Topic: Defending President Obama
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Sun 09/07/14 05:53 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Sun 09/07/14 05:56 PM

Now, getting back to defending President Obama ...

Folks, President Obama, like his predecessors, is used as Scapegoat-in-Chief for things that he has no control over.

Also, for some strange reason, people in the USA tend to expect the POTUS to wave a magic wand and produce instant results.

... scapegoat in chief? He is getting blamed for everything he has done. wahhhh. He is commander in chief? correct? who else should we blame? A LEADER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS UNDER HIS WATCH. soryaboutit.
he said about twenty differnt times how he was going to get us pout of Iraq, then the other day when someone asked him about that, he said something like.. " Do you really think it was my decision to leave IRAQ.? " These 'types" expect us to NOT do our homework, rather we are expected to use our emotions, touchy feely versus facts and history.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 09/07/14 05:58 PM

Now, getting back to defending President Obama ...

Folks, President Obama, like his predecessors, is used as Scapegoat-in-Chief for things that he has no control over.

Also, for some strange reason, people in the USA tend to expect the POTUS to wave a magic wand and produce instant results.

... scapegoat in chief? He is getting blamed for everything he has done. wahhhh. He is commander in chief? correct? who else should we blame? A LEADER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS UNDER HIS WATCH. soryaboutit.
he said about twenty differnt times how he was going to get us pout of Iraq, then the other day when someone asked him about that, he said something like.. " Do you really think it was my decision to leave IRAQ.? " These 'types" expect us to NOT do our homework, rather we are expected to use our emotions, touchy feely versus facts and history.

Some people expect the POTUS to be able to do things that the POTUS cannot legally do. Such expectations happen no matter who the POTUS is.

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Sun 09/07/14 06:02 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Sun 09/07/14 06:06 PM

Now, getting back to defending President Obama ...

Folks, President Obama, like his predecessors, is used as Scapegoat-in-Chief for things that he has no control over.

Also, for some strange reason, people in the USA tend to expect the POTUS to wave a magic wand and produce instant results.

... scapegoat in chief? He is getting blamed for everything he has done. wahhhh. He is commander in chief? correct? who else should we blame? A LEADER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS UNDER HIS WATCH. soryaboutit.
he said about twenty differnt times how he was going to get us pout of Iraq, then the other day when someone asked him about that, he said something like.. " Do you really think it was my decision to leave IRAQ.? " These 'types" expect us to NOT do our homework, rather we are expected to use our emotions, touchy feely versus facts and history.

Some people expect the POTUS to be able to do things that the POTUS cannot legally do. Such expectations happen no matter who the POTUS is.

i dont have a clue what you are talking about. what i am talking abouit is someone running the place by executive order, trillions in debt, everyone working part time or not at all, trading someone who abandoned thier post for several hi level operatives, "strongly worded letters to putin, " ill close Guantonomo, ill get us out of iraq,", " If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan,", kneeling before foreign dignetaries..,
shall i continue for about three more pages or am i racist?
The man is a marksist communist! cmon!

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Sun 09/07/14 06:11 PM
I have always paid my own medical bills. the last time was 12,000 for kiney stones and kidney stone accessories. Now if i dont pay for health care i dont want, they will attach it to my income taxes, and if that dont work, they will then attach it to my property taxes. anyone read that fine print on "affordable healthcare".

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Sun 09/07/14 06:21 PM
Edited by rambill79 on Sun 09/07/14 06:30 PM
.. then res the urea tanks on the new trucks..., Whats that about? I know a row of truck drivers that say when that is mandatory they will retire and sell thier trucks. Middle class to poor.
Now he is doubling the price of electricity? how does that help poor people?
There is also legislation to make it illegal to heat with wood. didya know that?
I simply cant find qualified technicians. everyone works at mcdonalds now or is on welfare. Welfare pays about 40,000/yr if you figure it out.., i cant pay that for a new technician. I see the effects of his inmcompetence daily in my work.
Im not talking racism, platitudes , gossip or idle speculation about he sad he was, ect. im looking at hard verifiable facts. Not seeing a competant leader at best and at worst, someone who is doing damage that will be felt for generations.
oh i forgot its all bush's fault. sorry.

