no photo
Mon 10/29/18 10:16 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 10/29/18 10:18 AM
This is the kind of people you find at Trump rallies. When you go to a Trump hate rally, No telling what you may be standing next to.

Michael Moore Posts Clip Of Cesar Sayoc Chanting 'CNN Sucks' At Trump Rally

"Filmmaker Michael Moore posted a video clip of suspected pipe bomber Cesar Sayoc at a rally for President Donald Trump last year, apparently chanting “CNN sucks” with a group of Trump supporters".

“Who we needed to understand was our fellow Americans, lost souls full of anger and possible violence, easily fed a pile of lies so large and toxic that we wondered if there would ever be a chance that we could bring them back from the Dark Side,”

Notice as the camera pans across the crowd, there really isn't that many there. At least not at this part.


no photo
Mon 10/29/18 10:22 AM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 10/29/18 10:40 AM

CNN does SUCK what..something wrong with freedom of speech..they are part of Project are familiar with that project are aware of who is control of the news media and what their agenda where's the problem with that..unless of course you have no problem with the news corporations lying to you and adding their opinions and twist in order to bring about divisiveness do understand their yea CNN SUCKS and so do several other news media what's the problem..the TRUTH?..spock

News medias should report the news nothing more need for their twist or opinions droned into people's head 24/7..that is a form of brainwashing..spock Now that's a


So you're saying that those suffering from mental instability is the responsibility of the President?..really?

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/29/18 10:38 AM

NATIONALISM..Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining sovereignty over the homeland. The political ideology of nationalism holds that a nation should govern itself, free from outside interference and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared, social characteristics, such as culture and language, religion and politics, and a belief in a common ancestry. Nationalism, therefore, seeks to preserve a nation's culture, by way of pride in national achievements, and is closely linked to patriotism, which, in some cases, includes the belief that the nation should control the country's government and the means of production.

a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

now maybe I must be missing something ..But you all seem to have a problem with these..How so?...I see nothing wrong with it at where's the problem..Charles


exclusion or detriment

exclude: deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

detriment: the state of being harmed or damaged.

This and no other country lives in a vaccuum that is totally self sustaining. we rely on and are relied on global exchange of goods, services and ideas. we are a nation of 'immigrants' allegedly. Which makes the idea of EXCLUDING or causing DETRIMENT to other nations, a poor one.

no photo
Mon 10/29/18 11:20 AM

George Washington was a nationalist when, together with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, he had Congress call a constitutional convention in 1787 that produced the Constitution for a strong national government, which was debated in every state, unanimously adopted, and enforced in 1789.

Well it appears that Pres.Trump wasn't the first..spock

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/29/18 12:15 PM

George Washington was a nationalist when, together with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, he had Congress call a constitutional convention in 1787 that produced the Constitution for a strong national government, which was debated in every state, unanimously adopted, and enforced in 1789.

Well it appears that Pres.Trump wasn't the first..spock

President Trump is a couple centuries late in trying to form a new nation

no photo
Mon 10/29/18 01:34 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 10/29/18 01:43 PM

George Washington was a nationalist when, together with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, he had Congress call a constitutional convention in 1787 that produced the Constitution for a strong national government, which was debated in every state, unanimously adopted, and enforced in 1789.

Well it appears that Pres.Trump wasn't the first..spock

President Trump is a couple centuries late in trying to form a new nation

I guess today is the day for Trumps "other" talking head to say something stupid.

In a Monday morning appearance on Fox News, Kellyanne Conway suggested “anti-religious” late-night comedians fostered an environment for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting to take place.

"Let's see - just off the top of my head - Seth Meyers in Jewish, Stephen Colbert is a practicing Catholic, Jimmy Kimmel is a practicing Catholic (and his middle name is "Christian") James Corden was raised in the Salvation Army church, though no longer practices Christianity, Trevor Noah is a Catholic, Jon Stewart is Jewish, John Oliver is a graduate of Christ's College, Cambridge and a member of the COE. Have I forgotten anyone? Probably that big group of late-night comedians who DO NOT worship at the feet of Donald Trump-like Kellyanne does. Why is this woman STILL talking?"

God and the Don

"Presidents often turn to faith in times of crisis. That seems unlikely for Trump".

I know his home state doesn't want him. It's not hard to believe the church wouldn't either.

no photo
Tue 10/30/18 03:12 PM
Trump visits the synagogue in Pittsburgh attack as protesters march

"PITTSBURGH (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump, shrugging off objections from some critics that he was unwelcome, on Tuesday offered condolences at the Pittsburgh synagogue where 11 Jewish worshipers were shot to death as thousands of mourners attended the first funerals for victims of the massacre".

no photo
Tue 10/30/18 03:20 PM
Trump wants to use an executive order to override the 14th Amendment. Here's why that won’t work

"Trump has suggested he will end the centuries-long, amendment-protected practice of providing birthright citizenship in the United States by signing an executive order".

