no photo
Thu 01/10/19 12:06 AM

21.3 % of US population was on government assistance of some kind when last administration was in office.
52.2 million people.

Yes Demos need more in the US to jump on that gravy train !! NOT

Thanks Obama!

those dang on elderly people, sick people, and children ... all Obama's doing

Trump supporters. They just "blurt" out whatever and hope that it sticks.

52.2 million people out of 325.7 million. It could have been much worse considering the mess Bush had us in.

Seniors will soon outnumber children, but the U.S. isn’t ready

"The population of the United States is not as young as it used to be, and the year 2035 represents a major demographic turning point.

According to a 2018 U.S. Census Bureau report, in 2035 “there will be 78.0 million people 65 years and older compared to 76.4 million under the age of 18.” In other words, the elderly population will outnumber children for the first time in the country’s history — a demographic shift that poses a unique set of public health challenges.

Los Angeles County will be especially impacted by the increasing ratio of non-working adults over 65 to working adults. In 2016, there were 5.2 working adults per retired person, but within 20 years, that number is expected to drop to 2.9".

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 12:09 AM
John Brennan: Robert Mueller Probably Knows Three Times As Much As We Do | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:33 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 01/10/19 07:39 AM
The elderly and sick are not the majority on public assistance in the US.

Many able body, lazy. People get assistance all over this Country.

Democrats support illegals coming to US and jumping on the gravy train.

What a person needs to do is get assistance if Really in Need .

This proplem had been going on for Decades. U S government here,misuse taxpayers money.

Lestist have an Agenda to make US a Socialist Country. How stupid is that!!!

We need to have a President like Trump or a conservative in office.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:35 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 01/10/19 07:37 AM
Don't blame it on the sick, elderly and disabled they are not the Problem in the US.

Leftist and their stupid logic to fund everything and everyone is the real problem. They are the ones that need Out of government top offices.

hardBNhard's photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:53 AM
She wasnt blaming it on the sick elderly and disabled
She said that was a contributing factor . You need to read before you beetch.
And dont forget the part where she said that the country was in a state of depression when Obama took office .
You had cities like Detroit and Cleveland that were near bankrupt . And cities all over
the country were almost broke .
Your small minded comments show your true colours . And its not red whit and blue . Its all red
The country was in good fiscal condition and getting stronger when Obama's term ended and dingbat donalds began . Wheres the credit he deserves for turning the economy around ? And he did it without dismantling protections for workers and the enviroment .

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 08:17 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 01/10/19 08:23 AM

Obama is a traitor..or was that Barry or whatever the hell his name is FRAUD would probably describe him best..Obama along with the EVIL one Hillary and a cast of nefarious others are bent on destroying the country and handing it over to the UN and their New World Order agenda..while making millions selling our secrets to China and Russia

While I could produce site after site to validate all this, why bother when time and tribunals will do just fine..tick tock

I could go on and debate with all you Trump Bashers but instead I made a New Year's resolution to be more empathetic towards the dumbed down brain washed puppets of the mockingbird how am I doing with this resolution..pretty ...


hardBNhard's photo
Thu 01/10/19 08:54 AM
Id say failling poorly tomb but instead ill say happy new year to you and your false propaganda
In 8 years i didnt see a special counsel investigating Obama for 17 different reasons !
And hillary isnt president so who the heck cares ? Only those that cant justify the liar and chief dingbat donald.
Lets hear you deffend his actions and lies instead of attacking those that arent relevant to whats going on in the world today .

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/10/19 12:38 PM
it's worth pointing out that most benefits recipients are concentrated within Medicaid (15.3 percent of the population as a monthly average in 2012) and SNAP (13.4 percent). Just 4.2 percent of the population received housing assistance in a given month in 2012, just 3 percent received SSI, and a tiny, combined 1 percent received TANF or GA.

