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Topic: Dating single moms yeah or nay?
Queene123's photo
Sun 06/29/14 04:41 PM
when i was younger
there was a family
that i lived with that
had 2 kids
and when she was talking
to my mom and me one day
she was telling us about her son
which i did not know untill then
but her husband was not her son father
she met him when she was already pg
and some how he had already
knew everything about her
he took on that roll model
and responsabilty of raising
Ben... and Ben is now in his early 30s

i also went to high school
with this one girl
and later on she had a child
while she was pg with her 2nd child
she met her husband
he took on that respnsabilty
and raised those 2 as his own

also there was a guy
that i met yrs ago
that was married
but when i met him
he was already divorced
his ex had 3 kids
he took on that responsabilty
where he even gave
her child support

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 04:46 PM
Edited by rebelgeek on Sun 06/29/14 04:48 PM

Some women took this topic very personal to the point of sending me hate mail. Hey look its just a guys perspective on life from his own experiences.

I would never send hatemail, but the fact is, that you have said that no real man would date a woman with kids, that single women with children are trying to trap men into being a parent, that you should go to any extent necessary, including dating very young women to avoid dating a single mom, among many other things. You started this thread in a way that seemed to be inviting people's personal preferences and then proceeded to use insulting language against single moms and anyone who would date them. You do not now get to be all, "Hey man, this is just one guy's opinion, I'm innocent here, just speaking my mind." There are ways to speak your beliefs without stomping on the beliefs of others, but that is not how you have interacted here.

Clearly, dating single moms is not for you, and that's fine. But to say someone isn't a real man (or woman) if they date a single mom? That is a generalization, and an offensive one. You are one man. You do not get to decide what the billions of real men and women do.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 06/29/14 05:02 PM
Locking this thread, which has run its course.

Site Moderator

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