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Topic: Another 20 people shot in Chicago
msharmony's photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:03 AM
Extremes arent the answer. from Hugs to national guard. Something that actually looks at legal and just ways to fight and further reduce the problem are.

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 02:53 AM
Well the mayor..the democratic mayor ..was saying that maybe the parents of these thugs should actually like .. you know..be parents and teach their kids morals and.. right from wrong so they don't become...thugs ..
Which makes perfect sense ..unless of course your parents are also ..thugs

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 05:27 AM


46 .... and counting.

BlakeIAM's photo
Sun 08/19/18 07:21 AM
Maybe it has to be in the three digits before they send in The National Guard.
Which should of been there over two years ago.
If they did this current thread most likely wouldn't exist.

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 07:43 AM

Maybe it has to be in the three digits before they send in The National Guard.
Which should of been there over two years ago.
If they did this current thread most likely wouldn't exist.

I was actually thinking the same thing.. the 3 digits.. what a terrible thought because in reality we should not even be thinking of it in American city. but it is a possibility... a real possibility... how sick is that.

I wish this thread was not necessary.

BlakeIAM's photo
Sun 08/19/18 07:52 AM
I agree.
It is an absolute tragedy of unthinkable proportions.
It is like it is the "norm" which is insanity at the least.

Easttowest72's photo
Sun 08/19/18 08:08 AM

Well the mayor..the democratic mayor ..was saying that maybe the parents of these thugs should actually like .. you know..be parents and teach their kids morals and.. right from wrong so they don't become...thugs ..
Which makes perfect sense ..unless of course your parents are also ..thugs

Last night on the news they were showing 2 black men breaking into cars. They had 2 kids with them so they wouldn't look suspious walking around the parking deck. The kids have learned very early to be criminals.

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 08:57 AM

Well the mayor..the democratic mayor ..was saying that maybe the parents of these thugs should actually like .. you know..be parents and teach their kids morals and.. right from wrong so they don't become...thugs ..
Which makes perfect sense ..unless of course your parents are also ..thugs

Last night on the news they were showing 2 black men breaking into cars. They had 2 kids with them so they wouldn't look suspious walking around the parking deck. The kids have learned very early to be criminals.

They could care less about the kids welfare. All they care about is... themselves.. and their gangster life...

there were 2 kids shot so far this weekend, one 9 years old, the other .... 3 years old... 3 years old!

For the most part these kids are shot when the thugs are trying to kill one of the kids relatives.. gang warfare. They just empty the guns.. everyone is fair game.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:12 PM

Maybe it has to be in the three digits before they send in The National Guard.
Which should of been there over two years ago.
If they did this current thread most likely wouldn't exist.

It may, to justify the singling out of Chicago for the National guard.

Like I was saying before about raw numbers versus percentages. IF a town had 20000 and 5000 were killed, that would be much more impactful and worrisome than a town of 2 million having 10000 killed. sometimes as terrible as the raw numbers are, they are not adequate to compare relative need. Relying on military for one town opens the door to spreading them out across SEVERAL towns with need that is relatively equivalent or worse, to do a job that is supposed to be that of the police.

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:31 PM

Maybe it has to be in the three digits before they send in The National Guard.
Which should of been there over two years ago.
If they did this current thread most likely wouldn't exist.

It may, to justify the singling out of Chicago for the National guard.

Like I was saying before about raw numbers versus percentages. IF a town had 20000 and 5000 were killed, that would be much more impactful and worrisome than a town of 2 million having 10000 killed. sometimes as terrible as the raw numbers are, they are not adequate to compare relative need. Relying on military for one town opens the door to spreading them out across SEVERAL towns with need that is relatively equivalent or worse, to do a job that is supposed to be that of the police.

Making up your own Fictitious " worlds most deadly small towns" again? where 1 or of 4 residents are murdered each year. To make the 10,000 murdered in another fictitious city look....acceptable.

This is not a math exercise MS, This can not be explained away with numbers. This is and has been going on in Chicago for a very long time by well established deadly thug gangs with the gangster disciples at the top of the list. This is national news because it is unprecedented in any other large metro city.

So, please don't try to make it sound.. acceptable.. its not, not by any standard.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:40 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sun 08/19/18 01:55 PM
The Violence is outrageous it needs to be stopped, as soon as possible.

I know people who use.to live in City years ago.

I still know one that lives out in suburbs next to Wisconsin border.

Nothing justifies senseless murders but thugs, with No thought for human Life!

Chicago may not get the National guard to correct the problem but the State police could join with the City :cop: police !

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:42 PM

Maybe it has to be in the three digits before they send in The National Guard.
Which should of been there over two years ago.
If they did this current thread most likely wouldn't exist.

It may, to justify the singling out of Chicago for the National guard.

Like I was saying before about raw numbers versus percentages. IF a town had 20000 and 5000 were killed, that would be much more impactful and worrisome than a town of 2 million having 10000 killed. sometimes as terrible as the raw numbers are, they are not adequate to compare relative need. Relying on military for one town opens the door to spreading them out across SEVERAL towns with need that is relatively equivalent or worse, to do a job that is supposed to be that of the police.

Making up your own Fictitious " worlds most deadly small towns" again? where 1 or of 4 residents are murdered each year. To make the 10,000 murdered in another fictitious city look....acceptable.

This is not a math exercise MS, This can not be explained away with numbers. This is and has been going on in Chicago for a very long time by well established deadly thug gangs with the gangster disciples at the top of the list. This is national news because it is unprecedented in any other large metro city.

