming for the investigation into the healthcare site not elsewhere on the internet...

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 10/24/13 05:41 PM
Remember when, Teachers,Public Employees,Planned Parenthood,NPR and PBS crashed the stock market? Wiped out half of our 401Ks Took trillions in Taxpayer bailouts, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico then gave themselves billions in bonuses? Yea me neither

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/24/13 06:20 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Thu 10/24/13 06:22 PM

however , that is a recent trend,, as recent as 1990 to 2004 (the latest these graphs show) republicans WERE MORE LIKELY TO BE HIGH INCOME Than others,,

That's because they do more than just work hard. They also take risks and make wise choices.

In his advertisement, George J. Esseff, Sr. states exactly how he acquired the wealth that he has.

WHAT I AM ... is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed, first hand, the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen other families, who had even less.

WHAT I AM ... is someone who worked his way through college by holding down three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a better life.

WHAT I AM ... is a husband who, at age 24, started his own business for the "��privilege" of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I had, including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my loved ones.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 04:14 AM

however , that is a recent trend,, as recent as 1990 to 2004 (the latest these graphs show) republicans WERE MORE LIKELY TO BE HIGH INCOME Than others,,

That's because they do more than just work hard. They also take risks and make wise choices.

In his advertisement, George J. Esseff, Sr. states exactly how he acquired the wealth that he has.

WHAT I AM ... is a man who grew up during the Depression and witnessed, first hand, the effects of the Stock Market crash and the soup lines that followed. I watched as both my parents and grand parents, who had very little themselves, share what food they had with a half dozen other families, who had even less.

WHAT I AM ... is someone who worked his way through college by holding down three and four jobs at a time and then used that education to build a better life.

WHAT I AM ... is a husband who, at age 24, started his own business for the "��privilege" of working 60, 70 and 80 hours a week, risking everything I had, including my health, in search of a better life for myself and my loved ones.

great for him,

my sister in law is also a generous chemist(if they get in the door at the right place, they make out pretty profitably)

but registered as a democrat

I , for one, never assessed rich as a character trait in and of itself, I Was just recapping the adjectives used and whether they were 'myths' or substantiated with some type of evidence

there was a long time where republicans were much more likely to be 'rich' than any other party members

mightymoe's photo
Fri 10/25/13 08:35 AM

You are good with these myths, but why don't you post facts like:

This website debacle makes the idiots in charge of this disaster look even more incompetent than they already did.

Not all the websites are having problems. Exchanges in states where they handled it themselves, like California and New York are doing very well these past few weeks. It's the Red States, where the crybaby governors screamed and cried about Obamacare that they're having problems, with the Fed left doing all the work in a limited time. Basically, it's the mess being cleaned up for the Teabaggers who fear the government serving the people too, rather than exclusively the corporations.

your answer for everything, blame someone else...

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/25/13 08:46 AM

How many of these will keep making the mingle rounds, I wonder?

..probably not as trustworthy as youtube or fox,, but , its what I got,,,,

Yep,I hear George Soros prefers those two even over Snopes!

don't care what someone else likes or dislikes,,,

,irrelevant to whether something is reliable and verifiable,,,,
both of which Soros and His Minions ain't!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/25/13 11:48 AM

How many of these will keep making the mingle rounds, I wonder?

..probably not as trustworthy as youtube or fox,, but , its what I got,,,,

Yep,I hear George Soros prefers those two even over Snopes!

don't care what someone else likes or dislikes,,,

,irrelevant to whether something is reliable and verifiable,,,,
both of which Soros and His Minions ain't!

Funny how the same links seem to be used, more often than not, to try and convince others the links they choose to offer for topic are bogus and not factual.

It also seems that if you post a topic by copy and pasting the url (to avoid copyright infringement), the libs will offer another the same way, but state theirs is factual while yours is not.

All information is opinion. One media host will spin a topic one way feeding it's shareholders bias, while another does the same with a totally different agenda or slant to the contrary. I read or view both, then let logic or evidence sway my outlook. Both are bias, usually lacking credible detail, and the truth is somewhere on the fringe.... usually thru unsponsored media, like the internet.... and yes, youtube.

In this age of technology with camera phones and instant sharing, there is more truth to be found thru this media than any sponsored news outlet with their scripted, bias, highly paid, vetted, political talking heads.

Enter "common core"!

Thanks to whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and others, we have been made aware of the extremes and atrocities our gov't imposes and subjects the average person and the world to. Thanks to the internet, we are able to know those truths.

Clapper lied, Clinton lied, Holder lied, Obama lied, but it is not only those who call themselves "Dems", or "Reps". The truth is they are mostly all corrupt serving one special interest group or another, but whether it is welfare or warfare, the banks and their wall street casino are the masters.... not the people they are elected to serve!

Truth is treason in the empire of lies!

Evidence and logic are the only means to the truth.... and you won't find that in or on scripted media!

So before you libs, and you know who you are, are so quick to judge the topics or opinions of others..... you might want to engage your own brains before throwing evidence and logic to the winds of scripted media.... which has been proven to be bias and highly lucrative!

