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no photo
Tue 10/16/18 12:12 AM

Having a job doesn't guarantee you health care. I know, I've been down that road twice. Two different companies at two different times let me go when I needed my healthcare.

And they have done it to a lot of people. And are still doing it and getting away with it. They aren't the only ones that do it.

When I opened my shop back up again I bought my own ins through the exchange.

http://www.healthcare.gov/ I haven't had a problem since. All these problems other people say they have, I haven't. It's worked great for me for the past 5 years. I pay my deductible and ins pays the rest.

Yes, my deductible has gone up. But I'm OK with it. At least I know when I need it, it will be there. Right now, there is only one company here that that has a health care plan that won't pull out from under you when you need it.

All the other companies have been known to let people go if they used their health care too much. Or if they develop a condition that causes them to have to take time off from work. Companies are crooked. They will find a way to let you go and leave you flat and hurt.

The smartest thing you can do is buy your own. With companies being the way they are, it's dumb to rely on company provided ins.

Does Trump Donate All of His Presidential Salary, While Obama Donated None?


New strategy: Democrats go all-in on health care in midterms

"PHOENIX (AP) — In a windowless conference room, Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally was asking executives at a small crane manufacturing company how the GOP tax cut has helped their business when one woman said: "I want to ask you a question about health care."


Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/16/18 12:19 AM
Fortunately for republican, CNN gives them a ton of free air time. I just saw Trump say vote republican because the angry mob like leftist don't need to be in office. :thinking: People are fired up to vote replublican regardless of the candidates. Money isn't everything. I've donated $0 to the Republican campaign but they will be receiving my vote. Isn't that what counts?

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/16/18 12:26 AM

Having a job doesn't guarantee you health care. I know, I've been down that road twice. Two different companies at two different times let me go when I needed my healthcare.

And they have done it to a lot of people. And are still doing it and getting away with it. They aren't the only ones that do it.

When I opened my shop back up again I bought my own ins through the exchange.

http://www.healthcare.gov/ I haven't had a problem since. All these problems other people say they have, I haven't. It's worked great for me for the past 5 years. I pay my deductible and ins pays the rest.

Yes, my deductible has gone up. But I'm OK with it. At least I know when I need it, it will be there. Right now, there is only one company here that that has a health care plan that won't pull out from under you when you need it.

All the other companies have been known to let people go if they used their health care too much. Or if they develop a condition that causes them to have to take time off from work. Companies are crooked. They will find a way to let you go and leave you flat and hurt.

The smartest thing you can do is buy your own. With companies being the way they are, it's dumb to rely on company provided ins.

Does Trump Donate All of His Presidential Salary, While Obama Donated None?


New strategy: Democrats go all-in on health care in midterms

"PHOENIX (AP) — In a windowless conference room, Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally was asking executives at a small crane manufacturing company how the GOP tax cut has helped their business when one woman said: "I want to ask you a question about health care."


What does the design of the conference room have to do with tax cuts? Is the point that a window should have been added with money from the tax cuts?

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/18 12:55 AM

Trump donates his salary to charity. Let's hear what his haters are doing for the good of the people. Unless principles just means they are fine with their neighbor getting a handout as long as they get one too. :thinking:

In 2016, Trump allegedly made 530 million dollars. His presidential salary of 400 grand amounts to about 1/10 of a percent of his income. Plenty of other 'haters' do much more for the 'good of the people'.

Principles are just what foundational beliefs people have. Materialistic principles are founded on profit first and profit only. Community principles are founded on the health and well being of the community. et cetera , et cetera

everyone has their principles, the only difference is the priorities or those principles revolve around.

Let's see you take a second job and donate it. Seems all liberals are worried about is getting their hands in trumps pockets. Health and wellbeing can matter in a community when those members work and pay for it instead of laying around waiting for a handout. Work is good for the body and soul.

POTUS cannot hold other positions, so it is not a 'second job', but it is only part of his income.

like I said, donating less than 1 percent of what one is earning, is not so rare or extraordinary.

principles are subjective, health and well being cannot be replaced like money can.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/16/18 01:17 AM

Trump donates his salary to charity. Let's hear what his haters are doing for the good of the people. Unless principles just means they are fine with their neighbor getting a handout as long as they get one too. :thinking:

In 2016, Trump allegedly made 530 million dollars. His presidential salary of 400 grand amounts to about 1/10 of a percent of his income. Plenty of other 'haters' do much more for the 'good of the people'.

Principles are just what foundational beliefs people have. Materialistic principles are founded on profit first and profit only. Community principles are founded on the health and well being of the community. et cetera , et cetera

everyone has their principles, the only difference is the priorities or those principles revolve around.

