Topic: How does one approach a pretty girl?
nsw78's photo
Wed 09/02/15 06:31 AM

Well I'm hopeless lol, never approached a girl in my life.

Here in-lies the problem. First you need to get over the fact that you think you're hopeless. Once you realize you're not hopeless, it'll be a lot easier to approach a woman. Simply walk up to her and say hi. Tell her that you saw her sitting alone and would she mind some company. If she says she doesn't mind, sit and offer to buy her a drink if you're in a bar. If you're in a coffee house, offer to buy her coffee.

nsw78's photo
Wed 09/02/15 06:33 AM

You all make it sound so easy

It's a lot easier than you think. Like I said, you have to get over the fact that you THINK you're hopeless. That's where it starts. If you think that way, it'll be hard. Know it's not true and before you know it, you'll be talking to girls (and guys) as naturally as breathing.

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 09/02/15 06:43 AM
Well, you gotta plan your homework...find out where she works and lives...get to know her schedule...then you need the right equipment

1. night vision goggles
2. tranquilzer
3. rope
4. duct tape
5. black hood
6. cage in basement

Now find a good hiding place, around the time you know she will be walking,by alone and no one else will be around......


drake521's photo
Thu 09/03/15 02:16 PM
I think the answer is that you shouldn't approach anyone at all. If there is something about you that she is attracted to, she will approach you and then your problems are just starting.

Now if she is smarter than you at something, say she is the teacher type, then you might ask her a question about the subject she is good at, as long as it interests you. But I would not ask her out for a good lengthy time. Let things slide and don't push anything. If she wants you, she needs time to think about it.

livingsingle15's photo
Thu 09/03/15 02:38 PM
I know the feeling, use to be shy and still a little bit. But here is how I get over it to approach a women I find interesting. So I'm at the local watering hole on bike night, lots of regulars are there, but one woman stands out because she is still in a dress and heals, so you can tell she just came from work and didn't change into the normal biker clothes everybody else was wearing. I first saw her inside the bar, but I took my beer and when out to the patio and found a seat kind of away from the others. Then I see her come out and sit just a few seats over from me. We make eye contact, then she keeps playing with her phone. We make eye contact a couple more times, then she asks me if I knew the band that was about to play. My response to her was, "funny, I was about to ask you the same thing". That breaks the ice, then I ask her, "New phone?" and she responds "Yes, how did you know" I mentioned that I saw her having issues texting and such, and showed her how to swype instead. But the point is observe what she is doing, pay attention to details and use that in your conversation.

The conversation went well, then she thought she got stood up on a first date, but then the guy showed up late and c-blocked me (another thread on here). But just that help me get over my shyness when it comes to striking up a conversation.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 09/03/15 03:30 PM
Edited by Goofball73 on Thu 09/03/15 03:30 PM

Is saying Hi I think you're cute, would you want to get coffee sometime all that's needed?

Nah! Sometimes ya gotta be more whipping out your tally whacker and hitting her on the forehead. That'll get her attention.

Notalawyer's photo
Thu 09/03/15 08:32 PM
Walking up and saying Hi has always worked for me. Your mileage may vary.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/03/15 09:32 PM
If the only thing you can notice about a female is her looks you are doomed. Very few women are vain enough to be flattered by someone that can only compliment them on things they have no control over.

TerrapinMike's photo
Thu 09/03/15 10:33 PM

If the only thing you can notice about a female is her looks you are doomed. Very few women are vain enough to be flattered by someone that can only compliment them on things they have no control over.

Well obviously Im looking for more than just looks. But if I don't know her that's what grabs my attention first. Just a compliment to go from there

NorCalSwe's photo
Thu 09/03/15 10:35 PM
From behind and down wind. :smile:

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/03/15 10:37 PM

If the only thing you can notice about a female is her looks you are doomed. Very few women are vain enough to be flattered by someone that can only compliment them on things they have no control over.