63 percent of medicaid recipients are elderly, children, or disabled,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

This annual report provides details on the demographic characteristics and economic circumstances of SNAP households at both the national and State level. In 2013, most participants were children or elderly - 44 percent of participants were under age 18 and 9 percent were age 60 or older. The average SNAP household benefit declined by $3 to $271. The most common form of income was from earnings; 31 percent of SNAP households had income from work. Annual quality control data used to produce this report can be found using the link below.

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 02:24 PM
There are one or two people on this thread that really need to start looking up things before they "blurt" non-sense. And wind up looking foolish. Pick up a book or a newspaper every now and then. READ. You might find out what's really out there in the world. And Not some made up bullshyt.

Who Really Receives Welfare and Government Entitlements

"We've all heard the stereotypes about people who receive welfare. They're lazy. They refuse to work and have more kids just to collect more money. In our mind's eye, they are most often people of color. Once they're on welfare, they stay on it, because why would you choose to work when you can get free money every month?".

shovelheaddave's photo
Thu 01/10/19 02:33 PM
considering how many citizens of this country that trump has thrown under the bus so that he can play president,and suck up to his masters over at FAUXnews,[MANY OF THEM supporters of his],you can probably expect even MORE people to need assistance,since all of these people who were living paycheck-to-paycheck have blown through what little savings they have just to survive,and are now basically just as bad off as the lowest people in the country.

[and are being FORCED TO WORK WITHOUT PAY,while trump keeps digging them deeper and deeper,forcing them to choose between feeding their families,or putting gas in their cars so the can go to work for free.]

gravitational77's photo
Thu 01/10/19 04:06 PM
no unemployment, interests rising slowly, no inflation, economy booming, trade becoming equal, Demos just hate Trump because they cant accomplish what he has done, go back to Cali..Pelosi

gravitational77's photo
Thu 01/10/19 04:06 PM
no unemployment, interests rising slowly, no inflation, economy booming, trade becoming equal, Demos just hate Trump because they cant accomplish what he has done, go back to Cali..Pelosi

hardBNhard's photo
Thu 01/10/19 04:15 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Thu 01/10/19 04:16 PM

no unemployment, interests rising slowly, no inflation, economy booming, trade becoming equal, Demos just hate Trump because they cant accomplish what he has done, go back to Cali..Pelosi

Everything you mentioned other then the trade deals was happening under Obama before dingbat donald took office . And as for the trade deal with mexico and canada no major concession was achieved .
And it has yet to pass congress . So do your research and keep your tin foil hat handy .

no photo
Thu 01/10/19 06:28 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 01/10/19 06:31 PM
Trump Voters Would Be Hit Hardest by GOP’s Food Stamp Work Rules

"A Bloomberg analysis shows that 12.9 percent of residents of states that backed Trump in 2016 used food stamps in February, the most recent month for which data are available, compared with 11.4 percent in states won by Democrat Hillary Clinton. That amounts to 23.8 million people in Trump states compared with 16.2 million in Clinton territory.

Residents of non-metropolitan counties, which gave 66 percent of their votes to Trump in 2016, are 18 percent more likely to participate in the food-stamp program than city-dwellers, according to a study by the Center for Rural Strategies in Whitesburg, Kentucky, which backs greater funding for anti-poverty programs in rural areas".

"One in four rural children lives in poverty," said Dee Davis, the organization’s president. "The president’s response is to withhold food".

In other words, Trump supporters need to get a job.

msharmony's photo
Thu 01/10/19 07:55 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 01/10/19 07:56 PM

no unemployment, interests rising slowly, no inflation, economy booming, trade becoming equal, Demos just hate Trump because they cant accomplish what he has done, go back to Cali..Pelosi

numbers may not be everyone's strong suit

october 2009 (beginning of Obama 1st fy) unemployment was at 10.2
by october 2017(end of obama last fy) unemployment was at 4.1 Thank you OBama, a democrat, for nearly 6 point decrease in 8 years

by oct 2018,(end of Trump 1st fy) unemployment was at 3.7, Thank you Trump, a republican, for a .4 percent decrease in 1 year

