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Topic: Hillary and Health Care
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Mon 09/17/07 06:36 PM
Hillary shows her new health care plan,

Under Hillary Clinton's plan, Americans must have health insurance like drivers must buy auto insurance.

Does anybody have any feelings about that particular law? I have always had the strong feeling that the car insurance lobby shoved this down our throats. If you don't have car insurance the consequences are quite dire. A ticket for no car insurance never goes away, stays on your record forever, different than other tickets in that way.

If you have a ticket for no car insurance you have to buy special insurance with much higher costs, another lobby perk for the insurance companies.

If your insurance lapses you can be charged a higher rate when you restart, another perk to the insurance companies from the lobby.

Anybody else have knowledge of specific insurance lobby perks enacted with that law?

Will the health insurance law give them power to somehow rip you financially if you don't pay up? Will the poor who can not afford to pay get special penalties and have to pay more as a result? Will there be fines or jail for the people who are too poor to pay?

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:38 PM
I am so tired of every election the topic of health care being promised then NEVER delivered. NO I am NOT impressed with BILLary.

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:41 PM
grumble grumble :angry:

irad8you's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:47 PM
Yeah, but if you have medicaid, or aid, you can walk into the emergency room, and get treated just like you have commercial insurance, i'm medical have been for 20 years, i see how the system works.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 09/17/07 06:51 PM
irad8you I am now on traditional medicare A&B. They just LOOOOOVE seeing me coming!laugh laugh thats a guaranteed payment! BUT for the millions of americans with NO health insurance hearing this CRAP every time we have an election come up and then the ones voted into office not deliver? now thats just WRONG! BILLary knows too many are in dire need of health coverage and cant afford it. Using the car insurance is a cute idea but i also know many without the means for even basic insurance, plus what about the millions of illegals here already? No.....they will get the health care they need. Guarandammteed they will!grumble grumble :angry:

lissa_327's photo
Mon 09/17/07 07:12 PM
I have to put my two cents in about Medicaid. I have Lupus and cannot get insurance other than Medicad. I am on the Med Works Program, which means I have to pay a monthly premium to keep my coverage active. What I dont like is how I am treated when I walk into a doctor's office and hand them my State Insurance card. I go from potential patient to piece of crap on the bottome of their shoe in under two seconds. I have worked in doctor's offices and know the difference between someone "working" the system and someone who truly needs it. I however treated all patients the same regardless of insurance coverage.

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 08:15 PM
irad.. the hospital serviceis not like any other person with real insurance.... lower rung level of care.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:31 PM
affordable healthcare insurance should be available to everybody that wants it but a Mandatory Program smacks of Socialism, but then Hillary is a true blue Socialist so what is new.

anemail's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:56 PM
Why should healthcare insurance be available to all?

And who cares about the insurance? Isn't the health care the actual desireable object?

Health care is obviously something of which there is finite supply. How do we ration it (since anything finite must be partitioned in some way)?

Is it somehow desireable to have a national government be the ratioing agent? Insurance companies? Hospitals? Health care providers generally? Health care users?

Should we also offer unlimited transportaion to all? Is that not also an important item for all?

It seems that already the floor for discussion hangs unsupported from a ridiculous altitude.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Tue 09/18/07 12:40 AM
Lets see...right now Americans are spending over 400 billion a year on health care....Hillary says she can cover everyone..including the supposed 40 million who don't have coverage now for a total cost of 100 billion. She is either a Wizard or totally incompetant and full of S#@t. I think the second one is more accuratelaugh laugh

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 09/18/07 07:00 AM
lissa I know just how you feel about being treated so badly by the health care providers and medicaid. My boy has autism/mildCP/multiple seizure disorders/adhd. IMAGINE the feud i have EVERY stinkin time i go to the doctors, specialists, pharmacys, etc.:angry: :angry: :angry: But HEY! i am a great big BIATCH for a mama and i DONT back down! He GETS what he NEEDS. drinker Just because your on medicaid should NOT mean having to be treated LESS or with LESS that good health care.
BIG HUGS GIRL!!! flowerforyou

dcrdnk's photo
Tue 09/18/07 07:15 AM
When my son was small & I worked @ a papermill. His doctor was more than happy to do what he could & MORE. Then came the lay off. With no ins. Doc did not want to see him anymore. ..... Ins. & goverment are bed fellows now. Can you imagine what would happen under Hilbillys' rule..... WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 11:18 AM
laugh The Clintons are CIA Assetts,as such they take their marching orders from GHWB...

When it comes to Government Health Care and Hillery Clinton ? ? ?

Well only is she is getting a Big FAT Kickback...

If you want affordable Health Care ?

Do The Research and you will find Mexico and South America costing you on an avrage of 90% Less...

To recieve The Quality of care that you need, you have to leave The USA, this is FACT not FICTION!!!