"I solemnly swear to preserve, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States".

no photo
Tue 10/30/18 05:31 PM
Democrats 'should be worried' about losing black voters ahead of midterms: Trump

"President Donald Trump said his party plans to woo African-American voters ahead of the contentious midterm elections next week, and that Democrats should be "worried".

He also said he was going to jail Hillary. And he hasn't. He also said he was going to build a fence. He hasn't. He also said he was going to show his tax returns. He hasn't. He also said he was going to have a better, cheaper health care plan for ALL Americans. He doesn't. He also said he would negotiate a nuke treaty with North Korea. He hasn't. He also said he would fully fund the V.A. He hasn't. He claims HE is the reason the stock market is at all-time highs. Only in the last two weeks, it has dropped 2600 points, because of his trade/tariff wars. Pittsburgh government officials won't meet with Trump after the synagogue shootings. 15 of the 25 players and 4 of 7 coaches Boston Red Sox have indicated they will not go to the WH. None of the Golden State Warriors went to the WH. 45 Republican members of Congress decided NOT to run for office again saying the "the GOP is broken and the government isn't working". 9 of 11 candidates Trump supported in the June special elections lost. The phrase "The Divided States of America did not exist under Obama.

no photo
Wed 10/31/18 10:13 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 10/31/18 10:35 AM
General Barry McCaffrey: Trump Is Bordering On Unconstitutional Behavior

Hypocrisy: Watch Trump Get Demolished Over Hacked iPhone

AP FACT CHECK: Trump far off track on birthright citizenship

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has astonished legal scholars with his claim that he can end birthright citizenship with a swipe of his pen. No, they say, he can't".

no photo
Wed 10/31/18 01:28 PM
Trump says birthright citizenship 'will be ended one way or the other' and falsely claims it is not covered by Constitution

"Trump has said birthright citizenship "will be ended one way or the other" while falsely claiming the policy is not covered by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution".

If Trump can figure out a way to get one amendment removed from our constitution, What else will he "delete" (constitutional rights) with just a stroke of a pen?

He and his cronies are after your Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and your rights.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Wed 10/31/18 01:59 PM

Trump says birthright citizenship 'will be ended one way or the other' and falsely claims it is not covered by Constitution

"Trump has said birthright citizenship "will be ended one way or the other" while falsely claiming the policy is not covered by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution".

If Trump can figure out a way to get one amendment removed from our constitution, What else will he "delete" (constitutional rights) with just a stroke of a pen?

He and his cronies are after your Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and your rights.

Well then guess *I'll* have to be deported, because my mom wasn't a citizen when I was born.
My dad married her in Germany, and she hadn't gone through the process of being a citizen yet.

But, I guess I really don't need to I am not a brown person.huh

no photo
Wed 10/31/18 06:40 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 10/31/18 07:19 PM

Trump says birthright citizenship 'will be ended one way or the other' and falsely claims it is not covered by Constitution

"Trump has said birthright citizenship "will be ended one way or the other" while falsely claiming the policy is not covered by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution".

If Trump can figure out a way to get one amendment removed from our constitution, What else will he "delete" (constitutional rights) with just a stroke of a pen?

He and his cronies are after your Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and your rights.

Well then guess *I'll* have to be deported, because my mom wasn't a citizen when I was born.
My dad married her in Germany, and she hadn't gone through the process of being a citizen yet.

But, I guess I really don't need to I am not a brown person.huh

I know. It's another one of those outlandish, stupid statements he seems to like to make a lot. If it was to happen, my dad and I would have to go back to Italy. My X wife would have to go back to Irland and my girlfriend would have to go back to Puerto Rico.

We are a nation of immigrants. If they were to do something that stupid we would all have to leave. We all originated from someplace else.

Trump defends military presence on border and says 'I do try' to tell the truth

By telling an all out lie.

"Democrats are going to do is destroy our entire healthcare and you’re not going to have any health care. You would destroy the country. You are not going to have health care. The Democrats are going to literally – you’ll have to pay three times the taxes and they’ll destroy health care as we know it in this country. You won’t have preexisting conditions. You won't have anything," Trump said.

When asked if he believes that Democrats want to get rid of the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions, "Trump said "I don't think they're going to have a choice because it's going to be so bad. So expensive, and health care is going to be terrible."