looking at inflation rates, comparing 2018 rate of 1.9 percent, five of the previous eight years had lower rates, 2010 saw 1.5 percent, and 2012-2015 saw rates of 1.7, 1.5, 0.8, and 0.7 respectively

looking at GDP growth, FY 2017(which would end in October 2018) was at 2.2 percent

from 2009 fiscal year until 2016 fiscal year, there were FOUR years that met or exceeded that growth, 2010 saw 2.6 percent growth, 2012 saw 2.2 percent growth, and years 2014 and 2015 saw 2.5 and 2.9 percent growth

all that to say that the dems cant 'accomplish what Trump has done' argument may be little more than dishonest Trump snake oil ...

no photo
Fri 01/11/19 04:35 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Fri 01/11/19 05:01 PM
74 percent of Americans say government shutdown is 'embarrassing for the country'

"With the current shutdown of the federal government about to become the longest in U.S. history, most Americans aren’t celebrating.

Nearly three-quarters of U.S. citizens surveyed said the prolonged impasse over whether to fund President Trump’s wall on the border with Mexico is “embarrassing for the country,” according to an NPR/Ispos Poll released Friday.

More Democrats (78 percent) expressed their embarrassment than Republicans (56 percent), and a large majority (71 percent) said they thought Congress should pass a bill to reopen the government while budget talks continue".

If this is correct, That means Trump has lost some of his base.

This is what happens when you spread half-truths, whole lies and conspiracy theories.

"Families of Sandy Hook shooting victims win legal victory in lawsuit against InfoWars, Alex Jones". "Six families of victims killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School won a legal victory Friday in their fight against controversial radio and internet personality Alex Jones".

I can't think of a more deserving azz hole than this one. He deserves what he gets.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/15/19 04:14 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Tue 01/15/19 04:55 PM
All hail comrade and chief dingbat donald (or should i say zig heil)
Russians best asset to the American problem and democracy happy
What a moron

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 01/15/19 04:49 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Tue 01/15/19 04:49 PM
Previous administration abused money paid by taxpayers. Now this administration is trying to help economy growth in US..

Demos need. To stop standing in the way of security for this Country.

No the US can't keep supporting Illegals. Freebies

Use that money to support the Border Wall.

Government shutdown is long overdue.

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 01/15/19 04:54 PM
Edited by hardBNhard on Tue 01/15/19 05:05 PM
rofl . Speaking of puppetswhoa

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/15/19 04:59 PM

Previous administration abused money paid by taxpayers. Now this administration is trying to help economy growth in US..

Demos need. To stop standing in the way of security for this Country.

No the US can't keep supporting Illegals. Freebies

Use that money to support the Border Wall.

Government shutdown is long overdue.

People regardless of politics need to start using their brains and thinking about ALL types of Americans and stop being played by political talking points. We also have a problem with homeless vets, why is that not the 'emergency' we shut the government down on to get funded?

we also have a problem with opioids, why are we not seeing an 'emergency' shutting down the government to fund better drug education and abuse prevention?

We also have a problem with drunk drivers, why are we not seeing an 'emergency' shutting down government to fund better alcohol education and abuse prevention?

I guarantee more people are dying homeless, or on drugs, or from drunk drivers than are from someone without a proper document. This is a fabricated 'emergency' not worthy of the strategy being employed. its an embarrassment that so many people are duped into believing it is as major as is being exploited, considering how many far worse, far more urgent, far more DANGEROUS issues this country faces at this time.

every political cycle, documentation is tauted as the favorite fear tactic of government pundits and politicians, as a thinking person, I'm pretty sick of it honestly.

As I posted earlier, both the numbers of illegal immigrants in and entering the US ahve ALREADY been declining with the CURRENT border measures for nearly a decade with no evidence of any significant reduction in the 'dangers' continuously quoted regarding violence and rape. Its time to stop the false pretenses and actually do something about the things we CAN change that will ACTUALLY make Americans lives better and safer.