Topic: US Muslim Shootings
no photo
Thu 02/12/15 12:15 AM
Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!

karmafury's photo
Thu 02/12/15 12:50 AM
Saw that on the news. The accused is also an atheist who has stated that religions in general cause a lot of the problems in the world. Seems there was also a long standing dispute about parking. Better to wait for investigation to be over.

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 01:09 AM
you're right karmafury!

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/12/15 05:33 AM
One does not shoot 3 people in the back of the head simply because of a parking dispute.
If this isn't a hate crime, then I don't know what is.

no photo
Thu 02/12/15 05:50 AM
Definitely Dodo, look at this: The mainstream Medea and uncle Sam will always try to hide the truth from the people.
"The police SAID that the shooting appeared to have been #motivated by “an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking,” #but that they were investigating whether religious hatred had contributed to the killings.
So how do you make that statement or speculate before establishing the facts? In the end, note this that in the end, it will turn out to be a "neighbor dispute over parking." possible LIE!

Lpdon's photo
Fri 02/13/15 09:43 AM

Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!

It's not just the Cult of Islam that he hated he hated all religions.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 02/13/15 09:45 AM

One does not shoot 3 people in the back of the head simply because of a parking dispute.
If this isn't a hate crime, then I don't know what is.

It might not be. They guy could be a Psychopath who gets off on the kill no who he kills.

Let the Doctors and the courts determine what went on before we all jump to conclusions.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/13/15 09:48 AM
while everything points towards a hate crime, i think karma is right, "just wait and see"... sad that he killed those two sisters, tho...

2469nascar's photo
Fri 02/13/15 10:07 AM

Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!
I find all your commits interesting. always bashing the US. when you live in a country that has been nothging short of a war torn with unjust killings on a daly bases.Funny how you never say any thing about how you can be killed for just the way you look.Maybe you should work on your own country befor you go bashing every bodys country but your own.THINK ABOUT IT...JMHO

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/13/15 10:55 AM

Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!
I find all your commits interesting. always bashing the US. when you live in a country that has been nothging short of a war torn with unjust killings on a daly bases.Funny how you never say any thing about how you can be killed for just the way you look.Maybe you should work on your own country befor you go bashing every bodys country but your own.THINK ABOUT IT...JMHO

muslims hate everything thats not muslim...grumble

GodsOutlaw1964's photo
Fri 02/13/15 11:02 AM
It's ironic that he targeted just Muslims.

2469nascar's photo
Fri 02/13/15 11:03 AM

Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!
I find all your commits interesting. always bashing the US. when you live in a country that has been nothging short of a war torn with unjust killings on a daly bases.Funny how you never say any thing about how you can be killed for just the way you look.Maybe you should work on your own country befor you go bashing every bodys country but your own.THINK ABOUT IT...JMHO

muslims hate everything thats not muslim...grumble
seems that way. just wish PPL would clean there own house before telling my how dirty mine is,,THANKS MOE.

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/13/15 11:11 AM

Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!

Who are you to diagnose someone with a mental disorder? A phobia is an irrational fear. Do you know for a fact that the shooter fears Muslims? Do you know the shooter? Were you there?

mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/13/15 11:12 AM

Just call a spade a spade! The guy killed the students based on Islamophobia but the mainstream media want to conceal the truth.
they say you can't tell buy looking but that guy (killer) looks like a f_____ hatter!
I find all your commits interesting. always bashing the US. when you live in a country that has been nothging short of a war torn with unjust killings on a daly bases.Funny how you never say any thing about how you can be killed for just the way you look.Maybe you should work on your own country befor you go bashing every bodys country but your own.THINK ABOUT IT...JMHO

muslims hate everything thats not muslim...grumble
seems that way. just wish PPL would clean there own house before telling my how dirty mine is,,THANKS MOE.

i didn't see him posting anything about when the muslims were chopping peoples heads off, but the moment it happens to some muslims, he comes crawling out of the woodwork...whoa