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Topic: Is time travel possible?
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Thu 02/26/15 11:38 AM

One must not confuse Mass with Size or Weight!

For example; A pound of Popcorn (In A Bag) occupies much greater space than a pound of Cheese, but they both have the same collective mass.
Cheese tastes much better on toast though Sheik? ha ha

Aye Tim, Cheese and Popcorn...

All four of the four basic food-groups.

( Salt, Sugar, Fat, And Starch ) :banana:

mightymoe's photo
Thu 02/26/15 02:15 PM

Hence time is an arbitrary value we assign to a concept we made for ourselves to assist us in justifying the value of our lives...?

But Wouldn't that make just about every concept in physics also an arbitrary concept and value also? Including gravity? Hehe.. My weight may just be my perception of how fast my mass is moving in the general direction of the earth's core... Hahaha

I thought gravity was also dependent on rotation...?

yes and no - for time, yes, gravity no... anywhere on earth you will weigh the same, but on the moon you would weigh less, and on jupiter you would weigh more... rotation has nothing to do with gravitational pull, only the mass of the planet..

but i'm not sure about gravity at the core, not that it would matter much, since it's about the same temperature as the sun...

Ah yes... I had to review that fact.. laugh been a while... ohwell

So you subscribe that the law of gravity superseded the theory of relativity in all things?

no, not really, i just think the theory or relativity should be reexamined...

i don't think it(ToR) is correct... but lots of people a lot smarter than me think it is, so...

the law of gravity has more proof to being true, since there has been nothing to say otherwise...(Issac Newton showed it in the 17th century, and hasn't changed much since)

there are still a lot of holes in the ToR, and even more with Quantum sciences coming into the picture...

That's why one is a law and the other a theory... But the fact that the theory has been known and proven to be the exception to the law... Simply means that there is still a universal constant that has not been included in the formula... And that may prove to be neither time nor gravity.... Which is what I wanted to point out in my earlier post...

very true, it's a very big universe out there, and we can't know much from our little corner of it...

tommy lee jones made a quote once that relates to that:

1000 years ago, we knew the earth was the center of the universe
400 years ago, we knew the earth was flat
what will we know tomorrow?
That it's pay out wages day and hear all the excuses under the sun why my employees can't work on sunday? ha ha, same thing every week Moe!

sunday is football day here, can't work... (American football, not that kickball game y'all have)

chektor's photo
Wed 03/04/15 05:50 AM
I chance passing by and see my well-known theme.
In 1970, I made a local time machine (LTM).
What can I say. Possible to send the object to the past. But it will be his own past, not the past of the world in which the object exists. In addition, a negative rate of time the object is destroyed.
I here it is difficult to write in English because I do not live in England and Google translator terrible and just all confused. If you are interested, then I can put links to my work (in Russian).
For example - http://chektor.blogspot.ru/ There is a text in English.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 03/04/15 12:37 PM

I chance passing by and see my well-known theme.
In 1970, I made a local time machine (LTM).
What can I say. Possible to send the object to the past. But it will be his own past, not the past of the world in which the object exists. In addition, a negative rate of time the object is destroyed.
I here it is difficult to write in English because I do not live in England and Google translator terrible and just all confused. If you are interested, then I can put links to my work (in Russian).
For example - http://chektor.blogspot.ru/ There is a text in English.

looks like the same thing they were saying in "interstellar"... nice movie, but i don't buy the time distortion fields...

underman1965's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:01 PM
What? No tome in space? Time and space are intertwined and inseparable. Time exists everywhere.
The faster you go, the slower time goes for you. If you were in a spaceship going near the speed of light, time would pass for you very slowly. You would not feel it. One second to you will tick off as one second.
Someone observing you would see one second on your clock ticking by extremely slowly. Time will have passed outside your spaceship very fast compared to time inside the ship.
You will have hardly aged compared to the people you knew on earth.
Time is relative to the motion of the individual.

underman1965's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:11 PM
Time travel to the past is not possible. Time and space are intrinsically intertwined, referred to as space-time. You can't have one without the other. You can't have negative length, same is true for time. You can't have negative time.
If you walk 10 Km in one direction, then turn back and walk back to your starting point, you will have walked 20 Km, not zero.
Time is also measured in the positive direction.
The speed of light is the universal speed limit. Nothing with mass can achieve the speed if light. Light had no mass. Nor does electro-magnetic waves, they travel at the speed of light. Time halts at the speed of light. It is not possible to go faster than the speed of light, so time travel to the past is also impossible.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:14 PM

What? No tome in space? Time and space are intertwined and inseparable. Time exists everywhere.
The faster you go, the slower time goes for you. If you were in a spaceship going near the speed of light, time would pass for you very slowly. You would not feel it. One second to you will tick off as one second.
Someone observing you would see one second on your clock ticking by extremely slowly. Time will have passed outside your spaceship very fast compared to time inside the ship.
You will have hardly aged compared to the people you knew on earth.
Time is relative to the motion of the individual.

yea, i've heard that a million times, but what i haven't heard is what time is for speed to affect it that way...

underman1965's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:15 PM
Your mass remains the same regardless of your location. Your weight will change depending on your location.
You will weigh less on the moon than on the Earth. You mass doesn't change however.

