Topic: Fugitive Aliens/Your State pays how much?
karmafury's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:03 AM
Just went through threads.

Up until this point it was simply a discussion of differing points of view. A lewd remark from:

Joined Wed 08/22/07
Posts: 222

Tue 11/06/07 03:36 PM
That Jesse has one fine ass! I almost get distracted whenever i see her posts. I can just imagine her riding my face. Even after I put in a 10 hour day.

Same thread. Another reference. Less insulting though. Again while dicussion was only of differing views.

Joined Wed 08/22/07
Posts: 223

Wed 11/07/07 03:24 PM
You just made my day Sweet Cheeks!^^^^

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:09 AM
That's fine. Do what you think you need to do.
You've been reported also.

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:10 AM
Your arrogance is what got you.

karmafury's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:12 AM
At no time have I used foul, lewd language. I have pointed out errors however. If giving correct information is against rules I haven't seen it. If it's the French may I suggest Babelfish so that you can translate, there is no such language in there either.

karmafury's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:13 AM
It's not arrogance. It's education and research.

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:16 AM
Not even close. Way off the mark. Try guessing again.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:18 AM
It only works if the person is breaking the rules.
& what did he do??
Point out sexual harassment?

Spur277's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:20 AM
I can't discuss or debate it here on the board. It's against the rules.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:41 AM
noway laugh All we were sayin was play nice..

Jtevans's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:46 AM
*peeks in the door..."ummm no" and walks back out*

Jess642's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:00 AM
Play nice???? noway noway noway

This is the saddest case of back pedalling I have ever seen.

Rather than accept responsibility for his actions, and his abuse, he is going to hide behind what?

No apology, nothing.

That is arrogance.

I did not warrant any of that kind of disgusting language you used, the whole disgusting derogatory diatribe you continued with, that became worse and worse....

You initiated it and coerced others to be just as degrading, and then continued it.

This whole thread is abusive, and if this happened on any other format, besides here, I would have you up on sexual harassment charges.

There is no lame excuse you can come up with here.

I did not warrant any of it.

And I am deeply disappointed this hasn't been dealt with already, in the manner it should have been.

adj4u's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:37 AM
it is amazing how

a few idiots

can make most of the

decent people in a country look

as bad as they are

noway noway noway noway noway

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

brokenheart brokenheart brokenheart

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

xll_criptonic_xll's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:40 AM
Is not raciest but if you wont born over here,, then dont come over here. We gotta enough of hellyans runnin round here!


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:48 AM
Well, wouldn't it have been nice if you could have been here when this country was invaded by those that stole it out from under the orginal habitants? Maybe this country would still be vast and immense in trees and animals living in there SAME world, instead of being rejected and forced to continually move out further and further running out of wilderness, their habitat.

"but if you wont born over here,, then dont come over here. "
The first Americans should have not been so nice......huh?

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 11/09/07 08:53 AM
This is a very sad commentary on the mindset of certain individuals in the USA. This is NOT an isolated view of a few but rather many. Where do you learn such hatred? Why is it ALL about winning?
Thankfully in my travels throughout the US I've been fortunate enough to meet some great Americans that are civilised HUMAN BEINGS. There are quite a few on this site as well but it would appear the UGLY American is the one that sticks out in the worlds mind. The bigoted, arrogant, chauvinistic, uneducated, proud, boasting, apathetic, greedy, cowardly, racist, selfish, etc.....
All the qualities that as people we should be trying to irradicate from our species. Not celebrate and perpetuate for generations to the point where not only is it commonplace but accepted behaviour in some communities. Such narrow minded views and ignorant behavior that have been expressed here on this site and other places serve only to highlight the traits of what the world sees what it is to be an American.
Isn't it about time these loud mouthed spoiled brats were educated and enlightened? They are the ones that are ruining YOUR country not every outside force seen or imagined.
Very sad indeed!

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 11/09/07 08:57 AM
Kid::heart: flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:46 AM
My gawd ... this is completely offensive ...

and yet he has been allowed to remain ... unbelievable.

Jesse deserved none of that from you Spur. I agree with Bl8ant ... I need no photo to see you at all.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:50 AM
You should have looked around when you were here kid!
Us that want the illegals gone are the majority!

Its our country and really none of your business. Just because a few people brown-knose their way up your arse trying to be liked doesnt mean they are atypical American!

Canada is and as been on the verge of seperation for years! They are the butt of many jokes here and the number one source for LEGAL immigration to the US.

Your citizenry are well known here and believe me you are no better! The things said to jess by spur, while uncalled for, are no worse than posts made on here everyday. Some are far worse!

I think its a petty way to try to silence a group of people that dont agree for yalls brand of bleeding hearts! It really is pathetic, but it is to be expected when your arguements dont hold water!

Look into your own countries, turn your attention towards your own problems, and Thank God America is strong and willing to help you solve those problems!

You have no idea how illegal immigration effects us in this country. Most of the Yankee states have no idea. BUT, if we dont stop it here you soon will, because the problem is spreading your way.

We have been living with it for years!!

$997 million dollars "US" shelled out by NC taxpayers last year alone! Guaranteed to exceed a billion this year!

What is that? The entire Canadian budget?

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 11/09/07 09:58 AM
Fanta; that was not fair at all. Those remarks were uncalled for and sexist. Women know that all too well. Jess is and was the object of sexual harrassment and is in no way proper. Not in argument or otherwise. We can argue all day long...but not in that way.

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 11/09/07 10:03 AM
I agree that other countries have their own problems but the spotlight is on the US in this thread.laugh
As far as separation in Canada goes. It will never happen as far as I can see. Just political ploys to squeeze more money out of the rest of the country.
I do believe that this is a world problem, not just an American internal issue. American policies DO have an effect on other regions around the globe and therefore EVERYBODY on the planet should be keeping an eye on what happens in the US.