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Topic: Women's March 1/21/17
no photo
Sun 01/22/17 11:27 AM
At the risk for starting a firestorm I just have to say how impressed and proud I am to have seen the millions of women around the world who peacefully protested Trump presidency and what he represents -racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred, fear and intolerance. It gives me some measure of hope for the future.

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/22/17 11:30 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 01/22/17 11:31 AM
peaceful activism is always a sign of full citizen participation, even when I do not agree with the cause (in this case , I do), I applaud people attempting to make what they believe is progress and be heard,,,

better than rioting which can harm innocent bystanders and even boycotts that can aversely affect those with no voice in the decisions,,,

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 11:49 AM
I don't see where it would be a firestorm at all. It is every American's right to protest.. to not agree, as long as the protest is conducted without violence, which this one was.

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 01:01 PM
What I meant by firestorm was that I was afraid I'd get some rabid Trump supporter going.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/22/17 01:25 PM
Hummmm ....all I will say was I was prepared to watch the March but the first one I heard speaking out was MaDonna~~ I will say one thing if this is what one feels will get the point across then they pretty much cut their own throats.

I was very disappointed to hear right off the bat the F-Bomb not once but 3 times before the station said get her off the air... and all the hate she was spewing..

I understand that one has the right to protest but at least get someone to carry that message in a way that it is not only heard but others listen too them..

I will admit that I turned it off and watched a movie instead...whoa

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/22/17 01:40 PM
and the March was so Environmentally Friendly,nary a Piece of Trash was left!rofl

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/22/17 01:41 PM
wonder what the Stunt has cost old George Soros!laugh

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 02:06 PM
how impressed and proud I am to have seen the millions of women around the world who peacefully protested Trump presidency and what he represents -racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred, fear and intolerance

Is that really what you believe the women's march was about?
Just a protest of Trump?
If so, then there was no real point to it and nothing was really accomplished.

It gives me some measure of hope for the future.

If the point of the protest was to basically say "we don't like Trump and what he represents!" then it would have been more impressive if they marched before the election.
...And then marched to the voting booths together.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/22/17 02:21 PM

how impressed and proud I am to have seen the millions of women around the world who peacefully protested Trump presidency and what he represents -racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred, fear and intolerance

Is that really what you believe the women's march was about?
Just a protest of Trump?
If so, then there was no real point to it and nothing was really accomplished.

It gives me some measure of hope for the future.

If the point of the protest was to basically say "we don't like Trump and what he represents!" then it would have been more impressive if they marched before the election.
...And then marched to the voting booths together.

ciretom~~~ at times I have shook my head at what you post... but there has been many times you have hit it right on the nail.... as you did with this post~~~

Really they think that all Women stand behind the Protest???

If I turned off my Tv does anyone really think that I'm the only woman that turned it off due to all the Hate that was being Spewed?

I was wanting to hear about Women's rights and why they think they will be taking away?? Instead of all about how much they would bomb the white house or set fire to it and F this and F that~~~

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 02:29 PM

What I meant by firestorm was that I was afraid I'd get some rabid Trump supporter going.

Why would Trump supporters be upset? You want to protest.. then protest.. you want to move.. then move.

At the end of the day, the protest changes.. nothing.

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 02:42 PM

how impressed and proud I am to have seen the millions of women around the world who peacefully protested Trump presidency and what he represents -racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred, fear and intolerance

Is that really what you believe the women's march was about?
Just a protest of Trump?
If so, then there was no real point to it and nothing was really accomplished.

It gives me some measure of hope for the future.

If the point of the protest was to basically say "we don't like Trump and what he represents!" then it would have been more impressive if they marched before the election.
...And then marched to the voting booths together.

I agree. I do not understand why any woman or minority in their right mind voted for him. I got so angry after the election wondering how any women could vote for the man. As for the resaon behind the women's march I suggest you read their mission statement which I'll quote a part of... The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:03 PM

how impressed and proud I am to have seen the millions of women around the world who peacefully protested Trump presidency and what he represents -racism, bigotry, misogyny, hatred, fear and intolerance

Is that really what you believe the women's march was about?
Just a protest of Trump?
If so, then there was no real point to it and nothing was really accomplished.