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:29 PM

Your mass remains the same regardless of your location. Your weight will change depending on your location.
You will weigh less on the moon than on the Earth. You mass doesn't change however.

True in some regard but mass is not a constant. It is relative to your velocity. As you approach the speed of light your mass becomes infinite. The acceleration of protons at CERN to gain mass is what creates the soup of particles at collision.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:41 PM
is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

metalwing's photo
Mon 03/09/15 08:54 PM

is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

You just didn't understand the explanation on time dilation.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/09/15 09:22 PM

is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

You just didn't understand the explanation on time dilation.

i understand that just fine, i just don't understand what time actually is to cause it...

to me, time is nothing more than a unit of measurement that seems to be able to change it's perimeters... none of the other units of measurement can do that

metalwing's photo
Wed 03/11/15 04:50 PM

is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

You just didn't understand the explanation on time dilation.

i understand that just fine, i just don't understand what time actually is to cause it...

to me, time is nothing more than a unit of measurement that seems to be able to change it's perimeters... none of the other units of measurement can do that

Then accept that Einstein was on to something when he defined space and time as part of the same thing ... space/time. The General Relativity math works. It has been verified by experiment and many products like GPS are based on the concept. The concepts have displaced Neutonion physics where a conflict arose.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 03/11/15 05:01 PM

is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

You just didn't understand the explanation on time dilation.

i understand that just fine, i just don't understand what time actually is to cause it...

to me, time is nothing more than a unit of measurement that seems to be able to change it's perimeters... none of the other units of measurement can do that

Then accept that Einstein was on to something when he defined space and time as part of the same thing ... space/time. The General Relativity math works. It has been verified by experiment and many products like GPS are based on the concept. The concepts have displaced Neutonion physics where a conflict arose.

no, i can't see time as a physical "substance" like he uses it as...
in order for something to be effected by something else, there has to be a physical property for both...

bashajones's photo
Wed 03/11/15 05:26 PM
*see my "headlight" answer.....:tongue:

mightymoe's photo
Wed 03/11/15 05:33 PM

*see my "headlight" answer.....:tongue:

i always see womens headlights...

bashajones's photo
Wed 03/11/15 05:36 PM

*see my "headlight" answer.....:tongue:

i always see womens headlights...


no photo
Sat 03/14/15 10:12 PM
I'm always wanting to adjust headlights. shades

metalwing's photo
Sat 03/14/15 11:31 PM

is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

You just didn't understand the explanation on time dilation.

i understand that just fine, i just don't understand what time actually is to cause it...

to me, time is nothing more than a unit of measurement that seems to be able to change it's perimeters... none of the other units of measurement can do that

Then accept that Einstein was on to something when he defined space and time as part of the same thing ... space/time. The General Relativity math works. It has been verified by experiment and many products like GPS are based on the concept. The concepts have displaced Neutonion physics where a conflict arose.

no, i can't see time as a physical "substance" like he uses it as...
in order for something to be effected by something else, there has to be a physical property for both...

If you are looking for a few paragraph answer to the question "What is Space-Time?" Dr. Sten Odenwald offers one in The Astronomy Cafe:

"In 1906, soon after Albert Einstein announced his special theory of relativity, his former college teacher in mathematics, Hermann Minkowski, developed a new scheme for thinking about space and time that emphasized its geometric qualities. In his famous quotation delivered at a public lecture on relativity, he announced that,

'The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.'

This new reality was that space and time, as physical constructs, have to be combined into a new mathematical/physical entity called 'space-time', because the equations of relativity show that both the space and time coordinates of any event must get mixed together by the mathematics, in order to accurately describe what we see. Because space consists of 3 dimensions, and time is 1-dimensional, space-time must, therefore, be a 4-dimensional object. It is believed to be a 'continuum' because so far as we know, there are no missing points in space or instants in time, and both can be subdivided without any apparent limit in size or duration. So, physicists now routinely consider our world to be embedded in this 4-dimensional Space-Time continuum, and all events, places, moments in history, actions and so on are described in terms of their location in Space-Time.