Let's see you take a second job and donate it. Seems all liberals are worried about is getting their hands in trumps pockets. Health and wellbeing can matter in a community when those members work and pay for it instead of laying around waiting for a handout. Work is good for the body and soul.

POTUS cannot hold other positions, so it is not a 'second job', but it is only part of his income.

like I said, donating less than 1 percent of what one is earning, is not so rare or extraordinary.

principles are subjective, health and well being cannot be replaced like money can.

If it's 1 percent of his income, it is his 2nd job. :sweat_smile: underachievers think there isn't any work involved in owning a business. Trump regularly visits his just like I visited mine over the weekend. Making sure everything is fine is working.

You argue over the stupidest crap and proof me right in your argument. I didn't even need to respond.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/16/18 01:18 AM

Trump donates his salary to charity. Let's hear what his haters are doing for the good of the people. Unless principles just means they are fine with their neighbor getting a handout as long as they get one too. :thinking:

In 2016, Trump allegedly made 530 million dollars. His presidential salary of 400 grand amounts to about 1/10 of a percent of his income. Plenty of other 'haters' do much more for the 'good of the people'.

Principles are just what foundational beliefs people have. Materialistic principles are founded on profit first and profit only. Community principles are founded on the health and well being of the community. et cetera , et cetera

everyone has their principles, the only difference is the priorities or those principles revolve around.

Let's see you take a second job and donate it. Seems all liberals are worried about is getting their hands in trumps pockets. Health and wellbeing can matter in a community when those members work and pay for it instead of laying around waiting for a handout. Work is good for the body and soul.

POTUS cannot hold other positions, so it is not a 'second job', but it is only part of his income.

like I said, donating less than 1 percent of what one is earning, is not so rare or extraordinary.

principles are subjective, health and well being cannot be replaced like money can.

If it's 1 percent of his income, it is his 2nd job. :sweat_smile: underachievers think there isn't any work involved in owning a business. Trump regularly visits his just like I visited mine over the weekend. Making sure everything is fine is working.

You argue over the stupidest crap and prove me right in your argument. I didn't even need to respond.

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/18 01:29 AM

Trump donates his salary to charity. Let's hear what his haters are doing for the good of the people. Unless principles just means they are fine with their neighbor getting a handout as long as they get one too. :thinking:

In 2016, Trump allegedly made 530 million dollars. His presidential salary of 400 grand amounts to about 1/10 of a percent of his income. Plenty of other 'haters' do much more for the 'good of the people'.

Principles are just what foundational beliefs people have. Materialistic principles are founded on profit first and profit only. Community principles are founded on the health and well being of the community. et cetera , et cetera

everyone has their principles, the only difference is the priorities or those principles revolve around.

Let's see you take a second job and donate it. Seems all liberals are worried about is getting their hands in trumps pockets. Health and wellbeing can matter in a community when those members work and pay for it instead of laying around waiting for a handout. Work is good for the body and soul.

POTUS cannot hold other positions, so it is not a 'second job', but it is only part of his income.

like I said, donating less than 1 percent of what one is earning, is not so rare or extraordinary.

principles are subjective, health and well being cannot be replaced like money can.

If it's 1 percent of his income, it is his 2nd job. :sweat_smile: underachievers think there isn't any work involved in owning a business. Trump regularly visits his just like I visited mine over the weekend. Making sure everything is fine is working.

You argue over the stupidest crap and prove me right in your argument. I didn't even need to respond.

INCOME does not all come from jobs, someone so allegedly financially evolved should understand that. Income can be residual (pay that happens regularly for a job that was done ONCE, or ONCE done) or it can be investment (pay that happens from where one has placed their money) or from sales or inheritance .. all these things provide INCOME, and none of them involve a current JOB.

a POTUS cannot have another job. so you are free to do what a POTUS is not, because as He said, he is POTUs and you are NOT.

I address false statements with facts. I have no concern who is responding or who isnt. it is not the who, it is the what that gets the response.

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/18 01:29 AM

Trump donates his salary to charity. Let's hear what his haters are doing for the good of the people. Unless principles just means they are fine with their neighbor getting a handout as long as they get one too. :thinking:

In 2016, Trump allegedly made 530 million dollars. His presidential salary of 400 grand amounts to about 1/10 of a percent of his income. Plenty of other 'haters' do much more for the 'good of the people'.

Principles are just what foundational beliefs people have. Materialistic principles are founded on profit first and profit only. Community principles are founded on the health and well being of the community. et cetera , et cetera

everyone has their principles, the only difference is the priorities or those principles revolve around.

