Topic: Is time travel possible?
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Mon 03/16/15 11:38 AM

I'm certain the Jewish Community will appreciate this answer...

Sell enough Clocks, and travel where You want! :banana:

Anti Semite... Quit hitting on the Jews... lol, just kidding...

I thought the Swiss were more into clocks then the Jews...

Did You know that Arabs are Semitic peoples, too?

(Not that I'm Arab... Just a little Polish-Jew thrown into the mix, though) winking

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 11:44 AM

I'm certain the Jewish Community will appreciate this answer...

Sell enough Clocks, and travel where You want! :banana:

Anti Semite... Quit hitting on the Jews... lol, just kidding...

I thought the Swiss were more into clocks then the Jews...

Did You know that Arabs are Semitic peoples, too?

(Not that I'm Arab... Just a little Polish-Jew thrown into the mix, though) winking

so arabs hate themselves too?

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 11:57 AM
:laughing: No, no, no...

Again, the Media likes to use inflammatory words without thinking.

Just to let You know... The 'word' Semitic is also pronounced Shemetic and is from the lineage of Shem, who was one of Noah's three sons that got off the Ark after the Great Flood.

Both, Arabs and Hebrews are Shemetic peoples.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 12:02 PM

:laughing: No, no, no...

Again, the Media likes to use inflammatory words without thinking.

Just to let You know... The 'word' Semitic is also pronounced Shemetic and is from the lineage of Shem, who was one of Noah's three sons that got off the Ark after the Great Flood.

Both, Arabs and Hebrews are Shemetic peoples.

personally, i always thought they were from the same tribes, like a sibling rivalry...

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 12:14 PM
Well, the same 'tribes' ended when Abraham dismissed Hager and her son Ishmael to Beersheba.

Ishmael begot Arabs, and Isaac begot Jacob and the Israelites.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 12:17 PM

Well, the same 'tribes' ended when Abraham dismissed Hager and her son Ishmael to Beersheba.

Ishmael begot Arabs, and Isaac begot Jacob and the Israelites.

i guess thats when the battles started, huh...

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 12:27 PM
According to the Bible, Ishmael was about 10 years older than Isaac.

Isaac was about 4 years old and his older half-brother Ishmael was about 14 years old.

It was time for Isaac to be weaned (No More Boob Food) and the little guy was having a rough-time, as all toddlers do.

Ishmael made fun of Isaac, and Isaac's mother, Sarah, was furious with Ishmael and his mother Hagar.

Abraham, had Hagar and Ishmael dismissed from where they were.

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 01:19 PM
Nothing in either Newtonian Physics, Einsteinian Relativity, or Quantum Mechanics, forbids time it is probably possible...but difficult. Dis-believers say that we never experience time going backwards. Believers say that time going backwards is what DeJavu is all about, so we do experience it. The alleged 'Arrow Of Time' may be just a line that physicists came up with so they could dismiss the idea of time travel, and not drive themselves crazy trying to solve the paradoxes it would create. In some theories, the paradoxes take care of themselves. If you go back in time, you may enter a parallel universe / world with alternate yous, etc. So, if you kill your grandpa in that World B, and return to your World A, your gramps in World A is still no paradox there.

This is the sort of thing we may never learn much about...or maybe we already have, and this world is one created by a time traveler. Perhaps-originally-HItler won WW2, and took over the world, so a physicist from that world's post war era went back in time, arranged for Hitler to lose WW2, and gave us this world as a result. How would we know? It makes for interesting thoughts, and discussions, but it is unlikely that anyone other than a major government would ever have the money to start really investigating it.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 01:27 PM

Nothing in either Newtonian Physics, Einsteinian Relativity, or Quantum Mechanics, forbids time it is probably possible...but difficult. Dis-believers say that we never experience time going backwards. Believers say that time going backwards is what DeJavu is all about, so we do experience it. The alleged 'Arrow Of Time' may be just a line that physicists came up with so they could dismiss the idea of time travel, and not drive themselves crazy trying to solve the paradoxes it would create. In some theories, the paradoxes take care of themselves. If you go back in time, you may enter a parallel universe / world with alternate yous, etc. So, if you kill your grandpa in that World B, and return to your World A, your gramps in World A is still no paradox there.

This is the sort of thing we may never learn much about...or maybe we already have, and this world is one created by a time traveler. Perhaps-originally-HItler won WW2, and took over the world, so a physicist from that world's post war era went back in time, arranged for Hitler to lose WW2, and gave us this world as a result. How would we know? It makes for interesting thoughts, and discussions, but it is unlikely that anyone other than a major government would ever have the money to start really investigating it.

first off, i don't think it can happen, but if someone can, hypothetically...

do you watch 12 monkeys? I like the show, but the idea of changing the present by changing the past i can't get into

i look at it like this: if i went back and killed hitler when he was a child, and ww2 never happened, it would not change our reality, but start a new one, a parallel world for that new time frame... once a reality is set, it can't be changed, but changing anything in the past would create a new timeline...

creativesoul's photo
Mon 03/16/15 07:29 PM

We perceive the passage of time. We perceive the sun and moon. We can perceive change as it takes place. It simply doesn't follow that any of those things is equal to perception.

... then what is it? your telling what it's not, but not telling what it is, lol...

