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Topic: " Legalize It...Legalize Or Adverstise"
EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 10:23 AM
Good Morning M2, First what a lovely day in America's City Of brotherly Love & Sisterly Affection...warm out with a touch of wind but lovely. Shots out to My new " Vocal Avengers" I made this week " SalsaHeart" "FancyFox", " 37KO" & my current ones as well. Okay , lets get right in to it, okay, we all been following the legalization of " Mary Jane" rather for medical reasons or recreational use, its a buzz now. Some say its natural, from mother earth, while others say it's a gateway drug, and if abused it can lead to destruction. Its not my take on if its right or wrong, but I am curious on how you feel about the legalization of marijuana? Are you supportive? or Are you Opposed to it? are you a Medical Patient of "Mary Jane" or are you a anti-drug advocate? Lets talk about it!

PS- All Comments are answered.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 05/09/17 10:47 AM
Edited by TxsGal3333 on Tue 05/09/17 10:57 AM
Hummm~~~~~ name me one person that has overdosed from Marijuana then I might be against it...whoa noway

So many would be helped with the drug as far as those that have seizure's, arthritis, as well as glaucoma and many more.. You don't have to have the high in order for it to help many....

For those that choose to have the high as well they still benefit from marijuana... as far as pain goes..

I would rather see those in pain resort to a joint then a pill that causes so many more health issues to take care of the same thing that marijuana can without the side effects that pills have..

Just using it for paper products alone would save our trees. There is many things that can actually be made out of hemp.... which would help in the long run to save our environment.....:thumbsup:

Only reason it is not legal is due to it would take away the gold lining out of the pockets of those that own the company's and those that invest within it...

Argo's photo
Tue 05/09/17 11:22 AM
I am in agreement with the following view...

Genesis chapter 1...with attention in particular to
verses 11 thru 13 and 29 thru 31

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 11:44 AM
I say legalise it, advertise it and bring back National Service. Every citizen between the ages of 18 - 21 should be gainfully employed in it's production, cultivation and distribution. When they've completed their service, they're then old enough to buy it legally smokin smokin smokin

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 11:48 AM

I am in agreement with the following view...

Genesis chapter 1...with attention in particular to
verses 11 thru 13 and 29 thru 31

I've just had a look and now I know why it's called "the good book" winking

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 12:21 PM
I am curious on how you feel about the legalization of marijuana? Are you supportive? or Are you Opposed to it?

For and against.
I'm for anything that even appears at lessening government.
I am against anything that continues to legitimize the government as having ultimate authority over personal choice and continued regulation.

That's usually the trade off. "Oh yay! We won and marijuana is legalized, now we just have to conform to regulation and taxation and legal scrutiny, but it's a victory because daddy government says we can do it! Always ask the government permission rather than forgiveness and just accept the government asks forgiveness rather than permission, daddy government knows best and is the ultimate impartial altruistic benevolent omniscient ruler, it's for the children and elderly and your own good."

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 12:28 PM

Hello welcome back well let me say this, okay I know I may lose a few of my loyal viwers but I have to agree with TxsGal3333. I always say weed like a gate way drug and I hate4 the smell of marijuana. Yaw talk about my stogie cigar smells but weed smell terrible to me. Now even though I never was down with " Mary Jane" but my lady uses it only for her intense head aches. I don't like it when she uses it but I love her, and I don't want her to be in agony. So I turn my head away. she doesn't smoke it all the time. and when she do I'm never around.

dreamerana's photo
Tue 05/09/17 12:46 PM
During the election we had in my state i voted to legalize it. Thinking about medical use. Benefits. Even revenue for the state.
But this shouldn't even have to be a debate and the money involved in enforcing could be put to better use elsewhere.
Legal or not legal it will continue to be comsumed for medicine or recreation.
As far as the use as a gateway drug; for some it is for others it isn't. There are legal substances out there that are misused for the purose of getting high and don't cause issue.

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 12:46 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 05/09/17 12:50 PM
The old gateway drug argument, utter rubbish. Just because you smoke weed, you don't suddenly lose your free will. People do what they choose to do. That argument often comes from people who drink. Alcohol kills more people than all the class A drugs put together. Every day A&E departments around the world have numerous injuries to deal with that are alcohol related. Over here in England, it contributes drastically to the massive strain on our NHS. If anything should have been banned all this time, it should be alcohol. It's far more insidious because it's been deemed acceptable. Think what good could have been done over the years with the money wasted fighting the war on drugs?