Let's see you take a second job and donate it. Seems all liberals are worried about is getting their hands in trumps pockets. Health and wellbeing can matter in a community when those members work and pay for it instead of laying around waiting for a handout. Work is good for the body and soul.

POTUS cannot hold other positions, so it is not a 'second job', but it is only part of his income.

like I said, donating less than 1 percent of what one is earning, is not so rare or extraordinary.

principles are subjective, health and well being cannot be replaced like money can.

If it's 1 percent of his income, it is his 2nd job. :sweat_smile: underachievers think there isn't any work involved in owning a business. Trump regularly visits his just like I visited mine over the weekend. Making sure everything is fine is working.

You argue over the stupidest crap and prove me right in your argument. I didn't even need to respond.

INCOME does not all come from jobs, someone so allegedly financially evolved should understand that. Income can be residual (pay that happens regularly for a job that was done ONCE, or ONCE done) or it can be investment (pay that happens from where one has placed their money) or from sales or inheritance .. all these things provide INCOME, and none of them involve a current JOB.

a POTUS cannot have another job. so you are free to do what a POTUS is not, because as He said, he is POTUs and you are NOT.

I address false statements with facts. I have no concern who is responding or who isnt. it is not the who, it is the what that gets the response.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/16/18 01:41 AM
I've gotten by on rental income until aug. If there wasn't work involved, you would do it too. You have no understanding of investments or the work involved. It takes a lot of work just to be able to keep what you've already earned. Keeping dems out of our pockets is a 24/7 job.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 10/16/18 07:19 AM

Keeping dems out of our pockets is a 24/7 job.

All they know how to do good is give Taxpayers money away !

msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/18 07:47 AM

I've gotten by on rental income until aug. If there wasn't work involved, you would do it too. You have no understanding of investments or the work involved. It takes a lot of work just to be able to keep what you've already earned. Keeping dems out of our pockets is a 24/7 job.

You have no understanding of the requirements of a POTUS. They cannot have a second JOB. Trump has staff and family that now do the 'work' for his other business. He has only one JOB, but multiple streams of income. That JOB is pocket change for him, so it is easy for him to disregard and donate, the opportunity it gives him to fill his pockets even more in his other business is much much more than the salary.

no photo
Tue 10/16/18 08:04 AM
if you want to talk about kicking someone when they are down, talk about DEMOCRAT Eric Holder. He said When they go low...WE will KICK them. I worked 45 years, I had a daughter die, I had two divorces, I lost my house. I LOVE TRUMP. and I do NOT want socialism. All you folks who want free college, free cell phones, free housing, free everything, where do you think the money come from??? Why do you think Cubans fled the Castro regime. Why do you think there is so much poverty and unrest in Venzueala. Oh, that's right .... you DIDN'T think. Stop whining and asking for handouts and get a job. stop swearing and drugging. Have respect for the flag and the men and women who died for it so that you CAN whine. Get a LIFE.


msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/18 08:15 AM
What we really have to stop doing as HUMANs and AMERICANS is oversimplifying issues by grabbing on to the extremes. Plenty of western countries find means to look after the general welfare (healthcare, education) of its citizens that dont come CLOSE to the dreaded 'socialism' of countries like Venezuela.

Extremes are never good, but logic and balance are.

no photo
Tue 10/16/18 09:00 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 10/16/18 09:31 AM

So when they say to "push back" or to be "uncivilized" do they think that there wont be those who wont retaliate against them for saying this..they should be very careful and choose their words wisely..for their own words may come back to bite them in their butt..

..If we want better and cheaper healthcare..we need to ..Get rid of the "middle man" insurance companies ..There are already places that are doing this and it's working out...AS far as education it too can be way cheaper ..post it to the internet ..no longer contained to the brick and mortar buildings it once was..would be pennies on the dollar rather than the cost dispersed to the few...

And as far as those wars and fighting for the flag..as much as it pains me to say and I am ex military as was my father..some of these wars weren't about the flag but about filling the pockets of the elite who fund both sides ..these things we are finding out as Trump has been opening the flood gates to this information..as we slowly break free of the Matrix...

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Tue 10/16/18 10:28 AM
I don't know why these people keep using Venezuela as an example...totally IGNORING the multiple European and Scandiavian countries where democratic socialism have been the norm for *decades*...
They are prosperous, their citizenry report better quality of life (the US came in WAY below them on the last several studies)...

Quit claziming Venezuela as the poster child of "socialism"....
Their probelms were due to corrupt goventrment..and that it wasn't truly democratic socialism.