Well Moe, there are some things that require us to figure out what they are not, in order to help us figure out what they are. Another common way to figure out what some thing is, is by our looking at how we use the word(the name of the thing). In fact, all completely manmade things(concepts that are existentially dependent upon humans) can be identified in this way. So, if time is manmade then all we need to do to figure out what time is, is look at how we ordinarily use the term "time".

It seems to me that the most general description of time is the space between events.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 07:33 PM

We perceive the passage of time. We perceive the sun and moon. We can perceive change as it takes place. It simply doesn't follow that any of those things is equal to perception.

... then what is it? your telling what it's not, but not telling what it is, lol...

Well Moe, there are some things that require us to figure out what they are not, in order to help us figure out what they are. Another common way to figure out what some thing is, is by our looking at how we use the word(the name of the thing). In fact, all completely manmade things(concepts that are existentially dependent upon humans) can be identified in this way. So, if time is manmade then all we need to do to figure out what time is, is look at how we ordinarily use the term "time".

It seems to me that the most general description of time is the space between events.

interval, not space... space would be distance or volume...

i look at how we use the word, in all aspects, and that's what tells me there is no such thing as time...

it's just a word we devised to know when to not be late

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 08:09 PM

Holy Mother Of God!:laughing:

Look You Guys...!

Conrad_73 has been praying to the Virgin Mary since page one...

That's like a couple of hundred Rosarys ago.


I'm going to help Conrad along here:

*************** Hail Mary **************

************* Full of grace ***************

*********** The Lord is with You ************

*** Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus ***

******** Holy Mary, Mother of God *************

Pray for Conrad, now and in the hour of his death

********************* Amen *********************

(This Is Also Good For A Blind Long-Bomb Pass In Football)

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 08:16 PM

Holy Mother Of God!:laughing:

Look You Guys...!

Conrad_73 has been praying to the Virgin Mary since page one...

That's like a couple of hundred Rosarys ago.


I'm going to help Conrad along here:

*************** Hail Mary **************

************* Full of grace ***************

*********** The Lord is with You ************

*** Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus ***

******** Holy Mary, Mother of God *************

Pray for Conrad, now and in the hour of his death

********************* Amen *********************

(This Is Also Good For A Blind Long-Bomb Pass In Football)

they have long passes in Canada?

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 08:18 PM
Only three downs in Football, in Canada.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 08:25 PM

Only three downs in Football, in Canada.

oh, like the JV squad from here...

no photo
Mon 03/16/15 08:32 PM
slaphead Good Night, Moe...

Messy Tim will have his ban lifted tomorrow, then we'll see what wisdom will come from The Land Of The Stawrong !

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 08:42 PM

slaphead Good Night, Moe...

Messy Tim will have his ban lifted tomorrow, then we'll see what wisdom will come from The Land Of The Stawrong !

messi was banned?

creativesoul's photo
Mon 03/16/15 09:31 PM

It seems to me that the most general description of time is the space between events.

interval, not space... space would be distance or volume...

i look at how we use the word, in all aspects, and that's what tells me there is no such thing as time...

it's just a word we devised to know when to not be late

Distance is the measurement of the space between two points. Similarly volume is the measurement of the space in a given area. Time is the space between events, and your belief isn't required in order for that to be true. We measure time. Time is not the measurement itself, like with your examples. The difference is nuanced but crucial for understanding.

No offense intended moe, but you're not making a whole lot of sense here. If there is no such thing as time, then what sense does it make for you to say that it is an interval. An interval is a section of time. Furthermore, intervals exist regardless of whether of not we've invented a word for them "intervals". The same is true of time.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 03/16/15 09:40 PM

It seems to me that the most general description of time is the space between events.

interval, not space... space would be distance or volume...

i look at how we use the word, in all aspects, and that's what tells me there is no such thing as time...

it's just a word we devised to know when to not be late

Distance is the measurement of the space between two points. Similarly volume is the measurement of the space in a given area. Time is the space between events, and your belief isn't required in order for that to be true. We measure time. Time is not the measurement itself, like with your examples. The difference is nuanced but crucial for understanding.

No offense intended moe, but you're not making a whole lot of sense here. If there is no such thing as time, then what sense does it make for you to say that it is an interval. An interval is a section of time. Furthermore, intervals exist regardless of whether of not we've invented a word for them "intervals". The same is true of time.

oh well, i'f i'm not making any sense, there's not point in continuing...

have a good "time"

metalwing's photo
Tue 03/17/15 04:10 AM
General Relativity is not an easy concept. Combined with the fact that space/time exists independent of time and space outside of space/time, you get an accurate solution to cosmic events but a counter intuitive explanation of the expanding universe. The common view is that space/time is a bubble of existence that began at the big bang. As the bubble expands everything inside the bubble moves apart with the speed of expansion plus whatever is happening locally. This combination of speed and distance allows for objects to travel much faster than the speed of light while being held to the speed limit of light in local space/time.

A similar event occurs at the event horizon of a black hole. General Relativity allows for space/time to be distorted (sucked into) a black hole's gravity well at speeds in excess of the speed of light. So if a particle of light (photon) is traveling out from the black hole but space/time is falling into the black hole at or above the speed of light, the photon can never escape making the hole black. The event horizon is the point of distance from the gravity source where space/time distortion equals the speed of light. Light, being a massless particle is not directly affected by the pull of gravity, only the distortion of space/time.