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Sun 09/07/14 07:19 PM
Metallica - King Nothing:

mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:37 PM

Metallica - King Nothing:

Yeah, I don't listen to heavy metal. I prefer something with a little more...soul.

Can You Dig It?


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Sun 09/07/14 07:50 PM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Sun 09/07/14 07:53 PM

Metallica - King Nothing:

Yeah, I don't listen to heavy metal. I prefer something with a little more...soul.

Can You Dig It?


laugh You have seemed to have missed my meaning of my post. It was not directed at you tho, King. It was relevant to the thread title and subject.

But I'll give you this. Albert King formed Stevie Ray Vaughan's early style of "soul" and blues and heavy metal. tongue2
Albert King & Stevie Ray Vaughan-In Session 1983:
Can ya dig it? shades

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/07/14 07:59 PM
I've defended him some from time to time but he's made a lot
of mistakes too and some of them howlers. I never felt he was
particularly eloquent or moving and he didn't seem to make a
very big impact on me as a leader. Most of his stuff is pablum.
Not that much game. Leaves me wanting more.


mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:00 PM
If that makes you feel better about you feeling some type of way about music...fine.


mr_king_solomon's photo
Sun 09/07/14 08:40 PM
Obama, has to do things...subtly.

Were Obama to try and be straightforward and all-American brash and dashing...they would set him up real nicely.

With that in mind, you will not realize the brilliance of his presidency until long after he's gone.

He has to say one thing, and then conceal things until the time is right.

Like if he were to announce a plan to get all Americans healthcare..entire industries would start to change regulations overnight to thwart him.

Therefore, you are looking at a master, playing chess.

metalwing's photo
Sun 09/07/14 10:59 PM

Obama, has to do things...subtly.

Were Obama to try and be straightforward and all-American brash and dashing...they would set him up real nicely.

With that in mind, you will not realize the brilliance of his presidency until long after he's gone.

He has to say one thing, and then conceal things until the time is right.

Like if he were to announce a plan to get all Americans healthcare..entire industries would start to change regulations overnight to thwart him.

Therefore, you are looking at a master, playing chess.

You should pay attention. To the rest of the world, he is a masturbater playing with himself.

mr_king_solomon's photo
Mon 09/08/14 01:11 AM

Obama, has to do things...subtly.

Were Obama to try and be straightforward and all-American brash and dashing...they woull.p.d set him up real nicely.

With that in mind, you will not realize the brilliance of his presidency until long after he's gone.

He has to say one thing, and then conceal things until the time is right.

Like if he were to announce a plan to get all Americans healthcare..entire industries would start to change regulations overnight to thwart him.

Therefore, you are looking at a master, playing chess.

You should pay attention. To the rest of the world, he is a masturbater playing with himself.

Have you started drinking tonight yet?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/08/14 01:30 AM

Obama, has to do things...subtly.

Were Obama to try and be straightforward and all-American brash and dashing...they would set him up real nicely.

With that in mind, you will not realize the brilliance of his presidency until long after he's gone.

He has to say one thing, and then conceal things until the time is right.

Like if he were to announce a plan to get all Americans healthcare..entire industries would start to change regulations overnight to thwart him.

Therefore, you are looking at a master, playing chess.

You should pay attention. To the rest of the world, he is a masturbater playing with himself.