If it wasn't for Democrats(Roosevelt) you would have no social security. If it wasn't for the Democrats you would still be stuck with no healthcare. One of the things that Obama fought for was covering pre-existing conditions. But wait, who has tried to dismantle the health care? Trump and the Republicans. Who has tried to do away with health care for pre-existing conditions? Trump and the Republicans. Who said that they could come up with a better less costly healthcare system? Trump and the Republicans. Where is it? Last but not least, who keeps threatening to do away with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? Trump and the Republicans.

Where is this great healthcare system that Trump promised? It hasn't materialized yet. So far, lies on top of lies.

no photo
Fri 11/02/18 12:14 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 11/02/18 12:23 AM
A careful reading of court documents suggests Robert Mueller has already subpoenaed Donald Trump

"A pattern of filings and rulings suggests the question being argued is whether the president will have to appear before the grand jury, which would mean he's already been summoned".

Trump denies he’s already in a Mueller subpoena fight

"President Donald Trump and his lawyers pushed back in force Wednesday against a POLITICO op-ed suggesting the president is already locked in a secret subpoena battle with special counsel Robert Mueller".

I think this could be possible. But we will know for sure after the midterms.

Leaked: Listen To Audio Of Trump Aide Touting Wikileaks Collusion

"Bombshell new tapes show Trump aide Roger Stone claiming to be “in touch” with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and revealing Wikileaks’ plans to release hacked emails ahead of the 2016 Presidential election. Mueller is reportedly laser-focused on Stone’s links to Wikileaks and is interviewing people about the calls. Shelby Holliday, who broke the Roger Stone story for “The Wall Street Journal” joins Ari Melber".

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 11/02/18 03:20 AM

Trump says birthright citizenship 'will be ended one way or the other' and falsely claims it is not covered by Constitution

"Trump has said birthright citizenship "will be ended one way or the other" while falsely claiming the policy is not covered by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution".

If Trump can figure out a way to get one amendment removed from our constitution, What else will he "delete" (constitutional rights) with just a stroke of a pen?

He and his cronies are after your Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and your rights.

Well then guess *I'll* have to be deported, because my mom wasn't a citizen when I was born.
My dad married her in Germany, and she hadn't gone through the process of being a citizen yet.

But, I guess I really don't need to I am not a brown person.huh

There are people of color who get married and become citizens also. Legally is the key point. Let's stop trying to claim people are racist because they don't want millions of illegals pouring into our country.

no photo
Fri 11/02/18 05:40 AM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 11/02/18 06:37 AM

He is going to jail Hag Hillary and Obama .... It's coming Charles ..timing is everything..and when it does and it will..then you might as well shut down your post...I mean after all you've already said it's ok to aid and abet and exploit illegals..AKA..breaking the law..I suppose that's o.k as long as you do it with the justification of empathy, sympathy and a bleeding heart..tell it to the Judge..spock

And colluding with an agency to tell the TRUTH as opposed to all the DNC'S connections through the CIA to collude with all the MOCKINGBIRD FAKE NEWS agencies to tell their LIES...noway

UNITED WE STAND ..divided we fall..WWG1 WGA...

no photo
Fri 11/02/18 09:46 AM
Trump Hits 'New Low' With Last-minute 'Racist,' 'Fear-mongering' Campaign Ad

"Republican Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, a Trump critic, reportedly said, "This is just a new low in campaigning. It's sickening," while Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez told CNN the add is "dog whistle politics" based on "fear-mongering."

Many critics compared the ad to President George H.W. Bush's 1988 Willie Horton ad, which depicted a violent criminal who had been paroled by Bush's Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis.

Responses to the ad on Twitter ranged from shock to instant condemnation to what many saw as racist rhetoric used to incite hate and rally Trump's base. Eric Umansky, Deputy Managing Editor or ProPublica, wrote that, "Thirty years ago, George H.W. Bush released his infamous fear-mongering, racist ad on Willie Horton. This Trump ad is worse. Far worse".

no photo
Fri 11/02/18 10:53 AM
Donald Trump, President of the United States of Hate?

no photo
Fri 11/02/18 11:00 AM
It’s amazing how blind the liberals are!

Why would you wanna waste your time and breath to argue with one. You can’t talk any sense into someone that lacks common sense.

no photo
Fri 11/02/18 02:00 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 11/02/18 02:42 PM
President Donald Trump 'Whines' About Treatment Amid Synagogue Tragedy

"The president's embrace of nationalism could prove a bridge too far in the midterms for 'educated, wealthier whites -- especially women,' according to New York Times reporting. Also, Trump laments about how Pittsburgh changed the midterm conversation".

All these people get killed. And all he can do is whine about himself and how he was treated. Trump is the best thing to ever happen to a Democrat running for any office. A sure fire way for a Democrat to get the vote is when Trump speaks.