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 01:46 PM
Lawyers have made too much money and too many have gone to prison over it. Alcohol is worse.
Legalize it.

msharmony's photo
Tue 05/09/17 01:52 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 05/09/17 01:54 PM

Good Morning M2, First what a lovely day in America's City Of brotherly Love & Sisterly Affection...warm out with a touch of wind but lovely. Shots out to My new " Vocal Avengers" I made this week " SalsaHeart" "FancyFox", " 37KO" & my current ones as well. Okay , lets get right in to it, okay, we all been following the legalization of " Mary Jane" rather for medical reasons or recreational use, its a buzz now. Some say its natural, from mother earth, while others say it's a gateway drug, and if abused it can lead to destruction. Its not my take on if its right or wrong, but I am curious on how you feel about the legalization of marijuana? Are you supportive? or Are you Opposed to it? are you a Medical Patient of "Mary Jane" or are you a anti-drug advocate? Lets talk about it!

PS- All Comments are answered.

I am all for decriminalizing it. I believe tobacco and alcohol can be just as much of a 'gateway' as anything else but that a person capacity to have 'addict' traits cannot be predicted by a drug.

I do not believe people should ever go to jail for what they choose to do to themselves. I do believe it is in the welfare of the general public to put limits and boundaries on how many options they have to harm themselves

I think people that do such harm to themselves need help, not prison.

and if the substance is not illegal, the retailers should be no more a criminal than a pharmacist. People seek different forms of temporary release from emotional or physical pain. Intentional overprescription or intentional over selling to an individual, should carry stiff fines.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 02:52 PM

Hey come back you been following me a bit and you say legalize. I take it you a supporter. why? what's your thinking? Do you think it will lower crime? or birth new potential addicts?

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 02:53 PM

Good Man!

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 02:59 PM

I have to agree only for the simple fact that most drug addicts I know told me it started by plain marijuana use, then it went from pcp to k-2 to sniffing powder to crack cocaine. I know its not how every addict started but that's what a few I know said.

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 03:04 PM

I love the data & research, enlighten me more and my viewers? please?

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 03:09 PM

hi, well that's true, but are we setting ourselves up for disaster?

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 03:13 PM

First I want to say I think you very gorgeous I love island queens, secondly, I agree with you I think we have a bigger worry not just street drugs but legal medications like Oxytocin's, Benadryl's, Percusetts pills and even the matrix pills the blues pills & the

EyeAmYourHost39's photo
Tue 05/09/17 03:36 PM

Sit & Have A Cup Of My Hot Cinnamon Tea With A Slice Of Controversy Part 23!

My Weekly Rant......My Logic!

America, its about that time for my weekly rant but this time it's not about me giving it to the so called man, or corrupted politicians, U.F.O theories, or my anti-Trump campaigns. But this is about what people buzzing around your town and that's marijuana. Before you guys burn my boxers to a crisp let me just say this. I , me, EyeAm aka Corey J. doesn't support the devil's little trees. I think if you are going with natural erbs to cure people than let it be straight from the earth without adding chemicals and other things to sucker us into be worst. If or when they do legalize this here people use it responsibility. don't make the legislatives regret passing that bill. Don't let it get to your head about now I can smoke every where and any where who's going to stop us now? Don't be a fool.

dreamerana's photo
Tue 05/09/17 04:10 PM


First I want to say I think you very gorgeous I love island queens, secondly, I agree with you I think we have a bigger worry not just street drugs but legal medications like Oxytocin's, Benadryl's, Percusetts pills and even the matrix pills the blues pills & the

Thank you flowerforyou

I agree with you about street drugs and prescription meds abuse and things for the common cold.
I was referring to inhalants. Paints. Glues. Stuff you clean yoyr computer with. All that and many other things are legal and seem harmless but can be misused for purposes that become addictive.

no photo
Tue 05/09/17 04:19 PM
I don't smoke pot anymore basically because when I did as a teenager all I wanted to do then was eat Drakes Ring Ding's, drink chocolate milk and watch " Happy Days"

That being said

I see no reason why it should not be totally legalized. I feel alcohol is much worst. Pot also does have a medical use and people do find relieve from their illness when using it. That is a know fact.

There are people sitting in prison for having a few pounds of pot when others in other states are legally allowed to grow it, have it and smoke it

Does that sond fair?

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