Topic: Speaker Boehner Stepping Down As Speaker and Resigning From
Lpdon's photo
Fri 09/25/15 10:52 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Fri 09/25/15 11:47 AM
House Speaker John Boehner told lawmakers Friday that he plans to resign at the end of October, in a stunning development that comes amid mounting friction with the conservative wing of the party -- and one day after Boehner hosted a historic speech by Pope Francis to Congress.

"The spirit moved him," one source said of the session with Pope Francis.

The announcement shocked colleagues, and Fox News is told Boehner only arrived at the decision Thursday. He told only his wife and Chief of Staff Mike Sommers Thursday night.

He plans to step down as speaker, and resign from Congress. Boehner will hold a press conference at 1 p.m. ET.

"The first job of any Speaker is to protect this institution that we all love," Boehner said in a statement. "It is my view, however, that prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable damage to the institution."

The 13-term Ohio Republican shocked his GOP caucus early Friday morning when he informed them of his decision in a closed-door session. One lawmaker told Fox News he was "stunned," and that there was "some anger" in the room "against the people who caused this to happen."

The announcement came one day after the high point of Boehner's congressional career, a historic speech by the pope at Boehner's request. To the backdrop of that day's pageantry, though, Boehner was facing an internal battle in the House GOP caucus over Planned Parenthood funding and threats by some in the conservative wing to challenge his speakership.

Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., said Boehner "just does not want to become the issue. Some people have tried to make him the issue both in Congress and outside."

Conservatives have demanded that any legislation to keep the government operating past Wednesday's midnight deadline strip Planned Parenthood of his funds, a move rejected by more moderate lawmakers.

Boehner took over the speakership in January 2011. The decision to step down was closely held; Fox News is told House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was only informed of Boehner's decision "one minute" before Boehner told the GOP conference.

McCarthy said in a statement Friday: "He will be missed because there is simply no one else like him. Now is the time for our conference to focus on healing and unifying to face the challenges ahead and always do what is best for the American people."

The decision took most leaders by surprise, including President Obama. He said at a press conference he called Boehner earlier Friday, adding "John Boehner's a good man. He is a patriot." Even though they often disagreed, Obama said, he conducted himself with "courtesy and civility."

A Boehner aide noted the speaker's original plan was to serve "only through the end of last year," yet former House GOP leader Eric Cantor's primary loss last year "changed that calculation." But the aide seemed to make clear reference to the internal turmoil.

"Speaker Boehner believes that the first job of any Speaker is to protect this institution and, as we saw yesterday with the Holy Father, it is the one thing that unites and inspires us all," the aide said. "... The Speaker believes putting members through prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable damage to the institution."

The aide added: "He is proud of what this majority has accomplished, and his Speakership, but for the good of the Republican Conference and the institution, he will resign the Speakership and his seat in Congress, effective October 30."

The House will need to hold an election to select a new speaker. The last speaker to resign in the middle of a Congress was Jim Wright, D-Texas, amid an ethics scandal in 1989.

Boehner's decision removes the possibility of a damaging vote to strip him of his speakership, a scenario that grew more likely amid the conservative clamor over a shutdown.

While the news Friday roiled Boehner allies, some conservatives welcomed his announcement.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas said "it's time for new leadership," and Rep. Tom Massie of Kentucky said the speaker "subverted our Republic."

But more mainstream Republicans said it would be a pyrrhic victory for Tea Party-aligned lawmakers.

"The honor of John Boehner this morning stands in stark contrast to the idiocy of those members who seek to continually divide us," said Rep. David Jolly of Florida.

Boehner was first elected to the House in 1990 and soon established a strongly conservative record. He was part of former Speaker Newt Gingrich's leadership team when Republicans took over the House in 1995 for the first time in four decades but was ousted from his leadership role in the wake of the GOP's disappointing performance in the 1998 midterms.

He won a 2006 race to succeed Tom DeLay as the House's No. 2 Republican when DeLay stepped aside as majority leader. He took over as the top Republican in the House in 2007 after Democrats retook the chamber.

As speaker, his tenure has been defined by his early struggles to reach budget agreements with President Obama and his wrestling with the expectations of Tea Party conservatives who demanded a more confrontational approach.

In 2013, conservatives drove him to reluctantly embrace a partial government shutdown in hopes of delaying implementation of the new health care law.

msharmony's photo
Fri 09/25/15 11:40 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 09/25/15 11:40 AM
They had it on at work ,, he looks truly pained,(even more than normal),, I actually empathize with him,,,,

no photo
Fri 09/25/15 01:20 PM
Too bad that he didn't listen to his constituents. Maybe his successor will.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 09/25/15 01:24 PM

Too bad that he didn't listen to his constituents. Maybe his successor will.

His constituents are the people who elected him to Congress, and they liked him enough to reelect him in 2014.

no photo
Fri 09/25/15 01:42 PM

Too bad that he didn't listen to his constituents. Maybe his successor will.

His constituents are the people who elected him to Congress, and they liked him enough to reelect him in 2014.

You can fool some of the people some of the time.....

InvictusV's photo
Fri 09/25/15 02:05 PM
What took him so long?

mightymoe's photo
Fri 09/25/15 02:27 PM
to bad it wasn't that idiot kerry...he needs to go

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 09/25/15 07:00 PM

Too bad that he didn't listen to his constituents. Maybe his successor will.

His constituents are the people who elected him to Congress, and they liked him enough to reelect him in 2014.

You can fool some of the people some of the time.....

Can't gon fool me again. :banana:

mikeybgood1's photo
Sat 09/26/15 06:10 AM
Can't say I'm disappointed. I always found him to look a little overwhelmed by the job, and at times just looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Many thought of him as a RINO (Republican In Name Only), and don't think he did enough to get the GOP position across to the public, or forced enough bills up to the White House for veto, and illustrate how Obama was thwarting the will of the people through their elected representatives.

There have been too many people calling for his ouster for too long, and it finally caught up with him. Will be interesting now to see who gets gig and how truly conservative he or she will be.

no photo
Sat 09/26/15 08:54 AM
Boehner made a lot of false promises to get reelected.

So I was really hoping for more of a show.

Like Boehner comes out and confesses all of his sins which implicate Nancy Pelosi and forces her to resign too.
Then they both have to flee from prosecution to Argentina where they raise goats together.
Living on 50 pesos a day.
They then recreate congress with goats wearing name tags and suits and start a Telemundo program about it called "Two horrible and crazy people herding goatvernment.

I wonder how long until he starts a "k street" job.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 09/27/15 03:10 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 09/27/15 03:11 AM

The fact that there's even a debate among Republicans about replacing their House Speaker, John Boehner, shows just how deeply conflicted and troubled this party is.

Let's review the facts. Speaker John Boehner, after two years of promising to never raise taxes, to cut spending every week and to never implement Obamacare, completely reverses himself after the election. He declares that Obamacare is now the law of the land, that Republicans must get used to spending as we know it, and that tax increases are inevitable.>>>>>>>>>>>>

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 09/27/15 11:57 AM
At least there's one "boner" that won't screw the people any more!

564 to go!

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 09/27/15 01:15 PM

At least there's one "boner" that won't screw the people any more!

564 to go!

seems he screwed everyone before he resigned!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 09/27/15 06:03 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sun 09/27/15 06:04 PM

At least there's one "boner" that won't screw the people any more!

564 to go!

seems he screwed everyone before he resigned!


the only difference is whether you use Vaseline or Preperation H after one of their votes

Neither is covered under obozocare