Space-time does not evolve, it simply exists. When we examine a particular object from the stand point of its space-time representation, every particle is located along its world-line. This is a spaghetti-like line that stretches from the past to the future showing the spatial location of the particle at every instant in time. This world-line exists as a complete object which may be sliced here and there so that you can see where the particle is located in space at a particular instant. Once you determine the complete world line of a particle from the forces acting upon it, you have 'solved' for its complete history. This world-line does not change with time, but simply exists as a timeless object. Similarly, in general relativity, when you solve equations for the shape of space-time, this shape does not change in time, but exists as a complete timeless object. You can slice it here and there to examine what the geometry of space looks like at a particular instant. Examining consecutive slices in time will let you see whether, for example, the universe is expanding or not."

This is the relatively simple, widely accepted, description of SpaceTime. Our links will give you a solid understanding of the SpaceTime theories that most scientists believe are correct. But this definition of SpaceTime only scratches the surface of the incredibly fascinating Alice in Wonderland like world of Physics.

If you want to dig deeper and step through the looking glass you will find that a comprehensive understanding of "Why the universe appears to have one time and three space dimensions?" remains one of the great scientific mysteries of the universe. An article by physicist George Musser in the June 2010 Scientific American Magazine ["Twistor Theory Reignites the Latest Superstring Revolution"], reminded us that: "In the late 1960s the renowned University of Oxford physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose came up with a radically new way to develop a unified theory of physics. Instead of seeking to explain how particles move and interact within space and time, he proposed that space and time themselves are secondary constructs that emerge out of a deeper level of reality. ..." Andrew Hodges of Oxford says that "This idea of points of spacetime as being primary objects is artificial."


mightymoe's photo
Sat 03/14/15 11:47 PM

is changing the subject a way of saying nobody knows?

You just didn't understand the explanation on time dilation.

i understand that just fine, i just don't understand what time actually is to cause it...

to me, time is nothing more than a unit of measurement that seems to be able to change it's perimeters... none of the other units of measurement can do that

Then accept that Einstein was on to something when he defined space and time as part of the same thing ... space/time. The General Relativity math works. It has been verified by experiment and many products like GPS are based on the concept. The concepts have displaced Neutonion physics where a conflict arose.

no, i can't see time as a physical "substance" like he uses it as...
in order for something to be effected by something else, there has to be a physical property for both...

If you are looking for a few paragraph answer to the question "What is Space-Time?" Dr. Sten Odenwald offers one in The Astronomy Cafe:

"In 1906, soon after Albert Einstein announced his special theory of relativity, his former college teacher in mathematics, Hermann Minkowski, developed a new scheme for thinking about space and time that emphasized its geometric qualities. In his famous quotation delivered at a public lecture on relativity, he announced that,

'The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.'

This new reality was that space and time, as physical constructs, have to be combined into a new mathematical/physical entity called 'space-time', because the equations of relativity show that both the space and time coordinates of any event must get mixed together by the mathematics, in order to accurately describe what we see. Because space consists of 3 dimensions, and time is 1-dimensional, space-time must, therefore, be a 4-dimensional object. It is believed to be a 'continuum' because so far as we know, there are no missing points in space or instants in time, and both can be subdivided without any apparent limit in size or duration. So, physicists now routinely consider our world to be embedded in this 4-dimensional Space-Time continuum, and all events, places, moments in history, actions and so on are described in terms of their location in Space-Time.

Space-time does not evolve, it simply exists. When we examine a particular object from the stand point of its space-time representation, every particle is located along its world-line. This is a spaghetti-like line that stretches from the past to the future showing the spatial location of the particle at every instant in time. This world-line exists as a complete object which may be sliced here and there so that you can see where the particle is located in space at a particular instant. Once you determine the complete world line of a particle from the forces acting upon it, you have 'solved' for its complete history. This world-line does not change with time, but simply exists as a timeless object. Similarly, in general relativity, when you solve equations for the shape of space-time, this shape does not change in time, but exists as a complete timeless object. You can slice it here and there to examine what the geometry of space looks like at a particular instant. Examining consecutive slices in time will let you see whether, for example, the universe is expanding or not."

This is the relatively simple, widely accepted, description of SpaceTime. Our links will give you a solid understanding of the SpaceTime theories that most scientists believe are correct. But this definition of SpaceTime only scratches the surface of the incredibly fascinating Alice in Wonderland like world of Physics.

If you want to dig deeper and step through the looking glass you will find that a comprehensive understanding of "Why the universe appears to have one time and three space dimensions?" remains one of the great scientific mysteries of the universe. An article by physicist George Musser in the June 2010 Scientific American Magazine ["Twistor Theory Reignites the Latest Superstring Revolution"], reminded us that: "In the late 1960s the renowned University of Oxford physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose came up with a radically new way to develop a unified theory of physics. Instead of seeking to explain how particles move and interact within space and time, he proposed that space and time themselves are secondary constructs that emerge out of a deeper level of reality. ..." Andrew Hodges of Oxford says that "This idea of points of spacetime as being primary objects is artificial."


everything carries it's own time...what

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