I drive 250 Miles to see my doctor and if it's an emergancy,then I better be able to save myself,because The AMA could care less...grumble

KerryO's photo
Tue 09/18/07 02:47 PM
If there's any issue that shows how hopelessly out of touch the Far Right Republican candidates are with the middle class, it's this one. Rick Santorum is probably still wonder What Happened, why his Democratic challenger steamrolled him. Well, this one was on the issues, Social Security was another.

I don't trust Hillary Clinton or John Edwards implicitly on this issue, knowing of their pasts, but I'll tell you this-- at least they're in the caboose on the ClueTrain. Contrast that with the conservative Republicans are still picketing the station trying to stop people who just want to die with dignity from doing so, all while making sure the Gravy Trains keep running on time for one of their core constitutencies.


-Kerry O.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 09/18/07 03:01 PM
I liked that Hillary tried to do something about health care. She did have bad timing, going up against Newt Gingrich and the Klan. The conservatives talk about morality (Care for those that are ill) until it hits their pocketbook, then its a whole different story.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 09/18/07 05:03 PM
parttimeviking we already had the medical topic brought up with billyboy on both of his elections. Did he get the americans any coverage? Yeah....i didnt hold my breath!:angry:
Now BILLary is using this as a big election booster? She doesnt impress me and does NOT have my support or VOTE.:angry:

KerryO's photo
Tue 09/18/07 06:11 PM
"parttimeviking we already had the medical topic brought up with billyboy on both of his elections. Did he get the americans any coverage?"

Yes, actually he did. With a few moderate Republicans, they cobbled together HIPAA. It was definitely a move in the right direction. It allowed people like me with pre-existing conditions to get group coverage I'd otherwise would have been denied.

I've been responsible my whole life by sometimes doing without things so I could have medical insurance. Without HIPAA, that might not have been possible.

-Kerry O.

anoasis's photo
Tue 09/18/07 07:15 PM
I'm not sure about the health insurence idea. I don't have a clear understanding of how it will work. And I am concerned in that we had mandatory car insurence here in Fla. and now we are doing away with this requirement because it was too expensive.

On the other hand my mother has been unable to obtain health insurance for about 20 years because she had too many medical problems... she went to England for a couple of years but was too homesick and came back here.

I also have a friend who had complications from a potassium inbalence and the doctors here told her there was nothing they could do for her... there were no approved treatments in the US. Basically it was "sorry youre only 35 and going to die very soon." She has lived in London for almost 4 years now. She wants to come back here but isn't sure she'll be able to get the care she needs to save her life...

So I'm open to new suggestions.

mnhiker's photo
Tue 09/18/07 07:30 PM
Wouldn't that
be Hilaricare? noway

So, what kind of
health insurance
would you get
if you went
with Afrac,
Gelco or

no photo
Tue 09/18/07 11:41 PM
laugh To Understand The Health Care Industry in America Today ? You really Gotta see The Movie "Sicko".

OK, so check this out The Surviving Members of my Family have a Family Corparation that gives us a few bucks to subside on.

OK, so for about 20 years or so we pay this Great Insurance Company $20,000.00 a year for Health Insurance and we got The Everything plan and Nobody get's sick,so we're Great...

So Now my oldest brother is 65, my oldest Sister is 60, my other sister is 50 something and I'm an old fart too...

So I got a new pain that won't go away and I go down to the clinic to get it checked out,I flip them my Insurance Card and see the Doc he writes me a script and everything's OK...except I get a bill for $1,500.00
Our Office calls the Insurance Company and asks What UP!!!

The Insurance Company says that since I never go to the doctor, They up The Deductable to $1,500.00 and since I'm over 40 their only going to pay 10% of the total bill...

OK, so us 4 Kids pay in $20,000.00 per year and we only get 10% coverage???

WTF Is This???

It get's allot worse,you see it's all about BIG PRIFITS, If They Pay for NEEDED MEDICAL CARE ? THEY DON'T GET TO KEEP YOUR MONEY...

You really gotta see The Movie "Sicko" to fully understand just HOW BAD IT REALLY IS!!!

To Give you an example, I knew I had Bad Teeth and I put it off way too long,
I had 9 teeth pulled, 6 new implants and one small bridge, where I live this would have cost me $55,000.00 and my Dental Insurance would pick up NONE OF IT!!!

In Mexico I had the work done for $5,500.00 and my Dental insueance picked up 1/2

My MD is in Mexico too and if I have to go to The Mexican Hospital, it's cleaner,Private Room NO PROBLEM and it is costing 90% LESS and my Insurance will pay 87%...

F___ THE AMA!!!

DO THE RESEARCH,You may have to go to Tailand or Burma but Medical Holliday's will cost you a fraction of what The AMERICAN RIP JOINT WILL COST YOU...

You want to die hard,slow and in pain?

The TRUST THE AMA or Hillary,or Jeb, perhaps Obama can save your bacon & Chitlins too...

We are now Self Insured, because our lives are more important then a few more dollars...

All you People???

and you will begin to understand,
exactly where you stand...

Don't listen to me, I'm just a dumb old fart in Bib Overalls...

What could I possibly know ? flowerforyou

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