Is THAT what a Narcissist is called these days?:laughing:

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/08/14 07:31 AM
based upon the current MISCONCEPTION about what a USPRESIDENT should be


wouldn't narcissism actually be what people are EXPECTING as a leader?

extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration

its all about the PResident, and its aLL The PResidents responsibility , therefore, its extremely SELF CENTERED position,,,yes?

cant be about others if its only about him,, just saying

and if everything is his responsibility, its only about him,,,

seems like consistency to me
but that's rare in these debates,,,, where the most clever namecalling gets the most points,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/08/14 07:45 AM
refresher course:

for those constitution lovers out there.....

a President
1. is in charge of MILITARY
2. can grant reprieves and pardons for crimes against usa
3 can(with congress) make treaties and appointments of certain offices
4. can appoint TEMPORARY commissions during recess of Senate

5. He shall give state of union with suggestions for improvement.
6. He can convene or adjourn either or both houses.
7. He can have ambassadors and public ministers
8. He shall make sure all laws are FAITHFULLY executed
9. He shall commission US offices.

for those not sure about commission, its dictionary definition is:to grant authority; to charge with a duty or task

our POTUS is meant to oversee all things EXECUTIVE,, not all things PERIOD,,,,

no photo
Tue 09/09/14 10:49 AM
Wow did i clear that one up? ....that not everyone WHO doesent like Obama is a racist? That there are plenty of color blind reasons to be more than a little concerned?
This whole business of everyone who dont like him being a racist was wearing really thin about two weeks into his presidency. "you people" need to get over that one and try to find an argument that makes sense.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/09/14 10:59 AM
people have reasons for everything

there are lots of people out there

some have legitimate concerns, and some have racist bias

well, MOST have racial bias but some are able to avoid letting it affect their perceptions when discussing legitimate concerns,,,

,,yes, thanx for clearing that up

we should call out absolute statements about how 'all' of anyone does anything

we should likewise call out those who refuse to address the likelihood that 'some' of anyone does something,,,

all blacks cant dance

but certainly there are many blacks who can dance

all criticisms of Obama aren't racially motivated

but certainly there are many criticisms which are,,,

only to be considered in situations where past presidents have engaged in similar activity and received a less critical response, when the only notable difference is not what was done, but WHO did it,,,

no photo
Tue 09/09/14 11:03 AM
Edited by rambill79 on Tue 09/09/14 11:05 AM

Obama, has to do things...subtly.

Were Obama to try and be straightforward and all-American brash and dashing...they would set him up real nicely.

With that in mind, you will not realize the brilliance of his presidency until long after he's gone.

He has to say one thing, and then conceal things until the time is right.

Like if he were to announce a plan to get all Americans healthcare..entire industries would start to change regulations overnight to thwart him.

Therefore, you are looking at a master, playing chess.

Brilliance? brilliant prople dont run up more debt in six years thAan every other president combined, or trade someone who should be in levenworth for several hi level enemy operatives.., or, get caught lying to the public again and again, or running the country by exectutive orders, ect ect. he is in fact inept and the whole world knows it. ask around. sanctions and strongly worded letters? really? he reacts day to day instead of having a plan in advance for things that wouldent have happened in the first place if he hadent been stupid and tried to pull us out of iraq. The military people knew that, tried to tell him that, but touchy feely trumps facts every time with this guy.
in regards to putin and russia, over there leaders are expected to be STRONG. VIRILE. Putin is a black belt. he swims accross the lake. he likes to shoot. he will never respect this spinless marshmello who reacts instead of being on the offensive. He will continue to take full advantage of his "kindness", which he sees as weakness.
Most of this info is not from me it is from someone whose name you might recognise. I do have friends in the govt in VERY high PLACES. HOWEVER, I CAN SEE IT JUST FINE FROM THE BLEACHERS WITHOUT THEM
Do you know that when Obama is on a military base ( and not at the golf course) he is afforded the most basic of protocall, just what the law requires and nothing more. They HATE the man. People are dying because of his "brilliance". Obama wouldent know how to put the chess pieces back in the box after the game is over.

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Tue 09/09/14 11:14 AM

well, MOST have racial bias

yeah. i agree. Most blacks today do have a racial bias. If i disagree im a racist, whatever mountain of facts i throw around is irrelavent. Im wrong because im not Black.
ALSO DONT CARE ABOUT PLATITUDES, theories as to who is out to get him, ect. i cAN FIND PLENTY OF TRUTH AMMO on the news every night and in my daily work but yet they believe in him. why? because he is the first black president and they will support him no matter what the facts are.