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Topic: Friends with benefits
RustyKitty's photo
Thu 01/12/17 09:56 PM
I agree with Sitka.. sooner or later 'feelings' creep in, throwing a wrench into the mix..
It can be done and I'm not adverse to it..

Selim3721's photo
Sat 01/14/17 04:58 AM
I agree with Inni on friends with benefits...Its all abt honesty and need. For example If one desire and one fulfill it then whats wrong in the act. There are many circumstances where people have to spare time lonely seeing clouds and dreams...and if suddenly any female come to u and give u an offer to do a work in her favour and on return would get something like love . then I dont thing its wrong to think friends with benefits. In moral everyone have to thing good for other and should not haarm or hurt for a small value.

Selim3721's photo
Sat 01/14/17 05:02 AM
I agree with Inni .....on friends with benefits...Its all abt honesty and need. For example If one desire and one fulfill it then whats wrong in the act. There are many circumstances where people have to spare time lonely seeing clouds and dreams...and if suddenly any female come to u and give u an offer to do a work in her favour and on return would get something like love . then I dont thing its wrong to think friends with benefits. In moral everyone have to thing good for other and should not haarm or hurt for a small value.

Selim3721's photo
Sat 01/14/17 05:03 AM
keep moving on as life differs..

sweetsandy1010's photo
Sat 01/14/17 10:47 AM
I do think it can be OK yes. If both parties are on agreement

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 01/14/17 12:56 PM
Never something I wanted or tried either, just because of who and what I am.

But my observation about it, is this:

if whatever you are doing, is what you intend to be doing, and what you imagine you are doing, then everything will probably turn out okay.

imyungbuticanlicktho's photo
Sat 01/14/17 06:38 PM

scott388's photo
Sat 01/14/17 06:47 PM
Do you post on everything David?

Chava069's photo
Wed 01/18/17 06:26 AM
Yes it's always good to have someone you can count on and if you have the benefits is a plus.

neoguy251's photo
Fri 03/03/17 05:36 PM
Yes, but over time the relationship will probably get more emotional.

It would be hard not to get closer with each other.

barbadogirl's photo
Thu 03/09/17 01:11 AM
he double hockey sticks NO!!

What is wrong with people do you have no morals or self worth your body is the most precious gift you have. I'm not deeply religious
but does anyone have any self worth anymore.

With all the diseases out there. If they are sleeping with you who else. where's the benefit in that. There are things out there AJAX won't scrub off.

YES I am old fashioned in my beliefs & morals!!

Why but the cow...

SinneD1313's photo
Sun 03/12/17 10:37 PM
I'm in Chicago

Twintidbits24's photo
Mon 03/13/17 12:36 AM
It might be okay for some but generally it will speĺl trouble as it progresses.....better get out of it while you can still hold yourself together...lol

loyalovinghonest's photo
Mon 03/13/17 12:43 AM
09054484161. Pasig area. Women only.

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