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 10/16/18 04:41 PM

his very very big third grade ego

This describs Trump's opposers !

no photo
Tue 10/16/18 06:24 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 10/16/18 06:27 PM

As long as Trump keeps doing what he's doing I wouldn't care what his ego is..because it's more than obvious Trump's ego is what has this country moving in the right direction as opposed to Obama and his fake birth certificate (Johana A Nee) has ever done or what Hag Hillary and her Traitorous butt would have done..

These issues being raised about Horse face or Fauxcahontas are unimportant when it comes to running the country..but of course the Mockingbird media will blow it out of proportion so that the brainwashed PUPPETS have something to bytch about..and as small minded as these concerns really are as you see as usual the mind controlled PUPPETS are so easily riled over nothing ..

I keep hoping that they will eventually WAKE the FK UP but that doesn't seem to be the case...But like I've said before for all that Trump says that may not be politically correct PALES in comparison to all the good he has done and will continue to do...

So what's more important is what one has to decide... what Trump says or the protection of the citizens and not allowing TRAITORS like HAG Hillary and Obama along with Soros from destroying our country..

The Deep State will throw everything they can at the mindless PUPPETS in order to keep their secrets from getting out...and while they commit violent acts against Trump supporters what they fail to realize is that they aren't standing for what they believe they are but what they are doing is helping these TRAITORS attempt to overthrow their country and help create a New World Order ..and if they want to see what they are really supporting then thay have no farther to look than at France Germany Sweden and Italy..where women are afraid to go out at night and girls are being raped...is that what they really want..DO THE FKN RESEARCH...


msharmony's photo
Tue 10/16/18 07:00 PM
more from puppets about how much he has done ... because he says he has basically, and all while comparing that to the hell we had when OBama came in and what HE did, and saying with a straight face that what Trump has done is 'more' ...

deep state indeed, more like brainwashed soundbytes state.

no photo
Tue 10/16/18 07:09 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 10/16/18 07:21 PM
If it wasn't for knowing how conceited Trump is, this would almost be laughable.

Trump tells AP he’s not to blame if Republicans lose House

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing the prospect of an electoral defeat that could imperil his presidency, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he won’t accept the blame if Republicans lose the House in November, arguing that he is “helping” Republican candidates in the midterms".


Next to some of the people here, I've never seen someone so delusional. He is the reason the Republicans will most likely lose the house. It's almost every day this man says something stupid. One day he's a little orange dictator wannabe. Most days it's one lie after the other. And usually in public, for everybody hear and see. Or, "I didn't say that". Or, "I forgot". Or hush money to some blown up Barbie, knob polisher wannabe.

Or he is rubbing elbows with Putin or that other little dictator. Causes even more division between people than any other president in history. Incites violence in his base and then tries to blame the Democrats for it. Seems to hate women and minorities. On several occasions, he has let his bigotry and racism show. He Seems to get some sorta sick kick out of taking a child away from its mother. He only hires the best. How many indictments so far? To a thinking person, a Donald Trump endorsement is the political kiss of death.

But it's not his fault.

Or it's stupid shyt from other Republican hopefuls. This just shows how desperate the Republicans are. They have no idea how to lose gracefully.

GOP Senate Candidate Defends 2009 Facebook Post Comparing Michelle Obama's Posture to a Chimpanzee


no photo
Tue 10/16/18 07:13 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 10/16/18 07:49 PM

You're fixing to find out what Obama has done..as you know patience is a virtue..so be patient just a little longer..for the SHOW hasn't even started..and for ALL those who want to defend Obarry well let's just say they won't have anything to say afterwards..but again be patient..might want to double up on the Kleenex...smile2

And Charles ..like what did you miss the pics of the children when Obama was in office..not to mention when you come over the border illegaly ..well that makes it a crime ..since when have we started locking up children with parents who commit a crime..I mean I guess he could release them to ..uh let's say Hillary..I'm sure she and her Luciferian friends could figure out what to do with them..or perhaps just release them on their own I'm sure any one of those coyotes would find a place for them ..on the streets... noway

And as for those "knob Polishers" as you put it..that was before he was even president and really none of our business but between him and his wife..even tho it does appear they have risen from the sewer to cash in on what..embarrassing him and his family..because that's the only reason the low life Dems keep bringing them forward..so he paid her to keep her mouth closed I have to admit it is different she's use to men paying her to open it..if ya know what I mean.. spock

Hillary is the "kiss of death" to say the least and as for the Rep hopefuls ..that's not Trump..and as for Taylor Swift..like what she's now aligned herself with a pedophile rapist and his sicko wife..what an idiot..

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