Personal thought and opinion hasn't been outlawed.....yet.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:36 PM
then 'libs' and conservs alike should here forward, aknowledge all of their information as their 'opinion' of the truth,,,

,,,since we cant be sure which 'media' has a bias that may or may not be 'bogus',,,

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 10/28/13 04:30 PM

then 'libs' and conservs alike should here forward, aknowledge all of their information as their 'opinion' of the truth,,,

,,,since we cant be sure which 'media' has a bias that may or may not be 'bogus',,,

Truth tellers end up in Prison as in Bradley Manning or on the run like Snowden or dead like Hasteings.

andrewzooms's photo
Mon 10/28/13 04:34 PM
"But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it."

Scum Nancy Pelosi.

no photo
Mon 10/28/13 04:39 PM


stated like a 'typical' conservative,,,

it's on the web, it must be true...

no, not just 'on the web'

in a source that has won both a PULLITZER< and GREEN EYESHADE for its reporting,,lol

and which awards has fox or youtube won?

the internet doesn't make it true or untrue,, but some sources have much more to loose and have a record of credibility or not

others are anonymous sources with no way to verify or validate their credibility and very little accountability,,,

I bit my tongue till it's bloody!

But I must say, I'm laughing much more at your posts now that I have refrained from commenting on your senseless drivel.

You choose as your source for facts the same kind of idiot neo-cons who gave Obozo the peace prize..... rofl

nuff said ...... waving

Yeh, if they can give Obama a peace prize, awards are no totally meaningless.

Who gives them out? The Elite criminals who are stealing all of our real wealth.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Mon 10/28/13 05:41 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Mon 10/28/13 06:29 PM


stated like a 'typical' conservative,,,

it's on the web, it must be true...

no, not just 'on the web'

in a source that has won both a PULLITZER< and GREEN EYESHADE for its reporting,,lol

and which awards has fox or youtube won?

the internet doesn't make it true or untrue,, but some sources have much more to loose and have a record of credibility or not

others are anonymous sources with no way to verify or validate their credibility and very little accountability,,,

I bit my tongue till it's bloody!

But I must say, I'm laughing much more at your posts now that I have refrained from commenting on your senseless drivel.

You choose as your source for facts the same kind of idiot neo-cons who gave Obozo the peace prize..... rofl

nuff said ...... waving

Yeh, if they can give Obama a peace prize, awards are no totally meaningless.

Who gives them out? The Elite criminals who are stealing all of our real wealth.

You mean the people Karen Hudes is talking about?

Talk about corruption!...Obama the warmonger gets a "Peace prize" and Karen the honest lawyer gets fired for trying to balance the books!

I can't quite put my finger on it, but I kinda suspect something's wrong. ROTFLMAO

Karen belongs to The F.R.E.E.* Society�, a free and just society in universal jurisdiction dedicated to taking loving care of all humanity as well as Momma Earth herself. Soon, with enough members, we will end the corporate poisoning & murder of our brothers & sisters worldwide and the rape & pillaging for profit of our Dear Mother Earth.

*(Free Republic of Empathic Egalitarians)

The goal of The F.R.E.E. Society is to turn the whole world into a single free republic of interconnected and caring communities under the rule of law. (all you need to be a member is to be a compassionate human being...heartless corporations & evil banksters need not apply.)

note: The last I heard the constitution for F.R.E.E. was still being drafted, but since it'll be based on love & caring and natural law anyway, there won't be any surprises, like dues to belong or "taxes", or anything stupid like that.)

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 10/28/13 06:59 PM

Karen belongs to The F.R.E.E.* Society�, a free and just society in universal jurisdiction dedicated to taking loving care of all humanity as well as Momma Earth herself. Soon, with enough members, we will end the corporate poisoning & murder of our brothers & sisters worldwide and the rape & pillaging for profit of our Dear Mother Earth.

*(Free Republic of Empathic Egalitarians)

The goal of The F.R.E.E. Society is to turn the whole world into a single free republic of interconnected and caring communities under the rule of law. (all you need to be a member is to be a compassionate human being...heartless corporations & evil banksters need not apply.)

note: The last I heard the constitution for F.R.E.E. was still being drafted, but since it'll be based on love & caring and natural law anyway, there won't be any surprises, like dues to belong or "taxes", or anything stupid like that.)

Hey, I found another myth on Mingle2, the myth that humanists can create a global utopia.

no photo
Mon 10/28/13 07:05 PM

You are good with these myths, but why don't you post facts like:

This website debacle makes the idiots in charge of this disaster look even more incompetent than they already did.

Not all the websites are having problems. Exchanges in states where they handled it themselves, like California and New York are doing very well these past few weeks. It's the Red States, where the crybaby governors screamed and cried about Obamacare that they're having problems, with the Fed left doing all the work in a limited time. Basically, it's the mess being cleaned up for the Teabaggers who fear the government serving the people too, rather than exclusively the corporations.

Wow! that is great news. To bad we haven't heard about this in the liberal biased news. Wonder why? Maybe because it's not true? laugh