It gives me some measure of hope for the future.

If the point of the protest was to basically say "we don't like Trump and what he represents!" then it would have been more impressive if they marched before the election.
...And then marched to the voting booths together.

I agree. I do not understand why any woman or minority in their right mind voted for him. I got so angry after the election wondering how any women could vote for the man. As for the resaon behind the women's march I suggest you read their mission statement which I'll quote a part of... The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

And exactly what woman's rights did Trump actually violate?

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:10 PM
Edited by chris2460 on Sun 01/22/17 03:11 PM

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:10 PM
Edited by chris2460 on Sun 01/22/17 03:10 PM

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:23 PM

And exactly what woman's rights did Trump actually violate?

Here we go - Are you serious?- Telling people he would go up to women grab them by the genitals and they couldn't do anything because he was rich and powerful. Saying how he would go in the dressing rooms during the Miss Universe contest and oggle all the women as they changed & they couldn't do anything because he ran the pageant. Or are you one of those people who believe him when he says the media makes up lies about him? (Try listening to the Howard Stern tapes and see how he talks about his daughter) If that's not violating a women's rights that I don't know what is. Or wait a minute ..I guess it's ok because he's rich and powerful... And we all know how afraid people are of rich powerful men - especially polititians

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:41 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Sun 01/22/17 03:37 PM
Well THIS woman didn't like either candidate but I know many women that do support Trump. Women have their own minds and don't have to think the same as all women. We don't share a brain. I know many women that didn't support the march. I didn't go or watch it. It lost credibility, for me, when Madonna (of all people) spoke. That woman doea not speak for me

What about when Slick Willy was being a perv while in office? Or how about JFK being a womanizer while in office?

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:47 PM

And exactly what woman's rights did Trump actually violate?

Here we go - Are you serious?- Telling people he would go up to women grab them by the genitals and they couldn't do anything because he was rich and powerful. Saying how he would go in the dressing rooms during the Miss Universe contest and oggle all the women as they changed & they couldn't do anything because he ran the pageant. Or are you one of those people who believe him when he says the media makes up lies about him? (Try listening to the Howard Stern tapes and see how he talks about his daughter) If that's not violating a women's rights that I don't know what is. Or wait a minute ..I guess it's ok because he's rich and powerful... And we all know how afraid people are of rich powerful men - especially polititians

I got so angry after the election wondering how any women could vote for the man.
Well, it would appear that millions ands millions of women ( across ethnic groups) do not agree with you.. as the did vote for Trump.

And why did they vote for him?.... because they could not bring themselves to vote for Clinton. They didn't trust her. Because had they, she would be President right now

Your rage is not at Trump, its at women who voted for him. You feel somehow " betrayed" by those woman... sorry

the Howard Stern tapes.. Lol

no photo
Sun 01/22/17 03:47 PM

And exactly what woman's rights did Trump actually violate?

Here we go - Are you serious?- Telling people he would go up to women grab them by the genitals and they couldn't do anything because he was rich and powerful. Saying how he would go in the dressing rooms during the Miss Universe contest and oggle all the women as they changed & they couldn't do anything because he ran the pageant. Or are you one of those people who believe him when he says the media makes up lies about him? (Try listening to the Howard Stern tapes and see how he talks about his daughter) If that's not violating a women's rights that I don't know what is. Or wait a minute ..I guess it's ok because he's rich and powerful... And we all know how afraid people are of rich powerful men - especially polititians

I got so angry after the election wondering how any women could vote for the man.
Well, it would appear that millions ands millions of women ( across ethnic groups) do not agree with you.. as the did vote for Trump.

And why did they vote for him?.... because they could not bring themselves to vote for Clinton. They didn't trust her. Because had they, she would be President right now

Your rage is not at Trump, its at women who voted for him. You feel somehow " betrayed" by those woman... sorry

the Howard Stern tapes.. Lol

no photo
Mon 01/23/17 03:21 PM
Your rage is not at Trump, its at women who voted for him. You feel somehow " betrayed" by those woman... sorry

Whatever you say dear.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 01/23/17 03:24 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 01/23/17 03:30 PM

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