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Topic: How to go talk to a firl?
racingdork0306's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:39 PM
Okay im a shy guy and cant go up to a girl at a party and just start talking. and advice anyone

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:44 PM
practice by going up to a girl and talking to her. you probably will feel awkward and look like a dork at first but do it anyway. some girls like the shy attempt and you will start to feel more comfortable with initiating a conversation. don't let the rejection get to you and keep an open mind and you'll do fine.

Muddysneakers77's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:46 PM
parties are a terrible place to meet a girl if your a shy person...youll just be a wallflower and get depressed wondering why no girl is coming up to you.

Best advice I can give (from one shy guy to another)...dont look for activities that you enjoy and youll eventually meet a girl with similiar interests. I never was a fan of the saying "opposites attract," Id rather date someone with similiar interests.

lissa_327's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:46 PM
Whatever you do, DONT GIVE UP! The more you talk to girls (people) the better you will get! Good Luck!

iRon's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:47 PM
Try throwing French fries at them it gets them every timenoway

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:48 PM
it depends what kind of party.
if it's like in a club or a bar is kind of hard. Usually girls get freaked out when a guy approches to them in such a place. But if it's like a house party or an office party is way easier. You just can approach very politely and start talking.
But the golden rule is never try to fake, always be yourslef. Girls have a radar when u r faking to impress them.

S8MP's photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:49 PM
hey man i feel u, giving up is bad thought
just put it in ur mind that she is just a friend
or something that let u open up and talk easy with a girl, i meet one of my x's at party and i was like that on the end i called her half a year later and we got together, so u got to know it might be that one girl that u missed out on so keep on trying

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 05:50 PM
Darlin, you are a cutie and any young thing would love to talk to you. I think that to overcome the shyness, you just have to bite the bullet and do it. The more times you initiate conversations with a girl, the easier it will get. Sure, you may feel uncomfortable in the beginning, but believe me...girls love a shy is charminghappy

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:00 PM
Everytime you go into ANY place where a lady is working, and WAITING ON YOU, start conversation with her,,but TRY to KEEP her interested in YOUR talk with her.
After many times of doing THIS,,you will start to FELL MORE, and MORE at ease with talking to a STRANGER, a women.

It can be about , working at THAT place, it can be about something you just bought,,questions,,and keeping her mind interested,,,,IN YOU,and YOUR VOICE,,and EYE CONTACT,,,is REAL good to have...

THIS is the BEST EXPERIENCE, you can get,,FREE, and it will build your self confidence,:wink: bigsmile drinker :heart:

canubetheone's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:01 PM
gee i just have a hard time talking to a guy never mind a girl lol its hard for both of us i think. i do better at talking to people on the computer then i do in person its just varys in some people

randy9487's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:09 PM
lol im so shy i caint even look at someone up close lol i ether look away or walk away lol , its funny , i dont know why i just caint help it lol im turning 20 tomorow and iv only had 1 girlfriend ever , lol , dont wory im shure your doing alot beter than me lol , i gues its kus iv never had someone thear saying go get em , or maby its kuz i think its kinda rude to walk up and start talking to someone kuz they know what your trying to do , i gues im not that way lol , i dont want to be rude and i have like no social skills whatsoever , lol dont worry someday youl find the one , lol

willy_cents's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:14 PM
<<<<<is reading this advice very closely...has the same problem

pgpfreak's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:30 PM
get a good "gambit" (conversation starter, eg. do you floss before or after you brush?), never approach a woman that is alone, it creeps them out, instead find a "set" ( a group of 2 or more), once you open the "set" with your "gambit" look for "ioi's" (indicators of interest), these show that the woman is interested in you,lastly use "kino touch" (pretend to read their palm, touch their hair and compliment them on how soft or bouncy it is), just don't like grab or rub them constantly, because the puts up the rapist flag and she will be extremely uncomfortable, once the conversation is opened just be interesting, but be yourself, don't lie to them because they may call you out on itand its not cool at all to lie to people. practice these techniques in the mirror until you have them down then hit the party and i promise you will be a ladies man in no time.

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:32 PM
The biggest thing is making the first move. Just going up to talk shows guts. A lot of gals are scared too, and have the same fears as you.

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:33 PM
The girls that I picked up at parties were either:

a) psycho
b) too weird for me
c) bipolar

IDK if it is just my luck or if I am going to the wrong parties. I am trying to avoid that whole scene.

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:38 PM
:heart: YOU all need to pratice on strangers in stores, gas stations,,wherever,,,,,until you can do it,,,
EXCUSE ME, I was wondering if you might know of a place around here that has dancing and beer,,,,,im single and new around here and just wanting to get out and have some fun???

Anyone could do THIS, and YOU CAN TO.....Try it, nextn time your out of the house.....let me know,,,:heart: :wink:

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:54 PM
LOL or just ask were you can play a good game of beer pong. That's the new hot thing now lmao.

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 07:03 PM
well...first you must master spelling girl...
firl = girl.....laugh laugh laugh
Then like everyone else said practice makes perfect!
Girls love guys w/ a great sense of make her laugh.
laugh laugh laugh

Lakeman's photo
Mon 09/03/07 07:23 PM
Girls are human too!!!lol Just talk to them like a friend. Compliment something that you think is special about her. Offer her something appropriate from your surroundings.
"That's a nice smile...does it need a drink?:wink:
"This flower matches your eyes so I thought you should have it"flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 09/03/07 07:27 PM
The hardwood floor is beautiful....can I put your clothes on it? LMAO

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