Well obviously Im looking for more than just looks. But if I don't know her that's what grabs my attention first. Just a compliment to go from there

Which clearly shows you are grabbed by something that does not flatter many women. And to obsessed by your hormones to notice anything else; again not flattering..

no photo
Fri 09/04/15 12:09 AM
As certified eye candy, I have the proper credentials and I'm the best qualified to answer your question. The others are just whistling in the wind. Listen to the authority on this matter. Go right ahead and compliment us on our beauty. We like hearing that we are smart and sweet, too, but we especially like to hear how gorgeous we are. We know that even in today's day and age, women are still highly valued for their beauty and men consider beauty as the top appealing quality in a woman. Biological and evolutionary forces compel a man to seek a healthy mate to bear children, etc. and intelligence factors in but still not as highly as beauty. National and international beauty pageants also attest to the fact that a woman's beauty is highly valued. I love being told how breathtakingly beautiful I am. I can never hear that enough and I never get tired of it. smokin So go right ahead and compliment a pretty girl on her beauty first and foremost. She will be very flattered.

If you compliment me on my intelligence or personality, I will be flattered but it won't score a man any points. Intelligence should be a given and personality is overrated. If you compliment me on my beauty, I will be overjoyed. Beauty is considered rare in a person and it makes me feel special. Of course, pretty is as pretty does so personality is important, too. But here's a newsflash. Personality does not get a woman free drinks. Beauty all the way.

All the insecure, unattractive people are going to BS you about intelligence and personality. Those and important, too, but those people are not really qualified to answer your question on pretty girls and you know that jealousy is motivating their answers. The first thing that insecure, unattractive people predictably do is bash the beautiful people as being shallow or ugly on the inside to make themselves feel better or ease the sting of constant rejection. Don't listen to them. It's so transparent what they're doing. *major eye roll*

TerrapinMike's photo
Fri 09/04/15 02:23 AM
Haha I feel like this got off topic. I wasn't only interested because she was pretty. Sure it was a factor. But she had similar hobbies and was sweet and kind. But alas wasn't meant to be

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 09/09/15 07:28 AM

You all make it sound so easy

it is easy op ... just don't have your expectations so high ... then no matter what she says ... and or move on ... and tell your self no biggie she must have been not right for me ... but if she says yes ...
date with no expectations and even let her pick what she would like to do... then go with it ...

Arynnb's photo
Wed 09/09/15 09:07 AM
Edited by Arynnb on Wed 09/09/15 09:07 AM

Arynnb's photo
Wed 09/09/15 09:08 AM
Edited by Arynnb on Wed 09/09/15 09:08 AM

I have a 19 year old girl I'll send u her Skype are u brave enough to Skype her?

Ill take my chance Sir

no photo
Fri 09/11/15 09:02 PM
How do you approach a girl? If you see her in person, just say "hi" and compliment her on something you like about her and be sincere about it and take it from there. Easy as 1,2,3. :blush:

no photo
Sat 09/12/15 01:09 AM
Approach female
sniff butt
present your butt
if she smells it your in!

Angeleyessees's photo
Sat 09/12/15 02:04 AM

Well, you gotta plan your homework...find out where she works and lives...get to know her schedule...then you need the right equipment

1. night vision goggles
2. tranquilzer
3. rope
4. duct tape
5. black hood
6. cage in basement

Now find a good hiding place, around the time you know she will be walking,by alone and no one else will be around......

I lolled hard at this, thank you !

no photo
Sun 09/13/15 07:06 AM

You all make it sound so easy

It is easier for some and harder for others. Part of it has to with how much of an Introvert or Extrovert you are. It is just easier for some people to go up and talk to an attractive person. For some, like me for example, if I find someone attractive, that literally slams the breaks on my being able to comfortably approach & talk to them. I often have had to force myself to talk to someone, but I have done well enough that even people who are well-acquainted with me have a hard time believing that I am actually very shy.