So, please don't try to make it sound.. acceptable.. its not, not by any standard.

terrible misrepresentation of what was ACTUALLY posted.

nowhere did I say 'acceptable'. I actually called it 'terrible'. Im speaking only to the LEGAL and REALISTIC ramification and precedence. There is a very well known sentiment in AMerica that is this "If no one did it for me/us, they shouldnt do it for others."

To justify legally sending in the national guard for the violence in a town, OPENS UP AND LEGALLY JUSTIFIES, a requirement to send them in for violence in OTHER TOWNS if they are equally or more seriously impacted by violence.

The National Guard has missions. what would their MISSION be there? How long would that MISSION take to be complete? What would happen after they left?

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:45 PM
...and there is still today.

BlakeIAM's photo
Sun 08/19/18 01:46 PM

Maybe it has to be in the three digits before they send in The National Guard.
Which should of been there over two years ago.
If they did this current thread most likely wouldn't exist.

It may, to justify the singling out of Chicago for the National guard.

Like I was saying before about raw numbers versus percentages. IF a town had 20000 and 5000 were killed, that would be much more impactful and worrisome than a town of 2 million having 10000 killed. sometimes as terrible as the raw numbers are, they are not adequate to compare relative need. Relying on military for one town opens the door to spreading them out across SEVERAL towns with need that is relatively equivalent or worse, to do a job that is supposed to be that of the police.

There is no singling out whatsoever.
As a matter of fact there is no comparison within the United States.

For anyone to think it isn't past time to send in The National Guard is just foolish to say the least.

Unless you don't mind the senseless murders that are going on there.

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 02:24 PM
The National Guard has missions. what would their MISSION be there? How long would that MISSION take to be complete? What would happen after they left?


1) To work along side Chicago police to identify all known ( thru CPD databank)gang bangers and arrest all who are wanted on open warrants..

2) to restore order in every thug infested neighborhood. To install a curfew ( if necessary until order is returned)

3) to disarm all gang bangers, be it their person, where they sleep, their girlfriend house, their car, hide outs... wherever. And starting with the known gangbangers in the data base, by clothing worn, by body marking or signals. Using whatever methods the CPD currently uses for gang affiliation identification. Stop and search.. absolutely. ( they threw their civil liberties out the window when they joined a thug gang.)
separate CPD,ICE, DEA,ATF to search all areas for weapons stashes.

4) to dismantle the organization of each gang starting at the TOP

5) to destroy their ability to sell drugs, thus cutting money line

6) to work with fed & state social services to remove children and elderly who are neglected or in harms way

7) Engagement rules: if they point a gun, shoot to kill. If they come at with a knife.. a bat... shoot

How long would they be there:
As long as it takes.

What happens after that:

The City of Chicago, CPD and NIEHBORHOOD LEADERS AND PARENTS work toward keeping the area clear of gangs

then and only then could some of those long term plans you have actually have chance to work. Because they could never work without a clean slate.

But that is my version and am not in law enforcement.

I am sure the CPD, NG and feds can come up with a much better plan utilizing many more departments and Social services and other departments and entities. We have done basically the same thing for .. nations.

A police state in those areas until it is cleaned up.. yep.. because.. unfortunately.. the thugs forced that among their own people.

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 08/19/18 02:29 PM
Edited by Robxbox73 on Sun 08/19/18 02:30 PM
The mayor of Chicago is proof that leftists in government cause VENEZUELAN like events.

sadness 4 Chi town... :disappointed_relieved:

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 03:02 PM

The mayor of Chicago is proof that leftists in government cause VENEZUELAN like events.

sadness 4 Chi town... :disappointed_relieved:

It is sad.. it is actually sickening to think these kids are being shot.. killed.. and the elderly, the people who can not defend themselves.. are being terrorized. Petrified to go out. petrified to talk to the cops.

And it is actually worse then Venezuela. One of the most dangerous countries in the WORLD!

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 08/19/18 03:07 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sun 08/19/18 03:11 PM
Hopefully the US doesn't end up like Venezuela !

If Librals have their way, it probably would. !

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 03:48 PM
From another standpoint

I have been to Chicago many times ( about 30) for trade shows at McCormick Center. If this does not get cleaned up Businesses will start to use other convention centers as opposed to McCormick and entire industries such as automotive, housewares,electronics ect, ect will totally pull out because of employee fear or customer fear of attending. There is already serious talk of this. Las Vegas is aggressively lobbying entire industries to leave McCormack and come to their convention center. The liability is getting too great.
Don't think this will not have a enormous impact on the city and the trickle down effect will put 1000's of people out of work and 100's of businesses, out of business. Ask any hotel manage on the magnificent mile what this will do

Other businesses will not move to Chicago and existing businesses will move out. for the same reasons. NOBODY wants to live or commute to work in fear or... NOBODY. Nobody wants to attend a trade show and think of possibly being mugged, shot, or killed.

Families will leave, house values drop

Chicago is a great town.. a fun town, with a lot of character and a lot of good hard working people. But if this cancer is not removed it will eventually kill Chicago as we know it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/19/18 07:01 PM

The Violence is outrageous it needs to be stopped, as soon as possible.

I know people who use.to live in City years ago.

I still know one that lives out in suburbs next to Wisconsin border.

Nothing justifies senseless murders but thugs, with No thought for human Life!

Chicago may not get the National guard to correct the problem but the State police could join with the City :cop: police !

I support training and providing resources for police to do their jobs safely and JUSTLY.

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